The Sacrament of Love

November 6, 2019

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit through the messenger, Lucia Phan, when practicing The Six Kowtows.

Lucia: O God, it is 1:54 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, at Saint Michael Church, before the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross, and the painting of Mother as Queen.

Today we come here, the words prompted like a teaching for us to be steadfast and firm when we are the chosen people to witness to the gift of The Six Kowtows.

This is current good news that God offers in abundance in these times.

This is a mission to pray for the souls and also a mission to receive the lofty spirituality that God has offered, for us to encounter many divine things present in the midst of the world.

This is also an urging for us to understand our role, to understand what we are facing, to understand to rid ourselves of our narrow-minded, limited thinking as we must be prudent when we are God’s disciples.

We still have not placed God above all else, so how can we fully comprehend what God gives and grants in graces, for us to witness for Him, for us to act ahead of our brothers and accept those great graces to help the souls, to pray on behalf of the souls, for them to soon return to God?

Today there is so much for us to further learn through the Holy Spirit’s teaching.

At this moment, we are united to respectfully lift up to God the Father with fervent words through The Six Kowtows. With each kowtow we pray to Him. We respectfully offer the First Kowtow to God the Father:

O God the Father, I worship You, I thank You. I praise, glorify, and honor You.

You have given us life and You have given us everything to be suitable and appropriate.

When we have sufficient time, sufficient faith, sufficient maturity, then we can understand the word of the Holy Spirit teaching us each day.

Then we can read and understand and meditate so that we practice what You grant and give, because You want to give and You wait for our maturity each day – from understanding, from trust, from determination, and a present life through prayer.

Each one of us knows how to pray, but we pray according to our personal will, according to our familiar ways, according to our daily habits, without any inner feelings, so our life revolves with everything in habit.

Every prayer and every time we pray, we are not focused, then how can we understand the meaning of prayer, how can we understand the Supreme God to whom we speak to and lift up to, the Supreme God whom we trust, the Supreme God to whom we lift up all our feelings, our weaknesses, our pleas, for us to live with days amended as our hearts desire?

O God, today please help us.

May our brothers and sisters discover the treasure in the method of praying with The Six Kowtows, a treasure in which both soul and body bow down and prostrate, to lift up to God with faith, to seek and come to God.

We lift up everything and even if we do not mention it, God knows what we need, what we want, and what belongs to us.

We simply come in our human condition to thank God for giving us life up to this day.

We thank God for giving us the days of our lives, with weak moments, sinful moments, stumbling moments, successful moments, failing moments, and desperate moments.

But today all things are in the past. Today we kneel before the altar, before the tabernacle.

We kneel before the revered place where we attend Mass, to lift up to God what we can do today, which is the return by soul and body, mind and heart, with the First Kowtow that we earnestly lift up and offer.

May God accept, because we have nothing worthy. O God, we only have a weak, wretched, and sinful body.

Daily, we easily stumble, we easily fall, and even though we heard, even though we understood, we still cannot practice.

God, please give us the opportunity to remember our human condition.

We must return to righteousness, return to the mission that God bestows, return to what we understand through the Holy Spirit’s teaching.

We must open our hearts to God’s grace so that we do what God wants us to, in the longing from holiness.

O God the Father, once we understand these things then we understand the souls, especially the souls that are waiting.

These souls have understood, have seen, have known when they entered the other world, but they no longer had the opportunity to choose the path.

They no longer had the opportunity to choose the life in which to praise, to glorify, to honor, and to thank God. They no longer had the opportunity to see the graces that were granted, which they refused and rejected.

They lived their life contrary to what was in God’s doctrine so today they must endure a burning place to wait for justice.

This is a place where mankind must pay off their dues, which is purgatory, for them to recall their sins.

Then, whether a long time or a short time, their time in purgatory will end and they will be able to return to God, through His infinite Divine Mercy.

Those are the sinners to whom God always grants His Divine Mercy, to the living as well as to the deceased.

Today we bow our heads to worship, praise, glorify, honor, and apologize on behalf of souls, for us to do the deeds God grants, to remember the souls, to pray for them, to request Masses for them.

Let us be charitable and sacrifice, as taught by God, to pray for God to have mercy and allow the souls to soon return to Him. Among them are our relatives, our benefactors, and the clergy who, though they served, had certain moments of weakness in their life.

Today the souls are waiting for us to pray that God allow them to return to heaven, for them to be delivered from the burning fire. The souls are yearning.

O God, Lord of love, please accept the earnest prayers we lift up to You for the souls to return, especially in this month.

We also pray for the orphaned souls (1) that wander around without a resting place. When living they did not know God – they only knew when they died.

Though too late, God always uses mercy to motivate those who are still living to pray for the deceased. Then God will have mercy and allow the souls to return to Him. Amen.

I respectfully offer the Second Kowtow to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of God: O Lord, our Savior, the Redeemer of humanity, the Redeemer of the human world.

The living benefit from salvation as well the deceased, thanks to God’s Divine Mercy.

Today, with the Second Kowtow, we apologize for the weaknesses and imperfections in our lives and our roles in the apostolic mission.

We still have not accomplished it all – we still have not fully understood.

We are still sluggish, and we have not been steadfast in the role for which God has chosen us to witness and practice what is most needed in our soul and heart, with the duty and responsibility to pray on behalf of the souls and on behalf of all problems in the world, on behalf of all the unbelievers and the ignorant, on behalf of the living who still carry the yoke of sins, who continue to ignore or reject God’s love, God’s salvation.

We were people who once refused just like them, but God did not reject us when we sinned.

When we returned with failures and sufferings, God held out His arms to welcome us. He chose us, He allowed us to experience His love.

He forgave us, for us to become witnesses today.

We lived in days of extreme suffering, weeping, complaining – worried, anxious, all aspects caused us to live negatively in the midst of the world.

But today we call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His love, with a wonderful gift that helps us restore what belongs to us that is granted from God.

Today in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may God continue to give us the courage to witness for Him in this life, and to pray on behalf of the souls in purgatory.

Whether they lived in unintentional or intentional days, they no longer had the opportunity – they strayed and they were also the victims of each time.

They were sinners who were too late, because they were stubborn, hardened, lured by sin, but everything has become the past, O God.

O God, Lord of love and Savior, please have mercy on the souls – give them the opportunity through our prayers, through our prostration and proclamation, through our daily apology.

May God have mercy and forgive.

May God accept somewhat so that they may return to God, especially in the Church’s calling in this particular month, once a year, for us to remember the deceased, people with merits, people who helped us, people who did us favors.

Those were the clergy with a consecrated life.

But surely in life, each person is still imperfect and weak – then in fairness they must end up in purgatory, to wait for wholeness.

We pray for God to allow them to soon return to Him, in these months of grace.

O God, the Lord of love – may God have mercy on those living who are still immersed in sin and give them the opportunity to return to God, to repent.

Especially in this month, may many people be conscious because everyone must die. Today some people die, tomorrow may be our turn; each day a person.

May we think about this, for us to live in sacrifice, to be grateful, to do good deeds for the living, for the deceased.

May the souls benefit from the deeds that we do for them today. Tomorrow they will pay us back.

So let us pray to God. We pray because of the infinite benevolence, the boundless love, the feeling, for us to be more aware when we profess God.

May God help us live in duty and responsibility to do all that He grants and gives in His teaching – by love, by compassion.

May sinners repent, just like us, we who sinned and repented, and God has shown mercy and forgiven us.

Today we become the witnesses because God allowed us to become His instruments.

Today I pray for the souls that are in the burning places and are wailing (2). May God have mercy on them for them to have the opportunity to return in the grace of the light.

This month we pray specifically for the souls. This month is the month the Church offers Masses and prays for the souls. This month is the month of sacrifice for those who remember the souls, especially the orphaned souls.

May God have mercy on them and allow them to be in a place that is not too hot, according to God’s holy will; the Supreme Being who has resurrected through death, for Him to triumph in glorious victory.

Thanks to that resurrection, the living repent to return; the dead also have the opportunity to be restored in the light of the fire of resurrection that God grants to both the living and the deceased – to mature, to grow, to believe, to exist, and to live forever with Him.

God, please forgive us, for us to be worthy to prepare for the day God grants, for each one of us to belong to God, forever and ever. Amen.

We respectfully offer the Third Kowtow to the Holy Spirit.

O Holy Spirit, who can teach us this?

Who can let us know that the lofty spirituality is needed by the words spoken, by the prayers, by the prostration, and by the proclamation, if not by You who are the Supreme Being who enlightens and guides; the Supreme Being who inspires and grants us righteousness, justice, and truth; the Supreme Being who teaches us the depth and breadth of faith; the Supreme Being who teaches us the riches of God’s grace, and the Supreme

Being who lets us experience the love of the truth?

O Holy Spirit, what an abundance indeed!

Today each one of us seems to be unfamiliar, still lacking understanding, still not knowing, and still so surprised or refusing what is unfamiliar to us, for us to worship in the manner of The Six Kowtows that Mother Mary offers and teaches us.

O God, if mankind does not open the eyes in humility, does not recognize one’s weak condition to return to God, for God to restore one’s soul and body, then how can one comprehend the depth of prayer through the gift of The Six Kowtows?

It is because of these reasons that we are taught by the Holy Spirit who opens our mind, who opens our eyes, and who teaches us in every aspect of God’s grace, for us to know that the heavenly world is always ready for those who believe, those who practice, those who belong to God, those who worship God, those who prostrate and submit to God.

They have no other path to take besides the path of relying on God.

May God protect us, intervene for us, sanctify us, change us. May we live in His protection and in His way.

O Holy Spirit, so many years of debauchery, years of iniquity, years of a life in one’s own will, years of thinking we are knowledgeable but indeed very limited, years of arrogance, years of self-righteousness, forgetting the days of repentance, the days of penance in daily life…

As long as we are in the flesh, let us not rely upon ourselves.

Of the two people praying in the temple, the tax collector asked God to forgive his sins because his sins were many. Unlike the tax collector, the other considered himself to be a righteous person who contributed 10% of his salary, who has not sinned, who lived as a good person.

In the end, who was the one to be forgiven?

God said that the tax collector was forgiven and the other was not, because of his pride, his haughtiness, his arrogance, thinking of himself as righteous but without thinking that in daily life, there are shortcomings, weaknesses, when we are human beings.

O God, Lord of love, may we never rely upon ourselves that we are too complete, too virtuous, too holy, because as such, we have been deceived by the devil and we have acted in pride, in haughtiness, and in arrogance.

May the Holy Spirit who is the wise Supreme Being teach us each day in repentance, each day in contrition, to look at our iniquity to ask for God’s forgiveness.

May God reform us, bless us, for us to live in amendment.

May God sanctify us so that we are worthy of being the chosen people, to become the witnesses through a life of prayer, in repentance with both soul and body, on behalf of the living and the deceased.

God, please have mercy – open the eyes, open the heart, for everyone to surrender and submit before God.

May the souls have the opportunity to prostrate to and worship God. They are those who yearn and wait for the days when they return to the light of love, of the Divine Mercy of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We respectfully offer the Fourth Kowtow to the Body and Blood of Christ:

O Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, today a sacred sacrament, a divine sacrament, a sacrament in which we witness the presence of the heavenly light.

It is a sacrament that the Lord Jesus established before He entered the passion over 2,000 years ago, a sacrament that has remained with mankind. It is a sacrament of reverence that we must have – a great sacrament, a solemn sacrament, a sacrament in which He is no longer here physically but hidden in a Host.

That light has spread and His glory is for us to contemplate, to prostrate to, and to worship.

Though still not perfect and worthy, we have nothing more to offer, O God.

O God, today we are in a state of sin, of weakness, of wretchedness, but God has granted us so many great wonders, to visit sinners like us, for us to experience the divinity that the glory has manifested, to urge the life of faith in the world, and also to motivate the children chosen by God to persevere in the mission to continue to proclaim the Good News, to continue to perform and practice, to continue to bear witness to what is heard, known, and seen.

May God teach us to live worthy of what we are contemplating in His glory.

Please teach us to live to recognize God’s love, to reciprocate even only a little and help us be righteous for us to treat our brothers, our sisters, and understand the meaning of love, the doctrine of love that God has granted us.

God also teaches us to forgive one another. God teaches us to forgive one another, because we are people who truly need each other.

Our lives are truly very selfish, just looking within limits, but when there are unexpected events then we see that only love can make it last, only love can help us overcome all the thinking and the calculation that are always present in a human life.

O God, Lord of love, the sacrament granted to us is by God’s love, by His giving away, by the hiding to forever protect and love, given to sinful souls like us.

Today what is coming?

The time has come. God wants us to see that glory.

The time has come for God to show us that the Lord does not remain forever in the small Host.

We receive Him unworthily or still have many imperfections – still not understanding, still not knowing – but it is a great sacrament, solemn and lofty, to be given in the invitation to the entire world today.

When the light comes then the darkness will be destroyed.

If anyone remains in the darkness, then let us stand up to step out of the darkness and return to God by a contrite and repentant heart, by the prostration and surrender.

We also do this on behalf of the souls in purgatory.

A sacrament that they now know.

Jesus is still the Sacrament that they used to receive unworthily, used to reject, and in their entire life, they never spent any time to visit the Sacrament in which God has hidden Himself, to remain with them.

This is the greatest thing, as God wants mankind to mature in this generation. He waited for more than 2,000 years.

However, we are still not mature to clearly understand what belongs to us, with the Sacrament of love, the Sacrament that remains – to intervene, protect, support, nourish us, nourish the soul, and help the body mature in reason.

Today, O God, help us affirm faith, because it is only with faith that we see this wonder – that we have happy and peaceful days, that we can boldly testify, that we see the richness that God bestows and grants to us in the present divine saintliness in which God has manifested.

May we be together in unity, replacing all classes, all roles, all positions, all functions – to prostrate and worship, to thank God, to praise, to glorify, to lift up and offer on behalf of the souls.

God, please look to the souls, for them to have the opportunity through our works, through the works that God calls for us to replace them, for them to also receive.

When the light comes, we will belong to the light when we are aware and conscious, when we are accepted by God.

And if we are in the darkness, then stand up. Do not let it be too tardy and too late.

We lift up countless thanks to the Eucharistic Jesus, to honor Him, praise Him, and glorify Him.

Please accept our prayers for the souls to return soon to God in heaven. Amen.

The Fifth Kowtow.

O Five Holy Signs of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God – the Five Holy Signs have imprinted the seal of love to redeem the sinners in the world, to redeem the souls in purgatory.

The Divine Mercy is infinite, granted to repentant sinners, which is the testament to the power of God and also a demonstration for a historical doctrine in unending love, to give mankind righteousness, justice, and truth.

It is also the proof of the Lord Jesus, the Redeemer, who brings life to all humanity, to those who believe, those who return, those who receive the seal in forgiveness.

Today the path that mankind wants to take is a wide and comfortable path, the path of one’s own choice according to one’s own preference and liking, which is a path that will lead us to death.

The narrow path that we need to take is the way of the cross by which the Lord Jesus chose to lead us into His doctrine.

It is the way of the cross that has love, compassion, life, promise, and a heavenly world that still waits for us.

Today the narrow path is the path for us to put aside the lures of the world for years in life and let us return to God by the truth, by the heart.

Let us rediscover the way of the cross but full of meaning, because that way of the cross is the Savior.

He has chosen and He has carried for us in life.

He has carried the burden of the sins of the world, so the way of the cross that we take is the way to meet God.

It is the path that at the end we will see God, and we come to Him.

The way of the cross is when we turn toward Him, because the Supreme Being has walked that path and the Supreme Being has chosen that path to lead us: a narrow path.

The narrow path is the path to heaven. The narrow path is the promised path to lead to the Lord Jesus Christ. The narrow path has Mother Mary in our life to guide us and remind us so that our life will not be lost, for us to not stumble and to not live in the sins of the past.

If anyone has a knowing mind then will clearly understand this.

Today whom do we pray for?

We pray for the souls, we pray for the sinners who are satiated and live the days in which they are infatuated with the death of the soul.

Today we clearly understand because we used to live similar days as well.

Today let us not be afraid of the cross, the cross that God promised, the Cross that He carried.

He has resurrected and triumphed over death through the glory that leads us to heaven.

Thus the cross relates to the Lord Jesus.

The cross helps us believe, the cross helps us assert, the cross helps us come to the Divine Mercy, the cross allows us to have Mother Mary in life to lead us into a life of practice, the cross allows us to have the Holy Spirit to help us understand good and evil and clearly affirm.

That is the cross to help us on the path of the heavenly kingdom, which we have in the determination and affirmation with the Fifth Kowtow.

We proclaim, we respectfully offer, we worship – to apologize on behalf of the souls, to apologize on behalf of sinners who still have not returned and on behalf of all classes, all roles that still have not believed and received.

God, please accept the Five Holy Signs of the Lord Jesus Christ as the evidence to guide us through a new world in life – to help us with meaningful days of exile on earth, and to help souls through the Cross that is raised high, for us to also be lifted with Him and to live with Him for ever and ever, when we are forgiven and made whole with God in the doctrine of love and the Divine Mercy. Amen.

We respectfully offer the Sixth Kowtow.

O God the Father, we thank You for the love given to us.

We thank You for Your love that has helped us, because we are miserable people who bear the condition of sin and are very limited in our narrow-minded viewpoint.

We have eyes but do not see, we have ears but do not hear, our hearts have no beat, and life has drawn us into sin and satisfaction according to the worldly life.

Today Mother Mary is the person who has silently obeyed God Her entire life, and She is the most shining example in the life of service, in the life of pleasing God’s will through His doctrine and laws.

Mother is the person chosen to become the Mother of the Second Person of God, the Mother of the Savior, the Mother of the Eucharist, the Mother of the Incarnate Word, the Mother of all humanity, the Mother of the Church, the Mother of the clergy, the Mother of the consecrated, the Mother of every sinner, every saint, every victim, every penitent, every patient, every apostle all over the world, every witness, and the Mother of every soul

whom we pray for today.

Thanks to Mother for letting us see the abundance Mother has given us throughout generations.

Today She still is a Mother who is silent in quietude, in contemplation, in a gentle life.

Mother is the person who continues to meditate – to guide us in what we need most, in what is most urgent, and in what we absolutely still have not found the way back in the human world today.

Though countless riches were granted through God’s grace, we are still living in days of blindness, days of sin, days of limitation, days of depravity.

It is debauchery that will lead us to events that are extremely terrifying and frightening, because we ask for them, we welcome them.

We practice what is in life that satisfies us – in sin, with sin – so if sinful today, how can we present ourselves before God, how can we go to heaven forever?

Because of sin, we have seen the souls wailing and grinding their teeth in a place where they no longer have the opportunity, and for those who still have the opportunity to return, how much time must they pay for what they did?

They are wailing and writhing in pain with regret and days of waiting.

These are things that exist.

While we are still in the flesh, let us clearly differentiate.

Let us not make the mistake of being aware, yet in the end falling into the same situation as many others, which is a pity for ourselves.

Today Mother wants us to understand while we are still in the flesh, for us to choose right now.

Let us not choose our preferences but let us choose sacrifice, choose charity, choose a life that is taught in righteousness, in justice.

Let us choose the narrow path for us to walk with God and Mother Mary, for Mother to

protect and guide us, for us to live the days of righteousness that we need in life.

Let us not be foolish. Let us not live in blindness. Let us not live too selfishly or live completely indifferent, for us to stumble and live in depravity, because we must pay the price when we fail to stand up.

It is Mother’s invitation, Her teaching, Her reminder, and Her seeking, to lead us back to God.

May each one of us be aware of this so that we may understand the Mother whom we cannot be without today in our life.

Let us pray to Mother and lift up to Mother.

O Mother, I lift up to You, with praise, with thanksgiving, with gratitude, and with a heart ready to listen. Mother, please help us return.

It is time. We cannot continue to be stubborn, to be hardened.

It is time. We cannot continue to follow a life that leads us into negative, painful, perplexed, fearful days, in iniquity.

Mother, please save us, help us, for it is You who lead us to the treasure that remains in the midst of the world.

That is the Eucharistic Jesus.

You led us to Him so today that treasure has been opened and granted to every sinner like us.

Let us come to receive, for us to be reformed with a treasure that needs to be stored right here in this world.

We must live a life of improvement now in this life.

We must make an immediate choice, for our life to not stray, for us to not err and end up too far from the doctrine that is given that leads us into the eternal place, when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as God, as the doctrine of love and compassion that mankind needs to practice.

Mother, please help us to live an upright life, a righteous life, a life in the truth so that through our life, our prayers will be heard by God.

Let us pray for the souls.

They are in a state of regret. They are wailing, waiting, and they are also enduring, because there is no longer a path to choose.

When in the days of exile on earth, they did not listen or they refused, and they lived according to the personal will of the weak flesh.

Every deed needs a calling, so today we thank Mother for helping us, for us to help ourselves and help the souls, to help those who no longer have the opportunity and the path to choose.

Even though they want and long to, it was too late.

Today Mother is the only person who helps us. Only Mother gives us the opportunity so let us live with what we have.

Let us live to accept all challenges and trials and always hope to have Mother, to be with Mother, to lift up everything we fail to do.

We pray for us to experience because of our love for God, because of the sacrifice for souls, because of Mother’s teaching, for Mother to save us and save the souls.

Today we all need to pay a price in justice, to pray for the departed, for the deceased in purgatory, including our relatives and benefactors, for them to soon return to God in heaven.

O Mother Mary, we do not have anything worthy to say to Mother and present to Mother.

We only know that the Holy Spirit teaches us the Sixth Kowtow, to offer to Mother with respect, with reverence.

Mother, please accept and forgive. Mother, please continue to teach us, please help us live a life of practice as You teach us – to pray to and honor each Person.

We continue with the days of repentance by the gift of The Six Kowtows that You offer, for the world to have the opportunity and also for everyone to be reformed, restored, and improved, in the love of the Divine Mercy.

May we respond through Mother’s teaching.

Mother, please help us do what we can do today.

As for other things, Mother, please continue to use us as instruments, for us become witnesses and help many people to return.

May they have a repentant heart, understand what it is to repent, how to repent, how to surrender and prostrate, to call upon God’s Name and ask for His intervention.

We thank Mother profusely, and especially this afternoon, which is also the early days of November.

I ask for Mother to have mercy and save the souls. I ask Mother to have mercy on the souls of our loved ones.

We entrust them in Mother’s loving hand, because Mother always comes to purgatory to save souls, to bring souls back to God.

Mother always reminds the world to pray the Rosary, to pray for the world, to pray for sinners to repent, to pray for people to return to God, and to pray especially for the souls.

Sacrifice by good deeds, in charity, to pray for the souls.

Mother always reminds because God also wants us to think about the deceased, because they no longer have the opportunity to do anything.

They need our contributions and prayers by good deeds and for us to understand the meaning of Masses, for us to replace them in prayers, to request Masses for them.

These are the most essential things we need to remember.

We thank Mother for everything that Mother grants and especially for the gift of The Six Kowtows – to help us know our duty and responsibility with what we need to do, need to say, and need to lift up to God.

We thank Mother for leading us to Saint Joseph.

We thank his intercession for the Church, for all families in the world, for each one of us in life to return to justice and righteousness.

May we become responsible in family life and in society.

Please help us daily to learn how to be obedient, how to live a life belonging to God, through the exemplary saints.

We ask for Saint Joseph’s intercession, for our Church to also lead a life in the promise of chastity, to be perfect in purity, to continue to proclaim the Good News that God left to the world.

We pray for those in the Church to be exemplary people, and we rejoice to have our Church, to have the persons called by God to replace Him to be the shepherds to bring God’s word and His love to remind us in life.

We also ask Mother to lead us to the three archangels.

Today we come to the church that bears the name of Saint Michael.

O Archangel Michael, you are the person who holds the scale of justice and God has given you a great position in heaven.

You direct the entire army in heaven.

You eliminate the devil by the scale of justice you are holding.

The scale of justice in in your hands, so the devil must run away, he must fear you, and he must end up completely under your feet.

At this moment, our world is in chaos, falling into the sophisticated and clever traps and snares of an era wrapped in civilization.

Our world is falling gravely. Saint Michael, please help us, please save us, please deliver us, and please protect us.

We truly want to return to God, we truly want to lift up toward heaven.

We want to stay away from all the clever and frightening traps that ensnare us today.

We pray for the archangels to eradicate all the traps and snares in the cleverness of this era in which mankind is impassioned, distancing ourselves from God and losing faith as we see presently.

Please save us in a situation of the most troubled days, of the tension between evil and good, and in the battle in the midst of this world.

We truly want to return, we yearn and we pray for many people to know, to believe.

We ask the three archangels – together with the entire heavenly court, all the guardian angels – to pray for us, to help us eradicate the traps and snares, to help us have the courage to return to the truth, return to the love, return with a repentant heart, return with worship, and return to the doctrine that we need to practice. May the archangels help us.

Those are fervent prayers we lift up on behalf of the world and especially in this month, to pray for the souls of the deceased.

May the archangels also pray for us to be brave – to know our duty in this month, to sacrifice, by prayer, by doing good deeds, by making sacrifices through penance.

May we sacrifice by asking for Masses for the souls in purgatory and contribute spiritually what we can.

We ask the archangels to help us understand the important value when we still have the opportunity to choose, the opportunity to act, and the opportunity to accomplish.

Thus, we accumulate what is best, we store the treasures that we need so that one day we offer them to God, and return to God for the good deeds we did in this world.

So we pray to the saints, because they themselves have lived through history, they had a determined heart, they have experienced many challenging journeys, and they persevered faithfully.

They lived a life of faith, unshakable in any situation. Even when faced with death they joyfully confessed their faith.

This is a difficult thing to achieve in this world. This is something that in this human world in freedom, in a civilized life, people never think about.

People are not determined, they do not know, and they do not practice either.

O God, may we learn from the saints’ examples right now by eliminating evil, negative things, things that cause us to always live in deceit and iniquity.

Let us eliminate unrighteousness, disobedience, passions, desires, and sensualities in the human body, for us to become worthy people who deserve what God granted and bestowed, helping us in the end to sacrifice, to thoroughly eliminate unrighteousness, live in righteousness, in justice, and in the doctrine, in order to be saved and to be freed in this generation of tension.

We only know what is of this day.

May the saints and angels help us to be brave enough, help us to be bold enough, help us to learn from their examples – to witness for God in the midst of this world, for everyone to know and return to God. Because only God brings happiness, peace, and serenity to every person, every family, every class, every group.

In all places, all countries, all nations, may we surrender, submit to God, ask Him to be the Master of the world.

God, please help us fully amend and be restored – to deserve the blessings granted, the assistance of the heavenly court, and the support of the heavenly family that is bestowed and given to us, for the living, as well as for the departed to soon return to God in heaven.

We conclude The Six Kowtows that God has granted in particular to us, to offer this special day.

This afternoon we will go to the cemetery.

In everything, we ask for the Holy Spirit’s direction. In everything, we ask for the three archangels’ protection. In everything, we ask help from the angels, the saints, for us to be bold and brave to testify, and for us to be courageous to help the souls soon leave purgatory and return to God in heaven. Amen.

Lucia, Mercedes, Maria M., Theresa, Maria N., Maria T., Paul T. conclude The Six Kowtows this afternoon, before the altar, before the Cross, before the tabernacle, before the picture of Mother as Queen.

We pray in a special way for the souls, and also for us in our mission – to not stop.

There is only one month in a year for us to do what we need to do in the invitation – to do penance, to sacrifice to help the souls, for the souls to be saved and return to God through the Divine Mercy.

We respectfully lift up on their behalf. We thank God, praise God, and glorify God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The messenger, Lucia Phan, is an American immigrant from Vietnam. She leads an intense prayer life that focuses on attending Mass and adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. She receives the messages by way of locutions and is able to capture miraculous images of the Eucharist on her cell phone’s camera. When Jesus gives her messages, it is as a Father in the family, as the Master/the Teacher (for more on this please see the homepage of

  1. Souls without anyone to pray for them
  2. The fires of purgatory