There are priests who have hearts listening to your word, learning from your example and obedience, trained by you; they have become lovers of Me through the Blessed Sacrament. I am so happy!
– Jesus Christ, Jesus’ Words for His Mother on Her Birthday, Sep 8, 2023
I offered the gift (of the Six Kowtows) for you to come close to God through each Person. The gift granted and the concrete proof when you pray is the basis to focus and maintain the zeal needed in the inner life to help you not be distracted and be more focused. Today, I say one thing: I am always by your side. I know this is a time with trials and is a challenge for each person and position. Today is a period God grants abundant graces over the laity. God gives and selects them to become the people who speak the voice of the truth and witness it. No matter who they are, when God chooses them, He will surely purify them. Jesus is waiting for all of priests to come to the Eucharist. The present time is a time you must guard the Eucharist. Come to the Eucharist. You must pray to understand spirituality as God is defending the world. Shepherds and priests in the ranks of the Church need to speak up and proclaim the Eucharistic Jesus. – Blessed Mother, Jun 27, 2022
Everything you give to me, I lift up to God. – Blessed Mother, Sep 15, 2022
Pray the Rosary. Each day, offer one Rosary for the Church, one for you, and one for your intentions. Also, pray the Rosary of the Six Kowtows for the world. – Blessed Mother, Oct 9, 2022
Recognize and practice The Six Kowtows to become God’s people and be saved. – Blessed Mother, May 13, 2017
Each booklet (The Six Kowtows) saves a soul when one receives and practices. If you lost one booklet means one soul not to be saved. – Blessed Mother, Dec 1, 2021
When you concentrate, bow your heads, and prostrate yourselves before the Eucharistic Jesus, that is what the angels and the saints do before God, and I do it as well before God the Father. – Blessed Mother, Aug 15, 2022
The Gospel does not end after 2,000 years. The Gospel continues to be the lively Gospel (1), and with the riches that God gives and grants more abundantly, the Holy Spirit works in numerous ways to lead the laity and the sheep close to God through a prayer life that they need to know and practice. It is from the silent prayers of those who made sacrifices – bishops, priests, religious people, and a large number of the laity – that the change happened, and that also coincides with the gift granted to the world, which is the gift I offer through the Six Kowtows (2). Here is a manifestation from the Eucharistic Jesus for many to seek Him and return to Him, which helps you continue with what you need to do in your ministry. Thanks to the prayers in that solidarity for God to grant and intervene for the world. – Blessed Mother, Jun 27, 2022
The Eucharistic Jesus is inside the door of the tabernacle, but He is looking at you, listening to you. I am here with the angels and saints adoring Him with you. So your intentions, your prayers, guided by the Holy Spirit, are the prayers that please God and He accepts them, because your presence is a source of consolation for Him in this world. The churches are empty. Jesus is still waiting, still alone, still abandoned. Not that many people in the world know the Eucharistic Jesus is a treasure. You are the chosen people who have inspired in others the knowledge of the Eucharistic Jesus for twelve years, yet only few are aware that He is the treasure the world needs. The Church has repeatedly suffered injustice and injury. This world cruelly murders countless people, but no one is penalized. Unfortunately, the Church and those who do not belong to the Church are the destroyers, including the authorities. The Church became severely wounded and the laity left God. Children, do not follow the media in condemning your Church. Today, it is Jesus who comes through the Pope to apologize. Only the Lord God from heaven, out of love, does everything in righteousness. He does this for you to see the shining example of the Lord almighty who is still alone and lonely in all the tabernacles, abandoned by man. God waits to save you, pouring out all His graces over you, but not many respond. – Blessed Mother, Gulf Breeze, Florida; Aug 2, 2022
The Host in blue color indicates the present of the Blessed Mother; explained by the Holy Spirit.
(Left) St. Theresa Church; (middle) A private residence; (right) White House during Trump’s Administration
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church (May 29, 2023)
Thông điệp ngày 29-5-2023
Đức Maria, Mẹ Giáo Hội
Thông điệp này được linh ứng bởi Đức Chúa Thánh Thần.
Nhân danh Cha và Con và Thánh Thần. Amen.
Lạy Chúa, lâu lắm rồi chúng con mới có cơ hội vào phòng em bé trong Thánh đường Saint Theresa. Chúng con đang hướng về Cung Thánh, Nhà Tạm, Thập Tự Giá, linh ảnh Chúa Thương Xót và thánh tượng Mẹ Áo Đức Bà. Chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất để được dâng lên Chúa trong lời cầu nguyện đặc biệt là Của Lễ Sáu Lạy được kính dâng lên trong ngày Đức Trinh Nữ Maria, Mẹ của Hội Thánh.
Cũng là những ngày cuối Tháng Hoa. Trong tháng này thì rất bận rộn cho nên anh chị em chúng con chưa có một ngày nào để cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất; để một cách đặc biệt dâng lên Mẹ. Và ngày hôm nay thì con cũng xin được đại diện anh chị em dù không đầy đủ.
Nhưng chúng con xin được dâng lên những lời cảm tạ ơn Chúa để cho con được nhận biết rằng, chúng con là những giáo dân của Giáo Hội và cũng là những con chiên dân Chúa. Chúng con là con của Chúa. Chúng con được hạnh phúc vì Giáo Hội của chúng con có những Thánh lễ rất long trọng, rất quan trọng; để nhắc nhở cho những người Kitô hữu chúng con là những phần tử trong hàng ngũ của Giáo Hội.
Đặc biệt, hôm nay là ngày Đức Mẹ là Mẹ của Giáo Hội. Chúng con cảm tạ ơn Chúa vì chúng con được làm con của Chúa. Chúng con được làm dân của Chúa. Chúng con cũng được làm tín hữu của Giáo Hội; để chúng con có những ngày lễ để nhắc nhở cho ý nghĩa mà đời sống của chúng con cần được biết, cần được nghe. Và đặc biệt là những ngày gần đây nhất, chúng con cũng được nghe trong tháng này Đức Giáo Hoàng cũng đã có di chúc để lại.
Một là sự thoái vị của Giáo Hoàng. Hai là sự ra đi của Giáo Hoàng. Tất cả là một sự mới mẻ đặc biệt trong thời của ngày hôm nay mà chúng con cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc vì chúng con có một Giáo Hoàng đúng là một vị Giáo Hoàng; mà đã nói vào thời đầu tiên khi biết được Đức Giáo Hoàng Benedictô thoái vị; thì Đức Giáo Hoàng Phanxicô được Chúa Thánh Thần dành một cách đặc biệt cho Giáo Hội.
Làn khói trắng bay lên sau những ngày chờ đợi. Và chính Đức Giáo Hoàng Phanxicô là Giáo Hoàng của hồng ân và ân sủng; vì chỉ có Ngài là Đấng vào thời điểm ngày hôm nay dám nói sự thật, dám chỉnh sửa những gì ở trong Giáo hội từ xưa đến nay; có những việc bất di bất dịch, cũng có những việc cần phải sửa đổi để trở nên sống động hơn.
Và đời sống với con người bằng con tim, bằng việc làm, bằng hành động chứ không phải ngủ quên. Hoặc thói quen hay thể lệ dưới chế độ luật mà từ xưa đến nay những điều đó là nguyên tắc; không có một chút mở rộng hơn, hoặc là gần gũi hơn. Bằng một cách sống động qua đời sống của những người ở trong hàng ngũ của Giáo Hội, của những người có quyền chức và ngay cả giáo dân.
Đặc biệt là người Kitô hữu cần biết tất cả trong sự hợp tác; để làm chứng cho tình yêu của Thiên Chúa và cũng loan báo Tin Mừng; không phải dành riêng cho Giáo Hội mà ngay cả những giáo dân như chúng con cũng có bổn phận. Và một đời sống sống động bằng chính tình yêu, bằng sự liên kết, bằng sự nối kết, bằng một đời sống được nhắc nhở cho tất cả.
Mọi sự đều là Thiên Chúa ban cho trong sự tôn trọng về không khí, đời sống sinh thái và đời sống với tất cả những gì chung quanh. Trong cuộc sống cần có sự hòa bình, cần có sự tôn trọng, cần có trách nhiệm bổn phận. Để chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất gìn giữ những gì của Thiên Chúa ban trong tự nhiên và thiên nhiên.
Quả thật, di chúc mà Đức Giáo Hoàng ghi một cách rất rõ ràng với những điều được xuất hiện trong Tháng Năm. Đó là khi Đức Giáo Hoàng thoái vị hoặc Ngài ra đi và còn có những luật lệ rất quan trọng. Sự thay đổi đó làm cho chúng con cảm thấy đúng là sự thiêng liêng cao cả của Chúa Thánh Thần hoạt động trong Giáo Hội. Dù xảy ra bất cứ điều gì cũng không thể nào lay chuyển được. Nhưng điều tốt đẹp nhất là chính Chúa Thánh Thần hướng dẫn Giáo Hội và đặc biệt qua Đức Giáo Hoàng Phanxicô.
Cho nên, thế giới này dùng đủ mọi cách để phản biện Ngài hay chống đối Ngài. Và còn rất nhiều vấn đề đi qua trong thời đại đặc biệt của thế giới ngày hôm nay; nhất là thời điểm của Đức Giáo Hoàng đang trị vì. Có biết bao điều nhưng điều quan trọng nhất là chúng con hạnh phúc vì chúng con biết rằng khi Đức Giáo Hoàng Phanxicô bắt đầu bước vào ngôi vị của Giáo Hoàng thì Chúa đã nói qua Bí Tích Thánh Thể: đây là một vị Giáo Hoàng của hồng ân và ân sủng của đoạn cuối mà chúng con đang có được trong thời hôm nay.
Cho nên, chúng con biết rằng đó chỉ là một điều Chúa nói thôi. Dù rằng thay đổi bất cứ điều gì hay có một sự đồn đại như thế nào hay sự phản biện của nhiều người chống đối Đức Giáo Hoàng. Nhưng chúng con vẫn giữ một mực là Đức Giáo Hoàng do Thiên Chúa chọn. Cho nên đến ngày hôm nay, chúng con hạnh phúc vì chúng con biết được sự thật những gì mà Thiên Chúa ban cho những kẻ thấp cổ bé miệng và những người đại diện cho những kẻ đó là những nạn nhân của thời cuộc và chiến cuộc như chúng con.
Để đón nhận sự thật mà Chúa đã dành một cách đặc biệt cho chúng con được biết về những điều của sự thật qua Giáo Hội. Cho nên ngày hôm nay, Chúa cũng dành một cách đặc biệt cho chúng con luôn quan tâm và nghĩ đến nhiều vấn đề; để chúng con cầu nguyện cho Giáo Hội.
Cho nên, chính Chuỗi Hạt Sáu Lạy mà Mẹ Maria ban tặng dành để cầu nguyện cho Giáo Hội của thời ngày hôm nay. Tất cả không phải là một sự ngẫu nhiên hay tình cờ mà là chương trình của Thiên Chúa từ bao giờ để dành cho con người. Cũng đặc biệt cho chính chúng con cơ hội để đón nhận những điều của Chúa Thánh Thể muốn nói với thế giới.
Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể luôn ở với Giáo Hội và còn khởi động lại lòng tin của con người và khởi động qua những người có chức vụ trong hàng ngũ của Giáo Hội. Để loan báo tin mừng về sự hiện diện của thánh thiêng và thiêng liêng của Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể vẫn và đang ở giữa thế giới. Cho nên, chúng ta không thể ngủ quên qua bao thời đại; vẫn là những nghi thức mà chúng ta được nhìn. Nhưng sự sống động, sự tôn kính tôn trọng thiếu vắng và còn xúc phạm trầm trọng đến Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể.
Cho nên ngày hôm nay, không có gì mà tự động con người có thể làm được; ngoài sự cho phép của Chúa dành cho con cũng như tất cả anh chị em suốt mười hai năm nay. Những việc kỳ diệu tuyệt vời xuất hiện và sự hiện diện của chính vinh quang Thiên Chúa qua Bí Tích Thánh Thể; mà ngày hôm nay là một sự rõ ràng nhất để chứng minh cho sự thiêng liêng mà Chúa đã can thiệp. Và dành cho chúng con được nhận thấy một sự hiện diện vinh quang của Ngài; để củng cố đức tin cho toàn thể nhân loại đặc biệt người Kitô giáo.
Cho nên ngày hôm nay, không có gì là tình cờ cả và cũng chính ngày hôm nay, chúng con cám ơn Chúa; vì chúng con biết rằng, chúng con có một người Mẹ luôn là một người Mẹ âm thầm và thầm lặng. Nhưng Mẹ làm rất nhiều điều để dành cho chính chúng con; đặc biệt Mẹ biết điều gì mà Chúa Giêsu vẫn dành cho thế giới của chúng con qua Bí Tích Thánh Thể.
Sự chờ đợi, lòng yêu thương, lòng nhân từ và lòng từ bi của Chúa vẫn tiếp tục dành cho thế giới dẫn đưa chúng con đến với Lòng Thương Xót bao la của Đức Chúa Cha. Đặc biệt là chúng con phải nhờ Mẹ và phải cần Mẹ để chúng con được biết Mẹ luôn chăm sóc những đứa con trong thế giới này. Mẹ luôn chăm sóc linh hồn của loài người. Mẹ hiểu được sự giá trị quan trọng của Giá Máu Chúa Giêsu Kitô Con của Mẹ.
Mẹ đứng dưới cây Thập Tự Giá để được nghe và lời trăn trối của Chúa Giêsu vẫn luôn trong Mẹ; dù mọi sự đã hoàn tất. Linh hồn lẫn thể xác Mẹ đã trở về Thiên quốc nhưng chính sự thiêng liêng cao cả mà Đức Chúa Cha dành cho Mẹ và Chúa Giêsu cũng đặc biệt trao phó cho Mẹ. Mẹ vẫn tiếp tục ở lại thế gian này trong thiêng liêng. Để thăm viếng những đứa con của Mẹ, chăm sóc những đứa con chưa biết chưa tin để được biết được tin.
Mẹ luôn nhắn gửi và nhắc nhở những đứa con sai lạc. Mẹ luôn dành một cách đặc biệt cho chúng con là những kẻ tội lỗi, những kẻ yếu đuối, những kẻ thiếu sót. Mẹ vẫn luôn thương yêu, Mẹ vẫn luôn dắt dìu. Đặc biệt, Mẹ bảo vệ và canh giữ Giáo Hội để rồi ngày hôm nay với tất cả mọi việc đến với chúng con không phải là một sự tình cờ; mà những điều đến với chúng con bằng sự thúc đẩy của Chúa Thánh Thần.
Lạy Mẹ Maria, Mẹ của Lòng Thương Xót, con không có điều gì để có thể nói hơn lời cảm tạ ơn Mẹ. Nhưng tất cả những gì chúng con có ngày hôm nay do Mẹ ban tặng; để Mẹ nhắn gửi và nhắc nhở Giáo Hội. Là điều quan trọng nhất mà chính giáo dân cũng phải có bổn phận trách nhiệm trong sự hợp tác hiệp nhất. Để chúng con tiếp tục lắng nghe, cầu nguyện và ủng hộ Giáo Hội trong sự hy sinh.
Mọi sự sẽ có Chúa Thánh Thần an bài và sắp đặt tất cả những gì xảy ra tốt nhất; cũng có thể xảy ra xấu nhất. Cũng sẽ xảy ra để thanh lọc con người với những ai trung thành trung thực và thuộc về Thiên Chúa. Với những ai sống trong một chế độ điều khiển bởi thế gian trong văn hóa sự chết; mà Đức Giáo Hoàng Phaolô Đệ Nhị đã nói với thế giới.
Cho nên ngày hôm nay, tất cả mọi sự đều được đưa ra ánh sáng của bình minh công lý. Và sự thật thì luôn thắng. Cho nên ngày hôm nay, với những lời của Đức Giáo Hoàng Phanxicô như những lời trăn trối và để lại cho thế giới, của tháng Năm ngày Hai Mươi Sáu vừa qua. Nếu Ngài thoái vị hay mất đi thì có nhiều điều mới mà chưa bao giờ chúng con được biết.
Đặc biệt nhất là chiếc nhẫn của Đức Giáo Hoàng đeo là chiếc nhẫn Ngư Phủ. Khi Đức Giáo Hoàng mất thì chiếc nhẫn đó sẽ được một chiếc búa đập nát. Và tất cả những vị trong hệ thống chính quyền tại Vatican vào thời điểm của Đức Giáo Hoàng hoàn toàn ngưng lại. Vì Đức Giáo Hoàng mất thì tất cả mất; chỉ trừ Ba Vị được ghi trong di chúc mà Đức Giáo Hoàng để lại về những luật cần thiết.
Đó là Ba Vị Hồng Y được tiếp tục điều hành với những ngày vắng bóng Đức Giáo Hoàng và những ngày chưa bầu lại Giáo Hoàng chính thức; thì chính ba vị đó có thể điều khiển Giáo Hội trong thời gian bầu vị Giáo Hoàng mới và chờ khói trắng bay lên.
Cho nên, đây không phải là tự động mà con tin tưởng rằng Chúa Thánh Thần biết tất cả điều gì đang xảy ra trong Giáo Hội. Và chính Chúa cũng biết tất cả những gì vào thời của ngày hôm nay nhất định sẽ xuất hiện. Cho nên, đây là sự khôn ngoan của Chúa Thánh Thần mà chúng ta vừa đón lễ Chúa Thánh Thần hiện xuống ngày Chúa nhật hôm qua.
Đồng thời, Chúa Thánh Thần đã và đang hoạt động một cách rất mãnh liệt; để chúng ta được thấy rằng sự khôn ngoan của Chúa Thánh Thần luôn điều khiển những người thuộc về Ngài. Với những ai tách rời Giáo Hội, với những xảo trá thì bị lầm lẫn nhưng Chúa vẫn là sự thật.
Cho nên, chúng ta đừng dùng cách đoán xét theo cách bình thường vị Giáo Hoàng hiện tại. Ngài là một đời sống không giống như bao vị khác; nhưng Ngài thi hành một cách đặc biệt. Chúa muốn Ngài gần với người nghèo. Chúa muốn Ngài gần với những kẻ thấp cổ bé miệng. Chúa muốn Ngài gần với những nạn nhân thời cuộc và chiến cuộc.
Tiếng nói của Đức Giáo Hoàng rất có ảnh hưởng và tiếng nói của Ngài là tiếng nói của Thần Khí, là tiếng nói của Chúa Thánh Thần; đặc biệt là Chúa Giêsu và Chúa Thánh Thần cho Giáo Hội. Cho nên ngày hôm nay, chúng ta không phải theo lịch trình để nói xuông mà theo Thần Khí. Chúng ta được lập lại mà Chúa dành một cách đặc biệt cho Giáo Hội, cho giáo dân và cho những người được chọn để mang thông điệp đến thế giới.
Hôm nay là một ngày rất đặc biệt mà Chúa cũng dành cho con được nhận ra suốt mười hai năm. Và hôm nay là ngày lễ quan trọng đầu tiên mà chúng con cảm nhận được, Mẹ Maria là Mẹ của Hội thánh. Vì chính Mẹ ở lại sau khi Chúa Giêsu trăn trối trên Thập Tự Giá. Mẹ đã tiếp nhận điều đó. Mẹ đã hoàn tất khi còn ở trần gian. Nhưng Mẹ vẫn tiếp tục đến với chúng ta vì chương trình đó chưa kết thúc.
Cho nên, Mẹ vẫn chăm sóc canh giữ. Mẹ vẫn tìm đủ mọi cách để đưa con người về với Chúa, đưa những đứa con gặp gỡ Chúa, đưa những đứa con gần Chúa, những đứa con được tái sinh trong Chúa. Và Mẹ chờ đợi những kẻ ngoan cố cứng đầu. Mẹ chờ đợi những kẻ tội lỗi được hồi sinh trong tình yêu của Mẹ. Cho nên, chúng ta rất hạnh phúc có Mẹ.
Xin Chúa cho chúng con, đặc biệt ngày hôm nay, nói về Mẹ. Vì chúng con cần có Mẹ luôn. Nếu không có Mẹ thì chúng con không có ngày hôm nay. Nếu không có Mẹ thì Chuỗi Hạt Sáu Lạy không có. Nếu không có Mẹ thì chúng con không biết cách cầu nguyện. Và nếu không có Mẹ thì Món Quà Sáu Lạy này không trở thành một Của Lễ trọn vẹn; được Mẹ ban tặng cho chúng con, là những nạn nhân của thời đại.
Ngày hôm nay, chúng con chỉ biết nói lên lời cảm tạ ơn Mẹ; vì chỉ có Mẹ mới thấu hiểu được hoàn cảnh của thế giới loài người nhân loại trong thời của ngày hôm nay. Văn minh và tinh vi của thời đại lôi cuốn biết bao điều trong hợp lý của trần gian nhưng đi ngược lại giáo lý của Chúa. Mẹ đau lòng, Mẹ khổ tâm; nước mắt đã ràn rụa cả huyết lệ. Nước mắt Mẹ nhắc nhở cho loài người chúng con. Nhưng Mẹ không bao giờ rời khỏi chúng con. Mẹ không bao giờ bỏ cuộc dù chúng con có hư đốn tội lỗi đến đâu.
Ngày hôm nay, Mẹ cho chúng con cơ hội để âm thầm tiếp tục trong xứ vụ của mình dù người đời nhìn chúng con bằng cặp mắt ra sao. Nhưng với tâm tình của tạ tội tri ân, tâm tình của sự trở về không thể nào thiếu được lòng tôn kính, không thể thiếu được sự hy sinh.
Chúng con cần biết một Đấng Thiên Chúa để xin trở về bằng linh hồn, lẫn thể xác, lý trí trọn cả con tim. Xin đón nhận chúng con, tha thứ cho chúng con và xin cho thế giới được sớm ăn năn thống hối trở về hiệp nhất với Giáo Hội. Để đi trên con đường công chính và bảo vệ những gì thuộc về mình; sự tự nhiên sự thiên nhiên, của trái đất của hoàn cầu.
Đừng để cho những ai vì tham danh, tham lợi, quyền chức mà rớt vào tình trạng làm tay sai cho thần dữ, mặt này cũng như mặt khác, một cách vô tình hay cố ý. Đây là một xã hội văn minh; nhưng lôi cuốn con người trong sự hưởng thụ và đưa con người đến gần với tội. Và đã trở thành những con người ngày hôm nay trong trào lưu của một thế giới tự do; để rồi phá thai, đồng tính luyến ái và còn rất nhiều điều đi ngược lại chân lý và giáo lý của sự thật.
Nhưng Mẹ luôn tìm đủ mọi cách để dẫn đưa chúng con về, luôn khuyên nhắc, luôn bảo vệ và luôn cầu bầu cùng Chúa cho chúng con; để chúng con có được ngày hôm nay. Cho nên, tất cả những gì đến, nó sẽ đến; như Mẹ đã nói tất cả mọi sự đến, nó nhất định phải thể hiện để chúng con được nhìn thấy và lựa chọn cái đúng và cái sai, cái thật và cái giả, cái thiện và cái ác. Để loài người nhận ra điều đó để mà chọn lựa. Ai cũng muốn điều tốt đẹp cả; nhưng thế giới của chúng con gần với tội, quen với tội; muốn thỏa mãn với tất cả mọi điều.
Nhưng chỉ có sự công chính và đời sống của chân lý sự thật mới tồn tại; còn những gì không thuộc về Thiên Chúa trong sự bất chính thì nó sẽ mãi mãi thất bại, nó sẽ bị thoái lui và nó sẽ hoàn toàn bị tiêu hủy. Cho nên, đó là những điều quan trọng nhất mà chúng ta nhìn chung để thấy rằng sự kiệt quệ của thế giới nhân loại ngày hôm nay và đời sống của văn minh; nhưng con người đã đi vào những ngày tháng thác loạn.
Con người đã đi vào trong đời sống của những ngày chiến tranh, đau khổ, dịch bệnh và tất cả mọi vấn đề đang xảy ra một cách rất trầm trọng. Ai cũng có lý trí, ai cũng có lương tâm để nhận biết điều đúng điều sai, điều thiện điều ác và điều gì thuộc về một thế giới ở trong đời sống của phù hợp thích hợp cho đời sống của chính mình, cho cá nhân, cho gia đình, cho xã hội, cho tập thể, cho Giáo Hội, cho mọi tầng lớp, mọi quốc gia.
Còn điều gì mà con người đang vấp ngã khi kinh tế đang đi xuống một cách trầm trọng với sự căng thẳng, với tất cả những điều mà chúng ta đang thấy: chiến tranh, đói khát, dịch bệnh và còn rất nhiều điều không còn những ngày tháng của trật tự nơi công lý lẽ phải. Hãy nhìn những sự việc xảy ra trong thời này để chúng ta thấy điều gì là công chính, điều gì là không công chính.
Những kẻ có chức quyền thì tham lam, ích kỷ, hối lộ và danh lợi. Những điều đó đã xảy ra mà chúng ta biết không công bằng. Và đồng thời, sự bạo động xảy ra khắp nơi trên thế giới mà chúng ta đã nhìn thấy không công bằng công lý. Cho nên, Mẹ đã luôn dạy dỗ nhắc nhở và Mẹ không mong điều này đến trong thế giới. Nhưng vì quyết định của loài người cho nên Mẹ cho chúng ta cơ hội để nhận thấy.
Nhưng Mẹ luôn bên cạnh sẵn sàng để chờ đợi chúng ta trở về. Mẹ luôn bên cạnh để nhắc nhở bởi vì chính Chúa là Đấng cứu thế giới, Chúa là Đấng cứu chuộc chúng ta và chỉ có Chúa là Đấng duy nhất để giúp chúng ta quay trở về với sự thật. Vì giá máu của Ngài giá trị để giúp linh hồn chúng ta xứng đáng được vào nơi vĩnh viễn muôn đời.
Vì những điều đó mà Mẹ vẫn tiếp tục dành cho chúng ta cơ hội để được nhận ra sự hiện diện của Mẹ, sự có mặt của Mẹ; để Mẹ đưa chúng ta trực tiếp đến với Đấng Thiên Chúa đang ở giữa chúng ta. Chính Ngài đang chờ đợi để ban những hồng ân đặc biệt để giúp chúng ta ra khỏi nhưng bóng tối của những sợi dây ràng buộc vô hình; trong chính tội mà chúng ta đang trở thành những kẻ nô lệ và tay sai.
Cuối cùng, chúng ta đã nhìn thấy rằng mọi việc không có điều gì có thể giấu kín và công lý vẫn còn qua vị Giáo Hoàng hiện nay. Dù là những ngày còn lại của cuối đời Ngài, dù là những ngày bệnh tật của Ngài; hay có những sự việc xảy ra làm cho Ngài thoái vị. Nhưng Ngài đã sắp đặt sẵn và đổi mới khi Ngài còn trong vị thế Giáo Hoàng. Không ai có thể thay đổi ngoài Chúa Giêsu dành một cách đặc biệt cho đấng tối cao và đấng lãnh đạo hàng ngũ của Giáo Hội, Đức Giáo Hoàng.
Cho nên ngày hôm nay, chúng ta biết rõ rằng mỗi một việc đến không phải tự nhiên; mà xảy ra trong năm 2023; đặc biệt trong Tháng Năm của Đức Mẹ. Đó là Tháng Hoa và cũng là ngày Mẹ của Hội Thánh. Không có gì là tình cờ để dành cho Lucia được tiếp tục tường thuật với những gì từ xưa đến nay Mẹ đã ban và dành một cách đặc biệt cho chúng con; là những người đại diện cho những kẻ thấp cổ bé miệng, đại diện cho những nạn nhân của thời đại của thời cuộc, của chiến cuộc.
Đặc biệt đến với Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể mười hai năm nay. Rất nhiều điều với khả năng của con không thể nào làm được gì, với khả năng của những người được chọn không làm được gì để biết. Nhưng ngày hôm nay, với tất cả mọi việc đều có sự thiêng liêng được hướng dẫn bởi Chúa Thánh Thần và qua sự hướng dẫn đó để chúng con tiếp tục trên bước đường hành trình làm chứng cho sự thật một cách âm thầm.
Nhưng theo thời gian sẽ được công bố theo cách thức mà Mẹ cho phép. Cho nên, con cũng đã trình bày và mọi việc cũng đã được dâng và cũng báo cáo cho Giáo Hội biết. Còn về vấn đề của Giáo Hội, họ có thể tìm hiểu hay không thì tùy họ. Con dâng lên Mẹ tất cả; chỉ biết bổn phận của chúng con là hoàn tất mọi việc. Xin sự quyết định của Chúa Thánh Thần.
Xin sự an bài của Mẹ vì tất cả nơi Mẹ với Mẹ. Xin cho chúng con được cộng tác và hiệp nhất để cùng nhau làm chứng cho sự thật mỗi ngày bằng sự hy sinh, bằng lời cầu nguyện, bằng bổn phận trách nhiệm; mà chính Chúa đã dành một cách đặc biệt cho chúng con. Có những tiếng nói thật sự để được kính dâng và kính trình để xin Đức Chúa Cha đón nhận lời chúng con cầu xin.
Để xin Chúa Giêsu tiếp tục cho chúng con cơ hội được làm chứng về Ngài. Trên 2000 năm trước bằng xương bằng thịt; nhưng sau 2000 năm bằng Thân Thể của Ngài và còn sống động; để nhắc nhở chúng con trong sự quy hàng quy thuận trở về với lòng sám hối ăn năn trước Năm Dấu Thánh, trước Thập Tự Giá.
Đồng thời lắng nghe sự chỉ dạy của Mẹ; mà sống một lòng tôn kính bằng chính đời sống linh hồn lẫn thể xác, trong sự trở về đầu phục phủ phục, trong tâm tình của sám hối ăn năn; để Thiên Chúa dành cho chúng con và thế giới được sự can thiệp bởi tình yêu và Lòng Thương Xót của Thiên Chúa Toàn Năng qua Ngôi Cha, Ngôi Con và Thánh Thần.
Giờ đây, chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất để tôn vinh và cảm tạ sự can thiệp của Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể; bằng chính hào quang vĩ đại của ánh sáng; mà Chúa đã đến viếng thăm nhân loại và nhắc nhở cho con người; để chúng con được trở về với Chúa và củng cố đức tin khi thời gian còn cho phép.
Được cảm tạ ơn Chúa về Thánh lễ của ngày hôm nay mà các cha chủ tế dành một cách đặc biệt cho những người được rửa tội. Hoặc các cha đến với lý do gì rất quan trọng cho giáo xứ này; mà ngày hôm nay chúng con được thêm một Thánh lễ nữa.
Trong Thánh lễ, Của Lễ Sáu Lạy mà chúng con được kính dâng lên và xin ghi nhớ rằng chính Mẹ của Giáo Hội, Mẹ của các giáo hữu mà chúng con xin được dâng của lễ đặc biệt trong ngày hôm nay; để kính nhớ những gì được chỉ dạy bởi Chúa Thánh Thần, được soi sáng bởi Chúa Thánh Thần, được thúc đẩy bởi Chúa Thánh Thần; mà chúng con xin được kính dâng.
Giờ đây, chúng con xin cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất được cảm tạ, chúc tụng, ngợi khen và tôn vinh Chúa là Thiên Chúa của chúng con, bây giờ cho đến mãi muôn đời. Amen.
MESSAGE OF 12-30-2022
Meditations of the Joyful Mysteries
on the Feast of the Holy Family
This message inspired by God the Holy Spirit.
O Lord, it is 1:36 p.m., at Saint Laurence Church. I am in front of the tabernacle, the sanctuary, the Cross, the Nativity scene, the Icon of the Divine Mercy, and the holy statues of Saint Joseph and Saint Laurence. Today, God grants us: I, Lucia, M.T., M.N., and all the brothers and sisters over the phone to be together to offer the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet before tonight’s meeting. We will spend a little more time in tonight’s meeting to ask God to listen to what we lift at the end of the year, in a spirit of repentance, with our concerns and questions, and asking God to teach us to continue in the new year with what God grants to us in our missions.
Now, I invite the Holy Spirit to come as usual for us to offer the Rosary fervently, reverently, ardently, to experience what the Holy Spirit teaches to understand the Joyful Mysteries. Mother Mary is the first person mentioned the most in every Mystery. Especially today, on the Friday of the Octave after Christmas, we are present to pray so that we may understand the meaning of these Mysteries. God’s new program helps us not be bored when we pray and not feel sleepy when we meditate on the Mysteries God specially granted to Mother Mary.
In today’s world, when people are most tense, the Rosary has become popular. However, in life, we pray and keep on praying, but in the end, because we feel sleepy, we pray according to the rules and habits. God still accepts us, but the happiest thing is when we meditate, we will find that praying is very attractive. It is an attraction we experience added to faith, with depth, height, and breadth, and fills us with enthusiasm and reverence as we pray the Rosary. Today, we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us through the Mysteries we will meditate in a few minutes.
O God, I lift to You thanksgiving on the Friday of the Octave after Christmas. I praise and glorify You and bow in prostration before the Infant Jesus. In particular, may I, at this moment, meditate on the Joyful Mysteries of everything Mother has done. As a shining example for humanity, thanks to Mother’s teaching, I and the brothers and sisters in the group have this day to be more aware, with a deeper understanding of the Rosary. When Mother began to give us the gift of the Six Kowtows, that gift became an offering and helped us feel more profound. We pray the Rosary with a deeper meaning and can meditate on each of the Mystery, which God especially grants to us through Mother Mary.
Today, through the Joyful Mysteries, I lift to God and offer to Mother, who is by God’s side, adoring Him on our behalf. Mother is here with us; please continue to teach us to be aware when we pray the Rosary when we have the opportunity to remember certain things we need to do, which is to pray for our Church. Mother, You are a mother who is always attentive, who seeks all kinds of ways to lead Your children in the fastest, easiest, most meaningful way, with the depth and breadth of faith.
Today, Mother gives to us, especially to Christians. Over the years, what is granted and given from Mother Mary’s blessing does not stop at a point, so let us go deeper to experience the meaning of every Mystery. We rejoice to praise and glorify God. For all the plans God has for us through Mother, She represented us to present and lift to receive special favors to help our Church and help us with important matters. In this world, with prayer and beseeching, Mother’s intercession and teaching, God the Father will never refuse what is reasonable that we ask. In the Father’s program, God the Father chose Mother Mary to bear His only Son, and salvation is spread throughout the world to save humanity in every situation, every age, and every century.
We rejoice at this moment because we know the meaning of life is not with a habit but with many things in spirituality through prayers, particularly with the meditation of each Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries. We reverently lift the Rosary, which we started recently to meditate on. We found the most needed and best thing is the Rosary to reverently offer to Mother, especially on the Friday of the Octave after Christmas of 2022, especially in the current state of tension in the Church, with Pope Francis in his advanced age and all the problems surrounding him. Now is a time that no matter which events, we still have Mother who guards the Church and protects the shepherds consecrated to God. Mother stands between the Church and us to help us be more united, for the Church to unite with the laity and for the laity to join the Church to pray for crucial matters.
I offer the Rosary with the first prayers to Mother, and we ask Mother to lift it to God. With the brothers and sisters in the group, as the apostles of the Body and Blood of Christ, we ask for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us to know the meaning every time we pray the Rosary. May we not miss this opportunity to pray for our Church, for the current Pope, Pope Francis. God, please bless him with good health, wisdom, and insight, and be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit to lead the shepherds, the sheep, and the flock. Pope Francis represented Jesus to lead the Church today. May he be healthy, filled with wisdom to lead the Church and the laity in a situation filled with fear and anxiety because of the threat of war, the pandemic, and the problems in this world, afraid that World War III is about to happen. Moreover, there is the matter of unity in the Church, especially in the Church of Germany.
Today, as parishioners, no matter what happens, we only have one thing to do: pray; because we still have Mother. Mother is the person who taught us to pray and lift to God. Let us not use our strength and worldly logic to judge the Pope and offend him with rumors and falsehoods. We ask God to preserve the Pope because what belongs to God has been planned and arranged for all eternity; at the right time, that event will happen. World War I and World War II happened, and World War III may happen. What happens is all in God’s plan and teaches us patience, to recognize, accept, and lift to God, and not judge.
May the Pope continue to be strong and courageous. We know that the Pope knew what may happen because he wrote a resignation letter (*) shortly after being elected pontiff in 2013. At this time, the Pope is sick and very weak. We know his health is declining; if he ends up in a situation where he can no longer serve, we will lose something significant because he is the Pope of blessing and grace. God let us know since the Pope was elected. We cannot understand by ourselves, but the Eucharistic Jesus said so. We only know that whatever happens, Pope Francis is the Pope of blessing and grace, and the day he is absent or resigns, we will face many difficulties and tensions.
Thus, we offer to Mother, lift to Mother, and ask Mother to lift to God for our Church to have unity; for cardinals, bishops, and priests, to unite with the Pope so that the program with the doctrine of God may continue to spread to the ends of the earth. Let us believe in what the Eucharistic Jesus said to the holy Apostles: “Go and proclaim the Good News; I am with you always, till the end of the age.” Jesus is never absent; He is still in the Eucharist amid the Church. Thanks to the Church, we have Mass and receive the Eucharistic Jesus into our hearts. So we know the presence that God granted to the holy Apostles in the past.
Thanks to the Church for us to have Mass, the tabernacle, and the Eucharist. It is crucial for the person who represents Jesus to guide and protect the flock, the sheep, and the shepherds. In any circumstance, his voice will affect the world; whether people listen or not, his voice continues to echo because God is in him. Thus, we must believe absolutely and ask God to allow our Pope to continue in the role God chose for him till the last moment. No matter which event happens in the world, war, pandemic, protest from many countries, or the lack of unity in the Church, they are the challenges in the remaining and final days of purification.
Our Pope also has moments of fatigue and weakness, so let us lift him to God because there is nothing God cannot do. We, the parishioners, only need to unite and lift the Pope to God and ask God to protect him. This urgency with our prayer then God will never refuse, for this is what Mother teaches us. Today, may God heal all those spiritually and physically ill through the unity of the Church, and may God have mercy and heal the clergy because they also have moments of imperfection and weakness. Let us overlook their stumbles and see the zeal and reverence of the holy, pious priests who sacrificed their whole lives, like the Pope. Remember that there is more positive than negative, so let us always hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and our Eucharistic Jesus. We also have a Mother, and She will be the person to speak up to defend us.
Today, let us offer to Mother Mary and ask Mother to intercede with God for our wishes to become perfect. Especially this year, no matter what happens, may we never get discouraged or lose faith or hope. At the same time, may the laity ask for the grace of faith, hope, and charity. We hear a lot, but when it comes to a life of practice, there are many negatives and shortcomings. Today, Mother, please help us live with faith to pray because apart from the Lord, we have no other place to take refuge, and no one can understand us. No one has the authority to understand each individual and each situation.
We reverently lift our Church today. We live in hope, which is to trust in the Lord because there is nothing we can do. We can only depend on God and look forward to God’s grace, and through His work, directly or indirectly, in each situation, God will know. We cannot separate charity from love, and we cannot ignore unity and solidarity. Where there is love, there is unity; where there is unity, there is solidarity, and where there is solidarity, hands are joining together, and there is a success. No one is perfect before God; all are sinners before God, but let sinners unite because of the same condition as sinners, for us to ask God for forgiveness, mercy, intervention, and sanctification.
May God intervene in our world in the current stressful situation. We are afraid. We fear the atomic bomb and hunger. We worry and fear the pandemic because we have seen the pandemic of 2020, and we also do not know about the days ahead but let us not be too afraid to lose what we already have. It is the last card that Mother gives us, our patron card, which is prayer and unity. Let us not be concerned about the world: war, pandemic. What is needed most is for us to unite and pray, to ask for Mother’s intercession, and ask God to look at us in His way. What father hears his children return to him and pray but turns away? What father abandons his children who are afraid, looking for refuge, and trusting? We, as human beings, cannot turn away or leave our children, let alone God the Father.
Mother has a way of teaching us. Let us listen to Her because, with Mother, we will win this final battle, no matter how tragic it is, no matter how unfortunate it is, but those who endure and remain are those who believe in God, who belong to God, who trust and hope in God. From Mother who taught us with the gift of the Six Kowtows, though ignorant people, today, we have the opportunity to represent the world, say the words that few people say, say the words that people consider as ordinary or make no sense. We have lived in reality our whole life; today, we must live spiritually, in faith, with practice, to thank God through our sacrifice and prayer, by spending time with Him, and by lifting the last days of the year to Him to the fullest. He granted us so much throughout the year.
Today, let us offer the Rosary and ask Mother to lift it to God. Let us meditate on what we need to know from the Holy Spirit. Let us boldly and courageously continue a devout life, a life to pioneer for the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, followed by the Six Kowtows and the Rosary of the Six Kowtows, to reverently offer to God, to pray for the Pope and the Church.
The Annunciation
Mary said: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
The First Joyful Mystery: The Angel declares to the Blessed Virgin Mary that She will conceive. Let us pray for the virtue of humility.
I reverently offer the first decade to God the Father.
O God, every year we celebrate Christmas, every day we pray the Rosary, but let us ask ourselves how many times have we wholeheartedly meditated on the meaning with a heart turned to the Joyful Mysteries? Today, O Holy Spirit, help us to reverently offer the First Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries to God the Father.
O, Father, I adore You, I thank You, I praise and glorify You, the Lord God who creates, the Lord God of wisdom, of power, who rules over generations. Today, with what You have done, what You have bestowed and given, we have the opportunity to honor our beloved Mother with the meditation of the Joyful Mysteries, which we rarely do.
The First Mystery: The angel announced to Mary the conception. We ask for humility.
Mother Mary quickly said yes to the angel. What allowed Her to do this? Because Mother knew that extraordinary and marvelous things that came to the world were not ordinary. The angel appearing was strange and unusual and was a miracle. Mother Mary fully recognized that immediately, and to the words She asked, the angel answered Her. As we know, Mother asked the angel: “How is that going to happen, for I do not know a man?”
And the angel answered: “You will conceive by the Holy Spirit,” and Mother immediately said: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” Mother obeyed, so at that moment, our world received the Savior who came to Her womb, Jesus, the only Son of the Father, the Second Person of God. He dwelt in Mother’s womb, and the covering of the Holy Spirit became a history of this beginning. We thank God; He has chosen for us a Mother whose life was perfect inwardly and outwardly; Her beauty is second to none, and Her sublimity and purity cannot be compared and is something absolute. Mother is the Ark of the Lord; the Father chose Mother for His Son to be in Her womb.
Today, the Church reminds us and gives us something to summarize as quickly as possible for us to know. With humility, Mother did not ask too many questions; some feelings prompted Her to ask because She did not know of any man, but when the angel answered, She said “Yes.” And those were her moments of silent contemplation. To Her spouse, Saint Joseph, She did not even explain things in those moments. Mother kept a silence, respect, and reverence. She kept to Herself a great secret that God granted Her. She was perfect in the life chosen to bring the Savior to us.
In these special celebrations, let us allow ourselves to meditate a little on Mother Mary, whom God the Father chose to become the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of the Second Person of God, and the Mother of all humanity. Today, every detail is contained in the Gospel as we meditate, and the Church offers us the meditation of the Joyful Mysteries. We see how with the Joyful Mysteries, we are happy and rejoice. Whether we are wicked and sinful, living in the darkness, that joy radiated from Mother Mary and has been with us from the very beginning when She said “Yes,” which granted us the opportunity with the ever-present hope that we reverently offer.
She is the person who zealously works to re-claim what is ours. She represented us to receive God, and He accepted to come into the world through Her womb. She is the One who speaks, prays, serves, and lives an exemplary life on our behalf. That is humility. Today, let us ask ourselves whether each of us is humble enough, how we perceive humility, and how we live daily to express humility when we meditate.
Especially during this year’s Christmas Season, let us give ourselves a little maturity to understand this Mystery. We see the word has reminded us, and what our Mother taught us was not too sublime, not too intellectual, but teaches us the basis of humility in Her. The Mother of the Second Person of God has taught us humility by practice, which will open us to understand what is absolute in the moments that are not too complex and not with too many things we are doing. In our current life, we still fail to understand and focus. Let us meditate with humility to remind ourselves daily that Mother Mary is the person who represents us to receive the glorious and sublime blessing. Today, we understand the word “humble” thanks to Mother.
Let us put into practice the word “humble” to understand its meaning when we pray the Rosary; God will surely grant us through the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. We start from Mother’s humility, learn from this beginning, and go on with better things. We have Mother as our representative, our intercessor, the One to receive God’s grace. Today we still have the graces of Mother Mary so when things happen, let us listen to Her teaching, instruction, and training. For us to have this day, it all started with bewilderment, but what comes from God will be realized as we now have.
May we unite to lift to God, especially in 2022, to celebrate Christmas, and be with our Mother to thank the Infant Jesus. It has been over 2,000 years, but to us, every year is a joy to commemorate this great event for our salvation, harmony, hope, and a peaceful world. About the battle of the present war, now is the most appropriate time for us to lift to God through the Holy Spirit’s teaching. We unite to adore, bless, and praise God and join our Mother to honor the Savior, the Infant Jesus. May everyone awaken to remember and spend these moments of reflection to become mature children in the ranks of children of God, of the Church, and especially Mother’s children, to turn toward our Saviour, beginning with the Infant Jesus.
The Visitation
Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. (Luke 1:39-40)
The Second Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary visits Saint Elizabeth. Let us pray to have love for our neighbor.
I reverently offer the second decade to God the Son.
The Second Mystery, I reverently offer to Jesus, our Savior, whom we profess, adore, and honor. Lord, we thank You. Even a hundred thousand words cannot express gratitude for the grace that You bestowed upon us. You came into the world for us to have this day, to have the moment to confess, adore, by the Second Kowtow through the Second Person that we reverently offer through the Second Mystery. Today, we say and present to God.
O Lord, my God, You came to earth in a human body; You are the Author of love who practiced love while still in the womb. Mother Mary cooperated closely with Him. After the Annunciation, Mother set out immediately to visit Saint Elizabeth. Saint Elizabeth said to Mother: “But why the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Mother responded with the Magnificat.
We see a mother the Father chose for His Son. She is the Queen of heaven, the mother of humanity and the world. When God came to Mother, She immediately set out to practice love, visit Elizabeth, Her cousin, and be of service by Her cousin’s side when she gave birth. We see Mother Mary as a chosen person in heaven. God the Father chose Mother to become a person of heaven, but in the flesh, She continues to set out to do and practice the signs that God specially granted with His intention. He came into the world to change us with His love and transform hatred, jealousy, envy, and all the evils of sin from the ego and personality to become love and unity.
We see in the First Mystery; Mother is the One who replaces us. God the Father chose Mother to receive Jesus to bring to the world. In the Second Mystery, daily, we lift to God in a spirit of thanksgiving, which Mother taught us with the gift of the Six Kowtows offered to each Person and through which we learn to meditate. In the Second Mystery, we see how Mother went in haste to do the holy will of God. That was showing love by deed and being someone who goes out to love, care, and serve. So what is summed up in the Joyful Mysteries of our world is to love others.
We do not love easily, we are not generous enough to forgive. We do not understand the word love, but the word love is the main point and the author is given by God who sent His only begotten Son and gave Him to us. It is Jesus, who loved and practiced love. When He came to earth in the form of an Infant in Mother’s womb, She did this for mankind: Mother Mary and Jesus joined together to practice love in God’s plan who sacrificed His Son to save our world. He lets us look closely and He lets us see the Infant. On the Friday of the Octave after Christmas, let us turn to the grotto to contemplate.
We see the beginning, in which the first person to practice this love is Mother Mary. We pray the Rosary and read and hear a lot, but God asks us to practice only the words “love others.” To love ourselves is natural because who does not? Let us love ourselves and love others and those around us; this life is full of jealousy and envy, and because of sin, we did not submit and disobeyed. From the first time our first parents sinned, that happy place, the Garden of Eden, was lost due to disobedient people, and from that moment, we have fallen into a state of no longer obeying nor understanding the meaning of love.
As we read in the Gospel, God the Father said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and eat dust all days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” God the Father knew all things beforehand, arranged all things, and is the omniscient Lord who knows what is to come, what He grants and gives. How long will it take for that to happen? For us, it has been over 2,000 years, but God planned and arranged from the beginning by acts of love, by teaching us the doctrine of love, as we need to transform hatred into love, with generosity and forgiveness.
But today, is our world in a state of love, loving others, or not? If we love and do love others, there will be no war, no pandemic. Today, what we fear the most must be the nuclear bomb threatening the whole world, all countries, nations, all classes, and roles. Everyone is afraid; even the president fears this bomb. We are defeated and make mistakes because we do not live as Mother lived.
Today, Mother continues to come to us to teach, not letting go. She is determined to help us through the gift of the Six Kowtows for us to return to God, and from the moments we cannot forgive, but for God’s sake, we learn to forgive. When we live, we must choose the way of life to return to God with a heart of prayer, a forgiving heart, and a compassionate heart and live as Mother taught us daily. It is the truth, but we do not understand. There are good words and ideas, and there is the worldly program in law, all things we are doing. However, we see the threat of the atomic bombs and the evil of today’s world from those who are disobedient, disbelieving, arrogant, and who deny God’s authority. We are afraid of this.
But remember, Mother teaches us not to be afraid. If we understand what is ongoing, what we are facing, and what is essential to this world, we must listen to Mother and live in prayer. We need to love and forgive each other, hold each other’s hands, and have mutual support. Whether we leave this world or the atomic bomb destroys this world, our souls will not die but return to our heavenly Father, and Mother will wait for us at heaven’s gate.
Let us meditate today. Mother Mary practices love, but we walk away from love, from God’s way. How can we live and survive? Thus today, what God wants will be realized in the world; if people are mature to return no matter how sinful, hold hands together, turn towards God, return to God, and forgive each other, we will not be afraid, even if events happen, we still live in hope. Mother Mary practiced love for the world and led us to the Infant Jesus this year so let us meditate on the Joyful Mysteries to understand what we have, and let us not feel bored, sad, sleepy, or pray out of habit like we used to.
Let us meditate for a moment because the Holy Spirit granted that spirituality to everyone. The most important thing is whether we can spend some time to overcome our weak flesh to pray fervently and spend time with God. God gave us an entire life, but when we spend a day for Him, maybe it is too much and too long for us. What have we given to God in our lives? How much of our time have we given to Him? He created us and gave us a program to learn from our beloved Mother, who continues to be with us today to teach us. It is perseverance that Mother Mary practiced and continues to practice for us. It is the love from Mother who comes to teach us and leads us back to God.
May we unite to thank God for the meaning that today we are kneeling before the Infant Jesus. We thank our beloved Mother, who was quiet and silent but did all great deeds for humanity from the beginning, for us today to enjoy the graces and the intervention still given to us through Her teaching. Mother, we thank You, and tonight, with You, we thank, praise, glorify, and adore God.
The Nativity
And Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger. (Luke 2:6-7)
The Third Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in a cave. Let us pray to have a spirit of poverty.
I reverently offer the third decade to God the Holy Spirit.
With the Third Mystery, I offer You, Holy Spirit, thanks and praise. Without You, how can we understand the Third Mystery? How can we know of the Birth of Christ in the manger?
O Holy Spirit, through the ages, You have remained the Lord God hidden in us and dwelling in us to enlighten and guide us in good deeds, holy deeds, and knowledge in Your grace. You teach us through Your seven gifts, starting from that for us to understand more about the lofty spirituality guided by the Holy Spirit. But Lord, how do we allow our hearts to be quiet to listen to Your voice? There are many opportunities, but we do not want and do not listen; we only do our own will, with ordinary eyes, judgment, and doubt, according to the flesh. We do not believe in spirituality and the gentle and tender voice with the love that You granted us through the Third Mystery, through the Third Person of God to whom we reverently lift. We meditate on the things of today with the Third Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in a cave.
Lord, I thank You. A mother is a person of complete obedience and performance at every stage of Her life. Whether She succeeds or whether people criticize or reject Her, Her feelings for us never change and complain. Mother has always been faithful to You, a pure and perfect person who did everything in Your way and will. Today, She grants us a meditation of the moment She gave birth to You in a cave, a place so lowly that women in developing nations would not choose to give birth. Mother Mary, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of the Second Person of God, the Mother of humanity, since the beginning with faith, learned about God and accepted the task of bringing the Father’s only Son into the world. No matter any situation or stage in Her life, faced with difficulty, She continued to believe and perform and finally gave birth to Jesus in a cave on a cold winter night. We see the closeness with faith, and outwardly, we see Mother, quiet and gentle, but inside Her is a surge of strength, who practiced and believed absolutely in everything that comes to Her life.
Few people can meditate on this and comprehend what Mother Mary has done for so long for humanity, but there were praises through generations. Mother’s greatness deserves the honor. Mother wants to let us know that everything She did belonged to God; She wants us to glorify God and join Her to belong to God and practice what She teaches to live in faith. Mother wants us to act for God’s sake, to sacrifice for His sake, and for everything to belong to God. Who can love God like Mother Mary? Due to these points, we see that with extreme poverty or suffering, Mother never lacks faith in God. Today, the Church reminds us of the Third Mystery with the words: Let us ask for the poverty in spirit.
That spirit of poverty started from Mother Mary and the Infant Jesus, who came to save humanity. He was born in a meager stable, but He chose that place to give the joy, the affluence, the comfortable mattress, the warm blanket, what is the best, happiest, noblest, most abundant, and pleasant to us. We see how Mother endured and suffered. God and Mother accepted all the poverty to give us days like this, and hope. We cannot forget and must meditate to understand each mystery to help us not pray the Rosary by heart or out of habit but to take a closer look at the action, the example because God the Father chose Mother to be a role model by deed. Her actions and words have value for our lives, and our souls later belong to God.
We contemplate the Infant Jesus in the manger, and 2,000 years later, what does Christmas mean to us? Why do we meditate at this time? No matter how many things are already in the world, what the world needs to practice and know is the offering to lift to God. Mother taught us through the numbers: 2, 2, and 2, which sum up to the number 6. The number 6 stands for Mother Mary, whom the Holy Spirit wants us to meditate on in the Third Mystery. The Third Person reminds us that the Holy Spirit enlightened and guided us to understand what we professed, contemplated, and offered for the past twelve years. Today, the work continues richly through the guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit to speak of Mother Mary – the sixth place of honor in the Six Kowtows – who will intercede for us at the end of history. Indeed, it is a great wonder that without the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, how can we understand?
We have the Old Testament and the New Testament, but at the end of the century, when we face days of purification, who helped us lift to God in these times of urgency? With the practice of praying, with soul, body, mind, and heart, we lift to each person without being distracted, and when we pray the Rosary, it is not out of habit. It is a program through the Holy Spirit to help us pray and meditate to be aware of what God wants to say. What He has done for us is to come as an Infant, born on a cold winter night in a cave. He is the Infant Jesus we worship and adore on the sixth day of the Octave of Christmas. In the Fifth Mystery, we will learn something mysterious and profound.
The Lord is the God of numbers, space, and time, of humanity, who planned for Mother Mary to come into the world. She fulfilled Her task, and in Her fulfillment, we see our salvation as the Infant was born, for us to know the assigned number and the time, to honor and thank Her. It has been this way, but today, we understand it better because Mother taught us the last moment of heaven’s seed for us to sow. Let us unite and meditate on the Mystery with the humility we need to have, in the love we need to show to one another, and practice in the poverty we face. The world we chose ends up with a problem that we now face in sorrow: war, money, and fame. What we do opposes God and offends Him, so we suffer the consequences in this day and age. Who is the person who can restore and change?
For things we choose, we must accept what we now face. As for what is spiritual and hope, then Mother is the person who has let us know and taught us for nearly twelve years to understand what is of this day. We begin to offer to God and practice for our hearts not to change and waver as we have been with habits and rules for generations. All this newness does not come from us but from the Holy Spirit, who wants us to grow each day in the richness of God’s grace. We are not the ones who read the book, flip it and close it, but we need to practice and summarize the most essential, the most basic we need, and practices in the basis of a Christian. Especially in what we must do, Mother did for us and asked God to let us do it as well. She asked God to help us accept the challenge ahead through the Third Mystery.
We see the pandemic that caused a standstill. Everything entered into bad days and reached a negative situation like today, and there will be many things at the end between man and man, fighting between good and evil. We see this answered very clearly; as for the rest, Mother teaches us to accept difficulties. Let us continue to pray, be faithful, and persevere. That difficulty will help us through a war that we must face because it was our human choice, but with a spirit of hope, Mother Mary will be the One to lead us into that hope before the Infant Jesus. Today and especially this year, no matter what happens, no one can take away our hope because Mother practiced and is leading us. She wants us to cooperate with Her and not be afraid of the world that uses every means. As God said: “Do not fear those who kill the body but fear the One who kills both soul and body and throws them into the fire that will never die.”
If we understand this, should we give ourselves the opportunity and accept the difficulties we never do, or do we continue to complain and protest? Let us look at the Lord God and the Queen of Heaven who humbled themselves to live with trials for us to have this day. That sacrifice is enough to express God’s love, a great example so that we cannot deny our sinful condition and return to God, with the meaning of the Joyful Mysteries that we offer Him, especially during this year’s Christmas Season. And if there are many more Christmases that God allows us to celebrate on earth, let us never deny what we have and offer it to God as an offering. No matter what we endure, it cannot be what Jesus, Mother Mary, and the Holy Family experienced, so let us sacrifice a bit more, love our brothers and sisters, sacrifice for the poor, and for those living a life that requires our help.
Today’s prosperity comes from the sacrifice of God and Mother. Thus, every Christmas season to come, why do we not have gifts for each other? The meaning of gifts is not to give to people we like, but to give to the needy and poor, those who are living in days of the war, those who are suffering from illnesses, those who have no electricity, no water, no food, such as those suffering in Ukraine during the current war. It is the most obvious opportunity that the Holy Spirit wants us to know and practice in every way, in all areas, to lift to God during the Christmas Season. We thank God for the Christmas season. Almost six days have passed, but we still have days to contemplate the Holy Family. For the Infant Jesus and our beloved Mother, we unite with Mother. We ask Mother to teach us so that on our path of witnessing and practicing, we accept hardships and overcome trials to bear witness to love. May we bring the gift of the Six Kowtows to the world to pray and be close to our beloved Mother, who will lead us home to God while there is still time and when time is critical.
I thank the Holy Spirit. We do not know ourselves, but when we listen, pray and meditate, the Holy Spirit will teach us more. The riches of heaven do not cease to pour over the world, but do we have enough faith to accept and practice it? That is the most important thing. We learn about the meditation Mother Mary wants us to do, allowing us to meditate on each Mystery. The Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Glorious and the Luminous Mysteries are all meant to praise and glorify God through what God has done, to teach us when we have a spirit to meditate and focus more through the prayers that we reverently lift as an offering. With each Mystery, we meditate according to the way Mother teaches us with the gift of the Six Kowtows for the Rosary to become a meaningful offering we lift to God in that meditation. We do not become sleepy and do not pray out of habit, but meditation helps us understand more and discover more of the beautiful and mysterious things God gives us through Mother Mary.
Offering Jesus in the Temple
When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (Luke 2: 22-23)
The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary offers Jesus in the Temple. Let us pray for the virtue of obedience.
I reverently offer the fourth decade to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Fourth Mystery I reverently lift to the Eucharistic Jesus as we do every day after Mass, as an offering to Him. Today, I ask God to allow me to use my meditation on the Fourth Mystery to talk about the Eucharistic Jesus. He is also Jesus whom Mother held in Her arms to present Him in the Temple.
God, You are the Lord of space and time. Time and space are nothing to You but what happens in this world is a scheduled plan, a history that cannot fade in the world. God came to us. He took on human nature and was subject to the same schedule as those parents who presented their firstborn in the Temple. Who did? Mother Mary did; She brought Jesus to the Temple, and that presentation was to hear about the entire life of Jesus as He achieved the work of salvation. Mother observed that law, holding the infant, so young in Her arms, the Infant Jesus whose birth we celebrate on the Friday of the Octave after Christmas. That story is recalled after 2,000 years, for us to have the opportunity to meditate. The story of an Infant with a prophecy about His life from a man named Simeon.
Mother Mary was a person who had feelings, at times feeling sad, and at times feeling the love She had for God. When Mother heard Simeon’s prophecy, She did not say anything, did not complain, but cherished and kept it to Herself. She stayed by Jesus to serve Him every moment without being separated from Him and continued to show Him that respect even more deeply. Through each Mystery, it was Mother Mary who did many things on behalf of our world, and God chose Her as the perfect Mother to replace our first parent. Right from the beginning, Mother completely embraced, meditated, prayed, and waited for the fulfillment of God’s plan after He died on the Cross. From the time Mother presented Jesus in the Temple, today, it is through the Fourth Mystery that we reverently offer to the Eucharistic Jesus. It is the same Eucharistic Jesus that today, we see the history related to His glorious Resurrection. We see Mother’s great sufferings and inner life with the daily prayers and the continual union with God, especially with Jesus.
It was Jesus who instituted the Eucharist. He promised to remain in the host to remain with us every day until the end of the age. We can have a contemplation to be associated with what we have today. Today, we witness the Eucharistic Jesus in the glorious power visiting our world to help us understand that God is still with us. Even when that true story has become history, it is revived in faith as we meditate on the Fourth Mystery. We do not need to look at the extreme sufferings; we know Mother endured everything to give us hope; today, we still have the Lord God, who is spiritually present through the Blessed Sacrament.
Today, we need to respect and honor God and meditate when we pray to the Lord God, who is not that distant but was the Infant presented in the Temple over 2,000 years ago. When Simeon told Mother the prophecy, Mother remained calm and kept it all in Her heart. She accepted everything that came into Her life, even when Her Son died on the cross in excruciating agony to save humanity. Today, She still replaces us spiritually beside the Eucharistic Jesus, and where the Eucharistic Jesus is, there is Mother Mary. Today, Mother looks at us through generations to see whether Christians have enough faith in the Eucharistic Jesus. According to the survey of this civilized world, only thirty percent of Christians believe in the Real Presence of the Eucharist; where are the other seventy percent? Mother Mary kstays with God every day when we forget Him, do not recognize Him, abandon Him, or offend Him. This world is gravely offending the Eucharistic Jesus.
Who told us this? Mother Mary did. Through the ages, She let people have their freedom, but She always wants us to know that God is still with us. God is present through the Church. God is present in all the tabernacles around the world. God is present through Mass and dwells in us when we receive Him into our hearts. It is something simple and ordinary but not many meditate on this, and because it has become a habit and routine, people who have offended the Eucharist are those in positions of authority. They are also weak and imperfect people like us, but they are people who unintentionally or intentionally have seriously offended God. Mother shed tears of blood and wept because we do not realize and understand the importance and value that Jesus granted us through His Eucharist. and on the same day that Mother presented Him in the Temple. It was a schedule unfolding that Her whole life embraced, cherished, and led us on the paths where Jesus sacrificed for us on the Way of the Cross.
That period does not end but continues because the love, forgiveness, and longing today are from the Eucharistic Jesus. We cannot belittle, and faith cannot fade away. Faith is not faith in a human way, but a true faith to seek to come to God, to recognize the Lord God still with us in respect, and reverence, with a depth to seek Him and lift to Him with our prayers. From the beginning, Mother has replaced us; the rest is up to us. What is known and heard is set in an age revealed to us by that very same age. In each era, God grants through Mother for us to have all kinds of messages to bring us back to Him. In this last era, God also leads us directly to the Supreme Being, full of power, who remains on earth to wait, intervene, love, and forgive. That is the Eucharistic Jesus.
It is not by coincidence for us to understand this today. It is not by chance for God to visit us to reveal the light of His Eucharist and for great wonders to appear from heaven. Today, we receive these wonders that are too sublime, too magnificent, too mysterious, which we never had before. These wonders appear in this world to awaken people and strengthen faith for all classes and roles and those who are indifferent and lack respect for the Eucharistic Jesus. God remains alone and lonely in all the tabernacles. He is greatly grieved and has bled for today’s world. God stays with people; He stays with us, but we do not come to Him. We only come to God at a time according to our will, out of habit, cold, indifferent, and emotionless. Moreover, we allow our hearts to become empty; we do not experience what the Eucharist awaits and what Mother wants to teach us today.
Throughout Her life, when God was on earth until the end after thirty-three years, Mother still embraced it and wanted to dedicate Herself, especially to God. Though He returned to heaven, body, and soul, She continued to do the Way of the Cross to lead people to remember what God did in that momentous mission. Everything has become history, and we must remind ourselves that Jesus accepted suffering because of our sins. In the end, happiness, peace, hope, and joy are the Eucharistic Jesus. We cannot forget Him, disrespect Him, or be indifferent to Him, with only thirty percent who believe in His presence. We cannot share what God grants and wait for people to accept. If not from God, who can say those things? Of course, people need proof that it was from God because they fear it may come from the devil and all sorts of things.
Correct! Here is a world influenced by the devil, who has all schemes and tricks, but we must know that our God is above our thinking, and the devil cannot be above God. God has a way for us to know of His presence, and He grants us the encounter. God lets us find out by ourselves; finally, we know it is truly Him. Today, though God continues to allow us to do what we want, He is still the Lord, full of glory and power. May we recognize that splendid glory without human defiance and rationality because we must believe. No one can compare the colors and the sublimity associated with His Eucharist. It is such a sublime wonder that only the Lord can grant that to us. The reason is that He loves and still loves us and wants to bring us back to the place of refuge, of trust, where there is hope for our body and soul in the future.
Today, that sublime wonder exists in our beloved Mother, and from that love, She reveals to humanity what we still have: the Eucharistic Jesus. Mother is spiritually present in this world, but it requires faith for us to encounter. Today, Mother gives Her gift to each person and each stage. We can accept it or refuse, but with our current condition in jeopardy, with our indifference and weakness, what do we have left to offer God? For years we have been indifferent, so there is nothing left for us to come to God but to prostrate, soul and body, mind and heart, to lift to Him, to be deep in meditation and spend time with our soul in contemplation. If we understand this, we will not get bored because every time we pray and meditate, something helps us further understand and be more aware of the spirituality God grants and gives us.
Of course, God wants us to follow the schedule He sets aside through the Church for the Church to teach us and for everything we do to be in union with the Church. God also wants to draw us closer to Him, for us to pray for our Church, work more closely with our Church, and be conscious of the marvelous wonders that Mother has specially dedicated to the world. The Eucharistic Jesus also granted our world one more program: His Divine Mercy. The Divine Mercy was not in the Gospel. When was the Divine Mercy given? God has the authority to grant His Divine Mercy, and today, we unite to return to the Divine Mercy. So, in everything, let us not question according to the way of the world, not ask in the usual human way. We can see that we are in jeopardy and heading toward a negative situation in this world so let us return with a spirit of learning to pray, visit the Eucharistic Jesus, and prostrate ourselves to adore the Lord and come to the Eucharistic Jesus.
All these things we need to do with the inner life of prayer in the way Mother taught. Thank God for giving us this meditation to see that in each Mystery, Mother is the intercessor for our world. All we know that comes with Mother’s gift is no different; it is a beautiful offering for people to lift to God through a life of prayer, a spiritual way from the Holy Spirit’s teaching. We need to practice, bow down, prostrate, and give ourselves the opportunity; we will see when we stand to pray, the feeling is different; when we sit and pray, the feeling is different; and when we prostrate before God, we pray differently. God created us. Thus, we lift to Him as an offering even though we are unworthy and imperfect, but He sees our hearts coming to Him.
It is an unworthy offering, but we have nothing left, so God still accepts it. He wants to see us come to Him, learn to pray from Mother, for us not be tempted with a pair of wandering eyes and many habits with indifference that most people to this day have not been able to find a way out, to seek to come closer to God in every way. If we are without spirituality, through Mother’s teachings, which are contrary to everything in this world, we are those who do not understand and do not know how to pray. We are determined to pray, but can we stay focused for half an hour or fifteen minutes? Our heads are full of thoughts. However, when we kneel and prostrate ourselves in prayer before the Eucharistic Jesus, it seems that space and time pass very quickly, and we feel meaningful, peaceful, and happy, which is the gift the Eucharistic Jesus grants. Why do we not come to receive it?
She wants us to accept it for us to be calmer and more mature, not disturbed by a world that lures us into sin in many ways so that we leave God and let reality rule us. Today, I thank God for giving us the most concise thing so that we know to obey and submit. In life, we cannot resist the world, but the method for us to know is to accept, be patient, and wait for the Lord’s hour. That is obedience. In each situation, in a family or a group, what God wants from us is obedience and unity. When God chooses a person, even when we see that person doing wrong, if God wants that person, then that person will become responsible because God will have a way of not letting that person do wrong when that person leads many people on an arranged path. Thus, what is of God we know by reaping; what is of God will go on endlessly with success, with newness, with overflowing graces. As for what does not belong to God will become rotten and broken and will never have a good outcome.
But on the way to accepting that truth, we face many challenges. If we unite to pray, resolve to what God gives and keep what is ours, we will have a good result. For God never gives up on those who, even in the remaining moments, stay awake at the last moment, God still grants them. With the program, God gave us for the past twelve years, was it not enough to overlook others’ weaknesses as we see? We see their weaknesses, but do we not see ours? We are also part of the reason for making themselves suffer because of us. Remember, we all have a bond of solidarity since Mother Mary conveyed and taught us this gift. As pioneers, we must bear the responsibility and have the spirit to focus more on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and not be discouraged or lose a great opportunity when we follow our own will. Remember, we were the first people called to this mission though we were indifferent and did not know who the Eucharistic Lord was. Did we spend time with the Lord? Did we know how to pray? It has been a process for us to learn, so are we in a state of hesitation, condemnation, and judgment?
Let us think for us to live with ourselves by the grace of God, use words when we speak, use thoughts to see, and live in the mission God calls us, and not disappoint and grieve Him. Today, Mother is the person closest to us; She chooses us so She will have a way to help us. No matter where we go, She still holds us and gives us the opportunity; if we listen, cooperate and come back, we will continue in joy. Otherwise, we live in negativity, which leads us into times of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety; we will suffer the consequences of the wrong way we chose when God calls. Today, we must allow ourselves to stand on the threshold for us to choose, not according to our own will, even when we think it is something good or we like, but God’s will is all that matters in our lives.
Mother Mary, I thank You, these are things we need to pay attention to because the Joyful Mysteries have everything to do with You, with You stepping forward and doing everything for us. The Fifth Mystery leads us deeper and closer to the Eucharistic Jesus and helps us better understand the wonders revealed in the world at the end of history. The gift of the Six Kowtows has become a gift that God gives for more understanding. That meditation helps us become more profound and zealous with an inner prayer life. Although it takes a long time for us to meditate, it is time for God to help us lessen sin, lessen the wasted time in a world that is too familiar in our lives, when we use time each day in our habits while really and always stingy with time for God. So, we receive many graces, but we do not give back much in return, and today, we still argue about many things in our lives. Because of those points, the world is still facing days of sorrow, disease, greed, and vanity, finally coming to an end like today.
May God allow us to spend time with what we have to offer, and in the time that God allows, do what we can because God does not require excessively. May we trust when we serve God, God will grant us later and decide the time for us accordingly. Believe, and we will have; seek, and we will find; knock, and the door will open. Thank God for granting. May the brothers and sisters understand obedience for our lives to follow God’s plan in our mission more perfectly because Mother teaches us to listen and meditate on the Joyful Mysteries. I thank, praise, glorify God, and thank the Infant Jesus. I thank Mother for everything You do for us and the world and what You continue to teach us to follow God’s ways with more meaning in our lives. May prayer strengthen our faith. May we not feel afraid and bewildered when all problems surround us and will come to the world in the remaining and final days of the purification.
Finding Jesus in the Temple
After three days, they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions (Luke 2:46)
The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary finds Jesus in the Temple. Let us pray to be faithful to God.
I reverently offer the fifth decade to Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ.
O Jesus Christ, You granted me and my brothers and sisters to reverently offer the Five Holy Marks daily, to become an offering before your Cross, which has taught us reverence. The meditation on the mystery of the Five Holy Marks has a connection revealed, and today, we meditate on the Fifth Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries.
God, Mother looked for You for three days. Why not two days? Why not one day but three days? Three days is the time assigned to a number; God is the Master of time and space, the Master of the world and numbers. Three days tells us that Jesus, at that young age, did not get lost but stayed back to achieve a purpose. The Father’s plan had stages, and Jesus was the One who knew what best to do at each age, especially at the age of understanding; He immediately put into practice things in His role. Jesus remained in the Temple and purposely stayed in the Temple, sitting among the doctors to teach them and to inform them. Did Jesus stay back without Mother and Saint Joseph knowing? It is not that Mother and Saint Joseph did not know, but this is what we logically see in the world. When one’s child is lost, whose mother will not look for him?
It is what the Lord wants to show the glory foretold. Jesus came into the world to fulfill the Father’s plan for Him. As we read in the Gospel, at a young age, Jesus preached to the doctors and teachers, and it was to express His mission as a Savior. Jesus spoke to our world, all classes and roles, blessed by God’s grace, a life of practice, a witness life, a life with the deeds He did at His age. That was a spiritual matter that we cannot fully understand, but we understood that it was the three days foretold about His life to go out and preach in the world. The work of salvation was finished in three days, the three days of His Resurrection. The number three was also the number in the Old Testament when God the Father chose Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah refused, ran away by boat, and ended up in a whale’s belly for three days. Jonah finally went to Nineveh to warn the people there and they repented and returned to God.
Speaking of this, we see the number three continuously. Why? We read that when Jesus was living in the world, choosing His apostles, He did not ask the other apostles, but instead, asked Saint Peter: “Peter, do you love Me?” He asked Saint Peter that question three times, then entrusted the Church to him. The number three is a reminder of the work of salvation when Jesus conquered death and resurrected after three days. What does this number three mean? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Today, we see Mother Mary as the person who foretold us as She was looking for Jesus, but those three days of looking for Jesus were a way to tell us of the three days of His glorious Resurrection to save us. It was necessary to help us understand every work with a realistic view because we only read sporadically. When we read to understand, listen, and meditate, then it is different. At this time, the Holy Spirit wants us to know because it is related to the Five Holy Marks.
The work of God does not stop at some points, and we know that in every generation, in every era, and especially in every age, what He practiced has a meaning to help us. The Fifth Mystery of the Joyful reminds us to keep our gratitude to God. To be grateful does not mean we understand only when we mature or when we grow up, we can do this, or when we have a ministry, to do this or that. To keep our gratitude to God means to be in any situation where we feel sad and weak, we succeed or fail, or when we do not know nor understand, we persist. Let us be faithful and loyal to God, to the love for which the Savior came to the world to atone for the sins of humanity and save our lives in sin and death. Finally, we recall the Five Holy Marks, as Mother Mary reminded us.
Mother Mary does not remind us of all the suffering and failure, but She wants us to remember that because of sin, Jesus had to walk every step of the Way of the Cross. He sacrificed every step with excruciating pain to save us. In the end, it is still about saving and loving us. The good thief represents the world with the forgiveness God granted. God’s purpose is forgiveness and love. Today, Mother also wants to lead us to know that we need to remember the Way of the Cross to recall our sins, avoid sin, and stay away from iniquity. We see that the Fourteen Stations of the Cross are not automatically known to anyone and the world. Mother Mary initiated the Fourteen Stations of the Cross to lead people in the meditation about sin. Thanks to that meditation, we are resurrected and experience the extreme pain God suffered to atone for our sins. Finally, why is Mother teaching us about the Five Holy Marks?
The First Holy Mark, we honor and worship the Father, forever the Lord of love and Divine Mercy for the world to exist today. No matter how sinful we are, God’s Divine Mercy is still there and with us to have the opportunity to reform and improve. The Second Holy Mark requires us to believe that the Father sacrificed His only Son out of love for the world, and whoever believes in Him will live. Thus today, we must believe in the Lord Jesus as the Savior, the Redeemer, because we must believe in Him to listen and practice His teaching, to perform and be worthy to enter the eternal place. The Second Person of God gives us hope with a glorious and triumphant Resurrection. If we meditate on all this, we see the meaning from the beginning regarding each of the Mystery.
Today, the Third Holy Mark is the Holy Spirit. The light, love, and truth. If without His enlightenment, how can we know the Mystery? How can we understand that the program unites and teaches us deeply when we belong to God and pray the Rosary or pray by the way Mother teaches? The Holy Spirit enlightens and guides us to understand the depth, breadth, and meaning revealed to the human world at the end as we know it. Let us be grateful to have the Holy Spirit present and dwelling in us. If we listen to Him, the infinite abundance and infinity in the experience of God are never lost, and the words are sufficient for us to realize that everything belongs to God, attributed to God. When we listen to Mother’s teaching, there is depth and breadth in the feeling we offer to the Five Holy Marks today.
We thank the Holy Spirit for letting us know this. And what about the Holy Spirit? The First Holy Mark, the Second Holy Mark, and the Third Holy Mark: the three Persons in one God, the Trinity, whom we adore and honor. Finally, the anecdote of the Triune God is everlasting. People must understand, from the beginning of the creation to this day. The remaining and last period of the century and the final days of the end are for us to understand and believe in the works of God, which is the Eucharistic Jesus.
Therefore, the Fourth Holy Mark belongs to the Eucharistic Jesus, which we cannot forget because He instituted the Eucharist to remain with us. He is present in spirituality among us. The Lord is the Supreme Being who still defends, protects, and guards. He is the world’s remaining hope for us to be touched, experience, and receive Him. He becomes our soul’s nourishment out of love, and we receive the offering by receiving Him into our hearts. There is security, a touch, and a feeling when we receive the Eucharistic Jesus, but we must not disrespect Him. We cannot let it be a habit; we cannot be indifferent or unfeeling toward the Eucharistic Jesus.
Today, we see the power of God has come, and He revealed His glory in the Fourth Holy Mark we offer to the Eucharistic Jesus. What we see helps us strengthen our faith and understand better the great mystery with which the Lord defends us and intercedes for us in this world. Our life of faith needs to change, to be stronger and bolder, for us to profess and be aware of the presence of God and the sublime wonder through the miracle of the Eucharist. The mystery from the Eucharistic Jesus confirms the extraordinary and marvelous deeds God does.
Who can give us the miracles that God does? God alone can, and through the miracles revealed, He grants us a life with depth through the prayer Mother taught us through the Five Holy Marks. Can we automatically speak of the Fifth Holy Mark? It is the Holy Spirit who wants us to because Mother is the One who teaches us to pray, and She is the One who meditates on the life of Jesus while He was on earth, with each age and each stage of the Cross. Jesus ended up on the Cross and said the last words to Mother. Today, the Holy Spirit teaches us to honor Mother. That is the Fifth Holy Mark: She walked with God, stayed with God, and accepted sufferings to set an example for us, to pray and sacrifice for us. Is there anything we know today without Mother? Is there anything we practice that Mother did not do first? Is there anything we can automatically understand without Mother?
Today, it is Mother Mary who teaches us to pray, and the fifth place of honor through the Fifth Holy Mark is Mother Mary. The Holy Spirit wants us to lift to Mother and unite in the Lord’s Five Holy Marks so that at the end of history, where we begin to have a new place of honor in God’s plan, that is the Sixth Kowtow offered to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So, this is a beautiful sublimity quite challenging for us to understand; the Holy Spirit is the only Supreme Being who teaches us with the days of practice. And Mother leads us deeply into the meditation of the Five Holy Marks, teaching us that as we turn to the Cross, we must not lack reverence, and we cannot be indifferent and disrespectful when we look at the Cross. Why does every church have a Cross? Why did God stretch His arms? It is to embrace humanity. Our world forever receives that love and the work of salvation without exception, but we have denied God and separated ourselves.
Today, Mother wants us to give God one more chance to learn the truth through the Five Holy Marks. God is longing and waiting for us to return to Him. When we contemplate the Five Holy Marks, we recognize the love of the Divine Mercy that continues for us through the Father’s love that never refuses humanity. He loves us, loves us dearly, loves us to the point of sacrificing His only Son so that His Son can save us, set us free, and bring us back from the darkness into the light. His love became a deep love with His Son to become the Holy Spirit that dwells in us through every age, dwells in each person, with what is most beautiful, excellent, in goodness, in truth. What is most holy and best comes from the Holy Spirit.
It is a great thing that the Trinity has done for us. What is accepted today? We come to the Eucharistic Jesus, but we do not know who He is and do not know what He is doing. What does the Holy Spirit teach us about the Eucharistic Jesus? He teaches us the history of the Eucharistic Jesus and the power of the Eucharistic Jesus. He teaches us to reform and improve our lives, which we do not deserve to do, but Mother Mary did it for us and the entire world. Thus, the Joyful Mysteries all have meaning with great depth through the great spirituality Mother practiced and taught us to go deeply into the Mystery of the Five Holy Marks of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Supreme Being who gloriously and triumphantly resurrected to bring life back to us. The value of His Blood will not be in vain when every one of our souls is redeemed and forgiven. However, we must repent, bow, prostrate, adore, reform, and bow before the Cross.
Thanks to the Cross, we were saved. Let us be grateful, apologize, and repent, to be worthy of what God is longing for. What we do today is not automatic, but the Holy Spirit wants us to offer to Mother. It is the Fifth Holy Mark that Mother represents to help us to understand the great Mystery that God grants. We learn from the Mother of God that She will never refuse us; She offers us humility, starting with the inquiry into the truth. Today, we bow in reverence and gratitude for what the Holy Spirit has done for us and for which the Father allows us to offer Mother the sixth offering for that place of honor to be set. The Five Holy Marks ended, but the Being who leads and represents our world is Mother Mary. Her triumph is Her Immaculate Heart because the devil is afraid of Mother. He fears Mother’s holiness, perfection, purity, absolute obedience, and humility. When Mother appears, he is terrified and must back down and give in.
The Holy Spirit teaches us to reverently lift Mother Mary with Her Immaculate Heart and Her triumph. We are doing and practicing it, so what can go wrong as long as we practice? We practiced with the gift of the Six Kowtows all these years in silence. It is not automatic that we have the right to bring it to the world. It is not automatic that the churches we go to, whether in this country or abroad, receive this gift to give to the parishioners. Although this gift is new and not yet accepted, God will have a way for all His children to come to Him because He is waiting for them through the Eucharist, and Mother leads them to God.
With Her presence and example, let us wait and see. Our world will have people who live in hope and will triumph between good and evil in this day and age. We must listen and practice as Mother taught because what She teaches is the basis to help us focus and turn more fervently toward God. In unity, surrender, gratitude, and the prostration of soul and body, let us ask God to accept our weak and imperfect gift of the end of history, to ask to follow His holy will, His way, and His decision for us.
We thank God for the meditation on the Joyful Mysteries. It is difficult for us to explain that when we pray the Rosary, it is the Holy Spirit who teaches us. God alone can teach fluently, clearly, and meaningfully. People need to accept this gift. Let us not be too rigid and infer too much and reason with the rules because God does not stop with what we have in the old days, but He gives us even more richness with what belongs to Him and brings us closer to Him. Let us be receptive in every aspect, role, class, and position to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Let us take time and space from our busy schedules to seek God. He will not let us return empty-handed, and we will understand better because we still have Mother. Since this gift belongs to Mother, we are simply the chosen people to be pioneers and practitioners.
There is judgment, denial, and disapproval, and that is fine. It is something new, a surprise for today’s world, because, for so many years through generations, people living in the days only familiar with their way. The reverence due to God seems to be diminishing, and people are offending God in many ways. Because of this, Mother teaches us to return to the first position, not let this be lost, and lose even more, and offend God more and more, whether unintentionally or intentionally. We must worship God with our souls and hearts through practice, strength, courage, and unity as we come together to offer to God and to come to the Eucharistic Jesus.
We will certainly have a method, and we believe that God will have a way to intervene for us; no matter what happens, hope belongs to the Eucharistic Jesus. We will know that it was He who came to us, and He manifested the light of His Eucharist. God visited us with beautiful and marvelous pictures and revealed what heaven offers. He also grants us a successful outcome when we go out to sow the seeds of heaven given to us by Mother. It is for people to learn from that seed, for it to germinate, grow, and begin to bear fruit. All of these are God-given in today’s generation.
Today, on the Friday of the Octave after Christmas, we offer this meditation to God. For the first time in twelve years, I experience this profound meditation of the Joyful Mysteries. Thus, what is of this day is a new program God has set for us; we do not stop to listen or meditate but continue to spread this to the world as the Holy Spirit guides and gives us this Solemnity. The Lord said that in the next year, we would have a new program and new things that the world must accept to practice to walk in the way God has specially planned because of the approval God granted.
God accepted the offering of the Six Kowtows and granted us the Holy Spirit to teach us how to keep going and focused in prayer and meditation when we pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet. He reminds us to pray with the Six Kowtows when we are in dangerous times. The gift of the Six Kowtows is also for the Church. It is Mother who taught us and helped us. May we have the opportunity to practice and meditate to know what is true, false, infinite, boundless, and the corruption and brokenness that does not belong to God. Even when we have good words or ideas, if there is no progress and no fruits, then we know they do not belong to God.
Let us lift to God today. In everything, God will have a way for the children who long. He waits for us through the beloved Mother who guards our souls and guides us. It is time for Mother to intervene because we are stuck in this world and scared. We see the situation with many who died and victims who suffered so much through the ages. Today, we ask for the intercession of the Eucharistic Jesus; Mother will be the advocate for those who listen, those who practice, and those who are determined to persevere and trust. With moments of faithfulness, we will see the intervening hand of the Almighty, giving us the new world we yearn for beyond our imagination.
We pray to ask for one thing; God grants us ten. God chastises us once, but He gives us back twice. We have the Lord, the Author of love; He is like that. Let us listen to Mother because She lives in this state and knows and guides us at the end of history. It does not matter how many challenges, trials, and events happen, but God is still the Supreme Being who rules over the world. He has the right to grant, intervene, and give us peace and happiness. God has the right to urge those who disobey into days of repentance; otherwise, when He comes with the light, the light will destroy them. Today, what we offer and say is all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for us to honor and thank God and thank the Infant Jesus. We praise Mother, the Mother who brought God to us through generations, but we rarely spend time with Her.
What is of this day is taught by the Holy Spirit, for us to honor and thank Mother through the Joyful Mysteries, to listen to Her teaching, and with Her to adore and serve God. Mother, please teach and lead us back to the Lord Jesus, Your Son, the Second Person of God. He saved the world, and in His Holy Name, we officially return to the Father in the eternal kingdom. God alone is the Supreme Being who guides, grants, and waits for us. But we must give up our bad sins and thoughts that cause us to stumble daily. We need to stay away from sin, repent, reform, and amend our lives to receive forgiveness from God’s Divine Mercy and be worthy to enter the place that Mother granted and waited for us and humanity. We thank, praise, and glorify God. In the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Amen.
* Pope Francis has revealed in an interview published Sunday that shortly after being elected pontiff in 2013, he wrote a resignation letter in case medical problems impede him from carrying out his duties.
MESSAGE OF 12-25-2021
The Six Kowtows on Christmas Day
This is a message inspired by God the Holy Spirit.
O God, it is 1:43 on Saturday, at Saint Theresa Church. We are kneeling before the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross, the icon of the Divine Mercy, and the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. It is another Christmas in our lives, so let us entrust everything to God and thank Him because we have asked for many things during the year and received many blessings from Him. Today, may we unite with the heavenly family to pray. Pray, on behalf of those in the world who do not know or believe in God. Pray, on behalf of the souls in purgatory. Let us thank, praise, glorify, and honor God for coming into the world to save us. We pray for God to have mercy on the souls in purgatory and allow them to soon return to You in the eternal kingdom. He is the Lord of the Divine Mercy, the Lord of love and grace who specially granted us; now we unite to thank Him.
We reverently offer the First Kowtow to God the Father.
O God the Father, please accept this little offering from our souls, by the heart, body, and mind, with everything from our weak, imperfect, sinful, and fragile human condition, prone to fall into the situation of society.
Father, I thank You. Because You so loved the world, You sacrificed Your only Son for Him to come into the world as a human being. He brings us joy, rejoicing, and happiness. He lets us know the profound love of a merciful God who loves all generations so that sinners like us have the chance to survive and return to You, to be forgiven and loved by You, and to become witnesses to the truth that You granted for the generation of man today. With this sentiment, there are no other words to express our gratitude to You. We thank You, praise You, glorify You, and honor You. Father, please accept the simple and ordinary offering from our hearts. You said, “I do not want offerings and all things of the world; I only want the offering of the heart and soul.”
Today, with a broken heart, a heart that endures so much in the world, with fragility and weakness, a mind that lives in reality too much, we have neglected and forgotten the profound love of the Lord God, but You still wait patiently for us through generations. Today, You give us the grace to feel, though near the end of a lifetime, and recognize the blessing through the Divine Mercy as You bestow Your only Son to us. He came to teach us, to open the path for us, and He brought the light to our hearts and minds through the truth.
Father, where can we have, and where do we humans rely on to find the only love the Lord God has for humanity? You alone are the only One, the unique One, the Lord of light, and the Lord who created all things. Father, let us learn to accept the human condition and always remember that this condition, this human form, and everything we have belongs to You. May we live and realize what belongs to us in the truth, the truth that You granted Your only-begotten Son to come to us. Although the years are late for us, it is still a beginner with the love and the Divine Mercy as the Savior officially came into the world. Although it has been over 2,000 years, today, our spirit and faith finally awaken. Although it is late, You are still the Lord of love, who helps, saves, and forgives for us to recognize You.
Father, please sanctify us to forever belong to You, to love, honor, obey, and carry out Your teaching. Let us listen to the words of Jesus through His great work of salvation so that today we have the true light of the Good News, with joy, happiness, and rejoicing. Father, please accept our prayers and forgive our world. Father, please help many people to know and return to You, surrender and prostrate with their souls and hearts, and apologize for the shortcomings and weaknesses in life. May we deserve to call You Abba, the Lord of the Divine Mercy, the Lord of grace, the Lord of life, and the only hope. We have no other choice. Only when we return to You can we have peace, happiness, serenity, and meaning. May we belong to You. Totus Tuus.
We reverently offer the Second Kowtow to Jesus.
O Jesus, I reverently salute the Infant Jesus. Today is a joyful day after days of anticipation because we were interrupted, banned, and restricted, due to the pandemic. Today and this year, we have a beautiful sunny sky with the warmth of God’s love and compensation after the days we face miseries and hardships. As the Gospel mentioned, the Lord came, delivered the souls still in the darkness, and brought the light of the Good News and joy to humanity. God grants us eternal hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, who became a human infant. He came into the world and took on human nature like us, but You are different from us, with Your heart and as the Lord. You are the Lord, and grant us all that we need to know from You, from a world that You prepare for us to come to, and from an eternal place where You always look at us. How unfortunate that throughout generations, we still live with immature faith, the callousness of a sinful life, and all the problems that dominate our lives in this world.
O God, Lord of love, no matter how many generations have passed, You still grant us a deep love, the eternal immutable truth, which is the love, the light, and the truth that You want each of us to receive. Because You bring us light, You bring us joy, and You give peace to the world. We are the people respected and loved by You, and You want our hearts to belong to You. A heart with maturity, a heart with faith, a compassionate heart, then we see and understand the meaning of the Lord God who came into the world, took on human nature, loving us, teaching us, living for us, and dying for us, so that today, history does not fade even for generations over 2,000 years.
This day recalls the coming of the Second Person of God, our Savior, over 2,000 years ago. He came quietly, silently. He came and chose everything that was most unpleasant, most humble, and dwelled in the manger, like the history from before man left the Garden of Eden, to remind man of what He completely changed when He came. He accepted to be born in a cave, which was the place where our first parents lived when they left the Garden of Eden. Today, the Lord came into the world and was born in a cave. He is the Lord, but He is no different from man and had to endure everything because He wanted to renew everything for man. He redeemed everything right from the beginning, starting with the original sin.
Thus, there is a renewal program that we must meditate on to understand that boundless and unconditional love. He is the Savior who grants all generations the opportunity today to proclaim and receive His doctrine. He taught us His way of preaching when He was on earth, with thirty years in seclusion, and three years later, He began to choose His disciples. His work of redemption has become a profound history recorded in the history of humanity because He came to save all of humanity, to save sinners like us. He came to bring us out of the darkness.
O Lord, God of love, only You bring us happiness, peace, serenity, and hope. May we meditate on these words and not err. Whether we are successful or have money or fame, we must have peace of mind. Real peace can only come from God. Peace was when the Lord Jesus came and brought peace to humanity for us to remember that the word peace is simple. Each of us, from soul to body, needs peace. Only with peace can we be calm, and only when we are calm can we recognize, and only when we recognize that we can practice. Right or wrong, true or false, good or evil, it is in peace that we can distinguish clearly, so that life is not entangled with sin, to recognize our God and return to the source of love that the Second Person of God gives to humanity. Let us not continue to fight each other because of position, personal wealth, self-interest, or all the things of the world, which are fleeting.
In the days of living on earth, people need to hoard to keep, but in the end, what can we bring when we die? Today, Jesus came to bring life, so let us also look back at the life in which God gave us peace and joy. May we always have a spiritual life, an inner life, to thank God so that someday when we leave this world, we can still meet the Lord Jesus? In history, He came to take on human nature in the form of a baby, and He did great and sublime deeds. He saved us from the sins of darkness to return and officially enter the eternal place with Him.
O Lord Jesus, the Second Person of God, I thank You for coming as the Infant Jesus, but You are the great and mighty Lord who triumphed to bring life to humanity. We unite to thank, apologize, and lift our gratitude to the Lord God we profess. To You, we reverently offer the Second Kowtow on behalf of all people in the world, souls in purgatory and souls in the dark places, and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, who came and triumphed, to grant us life and hope, and stay with us in the world. May everyone awaken, listen, return, and be determined to improve lives to have joy and peace and find the truth.
We unite to adore, praise, glorify, and honor God. God, please accept our prayers on behalf of all classes as an offering lifted to You this Christmas of 2021. In the misery and challenge of 2020, we saw many who passed away, who no longer had the chance, but in 2021, You gave us the warmth of a Christmas season, and You granted Your love to help each person awaken and make up for the tense days. The unrighteous people in the world seek to destroy us, to force us into rational battles, looking for ways with advanced scientific technology. Today, we do not know their schemes; many still have days of dread and fear for their lives with the pandemic, but the Lord comes to bring serenity, peace, and hope. He is the Healer.
Let us learn to adore, praise, and glorify You. May Your kingdom come; may You come quickly to save our world. May we awaken and return with true repentance, bow in adoration, and prepare for the King who will come to us for the second time in history. We worship You, praise You, and glorify You. May we place our hope forever in You. May we learn to love You and do what You teach to find the truth that the world desperately needs. Only that will help us return to the Lord of love and the Infant Jesus of 2021, bringing us hope. Only You have the warm rays of sunshine, the only source of hope. Only You bring happy news, joy, and the Gospel, to the world. We adore You. May we belong to You. Totus Tuus.
We reverently offer the Third Kowtow to God the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Spirit, You are love, light, and truth. I thank You for You taught us to speak to the Father, speak to Jesus, and believe in the Savior. Today and more than 2,000 years ago, it began from the light of love, the hope people need in the world, and peace and well-being for all. Whether people know it or not, they will never deny and erase this great day in the world. No matter how many unbelieving and hardened hearts are in the world today, people cannot deny that the Lord God has come to earth and brought love to humanity.
God lets us live in the Spirit of love to learn what is in life, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, and what is best. Let us distinguish so that we do not get mixed up with all things of the world in the days of enjoyment, struggle, and choosing according to science and technology. If there is no authenticity in faith if we do not recognize the doctrine Jesus gave to us, if we do not recognize the truth of the truth, then we live in desolation, decay, and destroying all the best that God offers. But no matter how evil or how much we offend God, God is still the Lord who gives us a way to choose for ourselves. God always gives us life and hope, but it is up to us to decide sooner or later, recognize or not, choose right or wrong, for us to return to Him.
It is not natural for us to have everything in this world but only from the loving hand of God, the spiritual Supreme Being who is present in faith, for us to recognize His teaching, the words we say, the works we do, and our choice between true and false, right and wrong. Let us always distinguish whether we nourish iniquity, foster sin, or sin without knowing. The Holy Spirit lifts the veil to help us see what we need to do to avoid sin, lessen evil, and resolve not to sin. These are ordinary words but applicable and essential to each of us, so regardless of who we are, let us learn from Jesus. He humbly came into the world to bring people close to Him and be saved by His doctrine. Today, the Holy Spirit teaches us to understand because with the years throughout history, with the determination and the life of freedom of each, who can understand these ordinary but practical things to help us rise, step out of habits, ego, and personality, to return to justice, righteousness, and truth?
Joy and rejoicing are from God, who grants, but the ultimate decision comes from us. Each person has the right to choose: to choose joy, truth, justice, and righteousness, or to follow everything in life with the habits of reality and the advanced science and technology of the times. If we do, we have buried our temporal lives, but our souls are eternal. May the Holy Spirit enlighten our world through the recent trials, the terrible pandemic that threatens the world, and the days when we are so afflicted, fearful, and anxious. Today, let us cherish what God gives and return to Him while time permits.
O Holy Spirit, open the soul, heart, and mind of people who, for so long, have been stubborn, obstinate, and hardened so that their hearts may soften, recognize love, understand solidarity, seek peace, and recognize their Lord. Everyone must return to the truth of the source of love that God granted; He created us, allowing us to learn, understand, and choose what is good. As God taught us, may we also be careful in our lives? The forbidden fruit that caused our first parents to fall is always there, but we have the right to decide whether to eat it. That forbidden fruit still exists in every age, but God grants us other things to replace the forbidden fruit for us to live in peace and happiness and continue to receive His blessing.
God, please help us recognize what we have experienced all our lives but have buried all that is good. God, please allow us to learn from Your love, sacrifice, and teaching, to wisely decide to belong to You through the graces You grant and a life of practice to bear witness to the truth and be productive in our lives. May we be worthy of what God bestowed and gave to us, selecting us to become the witnesses to the Good News. God, please help us repent daily, amend daily, to be worthy of the role with the ability You quietly grant for us to continue to lift to You and to the Infant Jesus during the Christmas Season of 2021 to go on with the upcoming days. No matter what happens, please protect and enlighten us to return to You. May the world also return to You. Only You are joy, hope, and true love. You alone are the meaning of our human lives.
I thank the Holy Spirit. He grants and gives us all that is the best. May everyone know and return to God for us to live worthy of the days He shows mercy, grants, and allows us to continue to be witnesses. May we also learn to love and forgive so that every day is under His guidance and reminds us that when we face trials or events, let us recognize that with each event that comes, we have more experience. Every time we are close to God, we ask Him to guide us to see what He wants for us to be worthy of everything He gives and live with the meaning of each age He gives us. Through hardships and sufferings, we learn a lot about maturity, and faith further deepens so that we may love God more.
We adore and profess God, the only Supreme Being: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Let us revere, honor, thank, appreciate, and repent, to be worthy of what God grants and gives. Holy Spirit, please enlighten and help us, especially when we are still living on this earth, still breathing, to spend time with God. Let us rejoice on Christmas day of 2021 to thank Him on behalf of our brothers and sisters, all classes, and the deceased souls who long to come to God but no longer have the opportunity. May we cherish what we have to live fully with the love God granted for us to represent all classes and roles, those who do not understand and do not know, to spend time for the Lord God. He always teaches the best that people need to know to return to Him worthily when we are those selected to testify to the truth by a prayer life.
We thank You, Holy Spirit. For so long, You granted us everything and taught us. You give us more understanding to no longer live like we used to and not live like those brothers and sisters whom the evil spirits caused to be restless and lose their reason and wisdom, to go astray with no way back. But for the love of God, may they boldly repent for them to belong to God. Whatever the situation we face, we know that when we walk with God, trained by God, we must forgive ourselves and others. May we soar gently to live in the Spirit for the Spirit to help us persevere and achieve more significant works to honor and glorify God. Do not let our hearts be troubled by all things of the world. We have encountered difficulties, but if we do not get up, then we do not understand the height, depth, the breadth that the Holy Spirit gives us to mature and live in the Spirit of God to ask for His guidance.
Life having God is a charitable life with great things to help our souls return to Him. Let us lift our hearts and spirits to live each day’s meaning through the Holy Spirit’s teaching. We thank, praise, and glorify God. We experience difficulty, challenge, and failure, but failure helps us recognize God’s support, closeness, and love. The Holy Spirit helps us through those experiences to be on this path, to avoid being misled and deceived, and for others to not misunderstand us. Let us live with the heart, sacrifice, acceptance, and deed, which is the answer when we want to become righteous. We are aware that God always defends the righteous.
O Holy Spirit, I thank You, praise, glorify, and honor You. I know what God grants and gives us in this world, but we face many restrictions. We do not grieve because of that, but we thank God because He allows us to rejoice with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Today, with the heavenly court, we sing joyfully and gratefully for the Christmas God gave us after the days of tension, fear, and restriction. May I belong to the Holy Spirit. Totus Tuus.
We reverently offer the Fourth Kowtow to the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the Infant Jesus in the manger. You were with us for over thirty-three years; You died on the Cross, and You have risen; You granted us Your presence as the Eucharistic Jesus. Today, we are contemplating, experiencing, and witnessing the Eucharistic Jesus present amid the world, still close to us. You were born over 2,000 years ago, and after 2,000 years, this event is alive in the faith of humanity as we celebrate Your birth in 2021. We adore, thank, and love You. We have prepared in the last few days to celebrate Christmas and live in rejoicing, happiness, joy, thanksgiving, and gratitude. The church is about to close, so may I briefly lift our thanks and will spend more time praying on Christmas Day. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Totus Tuus.
We reverently offer the Fifth Kowtow to Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ.
O Five Holy Marks of Love; the Five Holy Marks of Divine Mercy; the Five Holy Marks of Grace; the Five Holy Marks of Hope, and the Five Holy Marks that give us days of opportunity to praise, glorify, and honor, on behalf of all classes and roles, whether they know it or not. People live strictly according to the law, not seeing the best that people need to see, which is a huge mistake; the world of humanity is very selfish and limited in understanding. I pray for Jesus to enlighten the hearts of each person for us to worship (run to) God the Father – the First Holy Mark – to accept His infinite Divine Mercy and welcome the Savior who came to us in the form of the Infant Jesus, the Savior of humanity. May He teach us to be more understanding to see the best He grants to each of us. May we recognize that faith needs respect to love when we see the reverence and respect of others.
Unfortunately for the world today, everyone, even the clergy, follows a principle, and because of that principle, we fail to understand, know, see, and learn the things that need respect. Today, we lift to the Infant Jesus and pray for Him – the Second Holy Mark – to sanctify and transform us and grant the world more understanding. Those of us who have a position or our fellowmen must not only serve but must see the best God wants in humanity. We ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten our world through the Third Holy Mark we lift. Holy Spirit, please grant us the hearts, eyes, and faith to recognize, respect, and revere the beautiful things You give. May we unite with each other through prayers in our daily lives to offer to God, for Him to accept, sanctify, and transform, and for the world to recognize the truth in the life that God granted to us.
We reverently lift the Fourth Holy Mark, the Eucharistic Jesus, the Infant Jesus. You grant us the opportunity to stay here after the church closes when people return home to enjoy their celebration. After a day of rejoicing, people forget the Infant Jesus, forget His Birth. He is waiting to hear what we say to Him and for us to listen to what He wants to say. It is a most unfortunate habit because people seem to ignore the depth of an inner life that they need. Today, even if we want to, our desire is limited because everything is under human law. I lift to God thanksgiving and gratitude, and we wish we could pray before the Blessed Sacrament, which is more pleasant for us to lift to God. Now, we offer the Fifth Holy Mark to thank Mother for bringing Jesus to us, giving us a memorable celebration for the rest of our lives, saving us, and bringing God into the world for us to have the Savior.
Today, no matter the situation, we are not afraid; we have hope in God and always have Mother’s intervention. We always have Mother with us for us to live every day in the love of the Divine Mercy that God granted us, and Mother is the person who helps us. We thank God and Mother for loving and reminding us to belong to God and Mother through the memorable and venerable Fifth Holy Mark. Mother silently leads us to encounter God, and we pray to belong to God. We lift to God the difficulties, but we know that we have Mother, and with Mother with us, this life will become meaningful. We must experience trials to let the voice of truth prove what God gave and granted to us to be witnesses to the Good News and testify to today’s reality, for the inner life to be consecrated, with Mother’s intercession, to offer it to Almighty God. God, have mercy on us, forgive and sanctify us, and let us know how to love Him, respect Him, and practice in life through His teaching by our inner.
We thank and praise God and Mother for teaching and showing us that we still have the seal of forgiveness in the Five Holy Marks; to remember that and never lose the last hope, even with our last breath. Let us return, come to God, trust God, apologize to God, and ask Mother for help; we will be saved and forgiven. God is full of love with Divine Mercy; He came into the world to remind us that no matter how many events and surprises, with faith, we never lose the opportunity, but we need to get up and think carefully. Let us seek to come to the Lord and never forget that He alone gives us peace, harmony, life, faith, and hope; to choose what is ours, given to us by the Lord with His incarnation, through His death and Resurrection, with the sole hope in Him. We adore, honor, and thank God.
Mother, please continue to teach us to be resolute on the path of belonging to God and bear witness to the truth. May we belong to the Five Holy Marks in a spirit of gratitude and repentance to replace all classes and roles. Especially on Christmas Day, we unite and pray with the prisoners, the dying, those affected by the pandemic, and the places of poverty, suffering, and without opportunity. We lift them to the Infant Jesus and ask for His mercy to give us the occasion to pray on behalf of our fellow brothers everywhere and especially for souls in purgatory, where the children of God must answer to His justice before returning to Him. May we, on everyone’s behalf, celebrate the Birth of Christ, the day God came to change the world, to bring the light of the Good News, hope, happiness, and peace to the world. We adore and honor God. May we belong to the Five Holy Marks. Totus Tuus.
We reverently offer the Sixth Kowtow to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for Her triumph.
With the Sixth Kowtow, we reverently lift to God the Father and ask for His forgiveness. Father, first of all, I thank You. You saw our hearts rejoice with the birth of Jesus. We are not hurt by how the world sees us; the importance is how You see us. We are not concerned about how others look at us because this has been like that ever since. We only know one thing: we have met You in this place, which is a place with miracles; we cannot leave this place. You said once: “One day, the world will come to this chapel and know all about the miraculous deeds here.”
I remembered what God said from the beginning, and we persevere to this day. I say to God: we are people who also have self-esteem, still in the flesh, so how can we avoid pride, anger, and irritation? Some people slander us and those who do not know what we do. There are people to whom we silently give the books of the Six Kowtows, who do not even look at them and do not even seek to learn anything from those books. People prefer to live according to rules and regulations; as for what God grants, they do not pay attention. They do not even care when other people accept on their behalf to present everything that we do for them to see and understand what God is doing. It is a situation with our parish alone, but other people suffer because of the same problem regarding the clergy and our Church today.
Today, we hear the Pope is sorrowful and suffering because He meets with cardinals, bishops, and priests to discuss things for the Church, but they do not cooperate; they follow their old ways and interests; they quarrel and end up getting nowhere. Then Pope Francis gave a meaningful sermon to remind those whose hearts are not humble like Jesus, who humbly came into the world. The Pope reminded those who do not recognize their insignificance, to pray and recognize that what they are doing is a habit that forces them into a framework with indifferent and hardened hearts, unable to love the poor, and living in a very authoritarian way.
Those are the rules of man. Today, God invites people to live in humility because He is an example of humility for humanity. At the same time, we must also look back at the old habits that led us into iniquity, and we do not see it to step out and return to Him. We deliberately maintain sin, nourish it, live in it, and cover it up, which is unfortunate. Who are those people? The Pope said it is sad and painful for those who are the ones God chooses because they are shepherds to proclaim the Good News and live with the righteousness God granted them through their roles and ministries. What the Pope said is not meant for all in the ranks of the Church, but we understand it may refer to the Church of Germany with reform meetings that are not accepted. The Church of Germany follows a law to gratify, and accept homosexuality, assisted suicide, things of this world, and many things that are contrary to God’s law.
The Pope is very sorrowful, but he does not show grief because of that sorrow. He always lives with a simple mind and a gentle heart; he is very calm and always has a happy face. When he preaches, he explains everything, and when facing trial or unpleasantness, he does not show a sad and sorrowful face but teaches us to have joy and be grateful because God knows and sees everything. Pope Francis gives meaningful sermons to invite and remind his brothers in the Church and remind us. In this age, no matter who we are, as God’s chosen people, we are the first people who must perform, must kneel, our hearts must be humble, to live a life serving God in the true meaning of a service in charity and love, which is God’s law.
We do not know if people listen to that sermon, but at least we feel it was God reminding us to be on our knees. When we kneel before God, in our hearts, we recognize our insignificant and unworthy condition, and we know we must always be taught by God and listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching like we do today. Whichever problem we face, we cannot solve it by ourselves but need to lift it to God with a humble heart. Whether frustrations or words we cannot disclose to others, we need to say everything to God. It is our inner honesty to lift to God. There is nothing to which God does not answer and intervene. It is of great importance for us and for those who heard the Pope’s recent sermon.
This Christmas, we remember all the events that never happened before and caused the entire world to fear: the Coronavirus pandemic, the Covid variants Delta and Omicron, and soon, another terrible variant for the world. May God have mercy on us, for everyone to open their eyes and hearts. Our lives are under the control of a government that relies on the scientific technology of a radical age. We see the cooperation of leaders of the national ranks and those in the Church. We see the social support and hear some people defend a cardinal on the issue of gender identity, accepting and defending their cause. The Pope and many people are meeting to work on the renewal of the pastoral and service life in a new program guided by the Holy Spirit, but the majority do not accept and reject it. I see that in this day and age, people, especially those in the ranks of the Church whom God teaches and chooses, but do not cooperate with, then how can they lead the flock on the right path?
We heard that in one country, a person only thirty-six years old became president. He was elected by those who are advocates of democracy, want to eliminate Catholicism, seeks to destroy Catholicism and prove Catholicism will not stand, and want a change. It is a design from the devil we see in some nations, our Church, and everywhere. Today, God lets us know the hour of purification is near. We thank God for allowing us to celebrate such a warm Christmas that we never had before and a memorable Christmas to us. Is this the last Christmas? We do not know, but we know the situation is tense worldwide. We also heard from God that in 2022, unexpected changes might happen. It might be a terrible year.
Daily, we prostrate to offer the Kowtows to God; we lift the words taught by the Holy Spirit to God, and we have the opportunity to lift everything to Mother because Mother sees and understands. The more we are tense, stubborn, and obstinate, the more Mother sheds tears, even tears of blood. Mother is the person who replaces the world; She does not want to see Her children end up in hell, children who live in foolishness and arrogance, offending God. Everything we have of this day, Mother has taught and bestowed, but She does not order us like kings or men of authority in the ranks of leaders. Mother always prays to ask God to give us wisdom and insight, to be guided by the Holy Spirit to choose our path.
Mother Mary, with this Sixth Kowtow, I thank God the Father for choosing You as our Mother for You to teach us. We hear about the absolute humility in Your life. Jesus in Your womb also came into the world by practice of humility. He came into the world unwelcome by the people of Bethlehem. He was born not in a magnificent palace but in a cave and placed in a manger. It was absolute humility. In Mother’s womb, He was the Lord, yet was humble, so why do we not learn humility from Him? Why do we not practice this absolute humility to be saved, to live and learn from Jesus? He is the Savior; if we do not learn from Him, how can we receive the salvation He grants?
Today, He gives all His love to us. Mother Mary fulfilled Her duty, and She saw that in the end, not many people would be able to make it into the new world. Mother cried, crying, and shed tears of blood. Today, Mother teaches people the easiest thing to do: to pray and prostrate to God on our knees. We lift to God with our knees bent and our heads touching the ground; in prostration, we offer everything in our lives and ask God to forgive. In a spirit of repentance, we ask God to sanctify, transform us, and rule over us. Let us practice through Mother Mary’s example. Her teaching is an example of prayer and humility. With the humility from Jesus, His teaching in the truth, the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, and the love through God the Father’s infinite Divine Mercy, may we recognize the covenant of the Five Holy Marks in a spirit of repentance.
It is because of our sins that Jesus suffered. Today, Mother is the person who replaces the world, sees the truth, witnesses to the truth, lives in the doctrine, and receives God’s grace through the Savior. She brought Jesus to save us. Now, how do we treat Her Son? How do we understand the immense grace that still awaits us? Today, Jesus waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament, but people remain indifferent and refuse to believe. We heard there was a recent meeting in Rome to raise the issue over the Eucharistic Jesus. It is a controversial issue in the Church, so let us pray because God knows and wants us, the laity, to spread the word about the Eucharistic Jesus everywhere and allow the Holy Spirit to work over us.
We are responsible for spreading the word about the Lord’s Eucharist. Today, we know it is a heavy responsibility, and the devil knows and wants to see this program destroyed through one of the sisters who left the group. Even if the world tries to hinder the work of God, the Holy Spirit will grant us; He will triumph. God told us to keep trying to spread this; He will win. Let us collaborate and let the Holy Spirit work. By our side, we have Mother Mary, so this is a great treasure to save humanity. In the end, Jesus will triumph and bring us back with Him. We thank You, Mother; the Six Kowtows belong to You, and You taught us. Ten years have passed, and though there was stress, many rejections, and public opinions, we continue to be blessed by the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. We meet Him and see the rays of light from the angels and saints who visit and strengthen us in this great work.
Mother Mary, we thank You. We apologize to You because the gift is too great for us, so we have not recognized its value and do not know how to appreciate it. Today, please help us see this significant value. We offer the Sixth Kowtow to Your Immaculate Heart. Let us focus on this hour of prayer and pray on behalf of the world and all classes. We lift to You by our soul and heart, as taught by the Holy Spirit, for us to be an offering in the Christmas of 2021. As for the next issue, I also lift it to You. Mother, I entrust the world and the Church to You, all my brothers and sisters in the group, their families, their loved ones, and everyone in Saint Theresa Church. Since the miracle of the Blessed Sacrament at this church, I lift everything to You. Mother, please continue to teach us for everyone to know, hear, and return to God while time permits.
We do not know what will happen next year, but Mother will let us know when we pray. Every time we offer the Six Kowtows, the Holy Spirit teaches us and tells us what to expect. Let us unite to go deeper into the Six Kowtows and pray fervently for the Holy Spirit to guide and enlighten. Let us take responsibility. This gift must be brought to many people for them to know and practice; we entrust the rest to the Holy Spirit because He is the Healer. He is the Supreme Being who renews the world, the face of the earth, and the hearts of men; He grants to those who yearn because they will be sanctified and transformed.
We thank You, Mother. You are the Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Savior, Mother of all humanity, Mother of every sinner, every saint, every prisoner, every witness, of every soul in purgatory, and of every patient. Today, we offer and lift to You; please accept the Sixth Kowtow as an offering to You in a spirit of repentance and gratitude, on behalf of all classes and roles, especially on Christmas Day. Many years have passed in this century that we do not understand and do not know, but the Holy Spirit teaches us then we are not wrong to reverently offer to You.
Mother, in everything You do, no one can remember and know what we need, but today, we have the gift that You taught us. We lift to You the Sixth Kowtow and ask God the Father’s permission. You are the person who is sixth in line to conclude the final battle between good and evil, and You are the person who teaches us to prepare for this final battle. Jesus will return a second time, and You will crush the head of the serpent before He appears. Today, we unite to pray for everyone to repent, reflect and meditate, and return to the Lord of love and Divine Mercy. Let it be at the right time that Mother taught to help us, for faith to be stronger, for us to be more courageous to testify to the truth that no one can prevent. As long as people repent and every knee kneel, as the Pope reminded us; so no matter what rank or position, kneel with a simple and humble heart. Let us listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching because the Spirit is at work to help us in the ending with the return God allows through the Six Kowtows that Mother Mary gave to the world.
May we unite daily to thank, praise, and glorify God. Now, on behalf of the brothers and sisters in the group, we thank You, Mother. We rejoice to continue with what we do to offer to You. Mother, please accept our thanksgiving, gratitude, and apology. May we rejoice with the heavenly court and the Holy Family: Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, and Jesus. We love, revere, and adore the Infant Jesus. Please accept the words we offer to You on behalf of all classes, roles, and sinners. We are also among the sinners; may God have mercy, forgive, and sanctify us to have peace. May the world have peace and moments of calmness to make good choices. Let it not be too late. We ask in the name of God, the Lord of love, now and forever. May we belong to Mother. Totus Tuus.
Mother Mary, we thank You for bringing us to Saint Joseph. He was a very gentle person, and he always prayed silently. God the Father chose him to be Your companion to have a Holy Family. He was responsible for his family and cared for Jesus when He was born. In his days on earth, Saint Joseph was responsible for his family. He was a man who quietly lived a life that belonged to God, obeyed, and performed his duties as the head of the family, which is an example for all families in today’s world. Saint Joseph is an example of purity for religious people, a righteous life for all parents, and a life of obedience to God with a life that we have. That is faith.
So all the good examples came from him. Saint Joseph, please intercede for God to have mercy on the world, and through your intercession, may God grant the graces that our world needs. We also ask Mother to lead us to the three archangels, to ask them to protect and dispel the traps with the chains that the devil has bound the world because we cannot step out of the traps by ourselves. We are hardened in faith and live in ways that offend God. It is a world turned upside down and is usurping God’s authority right now to dominate human life by all means with science and technology. We must ask the three archangels who hold the balance of justice to remove all snares of the devil in the ingenuity of an age that forgets the precepts of God.
We also pray to the twelve archangels protecting the earth to purify the air because the devil is making the air we breathe unclean and dirty, causing disease and many other things; he is destroying the world. We pray to the twelve archangels commanded by God to guard the earth, to help dispel the snares and the filthy air caused by the devil. He has misled us into believing in wrongs because of their practical prevalence and many subtle ways. Because we are too immature, we are persuaded and unable to see the truth. To this day, we are still controlled by money, fame, by the devil that uses all kinds of ways to harm us. He hates us and wants us dead and separated from God, but God loves us boundlessly; He came to earth to die for us and save us.
Today, we ask the archangels to help us; we cannot resist the devil; he is subtle and skillful because he used to live in heaven but was banished. Today, he seeks ways to destroy us, but God loves us, and through Jesus Christ’s victory, I ask God to allow us to ask Mother Mary to lead us home to the heavenly family. Heaven is still with us through a very close relationship, but we must know how to ask God and pray for the archangels to work in a life where we need them to dispel the devil’s snares. He is subtle and skillful; he lured us into an age with terrible allurements that fascinated us and caused us to fall into horrible traps to end up with abortions. People accept abortion, homosexuality, and assisted suicide; these become laws formally adopted by the government, but they are against our conscience. God’s law does not allow these laws because they are contrary to His in this day and age.
We pray to the guardian angels, the angels, and the saints who lived with faith and chose God. They lived a perfect life and went to heaven. They have conquered this world and returned to God. We pray for them to lead us on the path of righteousness and help us live a life to show faith that belongs to God. May we have the courage to accept what may come from the world, whether people know it or not, but the path to follow God is a path of enduring suffering and bearing our crosses. Jesus carried His Cross to save us, so on the road to heaven, we must accept our crosses, but let us not be afraid because we bear the cross with God and Mother.
God was alone and quietly came into the world, known only to some shepherds. He died silently on the Cross with only His Mother and some disciples. Today, our world continues to neglect Him, leave Him, and refuse to honor Him with reverence and respect through the Eucharistic Jesus. The life of the Lord, the Savior, has always been lonely and quiet. Today, in that silence and loneliness, He is choosing some people. Whether ordinary or lowly people, they are obedient and listen, and that silence becomes a hidden victory. Mother Mary leads the world to surrender to God in the prostration, adoring, confessing, and asking Him for help and intervention. Because of what we do, God grants us privileges and sends archangels, angels, and saints from heaven to the world. When the battle begins, they will be those who battle for us. We are people who witness this truth.
These are events that will come and are coming. May we unite to thank God’s love, for His love is everlasting. Whether we are unworthy, imperfect, or hardened faith, He is still the Lord who created us and looked for ways to give us the opportunity. For souls that live too long in the darkness and have no way out, God opens the light of Divine Mercy, allowing them to enter purgatory. After the days of being purified in purgatory, souls will officially return to God. Everything in this world is coming to an end. God opens the door for us to return to Him, but He requires us to repent. Repentance is essential for humanity and is not too difficult but not that easy. Let us listen and accept the gift of the Six Kowtows. Let us offer the Six Kowtows that will help us return to God, both body and soul, mind and heart. The offering of the Six Kowtows is the offering God is waiting from each person, each penitent, and each witness, to do and practice, guided by the Holy Spirit to return to God according to His holy will.
The door to heaven has opened but are we worthy to enter it, and how is our life, choosing God or choosing the things of the world when we are being attacked and lured by money, fame, personal preferences of lust, greed, and one’s will? May we cherish this day as the last day of our lives, to do all that is best for God, the loving Supreme Being, who came into the world, especially in 2021, a year of tension with the pandemics. May all of us, brothers and sisters, have the same vision and common sense to place God above everything. May God plan and arrange for our brothers and sisters to proclaim the gift of the Six Kowtows and practice them. We pray for the Six Kowtows to be spread all over regions and nations and even in the Church. May each person learn how to pray, prostrate, worship, kneel, and understand our weak and sinful condition.
We must humbly return to God to be forgiven and become the new people that God loves and offers us His intervention at the end of history. May we survive to come to a new world, or if we leave this world, to return to God, in the days of blessing and grace, in the days of events, in the days of unexpected suffering with everything ending between good and evil. Now, we thank, praise, and glorify God. The day we lift to God is December 25, 2021, at Saint Theresa Church, in front of the sanctuary, the altar, the Cross, the icon of the Divine Mercy, the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, and the Nativity scene as we lift to the Infant Jesus.
We thank God for the years; ten years passed, and the eleventh year as well. We do not automatically know all this to practice, but it is from the Holy Spirit’s guidance and Mother Mary’s arrangement and support. Moreover, the Lord’s Eucharist visits us and strengthens us to see the truth to practice and do things spiritually that God revealed by His light through the Eucharist. He is the Lord who is very close to us and dwells with us; He is full of power with miracles. He alone allows us to see and contemplate this. Thus, we testify to the truth and walk in the truth through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Mother’s arrangement. Everything is in God’s holy will.
May everyone seek to understand carefully. Do not allow ourselves to be irresponsible. Do not be arrogant, and do not focus on trivial things in the life of the ministry to overlook a great miracle. People need to dig deep and practice while God still allows time for the practice over ordinary people. It is a movement to help people look back at themselves through a return by the heart, with surrender and repentance, to return to God worthily. He has given us His Divine Mercy through generations. He loves us and gives us all the conditions to return to Him, but He is very just. May everyone not be too late and too tardy while time still permits. May God bless us; may the Infant Jesus be with us and go with us wherever we go.
With God, we are no longer afraid; please guide and help us to live according to Your holy will and bear witness to You. Today, the Infant Jesus is the same Jesus on the Cross; Jesus is living in the world through Mass, and Jesus in the tabernacle is also the Infant Jesus whom we remember today for over 2,000 years. Never forget that Jesus rose from the dead, resurrected in glory, giving life to people, granting us faith and the truth. He loves us, waits for us, lives with us, and grants us an encounter through the Blessed Sacrament. All these things are reminded very clearly and entered into history, but it is not automatically that man can understand this without the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. May everyone has ears to listen, eyes to see, and hearts to feel for us to know what is true and false and choose to practice.
Do not let it be too late because people repent only with the lips, not with the heart. How can they meet God and find the truth? Let the soul and mind merge to recognize one’s condition then the Holy Spirit will work. We will not be mistaken, and our lives in silence will be full of meaning. Though our lives are challenging, challenges are part of the history of the world. God granted us and those who are the elect to make sacrifices so that everyone may know the things He bestows. Like the sacrifices of the holy Apostles of old who witnessed everything that Jesus did and testified for Him. We knew they dealt with tragic situations, and no one avoided being beaten, imprisoned, or killed. That history remains to this day.
May we learn from the experience of the holy Apostles. They were killed by wicked people, scribes and Pharisees, those who did not unite, and those in power and position. Today, we face a similar situation, but let us not be discouraged because the path the holy Apostles took was one of joy and happiness. No matter what circumstances, let us bear witness to God in this life, bring the Six Kowtows from Mother Mary to teach all our fellowmen to practice. Those who accept to practice the Six Kowtows will receive the Holy Spirit’s teaching; they will understand what they have. They will receive salvation and forgiveness when they repent and return using the method Mother taught through the prayer with the Six Kowtows.
Today, let us share what we have with our brothers. As God said in the Gospel: “Freely you receive, freely give.” Today, we thank God and lift to the Infant Jesus what we have, with spirituality, soul, and body, and what we can do. God, please plan and arrange for us; may we love You, testify for You, and witness to the truth when You appear and visit us with Your Eucharist. We unite to thank, praise and glorify God on behalf of our brothers and sisters in the group on Christmas. We conclude now because the church is also about to close, and the hour of Divine Mercy has passed. It is 3:35, Saturday, December 25, 2021, at Saint Theresa Church, in front of the sanctuary. We reverently say goodbye to the Infant Jesus, and I end here to return to my family on this holiday.
We rejoice and thank God, praise God. May God bless the brothers and sisters. Tomorrow, we will bring the Six Kowtows books to some places and parishes as a gift that the Infant Jesus offers during the Christmas Season of 2021. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Infant Jesus, we reverently lift to the Father, to the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to the Eucharistic Jesus, to the Lord’s Five Holy Marks, to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary, and the Infant Jesus with the Holy Family and the entire heavenly court.
Saint Joseph, the three archangels, and the heavenly court, we pray to ask you to intercede with God for us. We unite with you, and may the souls for whom I pray, thank, honor, and lift to the Infant Jesus. May God continue to allow the world, the people who still do not know to know, who still do not believe to believe, and the souls that are in the dark to receive His Divine Mercy in the time He permits through the graces and blessings in the ending of history. I thank God. May everyone in the world repent and return to You while time still allows. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Message of September 15, 2021
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Meditation of the Seven Sorrows of
the Blessed Virgin Mary
This is a message inspired by God the Holy Spirit.
O God, it is 3:37 p.m., Wednesday. We are in Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Today, the Church reminds us to attend Mass to commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. After the Divine Mercy Hour, this is the first time we meditate on the Seven Sorrows of Blessed Mother, in front of the altar, the Cross, the tabernacle, and the icon of Our Lady of Sorrows. Everything that we have the opportunity to offer, say to God, thank God, and thank Mother, the Holy Spirit has taught us.
Before we prayed the Divine Mercy chaplet, we offered the Six Kowtows. We lifted the Fourth Kowtow in the Divine Mercy Hour. At this moment, we continue with the offering of the Rosary in honor of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We meditate today on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. This morning was also memorable; Mother guided us to come to this place and attend Mass with seven priests celebrating. The seven priests represented the seven swords that pierced Mother’s heart. They also meant the seven graces from the Holy Spirit to priests. We are reminded to pray for the priests and for the Church today, with the meditation as Mother Mary was beside God Her entire life.
Yesterday, God let us meditate on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. This year is a year with many tensions in society, many unexpected events, many deaths with the pandemic. We face war threats, days of lost morality and ethics in life. We see rebellion, riots, tensions in the Church, in society, all the problems of an economy in crisis. Everything is stagnating and entering days of negativity in the world.
The meaning of today’s feast allows us to see the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yesterday was the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. God gave us a meditation on the Passion of Jesus to experience the day the Church reminds us. Today, we commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows in connection to the salvation from Jesus. Mother was by His side on the Way of the Cross.
Mother Mary continues to give Her children favors and blessings. Mother, today we spend this moment to reflect on Your life, meditate on the work of Your Son, Jesus. The salvation He accomplished is still ongoing and still lively in our beloved Mother. She leads us back to God, guides us, helps us understand the meaning of the salvation accomplished by the Lord Jesus, Her Lord, the Lord of humanity, Her Son, which granted us the path to return to God. Through a schedule of days of earthly exile, we cannot live without the history of our beloved Mother and Her Fiat.
In the end, the world received abundant graces from God and still received through Mother’s intervention and teaching. May our faith life be more mature and be the conviction needed in today’s prayer life for us to profess God, thank Him, return to Him. We meditate on this important feast on the day the Church reminds us of the Seven Sorrows Mother endured for humanity, walking with the Lord Jesus Christ to give man hope. Jesus brought us salvation, and indirectly through Mother’s cooperation, the work of salvation was complete, for us to be saved and forgiven, through the life of sacrifice Mother granted to Her children.
Together, we begin to reverently offer the meditation in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, because of the affliction in Your compassionate heart at the prophecy of Simeon. O beloved Mother, by Your afflicted soul, obtain for me the virtue of humility and the gift of the fear of the Lord.
O, Mother Mary, today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Today, the First Reading and the Gospel are especially about You. What was Simeon’s prophecy? His prophecy was the foreshadowing of the death of Jesus when He fulfills His great work. God the Father revealed this to Simeon because Simeon longed for the coming of the Messiah. Simeon was in awe to meet and hold the Savior in his arms. Mother Mary presented Her Son in the Temple and knew God’s plan. With the prophecies Simeon affirmed, we see the beginning of Mother’s sacrifice, a young mother who just gave birth to a child less than a month old and presented Her child in the Temple. In Mother’s mind and heart, She knew Her Son would face the prophecy She heard from Simeon.
Let us meditate on Mother’s life from the moment Jesus was born. She held Him like an earthly mother hugging and adoring her child when the child is born, taking care of her child to offer to God, hoping for the child to continue to grow healthy and wise. That is our world. Mother Mary held Her Son, knew He is God, and the great mission. She also wished that everything would come to Her Son blissfully and peacefully, with serene and lovely days as the days She held Him. Everything was planned and arranged in God’s plan. In the end, Simeon’s prophecy confirmed it. From that moment on, the Cross came into Her life. She took care of God each day, each minute, each second. She loved God and did everything for God.
Does any mother not grieve knowing that Her child’s life will endure painful twists and turns for humanity? Because of all those sufferings, Mother meditated Her entire life. Her life was a quiet life of meditation, a life of prayer, a life wholly dedicated to God. Moreover, She knew this great work must go on. Every step God made, He grew up in Mother’s caring arms. There was no other Mother as perfect and loving as Mother Mary. She embraced God, loved Him, took care of Him, specially preserved Him in life in Her mission as the Mother of the Second Person of God. She became the Mother of the world after Jesus completed the work of salvation.
We saw Mother’s love in the days being the person chosen to become the Mother of the Second Person of the Trinity, the future Queen of Heaven, the Mother of humanity. We saw Mother’s life with the earthly days. The people who rose to high positions in the lives of queens or those of royal lineage, what kind of people were they in life throughout generations on earth? Our Mother is the only Queen, but in Her life, with Her Fiat to God the Father, She endured the most painful, agonizing, excruciating experiences in Her heart, which are the swords piercing Her heart.
Let us meditate on each step of Mother’s life. Every event in Her life was sorrowful, but those sorrows became history in Her life. She was the only person who welcomed and accepted everything to become perfection. Through Mother’s sufferings, the swords piercing Her heart represented the graces bestowed upon Her by God. Mother suffered from the swords piercing Her heart, which became the seven great graces the Holy Spirit granted to Her. When we speak of the depth of the graces, books have written records of them, but we do not have the opportunity to read about them. We know Mother first received the gift of the Holy Spirit when the angel Gabriel spoke to Her.
When Blessed Mother said Fiat to God’s holy will, the Holy Spirit enveloped Her, and She conceived in Her womb the Second Person of God. Every work Mother did, everything She endured, became the graces God granted to Her, and She gave them to us. Thus, Her sufferings became great graces. Today, She teaches us to help us encounter the Holy Spirit and understand how to pray, how to be God’s children, how to return to God.
Today, we have the opportunity to experience God’s plan granted to us as things foretold and bestowed as in the first period when Jesus took on human nature in Mother’s womb. Her life experienced great trials like many people in the world, for the work of salvation to be completed through God the Father’s arrangement for humanity. The redemption from Jesus included Mother’s significant contribution.
Today, we see Mother’s life. At Her Fiat, we rejoice, but Mother was troubled. She was betrothed to be married and experienced joys, sorrows, worries when She realized that Saint Joseph wanted to leave Her. Then the angel came to Saint Joseph in his sleep, he obeyed to walk in God’s plan, became a person who understood the significance of the fetus Mother was carrying – the Word Incarnate. When Saint Joseph agreed to accompany Mother on the path, it was a comeback to jubilance, and Mother officially received God’s grace on behalf of the world.
We see Mother’s life with happy and sad moments. There were matters we see, but Mother remained silent. She was always quiet and meditated on Her life in Her heart. It was that silence and contemplation that became a secret firmly preserved. When there is something to be done, Mother will do it for us. Why did the Gospel not say much about Mother? In the first books, She wanted things to be about Jesus, about the Savior, the glory of God. Mother remained silent and quiet for everyone to focus on the glory of God and the importance of salvation.
As time pass, history will not conceal the sublime and completely perfect deeds in the holy will of God the Father. If God the Father did not allow it, no one would know and dare write a book about Mother Mary’s life. If God the Father did not reveal and allow, who can write a book about Mother, known as the Mystical City of God? There are things the world has the chance to receive, and whether people believe or disbelieve, they still exist. Today, we have similar features. It is only in Mother’s time, with Mother’s permission, can we understand the meaning of what we are practicing, starting from the Persons through the kowtows that we offer during the times of tribulations and the trials that are happening.
Thus, there must be an affirmation as Mother silently helps us now as at the beginning of Her life. There are many things that Mother kept hidden in Her heart. She has the strength from the Holy Spirit’s protection. That source of fortitude will help us and is our rescue when circumstances arise. Mother is the only Mediatrix to help us encounter God and receive His intervention.
Today, we meditate together to commemorate Mother’s deeds, Her sufferings, the afflictions in Her heart to complete a mission for God’s work of salvation to be perfect. She teaches us to learn the virtue of humility, fear God, believe in God, for our life to be steadfast in the faith, entrustment, and a loyal life. We need to know the deeds God granted us with the gift of knowledge to live in His way, be worthy of the salvation that Her Son Jesus gave us over 2,000 years ago, and continue to be granted. Do we deserve to receive it? Do we deserve to keep receiving the love and intervention of the Lord Jesus, our Savior?
Jesus brings us God the Father’s infinite Divine Mercy granted to us, and Mother is the person who teaches us how to receive it worthily. To deserve it, we cannot be without the Holy Spirit. There are many divine matters that only with faith can be possible, and for us to experience, feel close, to directly have what Mother received in such an exclusive way for us. To reverently commemorate this day, let us pray seven Hail Marys to offer to the Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary’s heart that endured for humanity through each era.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, because of the anguish in Your affectionate heart during the flight into Egypt and Your sojourn there. O beloved Mother, by Your soul so troubled, obtain for me the virtue of generosity, especially toward the poor, and the gift of compassion.
O, Mother Mary, this is the second sorrow in the meditation of Your Seven Sorrows. You endured extreme suffering because Your Son was born not many days ago and still needed a quiet, warm, safe place. An infant recently born needs to be in a suitable climate, and the environment must be airy for the newborn, but what about our Mother? Who suffered like Mother? Her son was just born yet already subjected to jealousy from those who wanted to kill Him. Jesus experienced a hard life, starting from the moment of His birth. He was not offered shelter by man and had to be born in a cold manger in winter, in a manger with the smell of animal feed.
Mother gave birth to Jesus in a deserted field, with only Saint Joseph by Her side to take care of the Lord who came into the world to save humanity. Jesus was the Great Prince of Heaven, but why did God the Father not choose a magnificent castle for Him who deserved it? Why did the Father not choose for Mother, His beloved Daughter, a more fitting place, at least an ordinary refuge like many others had? God the Father did not because it all makes sense. When people become rich, they forget the poor and the little people, who are oppressed and never have an equal life. Who can see that? Who can give them justice? Who can help the world deal with this issue? Who can help with the inequality between the rich and the poor, for everyone to be equal, feel loved, and share the same benefit?
God chose the most impoverished, poor, and laborious life. Mother Mary was selected to be in God’s plan. She cooperated with God, obeyed, and followed God’s holy will in life. Her Son Jesus was with Her. Where Mother was, Her Son also was. Her Son’s mission was not ordinary; it was a plan arranged by God the Father. In the middle of the night, in the biting cold, a woman who recently gave birth had to hold Her baby and ride on a donkey for a grueling journey of several hundred miles through the desert, through cold places with blizzards. Mother held Her child with a shirt to cover Him. He lacked what the other children in the world had.
We see the life of Jesus, born only a few days and already encountered much hardship. The most grievous was that Jesus came into the world to save people, but they sought to kill Him as soon as He was born. God the Father will not allow anyone to do anything when the time is not yet right, so the Father quietly let the plan be. He sent the angel to tell Saint Joseph to take Mother Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt, a strange place, unknown, without any preparation, only with simple things like indigent families.
On the long journey to Egypt, Mother dealt with many hardships along the way, with rains, storms, winds, but in Her heart, Mother never complained. It was the time God gave Mother the power of the Mother of God to protect Her child. As the Queen of heaven, Mother had an inexplicable spiritual majesty. Mother accepted all those challenging paths. Mother only knew to find ways to hold God in Her arms to shield Him from the rain because God was not equipped and did not have any warm clothes on the flight to Egypt.
Every step of God’s path, every time we meditate, we see extreme suffering. It was a life of endurance, a hard life for Mother Mary with Jesus and Saint Joseph in the holy family. Jesus endured in life from childhood. Who can suffer as Mother did? Who can bear hardship as Mother did? Who can be as patient as Mother was, with all the good virtues practiced by this beloved Mother?
Today, God the Father does not want us to perform according to our way without the advice and teaching of Mother. If not through Her, how can we encounter the Holy Spirit in our lives? Mother is the first person to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit in Her culminated in all the graces She received from the Trinity. Everything Mother teaches us is perfection. She chose that poor life from the day Jesus was born into the world. In those days when Jesus was still an infant, He had to flee to a strange place, an unknown country, but out of obedience, let things be planned and arranged through the angels.
Mother lived in Egypt until the angel informed Her and Jesus to return to Israel. After Jesus fled to Egypt with His mother, King Herod sought to kill all boys two years old and younger in Bethlehem and its vicinity. Two thousand children lost their lives because of the jealousy of kings and those in authority who were fearful and jealous of the Supreme God they did not know or did know. In their arrogance, they sought to kill the Supreme Lord. Two thousand innocent children were killed and became little angels beside Mother Mary and God; the first two thousand little angels when Jesus fled to Egypt because those killed at such a young age became angels in heaven.
In our meditation, we understand the extreme sufferings of Mother Mary and the meaning of the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. We hear about the sorrows of Mother, but if we do not meditate, we will not understand their meaning. Today, in the world, we endure and suffer because of either those in power or even ourselves, living oblivious to what comes from holiness, from the good that God bestows, from the doctrine Jesus gave us, which is essential to faith. We face and confront everything in reality, which eventually leads us on the wrong path that is not in God’s way and leads us astray. It was living as such that we encountered miseries. Today, we face the devil’s attack, and we lost our direction from the map that Mother Mary and Jesus realized in His life.
Today, our lives are fraught with hardships and trials with the pandemic, terrible threats in the world. All these are reminders that Mother Mary brought Jesus into the world and set the path for us to take because their extreme sufferings granted us a life of peace, serenity, truth, and justice. Unfortunately, we are unaware and lack belief and choose to decide for ourselves with what is familiar to us, familiar with sin, power, greed, selfishness, jealousy, envy, hardheartedness. The end is a disaster, a defeat, painful, and tragic as in this day.
God’s plan does not stop because God came to save us and chose Mother to be a shining example for us. Through Mother, we see the work of the Holy Spirit. No matter how many things happen, Her heart remains steadfast, unwavering, enduring, accepting with obedience. Though Mother was confused and worried when holding Her newborn child in Her arms to flee on the grueling journey to Egypt, Mother welcomed all the privations encountered on Her way there.
The days we left what belonged to us in Vietnam, the land of our ancestors, we faced trial, suffering, sacrifice, and we knew many Vietnamese people died on the journey. Let us recognize that we still have an option. However, Jesus had no choice. There was only one choice for Him. He had to come into the world to save humanity and conquer the battle by suffering. Mother Mary and Jesus gave the world a shining example. We see the answer in life when we deeply reflect on the meaning of Mother’s life. Mother Mary gave us a shining example through Her gentleness, fortitude, trust, and prayer, for God’s plan to be perfectly accomplished to save us.
We cannot be without Mother in our daily life, without Her counsel granted to us in faith. Mother is not too far away. She is the person who endured everything for us to be redeemed, who taught us and longed for us to return to the place where Her Son walked with Her to accomplish the plan to save humanity. She does not want to lose anyone in life, so She grants us privileges to indirectly or directly receive God’s grace, Her teaching, and the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and closeness.
Let us learn more in our lives to be charitable and forgive each other, accept privations, with no complaint, no blame, welcome what happens in our earthy life, in the days of earthly exile. Let us have a foundation with faith, perseverance, a loyalty to belong to God. Let us live charitably toward one another; learn from God the kindness He granted us. Let us be kind to each other, generous with each other, be sympathetic toward each other, forgive each other for us to have each other walking together in God’s plan.
Only with sacrifice can we have success and learn many experiences in life. Jesus and Mother Mary lived their lives for us to have the inheritance Mother left, which is the meditation of the Second Sorrow that we offer to the Lord Almighty on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrow. Let us meditate, especially in 2021, and through the offering of the Six Kowtows that Mother taught, for us to mature more, understand more, with more depth in life with what we learn. Today, we have Mother and God, so let us not be afraid of trials.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, because of the anxieties that tried Your troubled heart at the loss of Your dear Jesus. O beloved Mother, by Your soul, filled with utter anguish, obtain for me the virtue of chastity and the gift of knowledge.
O Mother Mary, Thank You for allowing me to understand more, especially the Mystery of the Rosary. When we meditate on the mystery of the loss of Jesus in the Temple in the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady of Sorrows, then we understand Mother was like many mothers in the world. Only God and Mother know about what belongs to the mission conferred, but Mother was worried and very anxious when She lost Her child at His young age. However, Jesus was an exceptional person who, from a young age, knew what He needed to do for His Father, though not yet mature to go out in the world but matters bestowed from the beginning appeared from all the phenomena that Mother had to face in life.
When Mother lost Jesus in the Temple with the scribes, answering their questions at His young age, those scribes certainly did not recognize the source of His answers. Since He was the Son of God, He was different. Mother Mary and Saint Joseph were worried and anxious, and when She found Jesus, She was overjoyed. We see Mother’s life through many stages: the birth of Jesus, the flight to Egypt, the suffering alongside Her child, and the loss of Her child. As we see the paths of Her life, She reminds us about the lives of earthly mothers. Mother lost Jesus for three days and found Him in the Temple, which bore the meaning of the foreshadowing of the path Jesus will take. There are numbers in the events of His life that we need to understand.
Each work God did and Mother practiced had meaning in history. We need to meditate for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us to understand and know each stage of Mother’s life. Mother was so happy when She found Jesus and asked Him: “Why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for You.” Jesus answered Her: “Did you not know I had to be in My Father’s house?”
Mother kept these things to Her heart and silently meditated on His answer. Mother found Jesus and talked to Him. At His young age, Jesus knew His duty and responsibility as the Second Person of God, for Him to accomplish His Father’s holy will. Mothe meditated deeply about Jesus’ life. She was by His side and took great care of Him. Jesus listened to Her and was a good child just like the other children, and helped the family with Saint Joseph with the works in the life of carpenters.
We see the holy family’s life was the same as the other families, with everyday work. Why did God not choose a better place? We see the rich people with high positions who lived a comfortable life, but God did not choose that; He chose a simple life. We see the humility, the modesty, and the simplicity – the humility of Mother Mary, the modesty of God, and the simple life of the holy family. God chose a destitute, humble life.
Mother Mary rejoiced when She found Jesus and continued to listen to the words Jesus said to Her regarding the great mission in His life. Today, She seeks us though we do not answer Her and do not listen to Her teaching. Finally, when Mother finds us, She sheds tears because She has found us. Her tears became blood tears because we fail to obey, remain stubborn, and live according to realities. For all that Mother does, She endures once again. She suffered from the beginning when She became the Mother of the Second Person of God. All Her deeds became a shining example for the world.
After Jesus completed His mission, He ascended to heaven. Mother remained to conclude a remarkable program for humanity through the Church. Today, though Mother is officially the Queen of heaven, full of authority and power, She still seeks us. Only an insignificant number of people responded, while most people caused Mother to cry and shed tears of blood. Mother does not give up on us. Today, have we dried Her tears or does Mother still sheds tears because of our indifference? Directly, indirectly, we are using all kinds of ways to torture Her Son, offending Him, and rejecting Her message.
Presently, the matters that officially happen are recent. We receive visits and reminders from Mother. Over centuries, we know that Mother appeared in many places in France. She has done many things for humanity. Today, do we believe absolutely and practice what Mother gave? Over a century ago, Mother appeared in Fatima to the three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. The Church recognized the Fatima miracle, but have we practiced what Mother asked? Have we prayed the Rosary, have we amended our lives, have we come to Her Heart? Have we practiced and believed? Today, only a small number of people do.
Today, the majority in the world does not collaborate, listen, and obey Mother Mary for us to be taught and helped on the way back to God. Only a small number of people hear and practice in life. As for ourselves, we started within the past ten years. For over 2,000 years, God has been waiting, and over centuries, Mother has appeared in the world to remind and visit us, teaching and guiding us back to God.
Today is such a significantly meaningful day. After ten years, we have the chance to meditate in-depth to understand the meaning in our lives through our Mother’s history. Today, Mother is not that far away from us. Let us not think that Mother is too far away, that She existed over 2,000 years ago, or is distant from us. She is not. Our faith teaches us that Mother is very close. She never gives up saving and bringing us home. Even though we are sinful and unworthy, She still seeks ways to help and guide us back. It is Her feeling for us though Her heart continues to be pierced by the third sword. The third sword is our treatment of Her and Her Son.
Today, how can we understand this feeling if we do not meditate and have an in-depth experience in our faith? If we are not close to Mother, how could we know the matters that though are simple yet are inexplicable? What is the reason for the seven swords piercing Her heart? The reason is from the way we live daily, from disobedient children, from unrighteous and rebellious leaders, from actions contrary to morality and ethics. People betrayed all the work accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ, Her Son, who died for them. Along with Her Son, She also died in Her heart to save Her children.
We saw everything Jesus accomplished. Mother’s heart and soul died with Him for the salvation to be complete for us, still awaiting us till this day, which is Mother’s desire and longing. She endured suffering and sympathized with the mothers who lost their children in this world. The mothers lose their children not because their children died but because they disobey, live a life of debauchery, a life of personal will, in iniquity. The mothers in this world are suffering, praying, and looking for their children who ignore them.
Mother’s example is the source of consolation for the mothers in the world. Mother Mary’s suffering was even worse than the mothers in the world so when we face suffering, encounter trial, famine, let us not be discouraged, give up, because Mother Mary is our example. Mother will support us when we come to Her. Mother will show us how to help our families become perfect in God’s holy will. Today, let us meditate on the Third Sorrow to know more. Let us live a chaste life for our spiritual life to be sinless. When we return to God, let us become pure in our deed, thought, action, and testify to the virtue of life.
Let us ask for Mother’s help to become a new person in life. Let us live to seek faith. Let us seek a more profound knowledge of God’s salvation, Mother’s support, God the Father’s infinite love, and everything through the offering of the Six Kowtows Mother teaches us. Our world has enough civilization and convenience, but what God most needs and Mother desires for us to understand is whether we belong to God with our hearts or we only belong superficially. Most of us live sinning, nourishing sin, fostering sin. God wants us to return by the heart, conquer all challenges, come close to Mother, who is the example to guide us in this life.
Let us not say that it is impossible. Everything is possible because God and the Queen of heaven lived through the trials of a meager life, with ordeals in the days in the world. We also have the same experiences, more or less. The path we walk has the same challenges. At times, we are upset with our children, disobedient children, prodigal children, and we also look for the children who ignore us. We recognize that if we look at life negatively, we never have hope, but Mother wants us to have hope in Her, our role model. Mother obeyed, for Her Son who is the perfect Supreme Being, to be born into the world to be the Savior. He suffered injustice, was condemned unjustly, tortured, beaten, and died in a humiliating way on the Cross.
That sorrowful Mother is the shining example for humanity. With patience, Mother does not give up, seeks ways to help us, save us, bring us back to God. May we understand more to meditate more for our lives to be worthy when we meditate on the Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary to help us in life. With each position in life that God grants, let us not be discouraged and lose hope. Mother is the person who guides us to have a life of virtue, fortitude, patience. We have a Mother who will support us to walk in the way God granted in our condition. Let us live worthy to receive graces.
To God, nothing is impossible. With Mother Mary’s help, God will never refuse. Let us not be foolish to lose this great chance. Let us not indulge in iniquity and lose this chance to come to Mother and ask Her to help us. Mother is always ready to help and always grants us favor to save us, help us, guide us back to God, for us to have eternal happiness with God, for our spiritual life to have meaningful days. We need to understand that we must overcome challenges with the crosses in life, which are the rich experiences to bring us close to God, know Mother, and live with Mother. Mother will teach and help us on the path to be holy and gain the victory that She desires for us in our lives.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, because of the extreme pain in Your heart at meeting Jesus as He carried the Cross. O beloved Mother, by Your soul so troubled, obtain for me the virtue of patience and the gift of fortitude.
O Mother Mary, not too long ago, we meditated on the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, especially on the Fourth Station of the Cross, when Jesus met You. God is the Lord who experienced extreme trials, excruciating pain with the heavy Cross, and desolation because of those who abandoned Him. No one cared for Him, amid screams, shouts, only You watched Him, united with Him by Your heart, suffered in Your heart what He suffered in His body with the heavy Cross. Your heart suffered with Him. Jesus looked and saw You in that extreme suffering. He felt lonely and abandoned by humanity, even by the disciples He chose. There were only Saint John and a few others who followed Him. Most people stayed away, horrified by the brutality the soldiers inflicted upon Him as with a criminal, though He was the innocent One.
I heard Jesus call: “Mother! Mother! Where are You? Mother!” O Mother, Your heart suffered. Your soul turned to God, each step He walked, each twisted path on which He carried the Cross, struggling with the weight. Your heart united to His heart, each second, each minute, watching Your Son. Who can describe those minutes? When Jesus called: “Mother! Mother!” You responded: “I am always by Your side. My heart belongs to You, My Son. I belong to You. Even if this world abandons You, even if man rejects You, I am always with You and forever by Your side. When You are suffering or beaten, I also suffer from the beating with My heart. Son, even when this world mistreats You, I am always by Your side. I desire to die with You, be with You, and always belong to You, Son.”
Mother screamed with the voice from Her soul, from Her heart that belonged to God. In Her position in the world, She assumed Her responsibility by uniting with Jesus in the great work of salvation. She fought tears, embraced those sufferings, with the words She wanted to say to God, for God’s plan to be accomplished in Jesus with the Fourth Sorrow, with the fourth sword piercing Her heart through Her acceptance to achieve the perfect salvation from Jesus, Her Son.
Let us delve deeper to see the affliction of an earthly mother. Her affliction was not the ordinary affliction of an earthly mother. In spirituality, Her heart must always be with God. Mother wanted to be by God’s side so that He would not feel lonely, and unite Her strength to Him because no one else understood God as She did, and that was the strength to help Him on the path to complete the mission, with the ending of His life on the Cross.
We should spend some time meditating about our Mother. When we meditate about Mother, we remember our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to us through Mother, the unique Mediatrix. We cannot be without Mother in our lives, for us to understand God, feel God, be close to God. Mother is the sole person to represent our world to receive the abundant great graces from God. Let us not forget this because these are the signs that show the challenging work to save humanity by accepting to endure on the path and suffer for our sins.
Today, we know Mother’s teaching and longing have become history in a plan to help us move forward with a life perfect with faith. Let us always be zealous to listen to Her teaching and practice what She gave. Mother walks and guides us on the path to God, return to God, prepares us to become children ready to enter heaven. She comes to lead us to heaven’s door. Jesus will open that door and bring us in to present us to God the Father, the Almighty who gave us life and granted us the salvation for us to exist till this day.
In our meditation about Mother, we see that everything Mother did and practiced perfectly belonged to the Second Person of God in the work of salvation. Today, in people’s reasoning, they question the reason for us to kowtow to Mother, for us to trust in Mother. Why not go directly to Jesus? For this reason, certain religions place Mother aside; they believe in God but not Mother. However, this is our freedom to choose because we are ignorant, and we do not experience the love with which God chose Mother.
God came into the world and followed a program in its order. We saw the love from Mother to Her child. We saw the love God had for man through Mother Mary, which is practiced in a lively way by our Mother and Queen of heaven. We saw the sufferings and endurances with firm faith and entrustment in the three virtues perfected in Mother Mary. We also saw Mother had moments of heartbreak and affliction, and those are things we meditate on to feel more strengthened in dealing with life’s realities.
Mother Mary was a human being but chosen to become the Mother of the Second Person of God; She bore the Savior. Her power is a sublime and unexplainable mystery given to Her when She was in the world. If we meditate on the mystery of the Seven Sorrows, we will understand the mystery does not end here, but there are more riches Mother received through the authority bestowed upon Her while still on earth.
Let us listen carefully to what we hear. In life, we must have patience and courage to overcome the challenging paths that each person must face, especially for the mothers who lose their children in war, under other circumstances, or because the children they most loved left them. Let us think of Mother Mary, lift to Mother, and ask Mother to accompany us. Let us not be discouraged and give up because Mother Mary is our role model, a shining example for the earthly mothers, for everyone who understands and experiences God’s blessings.
Human life has to deal with painful periods. Days of extreme ordeals, days of victory, and days of completion were part of the plan in our beloved Mother’s life. Mother Mary achieved in life, not as a rich person served by others. In life, Mother endured the swords piercing Her Heart to become the Queen of heaven to complete God’s plan. Though Mother was the person God chose, the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of humanity, the Queen of heaven, She endured extreme trials. In life, in our sinful condition, we cannot avoid the painful periods, but as we understand this then we always have hope because, in all situations, we have Mother Mary preparing the path for us.
Let us continue to listen to understand what we do today. Let us take another step closer to God, feel close to God. We need Mother’s teaching to understand what God’s holy will is because Mother alone is the person who is close to Him and understands Him. Those experiences in Mother’s life became a life complete in the salvation. Mother Mary guided us and brought us back to encounter God, embrace God, understand the life God granted us all through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only with faith can we recognize the riches after Mother completed Her work and returned to heaven, body, and soul. Every trial must have a price in compensation to the Lord Almighty, the only just One who grants. Mother was the first person to receive. We thank God because we must believe for us to have and receive. Mother offered us the gift of the Six Kowtows, which was the first gift for the children who still did not understand and still did not know. It was a candy Mother gave us, and we begin to suck on it, with its sweetness seeping into our souls. We tasted the candy Mother gave, and from that candy, our hearts became grateful and became a great offering that penetrated our souls by the way we practice today.
Let us not be afraid of public opinion, of people’s judgment, of being different from others. The importance is that Mother is with us. Mother teaches us, and Her life is re-lived through our practice today in the proclamation and return for us to receive forgiveness. In the ending, we need to represent many and pray on behalf of our brothers and sisters, to ask for God’s grace for them to return as we did.
Mother gives us Her love, choosing us and interceding through us for others to see and return to God. Through Her teaching, may everyone embrace and accept to learn about this truth, practice as She teaches, for their lives to be saved and forgiven while there is still time.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, because of the agony that Your generous heart endured standing near Jesus in His dying moment. O beloved Mother, by Your afflicted soul, obtain for me the virtue of temperance and the gift of counsel.
O Mother Mary, when You stood at the foot of the Cross, You knew the Lord’s hour was coming to an end, Your heart shattered waiting for the remaining moments. Jesus tried to pull Himself up with His last dying breath on the Cross to say to His Mother the final words of His life. Can any mother bear to watch her child dying, to see her child in excruciating pain because he endured tortures, was beaten, dragged, pushed, kicked, humiliated, insulted by people through the steps of appearing before the judge, and finally sentenced to death?
He was the innocent One. Mother understood and knew. Her heart seemed to skip beating, wrenched, broken, and in Her extreme suffering felt as if She died with Her Son. She was the chosen Mother, who experienced like many others. However, Mother was different from the others because She had the assurance of a person selected from the people on earth. Though Her heart grieved, She always maintained the essential aspects in a person’s life. She had to maintain a calm demeanor and embrace all the pain and suffering in Her heart, united with God. Mother Mary was in great pain and agony in the last hour while listening to the last words from Jesus. Mother knew death was near, with every last beat of His heart as well as of Hers. With every breath, She longed to be with Her Son and die with Him.
Mother knew from God the Father of the plan and what belonged to Her. She was to unite and complete with Jesus with what was at that time. Jesus handed over to Mother and entrusted Her the great work not yet achieved because He was to return to God the Father at the appointed time. So all the deeds God the Father planned and arranged were a specific program. After exactly thirty-three years, Jesus had to leave the world to return to the position as the Second Person of God, the Great Prince of heaven who achieved a glorious victory.
Before Jesus returned to heaven, God planned and arranged for Mother to be the next person to continue with everything that Jesus wanted to achieve in the world. Mother was to continue the tremendous work while Jesus quietly and silently withdrew Himself to remain with humanity in the Eucharist, which was a mystery, a lofty spirituality. If we lack faith and meditation, we cannot comprehend this folly and absurdity according to our human interpretation from our reasoning. The Lord Almighty set a program through Mother’s life to exchange each sword piercing Her heart for a victory filled with graces granted to humanity. Mother Mary, the Being who represented the world, perfectly achieved God’s plan.
She did not scream, blame, shriek, or react in any other intense way, though the pain She experienced was overwhelming and heartrending. Earthly mothers who lost their children in the world may have such reactions, but Mother Mary remained calm though even more heartbroken than we were because She knew Jesus was innocent. Jesus did nothing that could have hurt Mother while on earth, and Mother knew that Jesus was God, the Savior, the Supreme Being who took upon Him all the sins of the world and died for humanity. Jesus was unjustly sentenced and suffered excruciatingly because of our betrayal. Humanity renounced Him, and even His disciples were afraid and left Him when He needed them most.
In the end, His Mother quietly stood beside Jesus, with a few faithful and humble disciples. Jesus did not reprimand anyone; instead, He asked God the Father to forgive everyone because they did not know what they were doing. Jesus also forgave the good thief who was beside Him. Mother witnessed what Jesus did in sanctity and mercy, with generosity and kindness in His life, which He realized on the Cross. Mother kept this in Her heart. She took on the responsibility to continue with a mission and a program to establish the Church, complete everything still not yet done, due to the lack of courage from people, even those chosen as disciples.
From the beginning, Jesus entrusted Mother to be the witness and complete the task for humanity, but up to this day, human cooperation has been lacking. Because of this lack of collaboration, our Church still has many shortcomings. So Mother continues to stay with us, nurture us, care for us. She continues to find ways to support the leaders who represent us, who represent God to lead us, to bring God’s Word to us, to bring us what Jesus did and accomplished through the institution of the Eucharist. That spiritual encounter is still there, but there must be belief and faith. For a lively faith, we must understand what we have. Mother is the only person who teaches and grants us.
Mother established the Church, but we still saw the conflict when Mother left the world. Since its inception, the Church was divided, with all formalities. However, God is still the benevolent Lord who continues to grant. His disciples were in heaven after they completed the program. However, they surely did not do it perfectly, but with Mother, it has become perfect. From Mother’s presence, support, petition, and intercession, we know God’s holy will and fulfill it wholly in Her.
Let us go back to the moments when Mother watched Her Son, the moments of extreme pain with the fifth sword piercing Her heart. Mother had to endure this pain, then sinners like us cannot avoid all the trials of life in the world through generations accustomed to sin, living with iniquity. Today, though we receive many blessings and abundant graces, we are still stubborn, obstinate, and hardened.
Mother does not give up on what She does because God loves the world. God desired and longed to the point that He humbled Himself to dwell in the little host, awaiting us and granting us great privileges that we must have in life to rediscover what comes from the truth. Though there was a history with the Word of God through the Gospel, with things written over 2,000 years ago, the abundance of God’s grace is continuous and constant in each generation, especially with Mother Mary as the bearer of new gifts to the world.
Things we know, hear, and meditate on deeply today are not from us but from Mother who grants. The Holy Spirit will be the Supreme Being who helps open our brains, open our minds to make decisions and perform. Though the practice is different, it expresses repentance, sincerity, the return, the awareness of learning and listening from Mother’s teaching. Let us sincerely return to God with our hearts to become an offering even though we are unworthy and imperfect. Mother Mary accepts to supplement us and intercede on our behalf.
We have a wonderful Mother, a Mother whose focus is entirely on God. The knowledge of God’s grace in Mother Mary is such that whoever listens to Her and practices what She teaches will please God, and God will intercede for those who obey the role model whom God the Father has chosen from the very beginning for His Son to dwell in Her womb. Mother Mary is the unique role model for us to take a shortcut to return to God. Let us rely on the extreme suffering Mother endured. Today, our lives cannot avoid the path of suffering, the way of the cross, which we need to walk to have the experiences. Let us ask Mother to accompany us and help us atone to return to heaven through the narrow road as Jesus once said: the narrow road is the road of suffering but it will lead us to eternal happiness in heaven with Him and Mother.
As for the wide road, the road of wealth, enjoyment, pleasure, then is the current wasted road, a dead-end road, a road that leads us to death, a hopeless road, a darkened road. We have fallen into the abyss of darkness and are under the control of the devil that wants to kill us. But Jesus has triumphed, and Mother Mary still guards our souls, then no one dares to kill us when we obey Mother, return to Her, listen to Her, and practice what She asks.
How unfortunate for those who live in arrogance, do not trust, do not believe, rely on worldly knowledge and learning. In the end, they will fail in their choices. However, Mother still lovingly waits, so each sinner has a chance in Her heart. To help us mature, let us constantly meditate on the Seven Sorrows. The Holy Spirit will open our eyes to see what Mother endured for humanity. That meditation is a treasure that helps us mature in our faith and helps us return to God through a shortcut that Mother grants to us and the world.
May everyone listen and return with their heart and soul, lift to God with the gift Mother granted to this world, which has become an offering. Today, we receive the teachings and messages directly from God, words as guided by the Holy Spirit, from the love of the Mother who lifted us and helped us reach the next step up the ladder, to know what is critical to the world today in our mission.
May everyone unite and return to God, with soul and body, mind and heart, removing the pride and arrogance to become people who return with their heart, by reformation, by a longing soul, to receive protection when critical events occur unexpectedly. It is thus necessary for Mother to equip us and help us on this path, so let us continue to do what She teaches. Our brothers and sisters do not know, but we knew.
We knew, and we are aware. Let us delve deeper and make more sacrifices to become the disciples chosen by Mother to bear witness to the world, be the pioneers to save our fellow human beings, help them return to God by the way we are practicing. This daily way to pray helps us repent, become little, humble, and recognize the must for patience and temperance, to understand that the only thing we need is to choose to save our souls.
If we thoroughly understand what Mother teaches, let us return quickly and take care of our daily life accordingly. Let us live in fairness, righteousness, and justice, to never stray from the way of the Lord. Let us remember that the truth is where there are justice, integrity, and righteousness. Mother Mary teaches us, and Her entire life is an example to us. Mother guides us directly to the Holy Spirit’s teaching to learn the seven graces we need to practice in life. This teaching lifts us and helps us change to belong to God. Mother is the person who is responsible for bringing us back as we listen to Her words and practice Her teaching.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, for the wounding of Your compassionate heart, when the side of Jesus was pierced by the lance before His body was removed from the Cross. O beloved Mother, by Your heart thus grieved, as if pierced by the lance Yourself, obtain for me the virtue of charity and the gift of understanding.
O Mother Mary, one sword at a time pierced Your heart to represent each step of the way You were present on the Way of the Cross that Jesus walked to atone for our sins. Jesus took our sins upon His body and walked along with Mother’s heart together in one beat. For Jesus to complete the tremendous plan to save all of humanity, He had to endure scourgings, tortures, death. Mother did not suffer those excruciating tortures in the flesh as Jesus did, but She suffered in Her heart, which was wrenched and tortured. Together with Jesus, Mother Mary contributed to the great work of salvation, which God the Father dedicated to His only Son and His beloved Daughter to complete.
Our lives are confined to days of limited understanding, no matter how much we seek. We will know from the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, but we must seek and recognize for us to delve deeper. God chooses to let us know what cannot be realized yet and revealed and what will be at the right time. We need to be aware and remember Mother Mary’s presence from the very first moment with Her Fiat. We rejoiced, filled with hope in the world, but the devil shivered with fear of this woman. The plan as God granted to man came through the salvation from Jesus. That salvation continues till this day.
We see God’s plan arranged in a specific way. Mother received from the Lord Almighty, as a person chosen perfectly. What do we see on Her path? We see the sufferings, excruciating and extreme pains, but She accepted everything, always quiet and reserved. Everything that belonged to God was revealed and recorded in the Gospel for generations over more than 2,000 years. After Mother’s assumption, after years, She returned to the world to support and spiritually help us for generations.
There were records and untold stories about Mother Mary, but everything Mother did will never remain hidden. The Lord Almighty is the Father who granted man to understand that He chose Mother. She was the only Daughter whom God the Father loved most, a woman who replaced the first woman in the perfection when God the Father created humanity. Mother Mary was this flawless woman who agreed to walk the path to replace and restore what was lost. She accepted a life of great suffering.
We know about the Sixth Sorrow. Mother bore Jesus. When He was born into the world, She held Him. She accompanied Him. When He grew up, He went into the world to choose His disciples. In the end, Mother received His motionless body, no longer breathing. Mother’s arms held Her Son, and everything in the past since His birth replayed in Her thoughts. She recalled the day He was born; She embraced Him, carried Him around, exiled from place to place. She always cherished, respected, and revered things in spirituality. She was always by His side.
Mother held Jesus in Her arms but could no longer hear His voice, feel His breath and pulse. Mother longed for every day and hour with Jesus, Her beloved Son, but there were only echoes of His last words. Before He entered His Passion, He spent a day by Her side to talk to Her. He entrusted to Her a great mission that He must complete before returning to heaven. He will remain with the world only through the Eucharist. Who is the person who knew Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist? Who is the person who can testify to Jesus’ stay through the Eucharist?
Mother was the only person who had to accomplish this great work. Jesus believed in Mother, with Mother, because She was the person who fully understood His holy will. His last days on earth, He was alone. His disciples were frightened and ran away when He needed them most. In the end, Mother was the only person who understood the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist over 2,000 years ago in the flesh. After 2,000 years, He is still the Lord who remains with man, present in a divine spirituality, among man and with man. He remains to protect, love, guide, pour down graces to help man come to Him through faith. Mother was the only person responsible for accomplishing this.
Before Jesus entered His Passion, He stayed with Mother. After He explained to Mother, He went into the battle. He had to endure on the path, suffering, torture, the Cross, till the last moment. Mother held His body completely breathless, motionless, no longer with a voice, no longer moving. His body was bruised, broken, covered with beatings and tortures. It was because of our sins that Jesus endured all upon His body. Mother’s heart suffered the same excruciating pains, the same scourges, the same wounds.
Who can understand this in Mother’s heart? Who can understand this when we have the opportunity to know why swords were in Her heart? Was there is a profound reason? We experience a little grief, and it is already so painful, agonizing because the heart is the breath of man, the center of human life. What was the significance of the swords that pierced Mother’s heart when Jesus was lifeless? The lance that pierced Jesus’ heart when He was on the Cross pierced through His heart and pierced Mother’s heart.
Mother sacrificed and consented to all the extreme sufferings. She witnessed the last hour when Jesus breathed His last. The lance that pierced His heart opened it; He offered it to humanity and to those who stood at the foot of the Cross. They witnessed what God offered to all. The proof came through His beloved Mother. The path Jesus endured was like something reaching out to us. Mother Mary also accepted that path, with the swords such as the sufferings, endurances, agonies of Her heart for She loved Her Son, missed Her Son. Mother knew Jesus had to endure all those sufferings, and She accompanied Him.
Today, Mother still accompanies God because we rejected Him and still have not opened our eyes to see the great salvation. We continue to remain indifferent, ignorant, offending God. So that pain was the sword that pierced Her heart and made Her bleed day by day. Mother shed blood tears with each visit because of something the world did. Tears welled up in Her eyes, full of love for humanity. Mother always grants and seeks ways to help us, but we treat Her Son in cruel ways.
Our sins caused Him pain, loneliness, agony on the Cross. Today He is alone in the tabernacle and lonely in His Eucharist. He is offended by us, in the betrayal, in the rebellion, in the disorder. We live a life in which we are rebelling against God’s law to satisfy the worldly life in iniquity. Mother shed tears, reminds and helps the children realize the importance of the soul that Jesus saved. He is still waiting to help us return to Him even though time has passed. It has been too long.
Today, let us meditate on these points to realize that our world is experiencing days of great suffering during the pandemic. We face these situations but let us look to our beloved Mother Mary. Mother Mary suffered, endured patiently, sacrificed everything for us to have this day. Today, Mother Mary continues to be with us to support and allow us to know that we still have what belongs to us from the infinite love of God. Salvation is still waiting for each of us who are sinners. Mother’s heart suffers and agonizes but still loves to save us and help us. Let each of us not let our hearts be so proud, so haughty, so arrogant, to look down on everything in life that we received from God but deny to respond.
Today, our world is falling into a grim state, controlled in all aspects. Jesus’ victory was complete, but we face this situation because of our hardheartedness, disobedience, worldly things, a life with reasoning and argument. Today, God is knocking on the door of their hearts, but people do not know who He is. Unintentionally, purposely, they chase God away, deliberately reject Mother Mary, refuse Her, causing Her grief with the sword that continues to pierce deeper. In the end, Mother sheds tears, and in the longing, the waiting, the loneliness, Mother comes beside the Eucharistic Jesus to represent humanity. We must know that the waiting will come to an end. Today, we must understand that what we know, hear, and receive is not something natural but are things to be concluded in the ending to help us on the path.
Let us return because time will run out. All things will end up in days that never existed but have appeared. We see that nothing is impossible because evil is rampant everywhere; people live in disobedience and rebellion. We usurp God’s right, oppose Mother, reject Her, then how can there be a happy family? How can family life be protected? How can we be sheltered? Intentionally and unwittingly, we betray our Father, reject our beloved Brother who came into the world to save us, refuse the Mother who opened the door to lead us back. Today, only a few of us are returning.
We feel indifferent when we see extraordinary things, but we must understand what happens. There is concrete proof, but our hearts are closed shut. We have eyes but are blind; we have ears but are deaf, and our hearts beat not from love, but out of jealousy, envy, resentment, hatred, contrary to the doctrine God gave us, contrary to the heart Mother granted to humanity. Today, we see the result: goodness is gone, and evil is pervasive. We live in this state of mind, and the world is attesting to it. We are sinners, and from God’s mercy through salvation, may we become penitents, witnesses, saints present in heaven. May we understand what God granted for saints to be present in heaven.
Back to the world of reality, we see our present state is a state of sinners, of transgressors. God saved us from sinners to become penitents, but our hearts remain indifferent. We are still blind, ignorant, lacking faith, so we fall into temptations, and we are on a path of denial. We know God, but we cannot practice according to Mother’s teaching. We cannot complete the mission Mother entrusts to us because we reject the teaching; we conform and follow what we seek in the real world.
We look down on matters we consider ordinary and trivial, but we do not look back at what we have today. That is something Mother wants from our hearts. Only a few people love God, come to God, accept, and trust in God. These people deserve Mother’s intervention and guidance. As for the learned and knowledgeable who think that matters of the world are enough and conformity to the world is a must, then we saw the result that led us to death, to the pandemic of both soul and body, to a terrible battle between good and evil. We have only one place of entrustment, which is Mother’s heart. Her heart granted us everything, and it is a history for us to meditate on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Let us look at the great suffering with which Mother held the body of Her Son, but She continued with the mission and fulfilled the last words from Jesus to Her. Jesus loves humanity, and Mother loves God. She loves humanity as God loves, so She fulfills the task to spiritually seeks us out, intercedes for us, gives us graces, helps us practice to become worthy children to receive the last graces that She especially grants to help us when tribulations and surprising events are happening in our present lives. Let us be with Mother, reflect on what She gave us with Her message. Let us transform the excruciating pains by a source of consolation, which is to listen to Her words to live with the virtue of charity.
Let us love each other, listen to each other, support each other with the sincerity and sacrifice required. Let us look to Mother’s example and rely on Her to be loving, forgiving, and generous. Today’s meditation reminds us to listen to Mother’s words and practice to help our brothers and sisters, help our fellow human beings return to God through a shortcut. As we meditate about our beloved Mother, we know Her Heart bled for humanity, and swords pierced Her Heart because of our sins. Nonetheless, Mother longs to save us and bring us back to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Her Son, Her God, and the Lord of the universe. He is the Savior, the only Supreme Being who intervenes for us. We have only one path left, which is the path of repentance and return.
Let us be humble to continue on the path Mother grants in our meditation on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. It is the first time in life for us to meditate deeply, distinctly, to understand the Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The meditation helps us climb the steps that help us deepen and grow in God’s grace. May we be worthy disciples chosen to bear witness to the truth that we receive amid this world in a lively way, close to heaven, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance to help us complete this meditation on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
O sorrowful Mother Mary, I grieve for You, because of the afflictions that wrenched Your most loving heart at the burial of Your beloved Jesus. O beloved Mother, by Your soul sunk in the bitterness of desolation, obtain for me the virtue of diligence and the gift of wisdom.
O, Mother Mary, there is no word to describe Your feeling when You saw Your only beloved Son completely motionless. His body was shrouded, separated from You. He was no longer breathing. How intense was Your pain? How broken was Your Heart, pierced by the sword? Your Heart seemed to stop beating with the excessiveness in that extreme pain, indescribable even in the meditation of the Seventh Sorrow. How to describe the feeling of a mother who had only one child, who brought her joy with such a sublime mission?
Mother desired to be with God every second because once His mission was over, She knew the days left with Him by Her side would be few. All these feelings rushed to Mother in the last moments. According to the world’s law, the living buries the dead and stays away because the world of the living and the dead are different. When there is no more breathing, there can no longer be days interacting with each other, no voices and smiles. The living buries the dead and goes on with life.
It is the law and continues to be so in the world. To Mother Mary, God’s plan was a lofty spirituality. She knew Jesus accomplished a great work to save humanity, which She always experiences spiritually. Though in reality, deeply afflicted and heartbroken, Mother was waiting for the glorious achievement from Jesus. Mother was pregnant with God when She was barely fifteen years old and lived for thirty-three years beside Him. Mother was not that advanced in age and was still a young person who experienced bitter days with extreme sufferings. Who can compare and describe what Mother experienced in Her entire life?
Saint Joseph died. Mother and Jesus remained, then Jesus died. What would happen if She did not strongly recognize God’s grace and did not know the favors God specially granted for Her to continue on His behalf to help the Apostles with a remarkable and significant mission for the world? Though not recorded in the Gospel, as we know, all things belong to God. Mother lived a quiet life; it was up to God to fully realize what was in Mother, discreetly, to help all people know God and recognize God.
Mother endured bitterness and humbly continued in Her quiet life with Her silent sacrifices. Mother did not expect like everyone else but chose a secluded life to be close to God, to be with God, to meet God by a prayer life, by a life of giving away, of sacrificing everything for God’s plan to become perfect. It is from these points that we see what Mother achieved and endured. When our loved ones die, when our children die, how do we cope with this situation, with this suffering? Do we not cry, scream, whine, experience moments of despair and depression?
Mother endured all the extreme sufferings. However, She did not have the same negative attitude as we did in the world. She always kept what belonged to Her in secret between Her and God, and She understood. The two hearts are as one. Who can love God like Mother, and who can love Mother like God? It is an aspect that speaks of the love offered to humanity, a clear and distinct practice, a shining example to our world.
God taught us to love, live with the commandments given, and follow His doctrine. From the beginning until the time of Jesus, everything was recorded in the Gospel to help us understand realistically in life, with what we have seen in life. Mother endured and lived through those painful stages, so let us not be afraid when our lives face days with painful trials. Nothing is more tragic than our loved ones passing away, the people we love most. The most painful loss in life is the death of our loved ones and our children.
Mother Mary is the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God, the Mother of humanity, but She had to experience this painful situation, so as we live through the same plights, we must not give up. Let us not allow ourselves to be at a stalemate, to allow pain to take over our souls. When we encounter these situations, let us remember Mother Mary with Her regal position, who had to accept and walk this path to save us. She is the shining example to console us in life through each situation.
We see Mother’s extreme suffering, but She always accepted for God’s holy will to be done. Today, in our lives, whenever we face trials, let us remember Her Fiat. She is ready to comfort us. With Mother, let us not give up because if we do not seek Her, listen to Her, we will endanger our lives with countless snares we encounter in our world. Today, we need to meditate to know about Her sufferings through the Seventh Sorrow. We see Her extreme suffering for God’s plan to be completed at Jesus’ burial.
Mother’s heart and soul wanted to remain with Jesus in that tomb, but life with duty and mission had to go on, with what Jesus entrusted to Her. She swallowed the bitterness and pain in Her heart and the sword piercing it. She was able to endure the pain and reminded Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint John the Apostle, the brothers and sisters who were at the burial to go home and rest because it was also close to the Sabbath day; they could not remain there.
With that pain in Her Heart, Mother reminds us like She reminded the disciples to return home to rest. On Her way back, Her feet were heavy. It seemed She had no strength left, no interest in food. She had to support those around Her to be strong to go on and be a fulcrum to them. She was in pain, afflicted in Her heart and soul from the loss of Jesus, but She had to stand up. Mother silently went on; made an effort to lead and sustain those who were with Her, the disciples by Her side.
God’s plan worked marvelously in Mother’s life as we meditate on Her sorrows. She turned sorrows into a strength, into a mission accomplished with the next steps. Today, we constantly receive Her intervention. We see Her suffering. Though She was the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of the Second Person of God, the Mother of humanity, full of power, Her path with the days of earthly exile was no different from ours. She even endured more, so let us not end up in such an extreme state though our society deals with a tense situation, suffering, and death.
Let us look at the excruciating pain Jesus endured. Jesus walked the Way of the Cross in loneliness. He died alone in the tomb. He accomplished the mission. Only His mother and a few close disciples followed Him and were still with Him till the end. He was the Lord who came into the world to save us, but He had to accept our indifference, our rejection from the beginning. Mother was the person who accompanied Him and also endured that. After Jesus ascended to heaven, Mother stayed with the world for twenty more years to help us officially have the Church. At that time, we saw the separation when the people did not recognize God. Today it is the same; the number of people who recognize God in the Eucharist is about thirty percent in the world of faith.
It is an unfortunate shortcoming of humanity because we still do not seek to discover the treasure that Mother Mary continues to grant. After Jesus returned to heaven, He came back with revelations. We know of the Divine Mercy revealed to Saint Faustina. For generations, Mother Mary visited us. We received Her reminders and urgent messages. She supported the lives of Christians, Her children, the children of God whom God redeemed. For those who do not know God, Mother also grants. To all those who come to Mother, though very few, they still have Mother’s intervention for each nation, country, situation.
Today, we must believe in what Mother does. We must believe in Her lively presence, then and now, especially in such an urgent time as today, with intense turmoil, in a world dominated by evil deeds and the devil. Mother does not leave us by ourselves, does not turn a blind eye in the most urgent and critical times when we are afflicted with sickness and death by the pandemic. We are controlled in every way by high-ranking people; we know about their deceit and wrongdoing, contrary to God’s doctrine. They let their positions direct them into a life of reality and lead us down a path that does not belong to God’s teaching. Is Mother remaining silent for God’s plan to be incomplete? Is Mother keeping silence for Her beloved children, for Her extreme suffering with the seven swords piercing Her Heart, through the meditation of the Seven Sorrows, become meaningless?
No, Mother will not let it be meaningless. She will find a way to continue, even with sufferings, even with tears, even with blood tears once more. Mother continues to fulfill as Jesus desires from humanity. Today, Jesus is quiet and silent in the tabernacle, but Mother goes out to look for Her children to bring to Jesus. She leads us back to the new graces given to the world because the tabernacle’s door has opened, graces are flowing. Mother guides the lost, stubborn, sinful, disobedient, the children who still do not understand and do not believe, back to God and the Supreme Being present amid this world.
We heard about thirty percent believe in the real presence in the Eucharist. After ten years of witnessing what God granted from the messages, with the words we received directly from God, we affirm that the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is one hundred percent. Mother Mary wants us to testify to this truth to the world. Let us testify by deed, by reverence, by a humble heart, by an atonement evident in our lives, for Her to intercede. She teaches us how to be humble and determined.
We cannot do it by ourselves. The Holy Spirit will help us give up the bad habits, vices, evil thoughts of our sinful lives and give us a new faith, to raise us and help us encounter Mother’s teaching, to affirm that we are children of God. For the price of the Blood of Jesus Christ, Mother does not let it become meaningless but must be valuable for our souls. In the tense days at the end of history, God is the only Supreme Being who saves us in today’s generation. Only one Mediator is leading us to understand this significant value. We must act, return to God, give up the old ways in iniquity and start with the heart, with the soul, with humility, with a life of prayer, with eagerness, to directly encounter the Eucharistic Jesus.
All things will come to an end, but God granted us the opportunity to be saved. Mother Mary seeks every suitable and appropriate way to save and help us. She is the Mediatrix who guides us. The shortcut from Mother is still there, but it is up to each person regarding the union, cooperation, acceptance, and faith in God; especially to those of us who are chosen to assume the mission Mother assigned, to fulfill a pioneering mission, to achieve what Mother entrusts to us. If we are still hesitant, Mother does not force us. She wants to choose a consecrated heart, a willing heart, a heart that feels, believes, practices through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and does not question, judge, doubt, follow the order of life according to the world’s logic.
Let us have strong faith, determined in heart and mind, soul and body. Let us seek to come to the Lord. Let us come directly to Him, who teaches us through Mother Mary’s training. We are not mistaken and wrong to continue with the practice under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. All these things we are practicing and continue to practice with patience will help us become righteous. We will become people who witness to the truth whom Mother Mary chose to receive the gift of the Six Kowtows, which has become the offering of the Six Kowtows. Today, the Holy Spirit teaches us to offer Mother Mary – the Queen of Heaven – the Sixth Kowtow.
Let us come with surrender and thank Mother for Her love. She teaches and helps us complete the plan from heaven in the ending days. We must complete everything according to God’s plan to be prepared for the new world. Before preparing for the new world, God will surely destroy everything that does not belong to Him on earth. Mother Mary is the last person to appear, and as God the Father said, Mother is the woman who will crush the serpent’s head, and it will strike at Her offspring’s heel. After Mother did what the Father said, the plan will conclude to be ready for the new world. Jesus is waiting to return the Garden of Eden through Mother Mary to our world.
At that time, we will no longer have days of war and suffering, days of hatred and jealousy, days with a pandemic. Do we have enough patience until that day? Do we have enough faith to wait for that day? Let us practice now, be firm in our standpoint, with steadfast faith, absolute trust, entrustment, live a life of practice in the virtue of charity as Mother did Her entire life. With Mother as our Mediatrix, let us not be afraid. We are still fearful and weak, but with faith, let us practice, by deed, determination, conviction.
Today, let us adore and glorify God. We overcame challenges to become people with the mission to bring the gift from Mother to the world, as an offering presented to God by our retribution, reparation, awareness of our sinful and imperfect condition, and ask for God’s forgiveness. It is also a daily apology to save ourselves, save people from all classes, and pray for those who still do not believe to believe, who still do not know to know, and who still have not returned to return. Mother Mary opens the path for us by our deeds in conviction.
We are happy, especially this year, as we enter our eleventh year of this mission. The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows follows the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross because Mother’s sorrows are related to the Cross. The Feast is a reminder for us in a world where we experience many trials. In our habits, we are indifferent, and our belief in the Eucharist is only thirty percent. However, the points we are aware of and return to, with the vitality taught by the Holy Spirit, awaken our faith life and help us in the ending. With dramatic days, tragic days, critical days, unpredictable days, we decide for our souls by cooperation and a return in a spirit of repentance, giving up judgment, arrogance, pride, human laws, habits throughout generations. Those habits become days with no progress in faith, with only thirty percent believing in the Eucharist and the failure of a corrupted world today.
Let us remove our old ways to take a new step in life, as taught by Mother Mary. She helps us decisively and humbly return to God, guided by the Spirit of God, bestowed by the Holy Spirit, for us to overcome human laws, to find truth in Her loving heart painfully afflicted and pierced by swords, to give us the triumph as in this day.
Mother Mary is guarding our souls, snatching us back from the hands of the devil, and wants us to listen obediently. When we belong to Mother, we will win this final battle; we will come to the Garden of Eden. Mother will complete the plan given to Her by God. We will come to a new world that God desires to give back to us with the last and final battle. The persistent, loyal, humble, obedient people will become the witnesses. They will triumph at the end of history.
Let us not use learning, money, ambition, talent, knowledge in this world because we will be defeated and deceived by the devil. Let us not fail to walk in God’s way and focus on justice and righteousness; otherwise, we lose and end up misguided. Though God forgives our sins, we must repent, return to Him by our hearts, and live a daily life of prayer. Let us understand that in life, with faith, we can move higher, deeper, and climb up the steps to see the lofty spirituality, with the depth, the height, and the breadth of faith God grants.
Through Mother’s teaching, we can be steadfast in the present life despite many changes. If we hold on to our old ways, earthly laws, habits, then we see those habits have become days of failure, disappointment, days we face the pandemic that threatens us with death. Today, we have only one way: we must return to God through the way urgently taught by Mother for us to have heaven’s protection and support. If we hold our ground, we will be further defeated, never attain our goal, and our faith will never grow because we only follow our old habits.
Whoever has ears ought to hear; whoever has eyes ought to see; whoever has a heart ought to feel. Please do not judge, doubt, have erroneous decisions. Though people are talented and walk in the right direction, they need to remember that God does not stop at a point, but God is abundantly rich and grants, to draw us closer to Him, know Him better, love Him more. For the path that we need to take, Mother will teach us the necessary virtues with a firm determination for our lives to be protected in the present crisis by God’s grace, bestowed through Mother to help us triumph on the path in this ending. With perseverance, we will surely win.
Let us persevere and be faithful. Surely we cannot lose this battle. We will win and will have many brothers and sisters who will triumph with us as they accept, listen, believe, and practice. We must do the most essential, and though the days are still silent, it is time for everyone to know, hear, and believe. We thank God for allowing me and my brothers and sisters to conclude the meaningful meditation of the Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary, especially on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows 2021.
At this moment, we conclude and ask Blessed Mother to grant our prayers through the offering of the Six Kowtows on this important day for us to deepen our understanding of Mother’s teaching and pray for everyone to recognize it. The laypeople are still dependent on the Church and the clergy, which is the right thing to do but should give themselves the chance to go deeper, be closer, be more lively with the Eucharistic Jesus. He has opened the door with overflowing graces to strengthen our faith and help us return with a sincere heart, be worthy of forgiveness through Mother’s teaching, and a prayer life with the Six Kowtows.
God, I thank You. Thank You for choosing us, sinners among sinners, from Your infinite Divine Mercy to become the witnesses of a remaining time with the current days of tribulations. We have done everything needed. As for the rest, Mother, please decide for us; please plan and arrange for us as You used to do. Everything we do is for the glory of God, to honor God, because everything comes from God, with God. Please have mercy us, help us do Your holy will, practice what Mother teaches, as guided by the Holy Spirit. God, please protect us, help us live in faithfulness and honesty. May we complete the path till the end, to be the witnesses of the Six Kowtows, which is the answer to our lives.
God, please allow us to follow what belongs to You rather than ours. We constantly pray for this to not fall into the devil’s snare but continue to grow in our witness life, by deed, by proclamation, by the Six Kowtows. We reverently lift, thank, praise, and glorify You. May Your holy will be done in what You want in our world, through Mother Mary’s teaching. We thank You, praise You, glorify You, in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
– 1 Our Father
– 7 Hail Marys
X: Pray for us, O Blessed Virgin most sorrowful.
A: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let intercession be made for us, we beseech You, O Lord Jesus Christ, now and at the hour of our death, before the throne of Your mercy, by the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother, whose heart was pierced by a sword of sorrow in the hour of Your bitter Passion. Through You, O ever-living Lord, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
I thank God for granting me these moments, which have never been as meaningful as this year, though we face much stress in life with the coronavirus variant Delta threatening our lives. We see events happening in an age of civilization with war threats, scientific weapons, all the falsehoods intruding into life. We face and see the lost justice sunk by ego and power, with the domination of evil in the world. Chaos is raging in our lives. Faith and all matters end up in a negative state of mind, with days of reality taking over.
It is something threatening for us with the life of faith, especially as Christians. Our lives are no longer days of love, days in solidarity, but the start of conflicts, looking for ways to kill and harm each other, and evil is raging. Did we choose right or wrong? Our standpoint from the beginning was to follow human reality, so today, we are responsible for everything that happens in the world. We were indifferent to God’s doctrine and rejected God. We chose life’s reality that today is taking control over our lives.
As we understand more and learn from these experiences, we see the past days with freedom, the happy days God granted. We lost everything because of our betrayal, our refusal, our transgression. We failed to listen and caused Mother’s heart to grieve, pierced by swords. Jesus is bleeding because humanity disbelieved and ignored the unfathomable magnitude of His sacrifice. Jesus died for us and saved all of us to have present days in hope.
The time has come. God wants us to see the truth, know the truth, and for the majority to recognize their wrong choice. Let us return, with unity, listen to the teaching because these are the days when we will see the conclusion. We do not have to guess anymore; the end will come. Evil will not last. How can those who live in crime go on? The Lord, our God, has suffered for too long, for over 2,000 years. God will intervene for those who belong to Him, those who repent, and He will defend those who are faithful and persevere, which is inherent in the law. Mother seeks ways to save humanity, save everyone. As for those called to return, we always have the right to either choose God and listen to Mother Mary’s teaching or be satisfied with what is in a contemporary world prevailing in evil and death.
Let us choose now. Let us not regret it when everything is over in a day not far. Whoever has ears ought to hear; whoever has eyes ought to see; whoever has a heart ought to feel and decide. Let us not ignore what is coming because it does not happen naturally. Everything comes from the hand and intervention of God, who granted us everything to save us. Time will not last! Remember that Mother Mary helps us, all classes, all roles, in the days of tribulations, of the pandemic, days with our final moments on our sickbed. In our last moments, these Six Kowtows will help us and accompany us till the end when we believe in this practice and lift to God under all circumstances.
These are things we practiced. We are happy when we meditate with all the solemn Masses the Church reminds us. We meditated on the Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In that meditation, we experienced the Way of the Cross that Jesus walked in the salvation. When we turn toward the Cross to honor the Five Holy Signs, what does it mean for us? We understand the seven swords that pierced Mother’s heart.
For over 2,000 years, swords have pierced Mother’s heart. Today, Mother grieves most by people who turn away, do not believe in God, offend God. Mother suffers because She comes to us to help and intercede for us. She does not appear as She did in certain places with miracles, with Her face, Her body, but She led us to the Eucharistic Jesus, and He allowed us to encounter Him in a divine and spiritual way. With Her voice, Mother trained us and gave us privileges with the gift of the Six Kowtows. Mother is the sixth Person whom God the Father assigned to complete a plan to help humanity at the end of history.
We cannot be without Mother in our Christian life. Mother Mary protects our souls. Whether we cooperate with Her, listen to Her, return to Her or not, that is our decision. The Holy Spirit teaches us, but whether we believe, practice, reform, repent, or not, that is our decision. God gave us the freedom to choose from the beginning. We cannot find peace apart from God. We cannot find serenity apart from God. Besides Mother, no one else can help us encounter God directly. No one can be the mediatrix to help us return to God by a shortcut apart from Mother Mary.
Once again, let us repeat: whoever has ears then ought to hear; whoever has eyes then ought to see; whoever has a heart then ought to feel and decide, while we are still capable. Do not let it be too late and too tardy. All current matters help us understand Mother’s sacrifice for us with the agonizing path. Mother, please allow us to lift all the sufferings of our lives with the painful trials we must face on the narrow path to meet God and You. The wide path, the path of freedom, the path of our will, is the path toward death, awaiting us.
Those are points neither too difficult nor too easy to consider. Let us decide and not lose the opportunity. Let us not judge, doubt, push away everything in truth. We keep living according to our habits, which cause us to fail. These are facts, but people may feel angry or hurt when they hear this because of their pride. The Holy Spirit wants to save us, and it is a clear affirmation through Mother Mary to us. If we understand the truth, let us humble ourselves to receive forgiveness. May we testify before everyone when we receive and understand Mother Mary’s teaching by living a humble life.
I thank God, praise God, glorify God for giving us a special day to reflect on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, with Mother’s Seven Sorrows, the seven swords that pierced Her Heart. Her Seven Sorrows have become a meaningful legacy to the lives of sinners like us. May we continue with faith and practice what She teaches to complete what She grants to our human world. We conclude our meditation of the Seven Sorrows on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. We do not have any offerings to lift to Mother other than the moments of our meditation. There are certainly imperfections and many things we still cannot do as She desires.
Mother, please forgive us, accept from us the humble offering on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows as we commemorate the sufferings and sacrifices that You made for us to have our Savior. You gave us privileges to help us be close to God and close to You, and for us to continue with what is needed to represent the world and all classes. We reverently lift this ordinary and humble offering to ask God to have mercy, accept, forgive our sins, allow us to return through the support and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. May we distinguish right from wrong, truth from falsehood, good from evil, and return soon. Let it not be too late and too tardy, through the grace that Mother granted to us and the whole world with the gift of the Six Kowtows, offered to humanity.
We conclude at 6:08 p.m., Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, before the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross. We reverently bow before the icon of Our Lady of Sorrows, especially on the feast day the Church commemorates as the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. We thank God, praise God, glorify God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Message of September 15, 2021
The Six Kowtows on the Feast of
Our Lady of Sorrows
This is a message inspired by God the Holy Spirit.
It is 1:28 p.m., Wednesday, at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. We face the altar, the Cross, the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the icon of Our Lady of Sorrows. Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, and we thank God for us to be together here. We did not plan, but God allowed us to come here, a church very close to home. We planned to go to Holy Rosary Church, but Mother guided us here. There is a special celebration for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows here, with seven priests offering Mass at once, symbolizing the Seven Sorrows Mother endured.
Mother wants us to offer God the Six Kowtows in anything we do. When we attend daily Mass or any other Mass, the most important thing is to pray to God on behalf of all classes, all roles, with an offering that are words lifted to thank God, praise, and honor God, in a spirit of penance. We lift to God on behalf of everyone, all classes, all roles, our family members, the children and loved ones in our families, the brothers and sisters’ children, and our relatives.
We are blessed with God’s grace to become people who silently serve in a life of prayer and service, but our families are still indifferent and lukewarm. We lift prayers on their behalf and on behalf of all classes, all roles, to thank, bless, praise God. We pray for our brothers and sisters, those who still do not know, and those who still do not believe. Especially on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we understand the meaning of this year, a very significant year. In our lives, we face stresses and tensions as in the world. The pandemic is raging everywhere, in every country, and we also face the threat of war. Today, morality and ethics have become corrupt; we have lost righteousness in life.
Today, I ask God to allow us to come to Mother Mary. Mother, please teach us, and may we have the chance to meditate about You, with the seven swords piercing Your Heart. Yesterday was the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. At this moment, we unite to give thanks to You. Please be with us and help us along the way to endure life’s difficulties, which are not comparable to those difficulties when Jesus walked the Way of the Cross and You walked with Him. Mother, today we know about Your life through the Seven Sorrows. We unite to pray to You, be with You, offer You a meditation on Your life. Mother, please teach us more in this present life with what we need to do and must do with a reverent heart, to apologize, thank, and lift to You.
Mother, please continue to intercede and help us understand a life of endurance as every person must live through situations with our crosses, as Jesus chose the Cross to save us in the world. As we meditate on Your life in union with Jesus in these Seven Sorrows, we have the source of consolation in life, even when life is difficult and stressful. Let us look at God and Mother for us to always be with God and Mother. We lift all the challenges and tensions with the pandemic, the suffering from the illness, the threat of war. We still have God and Mother in our lives, so let us unite, honor, adore, thank, be grateful for the true meaning of this life. We thank God, glorify God, and thank Mother.
Mother, please allow us to lift to You everything. You are the source of comfort to help us on our days of exile on earth. Many things are waiting, full of meaning. With every event, let us entrust, trust, never be discouraged. Let us believe, persevere, be faithful with the grace God grants, as a child of God, accept, and obey. With God’s providence, He will never let our crosses be too heavy. He will help us.
Today, we face trials, but God has a plan to support us and give us a life renewed in faith. We have Mother, and we are with God. With Mother and God, our lives are not alone and lonely. It is easy for us to accept all situations, live a life of witness by faith and deed. May other people look at what we are doing, look at the meaning of the inner life we offer, for them to believe in God, come to Mother to receive the teaching She gives with the offering of the Six Kowtows.
Thanks to the offering of the Six Kowtows, we mature. For the past ten years, we have had a happy life. Though there are challenges, imperfections, we still have the moments we distance ourselves from the world to live by God and Mother’s side, with the earnest words from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. For every work we do today, we invite the Holy Spirit to come to sanctify and transform us. Please teach us by contemplative experiences because we do not know what to say and offer to God. The Holy Spirit understands our hearts and has many ways to help us on the path, to lift to the Lord Almighty.
We pray for God to have mercy, accept, intervene, help us and the world, for everyone to know and return in the surrender, in the submission. Today, Mother teaches each person to return to God through the offering of the Six Kowtows. At this moment, let us begin with today’s First Reading about Our Lady of Sorrows as the Church reminded us. Let us unite to listen to the Word of God and meditate about Mother Mary, our Mother, the Mother of humanity.
Reading I: 1 Tm 3, 14-16
Responsorial Psalm: 111, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6
Gospel: Jn 19, 25-27
Today is special as Saint Peter Julian Eymard wrote about Mother Mary in the book: Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Let us read the words and the sentiments from the saint who wrote about Mother to help us understand Her, be close to Her, love Her, learn about Her life. We honor Mother, and we pray for the chance to understand Her, learn from Her. Mother is the person who teaches us to know God and be close to God. Mother is the Mediatrix who guides us back to God even though we are weak and imperfect sinners.
Lucia reads the writing of Mother Mary’s Adoration of Propitiation by Saint Peter Julian Eymard [Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, page 127]
O God, today’s First Reading, and Gospel, on the day the Church reminds us of the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows are for us to meditate on the seven swords that pierced Mother’s Heart. Today is a special day beyond our plan. We have the real spiritual presence as Mother planned and arranged for us to come to a church that had a novena prepared for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Today, we rejoice in attending this Mass with seven priests celebrating. It is an opportunity for us to pray for Mother’s priests. Priests are our shepherds. We must have unity in God’s love as God grants us the graces for us to lift His priests to Him. We pray for the priests to be faithful, persistent, be filled with God’s grace to preach the Gospel, and bring God’s loving heart to help those who still do not know, to know; those who still disbelieve, to believe, for them to return to God through the doctrine.
Mother wants us to pray for the Church, the world, today’s society, and the essential needs we face. What we encounter daily and contemplate is not a coincidence but a manifestation that Mother always plans and arranges for us in our silent role. Our prayers for all regions and nations are lifted and offered to the Lord Almighty. Today, the day we reverently commemorate, we are reminded in the Gospel that Jesus once wept, and the life of the Second Person of God also had the moments when He had to accept everything. Like us, Jesus wept. Jesus wept because of humanity because He came to save us from death. Jesus offered prayers with reverence to God the Father, and though Jesus is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity had to walk the path of obedience. Jesus obeyed God the Father, endured sufferings, completed a mission even with excruciating pain when He was in the flesh.
Jesus completely lived an exemplary life that became the source of eternal salvation for everyone in the world. We understand the life of obedience and submission to God on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Mother’s life was the same. Mother wholly belonged to God, obeyed God, lived for God. Today, we follow the example that She grants. Especially in life, let us meditate on Mother’s life to understand that Her life was strictly obedience, contemplation, prayer. It is from these points that Mother was full of God’s graces.
Today, Mother gives those graces to us. The path Mother teaches us is to follow God, return to Him, with an inner life, a prayer life. In today’s Gospel, Saint John affirmed very clearly: at the foot of the Cross was Mother Mary and a few people. Of the faithful disciples, only one person whom Jesus loved was present. We know that Saint John and Saint Mary Magdalene were present.
Mother Mary is always by God’s side. She is the source of consolation for God besides the two young disciples, Saint John and Saint Mary Magdalene, and a few relatives. Jesus, our Savior, died, alone, quietly, with His Mother by His side. We see a Mother watching Her Son die, a Mother who witnessed every step of Her Son in His life on earth. Jesus endured bitterness and suffering to redeem the world. He was abandoned, tortured, humiliated, said His last words, entrusted us to Mother, and died on the Cross. She witnessed that great work of salvation and meditated in Her heart for the rest of Her life. Mother remained for twenty years on this earth after God returned to the heavenly kingdom.
Mother loved God. Everything She did was for God, with God. Mother leads us to God because She knows the great work of the Lord Jesus Christ in the salvation to save us from death and bring us from the darkness back to the truth. We know it is not merely a story preached for us to hear, but it was a program established through the Church because Mother was the person by the first Apostles’ side. The first Pope in history, Saint Peter, and the holy Apostles all loved Mother.
When Jesus ascended to heaven, Mother was the person who brought everything given by Jesus to help the Apostles. Mother continued, in silence, to help the Apostles. Who can write about this silent program? Mother did not want it written in books. What everyone needs to know is about God, about Jesus. It was the beginning of witnessing through the holy Apostles. Today, what can be perfectly established and completely accomplished continues for generations. Today, we cannot be without Mother.
In the points we need to know to meditate on Mother’s life, we know She was the Mother of the Second Person of God. She was chosen from the beginning, the splendid Queen of the heavenly kingdom and the Mother of humanity. Today, Her voice is still with us, still beside us, still teaching us, caring, loving, arranging for us. Today, we have the opportunity to hear Her voice granting us Her gift to help us return to God. The Six Kowtows we received became the offering in a time of urgency, a time of turmoil, accepted by the Lord Almighty as we continue to receive graces in this generation. That gift is also the offering Mother Mary offers to God and gives to us so that with this offering, God will have mercy and intervene for us and the world.
Today, we unite to thank God for choosing and giving us Mother. Today, even though we are sinful, weak, imperfect, Mother continues to look for us to help us return. She teaches us, intercedes for us, prays to God for us. She helps us be worthy to enter the eternal place that Her Son Jesus has prepared for us. Her son, Jesus Christ, died for us to live. With Her help, we become citizens of the kingdom of God, which is what She desires and longs. What do we say to Her today? How do we meditate on Her life? Let us thank Mother for what the Holy Spirit wants us to do today, on behalf of all classes, all roles, with thanksgiving and gratitude. We now offer the First Kowtow.
The First Kowtow, we reverently offer to God the Father.
O God the Father, I thank You, bless and praise You. A thousand words cannot sufficiently describe the love You granted to humanity. You gave us a beloved Mother for us today to learn what to say, present, and offer to You. We lived for many years, and today, both the aged and the young finally can have the experience. We cannot refuse things that prompted us to have the courage to lift to You, Father, to know that You are close to us and love us. You see all our situations and grant us special favors to help us speak to You, pray to You, lift to You, for our hearts to open and understand the meaning in life. God grants us everything: lip, mouth, soul, heart, mind, but there must be a practice, through each way, each action God granted to achieve what is necessary. God grants, so let us pray with a spirit of penance and gratitude, recognize the blessings He gives to those who believe, pray, repent, return, and amend their lives. God grants for us to listen to His teaching and practice. Let us believe in Him, lift to Him, be close to Him, to receive the blessings as He intervenes for us as presently.
O God the Father, O Most High, we thank You for the sublime wonder You granted humanity. Today we are sinners. Our first parents were the first betrayers, so we end up in a sinful world controlled by the devil. However, You planned and arranged and helped us. You set a plan for us in the salvation of Your Son, the Lord Jesus. In this plan, You chose Mother Mary, a person worthy from inwardly to outwardly beauty. From Her life of virtue, She became the womb in which Jesus, Your Son, dwells. He is the Lord of humanity, and He came to save us all.
Mother is the Ark of God, chosen by God, to carry the salvation for the whole of humanity. Grace flowed through Her Heart, through Jesus, to become the Lord Almighty who resurrected from death. Through days of extreme suffering, Mother Mary accompanied Jesus to glorify God the Father. Her life of obedience set an example for the world. The salvation did not come naturally but was a plan arranged by the Almighty, the Father of humanity, the Lord of the universe. What God gives is not too complicated but is full of meaning, but people have too much reasoning according to the rational way of the world to recognize what the Lord Almighty grants.
Today, in our frail condition, from all classes, all roles, the little people like us also experience God’s love as most valuable in life. We thank the shining example of Mother Mary, Her faith, Her sorrowful life, which become a significant history for humanity to receive Her intercession. From a person chosen among the ranks of human beings, perfectly preserved and without the blemish of sin, Mother represents our humanity today, leading us back in the surrender, the prostration, the adoration, the proclamation of God.
We thank, praise, and glorify God the Father. We honor and rejoice to call Him Father. We have the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ as our eldest brother who saved us through His sacrifice and we have Mother Mary as the light to guide us back to our Father, to ask for His intervention.
We yearn for a life with harmony, peace, love, with the doctrine for us to practice, with a life to be protected and taught by Mother. From Mother’s teaching, we become people guided by the Third Person of the Trinity. We rejoice to have Mother, with Mother. Today we thank God the Father for giving us a loving Mother who guides us through life when we make mistakes. Today, we live in a chaotic world, but Mother still looks for us, leads us, and gives us a chance. Today, what Mother teaches, what we do, what we lift to God is an offering. Though we are unworthy and imperfect, we wholeheartedly focus with our hearts, learn the depth of our souls, speak the voice of truth, know what we need, spend time praying and staying with God.
It has been ten years. Today, what we receive from heaven, what we are allowed by God for us to do, His voice still echoes to teach sinners like us to become penitents, witnesses, and saints present in heaven. Today, each saint present in heaven is not something that they spontaneously achieved by themselves, but from the example of Mother Mary. From Her intercession for our salvation, after 2,000 years, we receive from the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Mother is the person who walked with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of God, cooperated with Him, suffered with Him for His mission to be accomplished in God the Father’s holy will.
Let us read today’s First Reading and the Gospel and meditate on everything. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Second Person of God, but when He took on human nature, He felt pain, and there were times when He was emotional and was touched. He was like any of us; the difference was that He had two natures. As He walked the Way of the Cross, we see how He suffered, endured tortures, endured everything. There were times He cried out to God the Father. He was obedient to the Father, even to the point of death; though He was tortured, writhed in pain, scourged, beaten, He still obeyed. That obedience tells us what we need to know: the Second Person God had to obey God the Father. Mother Mary also obeyed the Father Her whole life, and to this day, Mother continues to do so. Mother knows; when we listen and belong to God, we must obey. It is through that obedience that we will encounter Him, hear Him, walk in His way.
May all of us be aware in this world, through Mother Mary, through the meditation of Mother’s Seven Sorrows, through the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Let us meditate to understand Mother’s life, for us to have this day, feeling close to Mother as today. Let us come to Mother who will grant us. Let us ask for Mother to intercede to God for Him to intervene and accept our pleas. We rejoice to encounter heaven close to us, and even when we face days of tribulations, we still have God’s comfort and protection, with Mother by our side to guide us back. Mother waits for us to return and helps us along the way to prepare for our lives to be ready for the tribulations, past, present, and future, for us to unite to return to God while there is still time. We ask in the name of God, the Lord of love, now and forever.
We praise God, glorify God. We thank God for giving us, Mother. Today, from Mother’s teaching, we have the opportunity to affirm what we offer, lift, present, and we spend more time with God than we did in the past. In the end, we are happy with the heaven God granted us in this world, thanks to Mother. With Mother, though we do not see Her, though She does not come to us in the flesh like over 2,000 years ago, She still visits us, Her voice continues to be vibrant, and Her teaching is very close to us. Believe, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you – as Jesus said. After He returned to heaven, His Mother took His place and remained with us in the world to complete a program for our Church to continue spreading the word of God. Today, with Her teaching, She visits us spiritually and continues to teach and grant us. Mother teaches us the offering She used to lift.
Today, Mother wants us to unite and return to God by the reverent offering of the Six Kowtows, which help imperfect sinners like us become braver, bolder, live a meaningful life with the depth of prayer as we presently have from the Holy Spirit’s teaching. When the Holy Spirit teaches, God the Father will never refuse, and the Lord Jesus will listen and sustain us. Though we may be late or tardy, God is still the loving and benevolent Lord. Mother is the person who represents us so there is no reason for God to refuse anything we ask in its reasonableness. We thank God, praise God, glorify God for giving us Mother who taught us.
May many people listen and learn from Mother for this ordinary life to lead us deep into the inner life and help us profess the Lord Almighty we worship. Let us return by a repentant and contrite heart, affirm the close and loving presence that God granted for us to step out of our miseries. Despite everything we face, let us always have hope in the Lord Almighty, the Supreme Being whom we profess, adore, honor, and thank. We praise and glorify God. May we belong to God. Totus Tuus.
The Second Kowtow, we reverently offer to Jesus.
O Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer. I thank You for coming to us. You died for us and gave us a program and a great plan. Your voice and teaching through the doctrine and the Gospel help us awaken and stand up in any situation. For us to practice perfectly, we cannot be without the Mother of God, the gentle Mother at the foot of the Cross, the Mother who replaced us with everything God wants in life through Her. Mother is the person who fulfills all of God’s holy will. Mother gave us a lesson from Her daily life.
Today, Mother continues to bring us to God. We cannot be without Mother, the only Mediatrix who leads us back to the Lord Almighty through a shortcut. He is the Supreme Lord we profess, adore, glorify, honor, and entrust. The Lord Jesus Christ suffered in life, in the salvation, to save all of humanity, to forgive and bring sinners back from the darkness to become God’s official children, through Mother Mary’s care and the example that She practiced in Her life. Today, how can we, in our human condition, dare to come to God boldly, with conviction? What we do in this age, other people may see as different and difficult to accept because of the ways in the laws from the beginning.
Today, if there were no tribulations, no threats due to human reasoning, human law would have gone to an alarming extent. We would stray far from God’s love and live in life mainly superficial while the inner life is dry, lukewarm, indifferent. Because of these points, we cannot feel God’s love, and though we acknowledge the Second Person of God, our response to Him is poor and apathetic. In life, we care only about the order in human law though God’s law is close to us with daily practice in the inner life, by the heart, by the love as Jesus taught.
If we want to understand, we cannot be without Mother. Mother understood the Way of the Cross that Jesus walked as She suffered along with Jesus. He suffered in the flesh and suffered excruciatingly because of our abandonment. Mother’s Heart suffered from every step of the way as She united with Jesus. God the Father chose Jesus to accomplish a plan. Jesus dwelt in Mother’s womb for nine months and ten days and lived on earth for thirty-three years. Ultimately, the completion of that plan was His death. He died a painful death on the Cross, and with His last words to Mother, She was the person who completed the remaining program.
Today, who can teach us so decisively? Who can bring us back to God apart from Mother Mary? She teaches us inwardly, with Her heart. She teaches us humility and modesty, a life of penance, a life returning by reformation. She teaches us the goodness we need: sacrifice, endurance, listening, and obedience.
We need to awaken in our lives to respond to the great salvation of Her Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. With God the Father’s infinite love and Divine Mercy, we must be aware and return to our Lord. The human condition has nothing worthy and deserving apart from a contrite and grateful spirit in both soul and body, mind and heart, which seems ordinary yet have depth. It was an indescribable spirituality when Jesus came to save us spiritually and physically, but we were buried and immersed in days with earthly things and worldly attractions. If we do not pray and run to Mother, the way we feel spiritually is similar to the indifference of the soldiers 2,000 years ago, unintentionally or intentionally.
The scourges Jesus endured were due to our offenses to God. Through our sins, our lowliness, and weakness, we caused Mother’s Heart to suffer more each day, bleeding because we are uncaring towards God, Her Son. We are indifferent to Mother’s waiting, to Her teaching, to Her desire to lead us back to God. Mother guides us out of the snares that we have fallen into right from the beginning because of sin. Today let us unite to thank the Lord Jesus because we have a wonderful Mother who leads us to God, brings us back to God. Mother teaches us to understand a life of depth, which Jesus expects and awaits from us. Mother helps us understand Calvary is still the covenant that awaits every sinner like us. Jesus sacrificed and died for humanity on Calvary for us from sinners to become penitents if we wholeheartedly return to God.
Mother taught us how to pray this way. Mother has been silent for decades in Her life and always silently prayed for us. The graces God the Father gave to Mother, She gave to humanity. She could not watch us continue to live heartlessly and indifferently in a way that was sinful and offensive to God, so She taught us many ways to conquer this world, to understand prayer, proclamation, and God. In a life of conviction in the real presence of God, Mother is by our side to help and support us with Her intercession and prayer to God.
Today let us repeat over and again the words Jesus taught in the past: “Believe, and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” We believe in God, seek to come to God, knock for God to open the door of our hearts. Let us receive God into our hearts. We desperately need someone to teach us how to live to demonstrate a life with deeds. To testify to faith, we cannot be without Mother. What we do know today comes from Her teaching. What Mother did in Her life, today She wants to offer us to save us in these critical days with the tribulations and unexpected events.
It is time for us to open our eyes. Everything that happens through the ages, though we are prosperous, but the basic moral life, the life of faith in which we acknowledge God is still inadequate. Today, we ask God to save us and have mercy on us. Even though it is too late for many years, at least we understand the depth, the heart, the sacrifice, the chastisement, the faith in the conviction. We lift to God through our daily deeds to pray with the offering of the Six Kowtows that Mother Mary gave and taught us.
We lift to the Lord Almighty, to our Savior, the words that though late, are like a beginning with the love God still has for us, waiting for us to respond. Today, what we offer and say, we cannot be without the beloved Mother who taught us to return and trained us to become citizens of heaven, waiting for the day when we mature through faith by deed, through the doctrine left by God. When we practice, we return to God through the door that He opens to wait for us, and Mother will lead us in. Let us always rely on Mother, go to Her, ask Her to teach us, and help us live according to God’s holy will.
Let us be obedient, listen, and practice an inner life by deed, with sincere and good deeds in the truth for Mother to help us because we cannot practice by ourselves. Even when Mother already taught us, if we do not understand God’s love and are not aware of the Holy Spirit, we will fail. Mother uses all kinds of ways to help us return to feel God the Father’s love through the Divine Mercy and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. Let us trust that we encounter the Holy Spirit through the love of God the Father and the Lord Jesus.
The work, the teaching, and the powerful urging of the Holy Spirit help us practice, perform, and cooperate with Him. By our side, Mother constantly intercedes, plans, arranges so we will win this battle. No matter how sinful our past was, today, let us listen and return to what Mother teaches. We will receive God’s intervention and support, and through our Mother’s intercession, we will win the remaining battle. When we are finally firm in our standpoint with a determined spirit, a life of perseverance, patience, sacrifice, faithfulness, and endurance, we will win this battle.
What we conquer and gain in life, let us meditate on the Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, with each sword piercing Her Heart. Let us meditate on the Seven Sorrows for us to understand that Jesus died for humanity, and the lance pierced Mother’s Heart for us to have this day. We cannot forget the benevolent Lord Almighty and the Savior. We cannot be without God’s infinite Divine Mercy, without the Mother who sacrificed for us, continues to be patient with us, and remains by our side for the rest of our lives.
Mother needs us to cooperate, listen, understand that we are children of God. Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, saved us. He died for us, suffered on the Cross for us. Let us live worthily through Mother’s teaching for our lives to respond to what the Lord Almighty desires, awaits, and grants specifically to us. We thank Mother for helping us become perfect, worthy to enter a place where Mother will bring us back to God. When we leave this world, we will no longer live days we regret what we still do not yet know or practice.
Today, let us give ourselves the chance to act and profess. We will understand what it means to be a child of God and Mother, guided by the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, to become worthy citizens of heaven, which God especially grants to us and the whole world. May everyone believe, know and return to God through Mother Mary’s teaching. May we belong to Jesus, the Second Person of God. Totus Tuus.
The Third Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Spirit, I thank You, praise, glorify, and honor You. Mother Mary lived a humble life, and on the day Mother said Fiat, You enveloped Her, and the Second Person dwelt in Her womb. Everything comes from Your grace that covered Mother with Your love. Mother lived a quiet life under Your guidance and protection. Her whole life was obeying God’s holy will. Mother is the sole person who was the first to receive You. From there, You officially came to us after Jesus completed the salvation. We must be aware and delve deeper into understanding that God the Father chose Mother Mary amidst this world. Mother was the first person to receive Your grace that enveloped Her for Her womb to bear the Second Person of God, born into the world in the flesh.
It was such a great plan, so sublime and mysterious, which only The Most High can grant to us, especially to the world. There is a connection because what we know, say, offer, does not come naturally from us; Mother understood that our world could not be without the Holy Spirit. May we be aware of what God the Father granted through the Divine Mercy, which is not merely simple with familiar words, but understand how profound the Divine Mercy is and how it is through the ages with what He still grants us. Jesus was sent to this world to die for humanity. Why not give to the world a King with the power to command and not suffer as Jesus did?
In the plan of God, the Lord Almighty, He used everything that we did not see and did not know because we were in sin. God came for those very points to save all of humanity without distinction, but He is still the Lord who respects our decisions. There are points we see typical with perfection from Mother Mary as She represents us. Mother Mary had the protection of the Holy Spirit, His love enveloped Her, so Her life was without any blemish of sin even during seventy years in the world. Let us meditate to understand that in the seventy years of Mother’s life, She perfectly lived a life of obedience, sacrifice, silence, and prayer.
From Mother’s entire life of suffering, we receive a great inheritance. Today, Mother teaches and leads us to the Trinity. She guides us to the Trinity for each of us to have that inheritance. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, we understand God the Father’s infinite love and Divine Mercy. We understand the true salvation that saves us from sin, darkness, and death.
From the eternal doctrine, Mother leads us to officially receive the closeness that is the love of God the Father and the Lord Jesus, which became the Lord staying with us and always beside us to remind and teach us – the Holy Spirit. He is the truth, the holiness, the perfection, the light. Everything from the conscience, justice, righteousness, and truth comes from Him alone. He teaches us wisdom and discernment to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. We keep repeating these words every time we pray, and they are the most realistic words that everyone understands.
Whether a knowledgeable person, whether living a simple or learned life, these words are familiar to us. If unable to live with these words, how can we expect the knowledge with what we consider rational things in the world? Remember that what is suitable to the world is meaningless to heaven. Let us not rely on our education and knowledge to become arrogant people, unintentionally or intentionally. Let us remember what God grants through Mother’s teaching, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and let us meditate carefully to live in conformity, by deed, by action. Let us not follow our ways to err from God’s way. Let us not judge others because we can see the result from our knowledge today.
The most beautiful thing is that God chose us in righteousness, and Mother wants us to live a life that belongs to God through the doctrine practiced. What is from the inner life originates from the inside to the outside, with sincerity, truth, a righteous life. All that is most beautiful and best come from the Holy Spirit’s teaching. As for what comes from learning and knowledge is suitable for worldly life, but let us practice with conscience, with heart. In today’s world, we see the answer through generations.
Today, God continues to grieve because of us. Mother sheds tears of blood because of us. We follow what we consider the best with its logic; today, we have the answer. After 2,000 years, we discover the truth about those who are knowledgeable and learned. They are selfish, greedy, deceitful. They live a worldly life, but inside, their souls foster the cruelest things, the most horrific things. Those selfish, corrupt, unjust, disobedient, and rebellious people are the first learned people in the past, and they still exist in this world. We need to give up the way we think about our abilities, the learned words we are familiar with, the human rationality, because that is the way of thinking from those who belong to the world rather than the calling of God’s plan. Let us not be among those who always judge others, are always ambitious, and always live in the habits of a sinful world.
Today, we must know it is the Holy Spirit who teaches us. His teaching helps us give up worldly knowledge to embrace the humble and ordinary deeds full of meanings. Mother Mary wants to live again to help us let go of the arrogance in life and the proficiency that caused us to err and stray even more on the path that separates us from what God grants. We keep praying for repentant hearts, but we do not give up evils and vices. We do not renew our souls, then when will we mature?
Mother’s tears still flow because of our stubbornness, and Mother still sheds blood tears because we do not understand and are unaware. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, it is not easy for us to change our stubborn ways and hardened principles if without the Holy Spirit. Because of these points, Mother wants us to pray daily for God to work in our hearts, to remind us. The working of the Holy Spirit will renew our lives, our thoughts, our deeds, for us to be worthy of being disciples called to proclaim the Gospel and bear witness to the Six Kowtows to offer to God. I thank Mother for understanding everything about our lives.
O Holy Spirit, I thank You. Thank You for guiding us to understand our example is Mother Mary. With an inner life, a quiet life, a prayer life, Mother is the shining example to help us be firm in our faith, in the deed, in the acts of love and forgiveness, in generosity, in sacrifice, in a selfless life, practicing with the three virtues of faith, hope, and charity. It is all perfection from Mother Mary to accomplish the great work. Mother was the person chosen in the world to help achieve God’s plan in the salvation we receive today. Through that salvation, through our Savior, through the Mother representing the world, we receive graces in the forgiveness with the infinite Divine Mercy God the Father grants to all of humanity.
God is still the same Lord. We keep hearing that God does not use the power of a Lord or the power of a king or a leader to compel or command us. Even though He has that authority, our God is different, and because of His tenderness and benevolence, He is the Supreme Being who is the Conqueror. In faith, if we understand how a person in this world can be perfect, then we know there is only one person – Mother Mary. Mother knows God’s love for us and God’s love for Her. Mother practiced love perfectly and lived in God’s holy will. Since then, the world has received graces and blessings through Mother Mary.
When we receive these graces from Mother Mary, we do not spontaneously understand the Savior and have the opportunity to come to the Divine Mercy naturally. Mother Mary is the person who helps us because, in everything Mother does, we receive the privileges God gives. Mother is a quiet and discreet person, and in everything She does, She wants to glorify and honor God, for the world to know that everything comes from God alone. The time has come. God wants all of us to understand the great work He granted through His beloved Mother, a gentle Mother who sacrificed everything and did everything.
Today, Mother is the Queen of Heaven, but She is still the Mother in our families. She does not use the power of a Queen to rule over us, the sinners who caused Her Son heartbreak and suffering. She never uses the power of a Queen to reprimand Her children, but She symbolizes love in God’s love for us. Mother is the person who practices love perfectly. When it comes to affection and love, apart from the Trinity, Mother is the person who loves us and leads us back to God. She is the only Mediatrix for us to encounter God, a shining example in life with what She does to guide us to God, to receive grace, forgiveness, His intervention.
Today, what we receive, we cannot forget our grieving Mother, our sorrowful Mother. She endured everything, even extreme sufferings in this life, in exchange for our freedom and to give us the favor that still exists today.
For matters we need to know, understand, practice, we cannot be without the Holy Spirit. Mother knows we are weak because our strength is limited. We do not know how to seek the Holy Spirit. We cannot do it, we are not brave enough, not strong enough, and we will fail like we are failing. The Holy Spirit will raise us and teach us. When we cooperate with Him, He will motivate and enlighten us to make wise choices. From sinners, we will become penitents, from penitents we become witnesses, and from witnesses, we become saints present in heaven.
Today, we must know that we have brothers and sisters in heaven, and our elders are also in heaven. All this is not coincidental; Mother is the role model, the Being who represents us, to have saints present in the heavenly kingdom. Let us not say it is too hard to be saints nor too easy for us to practice. We must delve deep into the inner life of prayer to understand how to become perfect. To enter heaven is not an easy thing, but with Mother by our side, with Mother day after day, She will guide us. Her example and teaching will nurture us, raise us, by God’s grace, by the Spirit.
Mother Mary brings us to the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, we will receive the Spirit of God. His guidance, protection, embrace, prompting, illumination will help us stay in the right direction with the steps God granted to us, all classes, all roles.
Today is not a coincidence. Mother wants us to choose. She is the Mother close to us, who knows what we lack, what we need, and how we are along the path we are taking. When we choose the world, what belongs to reality, knowledge, then we have the present answer. If we prefer learning and proficiency, do not walk in God’s ways, lack humility, lack a fundamental doctrine, then we easily waver and are easily controlled by the world. We become people who think of themselves as knowledgeable, and we despise and do not comprehend ordinary deeds. In the end, we are more mistaken and go astray from God’s path, indirectly and directly.
Today, amid Mother’s great sufferings, She does not want us to continue with days of indifference, days of ignoring the graces God granted, become people lost to God and indifferent to salvation. Where will our souls be? If our souls do not have a place to rely on, we will look for things of the world with materials, money, satisfaction, lust. We seek what is in the world, then what does the world gives us? How can the world understand the value our souls have over us?
The lofty spirituality, the holy sanctity, is determined by God for our souls. Without the Holy Spirit, we become people whose souls are overwhelmed by the flesh. When we have the Holy Spirit, our soul governs our flesh. We understand the depth, the height, the breadth of the faith God grants. We recognize what is more significant, superior, and sublime for our lives to forever be with God. As for the days of earthly exile, let us follow justice, conscience, and the morality needed through the doctrine taught in the righteousness God gave us through the Holy Spirit.
May the Holy Spirit grant us wisdom, understanding, pour His grace upon us, light the fire of faith in each of our hearts, help us learn and listen to Mother Mary’s teaching. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will help us be righteous when we understand, pause, and reflect on what we experience. In our whole life, what have we done for our spiritual life? How can we live to express a life that testifies to faith? How do we live with the times we come to Mother, receive Her blessings yet have forgotten Her?
In life, from the beginning, we left our Mother and Father, but Mother and God never give up on us, and that love is still vibrant, still waiting. Today, may each one of us have a spirit in prostration, and through the Third Kowtow, profess, pray, lift to God, speak to Mother. We will have a new direction in life, with ways that we entrust, trust, and reverently offer with faith.
Today, we do not need people’s understanding. We need them to see, know, learn in life with a humble return for the Holy Spirit to work on them. They will know what comes from God, what Mother Mary teaches us, which is an offering needed in the present life because we have nothing else worthy to lift, say, or offer to God. When we rely on the Divine Mercy’s love, and we ready ourselves in a spirit of repentance in preparation for the return, God will accept and intercede for us suitably and appropriately through each special grace He grants through the Holy Spirit.
We thank God for the Third Kowtow reverently offered to the Holy Spirit. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we understand the support received from the beginning was from Mother Mary. We thank Mother Mary for bringing us close to Jesus. Mother helps us experience God the Father’s infinite Divine Mercy and understand the divine presence that nourishes us daily, both spiritually and physically. We must thank Mother for helping us recognize the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the eternal covenant granted to each sinner for us to return and become penitents. From that decision, we become witnesses, and from witnesses, we have good examples to learn.
When we encounter and return to God, we must learn to mature, practice to become saints in our lives, determined to become worthy children of God. We must practice becoming a saint in our lives when we receive Mother’s teaching because our God is the Most Holy One. If we want to enter heaven, become citizens of the Kingdom of God, we must practice becoming saints right in this world. Learning to become saints to enter heaven, we must understand that what God gives us are perfection and goodness.
What are we doing in these days of earthly exile? How far have we come since we heard and knew about Mother’s teaching? Let us rely on Mother to help us learn and practice a holy life, a virtuous life, a life of faith by deed, living in God’s holy will. Through His doctrine, everything is neither too difficult nor too easy, and when we live under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we will receive His arrangement with things we do not expect and do not know.
Our souls need to reform daily to be worthy because the Holy Spirit grants and intervenes for us through the keenness He gives us, so let us unite and thank Him. May we belong to Him. Let us remember to lift to each Person to ask for the essential needs, which is Mother’s teaching as we reverently commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Let us not pause at a point as we keep hearing the word “Sorrows” because, in that word, Her life was united in a plan with God to grant us the sublime offerings She teaches us today.
Let us open our hearts to see that what comes from God is not ordinary, given to us by Mother Mary, for us to return to God in this way. It is not as trivial as we think or judge, but to lift our souls in prayer is an extraordinary way to pray. With a reform interiorly and an outward amendment, we collaborate to return with the exemplary teaching from Mother Mary who knows how to live pleasing to God. When we belong to Mother, receive Her training, and obey as She did, we become those trained to be the children She wants us to be.
Let us learn to be saints, live holy, be worthy to come to a place where our God is the Most Holy One, a place where we can eternally return to the Lord Almighty to dwell in the house of God. Today, let us decide to feel the love of God and Mother, granted to sinners like us. Today, in the meditation we offer to God, let us separate ourselves from the bustling world, spend time for God and lift this ordinary offering that is unique and extraordinary with the present faith we receive from Mother Mary.
We thank the Holy Spirit, the sublime greatness He granted to ordinary, commonplace people like us, for us to receive extraordinary, marvelous, outstanding deeds with the inner life of the soul, though different, but give us joy in God and with Mother. We thank God and thank the Holy Spirit. We lift to the Holy Spirit. May we belong to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Fourth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Fourth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Eucharistic Jesus. The Eucharistic Jesus is the love, the light, the truth, the real encounter as today. Why do we have this encounter? How do we know this encounter? To understand this, we cannot be without Mother because it is from Mother that we know all these things and today receive even more riches. There are deeds written and recorded about the liveliness of the Eucharistic Jesus, but we need to cooperate, listen with faith and belief, and from our works, we will have a complete encounter with that real presence as in this day.
Mother Mary, I thank You. We thank You for bringing us to the Eucharistic Jesus to understand the divine holiness present yet invisible to human eyes because we are either faithless or weak in faith. The deeds God has done for man are wondrous and sublime, perfect in the love He offers and grants. God did not come in the flesh to accomplish His work and return to the heavenly kingdom eternally. He remains with us. He instituted the Blessed Sacrament, humbled Himself to stay with us through the Eucharist to become the nourishment for both our soul and body. His presence is the intervention for our world. His divine and holy presence is the great treasure granted to those with faith and inner life.
O God, I thank You for what we see and hear today. These are the truths, but we do not recognize, refuse, disbelieve. Our stubbornness and hardheartedness cause us to lose the opportunity rather than help us understand more and quickly accept to find the truth. God is not the God of over 2,000 years, present in a book that opens and closes, with theories conferred, with a dry and empty inner life. In the end, we commit wrongdoing, contrary to God’s teaching, so the world becomes days of turmoil, suffering, disease, war, pain, and trouble. We face days that no longer have justice, righteousness, and fairness.
In the ending, we have the answer as we recognize what we chose and practiced for centuries. Today, we face a pandemic, we fear it, are harmed by it, and many of us die from it. What is happening? People say these are natural disasters. Disasters? God created us to save us and let us live. God never wants to destroy us and causes deaths due to pandemics. From our lack of charity, our disbelief in God, we believe in something else in life, and in the end, in our weakness and greediness, the devil dominates us, controls us. As the devil rages, we are defeated, but our Lord Almighty is the King of the Universe. He is present and reigns among us through the Eucharist. He granted us everything and died for us to live.
Today, let us think. In this world, our thinking is so immature and childish. In our lives, we are clever in our learning and knowledge, but we lack the depth, breadth, and height of the faith that our souls need. These are human follies. Today, God does not want to see the foolishness of people anymore. God has opened the door of the tabernacle and stepped out. He shows us great wonder and allows us to see the power of His manifestation. He lets us see and contemplate everything we know in life. We received a map from Him, but we let Him wait for over 2,000 years. Because of His wait, His Mother replaced us, silently prayed in a quiet life, and continued to be beside the Eucharistic Jesus to serve Him. Mother continues to grant what the world needs.
Today, let us kneel before the Eucharistic Jesus with the first words in thanksgiving and repentance because we have forgotten God’s grace and neglected God for thousands of years. Without Mother Mary, would we be motivated to come to the Eucharistic Jesus like today? If we do not face an event with the threat of a pandemic and we are helpless in this situation, will we look to the Most High to pray? Do we still live in sinful days, in faithless days? Even if we have faith, we do not value faith but value money, ambition, position. We prefer the outward appearance from the beginning.
We see greedy people and the majority in life with praise and flattery. People called to a life of ministry serve God. They represent the parish, but in reality, people are selfish, arrogant, superficial, always respecting the people who have power and money while rejecting those who live a simple and ordinary life. But to the humble and little people, God once said: “I do not reveal to the learned, but I reveal to the little ones.” Why did God say that? Because we are still mistaken and continue to rely on days with power, money, fame, position, and talent. We rely only on the points of the world rather than relying on the deeds from God that are marvelous wonders though different. Different does not mean that we stray, but those deeds come from the transcendence of God’s grace, from the closeness and what is known and bestowed.
In the period we see, amid this world, how do such deeds come from people whose education is limited? How can we know the great and sublime works of heaven without God’s permission? We must have the moments to reflect on ourselves because Jesus is still present. He granted us to know and recognize His grace. Jesus grants us everything to nourish us and stay close to us. He is the Lord with absolute power and gives us all our needs and necessities for us to be close to Him, love Him, return to Him.
Only love helps us overcome the miserable, painful, challenging days in life and understand the meaning and ideal of life. May we find the most significant things in life while we still have our breath, become children of God, recognize God, confess God, worship God, and thank God to make up for our brothers and sisters. We still have a Mother who is always by our side to remind us, what do we have to fear in this life? However, most of us seem to shut our eyes and silently follow the natural way of life, with material and money preferences, fame, selfishness, greed, lust. If we live in iniquity, how can we see complete purity, the purity of the Supreme Lord who perfectly granted us? Our Mother weeps a lot because most of us do not understand the meaning of the Eucharistic Jesus. We receive the Lord disrespectfully, offending Him gravely in this century.
Today, Mother wants to let us know everything is in God’s plan. The days of purification started and are ongoing. In the remaining moments, let us come to God by the way Mother teaches, in a spirit of repentance, of gratitude, of penance. Let us be aware of what we are doing, ask God to forgive, give us a chance, intervene for us, open our eyes, our souls, our hardened hearts. Let us return with the humility we need, return to a simple and humble life in obedience that Mother desires from each of us. Unfortunately, today only a small number of people practice what Mother wants. Mother continues to help us because Her entire life is one of patience, sacrifice, giving away, for us to live with days close to God, knowing God, belonging to God. Mother cannot bear to let us lose what Her Son accomplished for us. Today, because of Her great suffering, let us meditate on Her Seven Sorrows.
Mother accepts all the difficulties. Mother Mary remains here, by the side of the Eucharistic Jesus, on our behalf. She is still looking to guide us back to God and teaches us about this opportunity because God has opened the door of the tabernacle to come close to us and reveal Himself by a light shining amid humanity. May whoever lies in the darkness and sin return to receive the light. We will change, forgiven, to receive the great Divine Mercy of God. Our life must return to the truth. May we welcome what is true and receive the graces granted.
Let us not lose an entire life because God saved us, and Mother Mary cared for our souls. Let us not miss the opportunity. We must understand. Let us delve deep into the life of Jesus the Savior, into the life of our beloved Mother. Especially today is the day to commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Why Our Lady of Sorrows? Why is Mother unhappy? Why does Mother not show the splendid features of a Queen? What caused Her sorrow?
Mother weeps because of our sin, disobedience, rebellion, and ingratitude to Her Son, Jesus. How can Mother be happy? We must understand the meaning of Our Lady of Sorrows through the life Mother offered and sacrificed for us. Mother’s example helps us return to God and officially receive His intervention and grace in days of urgency and tribulations. We thank the Eucharistic Jesus because He revealed Himself for us to see His glory. God is close to us and gives us great graces to substantiate the truth in our practice, which is the surrender, the prostration. Let us repent, ask God to accept our prayer as an offering to comfort the Eucharistic Jesus. We thank God, praise God, glorify God in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Amen.
The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ.
We thank God for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, and we meditate on the Six Kowtows to reverently lift. With the meditation of the Fifth Kowtow, the Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ remind us of yesterday’s Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We remember our Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation through the Five Holy Marks. His salvation was a plan and a testimony. Today, this sacrifice is officially offered, with the prayer to each Person in the way Mother teaches us. What we have is not a coincidence but is in God’s plan from the beginning. Today, His sacrifice becomes lively once again to commemorate what He accomplished for us in the world to remind us to return with reverence, thanksgiving, gratitude, and repentance as we reverently lift to Him.
O Jesus of the Five Holy Marks, I thank You for the great work of salvation granted for every sinner to be saved and forgiven. We celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross countless times in our lives, but have we ever meditated to understand this remarkable feast? O God, nothing is a coincidence. Everything that happens is appropriate with the time You allow, for us to reflect and understand the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, to know the Cross You chose to save our world.
We recall each day through Mother Mary in the offering of the Six Kowtows and the Fifth Kowtow in honor of the Five Holy Marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything leads us to the infinite love and Divine Mercy of God the Father. Through the ages, for generations, with the boundless benevolence of the Divine Mercy granted to our world through the First Holy Mark. There is a connection that helps us understand and experience what Jesus chose and accomplished, which is the greatness of the depth in the meditation God planned and granted to us.
Today, we know that the extreme suffering of God speaks of a wound, of the holy signs that are a testimony to the love through the Divine Mercy God granted for all of humanity to be forgiven and saved. God has done everything for us, and the proof is through His only Son who came into the world. Those signs remind us that the faith rekindled in our lives is still there for us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of God, with the Second Holy Mark. He came into the world and obeyed until the last moment with His last breath. He obeyed God the Father to complete the great salvation and deliver us from the darkness and death.
Today, that hope shines in us, in every situation, every period, especially in life, when we recognize and return to the God of love and Divine Mercy for us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to Him and His holy name, we receive the depth and breadth of faith that God the Father granted us in the grace of the Divine Mercy, for us from sinners, to become penitents and witnesses and saints present in heaven. We are victims who earnestly implore God in this urgent time.
O, Jesus Christ, it is truly exceptional to feel the love of God who so loved the world and sacrificed His only Son, Jesus Christ, through the Second Holy Mark. We trust in Him to have life and practice with the lively teaching given for ages. To know this teaching with the abundance that continues to be given to the world spiritually yet presently among humanity with the close encounter, we need to look at the Third Holy Mark – the Holy Spirit. He is the source of grace, the Supreme Being who enlightens, the Mediator who guides us into the graces that God the Father planned for all of humanity to know Him and trust in Him. The Holy Spirit is the just and righteous Supreme Being who gives us hope and life, heals us, opens our eyes to faith, grants us the strength with the mind to choose, to perceive, and helps us learn and understand the best through the doctrine that we need to know and practice.
The Third Holy Mark represents the Holy Spirit, the supreme love of God. It is the same holy mark that Jesus endured having it imprinted on His body. We respect, adore, believe, and honor the Third Holy Mark. It is such a meaningful wealth when we pray, with distinct sources to help us each day in our life. We offer reverently to each Person to recall the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a great day in our lives when we receive the love of God and His intervention with the seal of love from the Cross Jesus carried. Those Five Holy Marks are forever ours.
The Fourth Holy Mark continues to be the presence of the Eucharistic Jesus. His presence and intervention grant us the remaining and final favors to help us awaken and draw the infinite graces He bestowed upon humanity, waiting for us, and continues to give. If not enlightened by the Holy Spirit, how can we understand what we have through each holy mark Jesus bore to remind people of those endless graces that continue to flow and pour upon humanity?
Today, we understand better the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Lord Jesus was lifted for Him to lift us through the Cross, through His salvation, through the Five Holy Marks, to officially return to Lord Almighty, return to the heavenly kingdom that we all yearn and desire. If we want God to grant us what we long for, we cannot be without Mother.
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Mother experienced great suffering on the Way of the Cross as She walked with Jesus. Mother collaborated with God from the beginning with Her Fiat, accomplished God’s holy will, walked with Him, shared His sufferings. Mother was the Mother who took the place of the entire world to feel the love with a heart that suffered extreme pain, pierced by swords. Mother lets us know the bitterness endured and all the sufferings that She and Her Son accepted for the world.
Today, no matter how stubborn and hardened we are, let us rely on the value of the soul. Jesus endured excruciating pain, died on the Cross, and there were painful and tragic paths in which Mother Mary suffered from the seven swords piercing Her heart for us to understand the significant value of the soul. From Her endurance, today, Mother is our role model. Whether we stumble or sin, no matter how many things in our lives we still do not understand, do not know, do not believe, let us look at Mother’s extreme suffering and sacrifice for us, to bring us to God through the salvation with the Five Holy Marks.
Let us not forget the things that God granted to guide us directly to the Eucharistic Jesus, to draw upon the graces He bestowed and interceded, for us to mature in faith, encounter, and embrace His glorious presence. He is the mighty Supreme Being who granted and strengthened the life of faith for humanity. Let us not deny these points that will help our spiritual life return to God.
We already have a Mediatrix – Mother Mary – who teaches us to come to each of the Persons we need to pray to, present, speak to, and lift to the Lord Almighty the First Holy Mark, the Second Holy Mark, the Third Holy Mark. We revere, thank, adore the holy divine presence through the Fourth Holy Mark with the reverence needed in life to remind us of what belongs to us granted by God. Mother is a person who gives us special favors, to lead us back and help us on the paths where we are alone and lost amid a life dominated by war, pandemic, famine, suffering. It is a world that no longer has righteousness and justice.
Where is the consolation, truth, justice, righteous thing to have in life, besides things taught by Mother Mary? The Fifth Holy Mark helps us return to God by a repentant and contrite heart, to surrender, submit, give thanks, know what Mother teaches to bring us a genuine spiritual life, to return in time. It is the support for which Mother Mary bitterly endured to give humanity Her intervention. The world abandoned God and did not listen to Mother, but She never leaves us because She loves God. Mother loves God because God so loved the world and loved Mother and chose Mother to replace Him, to continue the remaining plan for the world and all of humanity to be saved, forgiven, with the remaining and final days when we profess and return in a spirit of repentance.
O sorrowful Mother Mary, indeed, life is full of meanings You gave us and humanity. Today, we have the opportunity to experience the present trials and sufferings, with days facing the threat of disease and death, wondering whether we will be healthy in the future. It is in these moments that we choose. In the final days of our lives, money and fame become fleeting. When we face the final moments in life with the pandemic, what is valuable for our souls is that Jesus endured extreme pain through the Five Holy Marks to bring us the hope He gave us.
It is a time with great urgency for Mother to teach us in the remaining and final days. Mother teaches us to return to God to receive His grace. Since we know that the Five Holy Marks have exchanged the seal of forgiveness for us, let us not pass up this opportunity to ask God for mercy and forgiveness, to help us return to the Lord Almighty by a life of prostration and surrender. Let us listen to and practice in the proclamation to deserve the forgiveness through the Fifth Kowtow that Mother Mary granted to help us clearly understand. No one can teach us and be the best example, pleasing to God, apart from Mother Mary.
Let us unite to honor, adore, reverently lift through the Fifth Kowtow, and profess to understand more clearly the sign of the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In life, the significance of the Five Holy Marks gives us hope. Our beloved Mother, in silence, endured the extreme sufferings piercing Her Heart through the seven swords. With each step of the way, Mother suffered greatly when Her Son took on our sins for us today to be redeemed and saved. Let us return by a life of proclamation as Mother taught us through the offering of the Six Kowtows. We thank, praise, and glorify God. May we belong to God through the Five Holy Marks we reverently offer. Amen.
The Sixth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary and for Her triumph.
The Sixth Kowtow, we reverently offer to God the Father – the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning starts with the Father, and the ending also belongs to the Father. Everything Mother teaches us is oriented to the Father, the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to His holy name, we receive the Divine Mercy; we are redeemed and forgiven. Mother’s testimony and teaching train us to be worthy children to enter the eternal place that Jesus prepared for us through His salvation. In times of tribulation, we see God’s love and realize there is no other place stable and safe for us to take refuge for the rest of our lives besides the days we step into the new world that the Supreme Lord granted us in the waiting. How can we come to that new world? How can we understand we deserve to live? Today, let us lift to God. We ask God the Father to allow us to offer Mother the Sixth Kowtow.
O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Savior, Mother of all humanity, Mother of every sinner, every saint, every prisoner, every witness, every patient, every penitent, every victim, every soul in purgatory, Mother of the Apostles, Mother of the Church, Mother of the clergy, Mother of every sinner in the world with the plague of both soul and body. Mother, please accept the Sixth Kowtow that we reverently offer with our hearts, from God the Father’s permission and the Holy Spirit teaching us for God’s plan to be fulfilled through each Person.
Today, the Holy Spirit wants us to lift to Mother words of thanksgiving and gratitude because She represented the world to complete the great plan with which Jesus wants to bring back all His children. He shed Blood on earth to cleanse each soul and take each soul back to God.
Today, the world has the freedom to choose. The number of people selected to come to God is too small in the world. Mother’s Heart continues to grieve, continues to be frozen. Jesus still sheds blood, still waits in His Eucharist. Jesus still sheds tears and sheds blood on the Cross. Today, the wait continues, but the number of those returning is limited. It is a significant disadvantage for humanity, a detrimental number because our lives do not belong to God. We do not return to God and do not practice His doctrine. Today, Mother’s Heart continues to be deeply pierced by swords and deeper. Mother sheds blood tears and goes all over looking for the children to bring back, including ourselves.
Those who listen to Mother, practice, recognize the valuable things received, then our lives are happy. We have Mother, belong to Mother, and have the present hope. As for those who refuse, who let reality rule with all things habitual, who prefer and yield to reality, we see mourning, death, division, schism, chaos, disunity, and the devil controls them through the raging crimes. Due to the greed and selfishness of all classes, all roles, the world no longer has days of love and unity. The only doctrine God gave us in the Old Testament was the Ten Commandments. Jesus taught us two commandments, which summarized the Ten Commandments. The two commandments are to love God above all else and to love one’s neighbor.
For the Church, and through the Church, Jesus taught His disciples in the past the prayer “Our Father.” When dealing with miseries, sufferings, and needs in life, the laypeople like us have the opportunity to lift to God through the Our Father. Jesus also taught us the Beatitudes. He understands the extreme sufferings of man, and if we know and endure, our lives will not end with enmity and hatred, but we know how to bear with each other, forgive, and be generous. Let us learn from Mother Mary, who endured trials Her entire life, but was never discouraged. Mother continues to persevere in finding us to bring us back.
No one can compare to that love. Apart from the Trinity, Mother is the person who loves us and leads us back. Let us trust in Mother, the guiding star, as people describe. Mother is the only Mediatrix who guides us back to the Lord Almighty. Mother is the person who gave us the remaining and last graces we have and allows us to be close to God, know God, belong to God. Mother is also the Mediatrix who helps us when tribulations surround us.
Today, let each of us judge for ourselves. For generations, especially in the most recent years, with the pandemic and the unprecedented stress, the chaos in the economy and society, the many troubles, complications, our lives no longer have justice, righteousness, truth. We continue to fight and live in days of falling into snares. We continue to be stubborn and hardened, letting society control, following the subtle reality of a radical age. We lost our conscience, the morality of truth.
It is our choice, so evil is raging. We are affected by the pandemic, loss of freedom, days of turmoil with war, days of domination with chaos, with abandon, losing the doctrine and the basis in life. It is our choice. However, God’s infinite benevolence and things Mother wants and gives, seeking ways to save us, continue to be granted. Thus, we must recognize God’s intervention and God’s presence through the Eucharistic Jesus. Today, we cannot refuse these great favors. We cannot deny the authenticity of the Sacrament in which Jesus is present, awaiting the conclusion of our choice to pour out His grace and open the door of the tabernacle for Him to grant the essentials for the life of faith and the spiritual life. Only when we suffer extreme trials that we remember and seek God, regretting the days of freedom, but it is too late.
To Mother, this is an opportunity at the end. Mother wants us to see how our free choice has turned to failure and defeat in life. Mother alone leads us to hope and to an open treasure. Jesus continues to grant the world, and His love continues through the Divine Mercy. Only on this path do people understand and return with an amended life, decide to return in repentance to a life professing God. Let us return to God, amend our lives spiritually and physically, recognize our weak and sinful condition. Besides God, there is no place with hope, peace, and true harmony. These points help us realize what we are doing and what is real and present in the world.
Together, we thank Mother on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. We are more deeply aware of Her Heart pierced by swords because She accepts this pain to share in the suffering that Jesus suffered for humanity. It is the proof, the great sacrifice of God, for us to have the opportunity. Through Mother’s bitter suffering and sacrifice, She grants the favors and blessings received from heaven to our generation. Even though we are sinful, unworthy, imperfect, offending God, Mother is still the person who prays for us to repent and return. She prays for us to mature and grow up. She prays for us in this urgent time to choose and return. Let us not let it be too late nor too tardy.
Mother is our consolation. She is the person who looks for us, the guardian of our souls to guide us back to God. Mother suffers in exchange for us to receive blessings and still exist in this world. Let us open the eyes of faith, examine our hearts, return to God. Apart from the return, we have no other way. Besides Mother’s support and guidance, we no longer have a chance. These are the days in which our free choice has brought death and suffering and have become the days of losing the doctrine, the moral basis that God gave through His death. It is a doctrine with the truth to lead us into the eternal place when we depart from this earth.
Today, where will our souls go if we do not recognize God and ignore Mother’s teachings? We face the domination of sin that caused us to fall into situations with sinful lures. We have eyes but do not see, ears but do not hear, hearts that are hardened and indifferent. In our lives, we nourish sin, foster sin, are addicted to sin, and never recognize sin. We must accept what we choose, but Mother is the person who has always loved us and is always nearby to teach and guide us to help us leave our habitual way in life with our reasoning to justify our sins.
We lose the lofty spirituality because our faith is weak, based solely on facts, limited to earthly days with human laws. Let us seek to belong to God by a proclamation with a prayer life and a reformation to help us be renewed in the Almighty Lord who grants and bestows. At this moment, let us unite and reverently lift to Mother. We thank Mother for helping us return to God, believe God, worship God, confess God, and witness the great glory of the Eucharistic Jesus to strengthen the life of faith and faith for all classes, all roles.
Mother Mary, thank You for the meditation on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The meditation helped us understand the meaning of Your Seven Sorrows and also helped us understand the offering of the Six Kowtows. Today, the Six Kowtows have become an offering intended for man to lift to God with a sincere heart; in a spirit of repentance, of reparation, of sacrifice, with faith in the proclamation, to thank God, honor God, apologize to God.
Mother Mary, we thank You. You understood our weak and sinful condition because we cannot in any way resist things of reality. Only when we believe and practice what is spiritual can our lives be renewed. Through the enlightenment and love of the Holy Spirit, we feel happy. No matter what happens, the children who listen to You and practice what You teach have peace and Your protection. Mother, may many people know this and unite with us to return to God, confess Him, apologize, and repent. We act on behalf of all classes and roles that never thanked God, never had the opportunity to know about His doctrine, never believed in Him.
We must believe, return, find, seek, listen to understand the truth Mother Mary granted to help us, like a lifeline to rescue today’s humanity. Although all matters become prosperous in the progress of a civilized age, the truth comes from the love of God, the Savior, from the beloved Mother who takes care and leads us back. It is such sublime greatness that we cannot help but express our thanks and gratitude. We thank You, Mother, for helping us have a meaningful day of meditation, united to the Six Kowtows that You taught us to offer to God, which allows us to express and experience what we received from You.
Mother, please open our hearts, our souls. Mother, please open the heart of each brother and sister, help them return to the truth, for them to be determined to receive the grace to be granted. Let us unite to surrender, prostrate, confess, apologize to God to receive His intervention. Our world is in misery, threatened by war, by the pandemic. We are in panic, and everything has become days of sudden changes, for the worse, with days of trouble.
Today, if without prayer, without Mother’s intervention, how will we be in this situation? Mother, please save us. We are sinners, and it is painful to live in sinful days, in days of worry, of fear, days we never feel at peace. We do not want to relive those miserable days as in the past. We want to belong to You, be with You, listen to You for our daily lives to have joy and hope in the forgiveness God grants us who are sinners to return and become penitents and witnesses.
Mother, our hope always belongs to You. Please help us nurture hope for us one day to learn to become saints, to pray on behalf of victims turned to God. In the present situation, Mother, please help us. May we belong to You with heart. Mother, we lift to You praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, recognition, and apology. We thank You for everything You do wholeheartedly and perfectly for us today to spiritually know the Supreme Being present through the Six Kowtows that we reverently offer. We honor You. Please accept our prayers as we continue to lift to You. We thank You. Your guidance will help us continue with what we need to say, offer, practice. May we belong to You, Mother. Amen.
Mother, through the Six Kowtows, we thank You. You granted us to be close, receive, and feel the presence of a holy saint – Saint Joseph. He is a shining example for the world. You are the Mother who understood that human life is easily governed and lured into traps with a world always drawn to reality. In terms of spirituality, it is essential to have an inner life, to be spiritual. There must be prayers to ask for the help and intercession of saints, especially from Saint Joseph, Mother’s companion in the world. He is also the saint chosen by God the Father to become the foster-father of the Lord Jesus Christ while on earth.
Today, Saint Joseph is the saint whom God the Father especially loves. He is the saint who intercedes for us and whoever comes to Saint Joseph never returns empty-handed. Saint Joseph, through your intercession, please pray for our Church. You are the example for the life of faith, integrity, righteousness. You are also a shining example in the holy family, a person with the responsibility and duty to take care of a family, to become perfect. You are also the example for those who consecrate themselves to God through a chaste life. All the virtues taught by Mother come from Your intercession, for our world to follow the example of the holy family with the Being whom God chose. Saint Joseph completely fulfilled his responsibility in life.
Today our world is confused and lost. Today’s family life is collapsing. We pray for Saint Joseph’s intercession for our world to return to the days of living with God’s law. Mother also taught and guided us to the three archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. The archangel Michael holds the balance of justice, with Satan under his feet, defeated with what is unjust. The archangel Michael is majestic, strong, and powerful; please help us and help our world in the present stalemate in the grip of the devil’s snares because of our weak faith, immaturity, and foolishness in worldly life.
All the factual reasonings dominated, and the reality of today’s world defeated us. We pray to the archangel Michael for help, to the archangel Gabriel who is always beside God the Father, to intercede with God for us. God the Father, please have mercy on us and intervene for us. We are sinners who do not deserve to ask and receive the intervention, but at this moment, we entrust in You because through our Lord Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity and the hope that we ask.
We ask the archangel Gabriel, the angelic messenger, with his announcement and message, to help our life of faith that lies in days of corruption amid life’s realities and cause us to forget the faith God grants for us to belong to Him, know Him, and witness to the truth. The facts in this age rule over us and govern us in the order of the law causing us to neglect what is most valuable of the soul. We ask for help from archangel Gabriel. Please intercede with God for us sinners. We earnestly plead for God to have mercy and grant us a bold and firm faith, courage, patience, dedication to witness to the truth that God has specially granted through the intercession of the archangel Gabriel.
We have the archangel Raphael, heaven’s physician. In the Conoravirus pandemic threatening the world, the disease of the soul and body is dominating and controlling the whole world. We are crushed by this pandemic, threatened by war, deprived of righteousness and justice in every country by the rulers. The rulers are no longer patriotic and do not care for the citizens. Everything ends up with stressful days, particularly in the United States. We ask the archangel Raphael to heal our homeland Vietnam in a critical state with the pandemic. The number of people who died from the pandemic is high worldwide. In every country, daily, many innocent people, victims, die. The devil uses political ways to destroy countless people in 2020 and 2021. These people do not know God, do not recognize God, and still do not repent, then where will their souls end up?
This is an important matter that Mother Mary wanted to teach for us to represent those who are dying, pray for them, pray for souls, and pray for the living who do not yet know and do not yet believe in God. We pray to the archangels to ask for them to heal us, in the plague of both soul and body, for us to trust and return to the Lord of love and Divine Mercy. Today, Mother teaches us to go directly to the archangels. Moreover, we learn that there are twelve archangels and other archangels in heaven. We ask for their help. God the Father commanded them to protect the earth, the universe, the weather, the most beautiful things God created, which the devil destroyed.
We cooperated with the devil, easily believed in him, so we became entangled in his subtle snares. Today, we are under the devil’s control, and we cannot find the source of freedom, happiness, a solid place with truth. We ask the archangels to help us, intercede for us to God to save us in this time of need. We also ask for help from the angels in heaven, each hierarchy, and our guardian angels. Each of us has a guardian angel, but we are indifferent and apathetic to them. It seems we do not understand their presence in our lives, but we cannot deny the voice that reminds us.
Many times, when we have trouble or an accident, the guardian angels directly or indirectly help us. To the world, it is luck, but it is not just luck. Everything receives help from heaven through the guardian angels. Today Mother teaches us and leads us to the guardian angels. Let us pray to them, be sharp to hear their voice, be aware and cooperate with them. The guardian angels help us recognize the goodness we need to do and avoid sinful matters. Let us reject sins. Let us not nourish, foster, and live with sin. We must stay away from sin, eliminate wickedness, reduce evil, to be worthy of the support of archangels and angels.
We also have saints who have gone by in the course of history. They were like us in their youth or in their time on earth. They overcame intense trials, made their choices. When they knew God, recognized God, they loved God fervently and endured. Out of love for God, they accepted the trials, bitterness, human judgment, extreme physical pain in the persecution from those in power. In the end, they won the battle and were at the heavenly banquet table. It is such great learning as Mother taught us to follow the saints who have gone by in the course of history. Today, Mother also teaches us to practice to be saints, to learn to understand what belongs to us.
With our strength, we can do it, but it takes determination and prayer for God’s grace to help us attain what we desire. The most important is the return with a spirit of improvement and repentance. The most important thing for us to be free from sin is to be wise to accept what belongs to God, be sharp to respond to what God grants and gives, and fulfill the duty and responsibility God gave. Through Mother Mary’s teaching, today, we know the value of prayer, of spending time with God, the significant value of meditating on the mysteries that we never had in our lives for us to understand the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, as God granted.
Seven swords pierced Mother’s Heart. Do we know the reason why? We have the answer from the meditation. The reason is our sin, our indifference, our rejection of God’s love, our denial of Mother. Mother endured the pain from those swords to walk with Jesus to bring us the hope and salvation we receive today. That hope remains. Mother knows that if She does not cooperate and walk to represent us, then today, will we have the chance to return to God, know God, have faith?
What is most important is to believe in God to gain eternal life. Let us believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for us to be redeemed, forgiven, and live in hope. If we lose this basis, how can we receive God’s mercy? We are sinners, stubborn, hardened. We choose sins, so we must bear what belongs to our choice. We thank the beloved Mother who walked with Jesus on the Way of the Cross, who sacrificed to endure bitterness, for us to receive the great love and Divine Mercy of God. Mother uses those sacrifices to ask God to give us more time, grace, wisdom, and illumination to help us discern on the path of goodness, to choose what is the best at the end, with the grace bestowed and given.
God is a loving and forgiving God, a God abundant in Divine Mercy, who created us to obey Him, to be children who know how to live worthy of everything He bestows and gives. Unfortunately, we do not live up to the points He desired and granted us. We lost our freedom, offended God, betrayed God from the very beginning through our first parents. God is still loving. He gives us opportunities even when the devil controls us in this world. God seeks to save us, forgive us, through the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, through the Five Holy Signs, through His presence, to nourish our souls. In His protection, we receive the conviction of faith the Lord Jesus Christ brings. He grants us a sublime and perfect example – Mother Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the triumphant Being we adore with our present faith.
What are we afraid of or hesitant? What causes us to fear that we do not practice to seek what happens in the truth? God alone and only extraordinary things can prove the supernatural that God bestows and gives to strengthen faith through a life returning to Him. Today God specially granted to the saints present in heaven. We have their shining examples through every history. If we belong to God, we must practice to be righteous, learn to become saints, be worthy of the love God granted to us because our Father is the Most Holy One. It is what God requires and expects.
If we want to practice this, we cannot be without Mother, without Her teaching, without Her example granted to us. The extreme suffering She willingly accepted was to testify to the path of the Lord Jesus, the Savior. He gave us forgiveness. It is up to us to deserve that forgiveness. May we understand Mother’s sorrows and sufferings with the swords piercing Her Heart, which continues to bleed because of our indifference, rejection, and refusal of the great graces. Blessed Mother shed blood tears to remind us and bring us back to God. She knows that only by returning with God can we find the source of happiness, be in hope. If we do not believe in God, we will end up eternally in a place with wailing and gnashing of teeth.
These are the moments we see evil raging with wickedness and unrighteousness. If we do not return, how can we be present in the place Jesus has been waiting for us? Today, we still live in days of foolishness and immaturity of faith. We do not know God; reject God. If we refuse God, we hear what the Father said. If we do not believe, how can we live in the salvation the Lord Jesus brought for us? Today, His Mother grants us special favors, teaches us, and manifests through the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows for us to understand Her life.
Mother’s poignant journey allows us the present freedom. With Her sacrifice, She brings us things most joyful, most recent, most peaceful. Let us be determined with faith to return to God in times of urgency, which we need, in all classes, all roles. God does not require things that are too difficult. Mother also does not teach us what we cannot do. What we need is to come to God, unafraid, with both soul and body, mind and heart. Let us be bold, not be shy in the world, not fear how people judge us. Let us ignore them and perform. We must return to the Supreme Lord. We need to represent the indifferent, those who are good but never knew God, or even if they knew, they never had the heart to seek, to tell God the truth from their hearts.
If we do not repent, the subtle and clever realities will control us. They are sins that cause us to lose the opportunity to return through the urgent events we face in society. Let us be decisive with what we receive from God because Mother introduced us to the help of the archangels and saints, the prayers of the guardian angels, the saints’ examples, and their intercessions. Mother also reminds us to remember the souls in purgatory. God grants to the living forgiveness and the grace to return to Him. God also gives to the departed. Whether they are souls in purgatory or are still somewhere wailing and waiting to answer to God’s justice before returning to Him, He wants us to pray for these souls too.
Mother saw the prayers and the works we do on behalf of souls. God will intervene and allow souls to return to Him sooner through the Divine Mercy He grants to the living and the departed, particularly for the present world to prepare for the days of purification to enter a new world in the days to come. Today, with what we hear, what we offer, what we lift, we prostrate ourselves with the Six Kowtows from the Holy Spirit’s teaching, which is an affirmation, an extremely significant offering for every sinner. As we lift, we affirm and pray for all those who still do not know, still do not believe, our fellow human beings, for them to also have the opportunity. From our prayers, God will intervene, opening the eyes and hearts of humanity through faith to return to Him. It is what is most needed while time still allows.
We can see our Mother in haste. No matter how difficult, Mother still seeks us, looks for all kinds of ways to save us. We receive through Mother, and with Her intercession, we will be forgiven and supported in situations in which She specially granted us. Moreover, when we face challenges or deaths, events, or crosses through life, let us not lose hope but always hope, entrust, persevere, remain faithful till the end of our lives. When there are events, trials, the situations will eventually become good and become the best God grants through Mother Mary, the Being who intercede to God for us, the only Mediatrix to lead and bring us back.
O Lord, God of love, we thank You. Tonight, there is no Mass. We have the opportunity to be here to receive Mother’s words and conclude the offering of the Six Kowtows. It is Mother’s arrangement for us to kneel here before the altar, the Cross, the tabernacle, the icon of Our Lady of Sorrows. We came here through Mother’s arrangement to pray and meditate on the Seven Sorrows that we just offered. It is a year in which Mother granted us more depth in the meditation of each Mass reminded by the Church. To us, this feast is a solemnity because it is through this meditation that we come to know the infinite blessings and graces we receive from what Jesus endured for our world through the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
On the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, the seven swords piercing Mother’s Heart become the seven sorrows, and we receive the seven graces from Her endurance and suffering through the seven graces of the Holy Spirit. Everything comes from lofty spirituality, and there is something special that God plans for us. Our beloved Mother seeks to be close, grants, intervenes for us. Let us unite to listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching.
Let us practice boldly for our lives to become perfect in the offering as Mother chose us to be the pioneers of this last era. We ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. May everyone open their eyes, ears, and hearts to receive and learn this truth, especially the Church. We pray for many people to listen, and with their inner life, unite to ask for God’s mercy, intervention, and forgiveness.
Lucia concludes the Six Kowtows at 7:18 p.m., in St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, in front of the altar, the Cross, the tabernacle, the icon of Our Lady of Sorrows. We attended Mass here today, with seven priests celebrating. We offered the Six Kowtows for the Seven Sorrows of Mother on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, with meaningful and consistent prayers that we lift and present to Mother.
Mother, please intercede for our world to be aware, receive, listen, and practice the Six Kowtows, which we need on the path of growth, understanding, and faith, to live in the love of God. He is waiting for us with the listening, obedience, and humility Mother taught. We thank God, the Holy Spirit, and Blessed Mother. Now, I wait to receive Mother’s words on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Once again, Lucia concludes at 7:20 p.m., Wednesday, September 15, 2021, on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which the Church reminds us to commemorate. We offer God the meditation with the teachings for us to know more about the marvelous mysteries as Mother Mary walked with Jesus on the Way of the Cross. He is always the Lord who waits and grants us from His love for us to come to Him and live a righteous life worthy of the salvation He gave us.
Mother’s teaching will help us feel close, experience the divine presence, help us mature in the life of faith required for Christians, which is the testimony to confess God, give thanks and gratitude by the work we reverently offer today. We thank God, Blessed Mother, the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Message of April 7, 2020
The Length of This Event
Depends on Humanity
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children,
Today the world is covered with a grief-stricken color, a color without light.
The world also suffers with a terrible death toll.
You suffer, you are sad, you cry, and you are afraid.
I grieve a hundred times more, because I did not want this to happen from the beginning.
I prepare for the world, I prepare for you, I prepare for My clergy from the beginning.
This is something that must happen, for you to turn to focus on the most important things as God wants to save and free you from the pandemic of the soul.
For so long – the Holy Spirit has always been ready to guide all classes, all roles out of the plague that mankind still carries, over generations, over centuries.
Today this is only a physical plague and mankind has panicked, but mankind never paid attention to the pandemic of the soul.
Speaking of faith, the Holy Spirit has enlightened, by the most ordinary, simplest words, for all classes, all roles to understand, listen to, and meditate.
If mankind did not face a fierce battle, they would still nourish sin, foster sin, and continue to be mistaken in sin, but they remain indifferent in their ignorance.
My beloved children,
Do you know how much God suffers when He looks at the world today? He still sheds torrents of tears.
2,000 years ago He shared an inner life with the holy apostles.
His Heart was in agony before the Passion.
You are about to enter Holy Week in the coming days.
This has returned with the liveliness that I faced over the Body of the Second Person of God, My Lord and your Lord, and also My only beloved Son.
Today, the event happens to this extent because the Lord still wants to hold onto you, still wants to find ways to save you, still wants to give you the opportunity to choose.
All battles must have sacrifices, all battles have a start that is not what one wishes.
All starts have a decision, for your life to be more mature when you witness the horrible truth of the present age.
My beloved children,
Standing in front of this threshold, you see how this is just the beginning that already frightened you.
There are people who see and appreciate what they have lost.
But today there are also people who take advantage of this situation to continue to do evil, to use this situation to be able to manipulate and find all kinds of ways that you will see in the future days.
God is looking at the righteous, the repentant, the matured children, for them to understand when they have behaved ungratefully in the past days.
Today they have prostrated in repentance and have truly returned.
Today the Holy Spirit is also teaching you and the world to beseech each Person (*).
Continue – God will use all means to defend those who belong to Him.
God will wait for faith from mankind.
Even with the challenging events, God desires for all of you to remain calm, to always be at peace, and to not be afraid.
If you have faith, then do not be afraid, because there is only one thing: believe then you will receive, seek then you will find, knock then it will be opened, as Jesus said.
This is the time when you must live with faith to overcome what is surrounding, by its own reasoning, by its own rationality, by all the conditions the world requires.
But today, human demands will take away what is inherent in the pandemic.
However, in the spiritual life you are more mature, you have decisions that are more proper, you have a steadfast decision with the life of faith depending on each class, each role, especially those chosen to witness to this truth.
My beloved children,
I have heard everything with your cooperation, though by law people today cannot come to the churches or gather at certain places.
This is a quarantine with some free time for you to remember and record what is when you still have the opportunity.
This event will not have a time limit, because it depends on the return of mankind, it depends on those who awaken.
Then God will have another way, and if mankind continues, then there will be ways that will be slower.
My beloved children,
The prayers have been accepted, but I want you to be more patient, because there is a need for unity, and for many people to know, to hear, to believe, so that through their prayers and their beginning God will begin to act.
This is something to be reminded not only in this pandemic but is a reminder for the beginning of the purification.
In this moment, mankind must pay attention because there will be the next times.
Even when things are back to normal, there will be events that continue with the purification, for those who are completely and truly righteous to return in an absolute way.
There will be no more filth and cannot nourish the evil that exists in the world.
It takes determination when people come to a deadlock, to circumstances in which you no longer have a choice – then you will realize what belongs to God, what only comes from God, what is the only thing to rely on, the unique love God has had for you through generations.
(*) Through The Six Kowtows
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. (Psalm 51:x)
Excerpts of April 9, 2020
Blessed Mother at the Establishment of the Eucharistic Sacrament
The Catholic Faith focuses on Jesus, the Son of God made flesh. That is the most important thing. Mother Mary has a role in the plan of the salvation of humanity and the Church founded by the Lord, especially in the work of establishing the Blessed Sacrament. Let us listen to Mother’s words on Holy Thursday, April 9, 2020, the day commemorating Jesus’ establishment of this Most Holy Sacrament.
Mother said:
[…] I did not sit at the same table with the holy Apostles, with the Lord at the Last Supper, because there was an organized program – with signs left to the world, with the establishment of the Church in a spiritual way – which God accomplished through the holy Apostles as recorded. But I truly was always by Jesus‘ side. I acknowledged everything Jesus did, starting from the moment He washed the feet of the holy Apostles until the moment He sat at the table to establish the Blessed Sacrament.
Mother united to Jesus more deeply:
Inside the window, every second, every minute, I continued to observe and to note. With deep prayer, I lifted up to God the Father. I knew all the things that Jesus would do in the coming stages. This is an opportunity for Me to tell you so that you can better understand. Because an age will have many stories that are not yet recorded in history and there are also many stories that may not be official yet.
Her role is more important when She contemplates Her beloved Son every hour, every minute, everywhere:
“[…] Mother marked the Eucharist into Her Heart before the Lord entered the Garden of Gethsemane […]”
Mother continued:
Indeed, what is recorded does not have anything wrong, but there are only additional things. […] In that last Supper Jesus had certain emotions, which He said were matters that happened as the Holy Spirit enlightened.
That is not important – the importance was that God saw that all the Apostles were still very weak. The Apostles were timid and simple. They did not understand the world, because when people truly live in sincerity then they do not know the shrewdness, things that people cause – in thought, in action, through the deeds they have done […]
MESSAGE OF 10-21-2019
The Twelfth Station of the Cross
“Jesus Dies on the Cross”
This message alternates between words inspired by God the Holy Spirit and words from Blessed Mother and receives at 10:40 a.m. at Shrine of Our Lady of La Vang, Las Vegas, Nevada.
O Lord, the work of salvation has ended on the Cross [1]. This is the last hour. We are lifted up to contemplate the Lord who has completed the program with the last hour on the Cross, but is still alive to entrust His disciple and the world to His Mother, with the last seven words, with the trusting and loving disciples beside Him at the last hour.
At His feet was St. Mary Magdalene who persevered and persisted from the moment He was captured in the Garden of Gethsemane. This saint was silent and constantly looked for ways to see and to come close. In the end, present were Mother Mary, St. John, St. Mary Magdalene, as reported in history books. As for close relatives who followed Him there are very few.
Today we see God dying on the Cross. He knew that after the work of the salvation, He would be back for a certain amount of days and then would return to God the Father. He already knew this, but it is at this time that He also knew that mankind has moments of courage, moments of weakness. There are times we must pray to understand the meanings, according to our human viewpoint, but every deed God does teaches us and has meanings, which we receive through His teaching in life.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children,
The Twelfth Station of the Cross is for you to see in general. Before the Cross was raised, how He suffered. The nails were firmly driven for the Cross to be raised upright. Think about it. A normal tree also moves, moving back and forth to remain straight. This was the Cross He carried and He laid upon it, a heavy body. Then the Cross was raised upright.
Do you know: the extreme pain He suffered was multiplied a thousand times for the Cross to be stable according to the way the soldiers placed it between the two people mentioned in history? It was at those moments that My Heart was wrung with pain. My Heart agonized and experienced – every second, every minute – the moments when I was about to lose Him. I heard very clearly the earnest last words. Each word, each sentence, the works I must complete in the plan God assigned to Me and over Me. The meanings reported were only partial – as for what is profound, today you need to hear to clearly understand what I want you to report.
My beloved children, in the last hour, He had no more strength left, but forced Himself to grant, to speak to Me. Before I started to enter the last and final hour, there were challenging words that were the symbols of goodness and symbols of evil. On one side there was repentance with words that were evident and faith-filled. On the other side, there was a perpetual obduracy in blame and denial. So in His last hour He still saw the facts: mankind at that time had not awakened and clearly understood the paths of excruciating agony that He accepted to redeem the entire world.
Today do not be surprised. There are people who believe, but there are those who are still hardened, those who still use their authority, totally living a worldly life, in the needs of whims. They still do not fully understand the meaning of justice, of truth, of love for which God chooses them to become people who bring the words of truth and a needed true life in God.
So there are people with whom you need to be more patient, more tolerant, because your prayers will change them and by your prayers they will be sanctified. Prayers will allow extraordinary and wondrous deeds to happen. Because of the prayers, you will understand and experience, from the core, the important meaning in the mission of witnessing, which you have done and are doing.
My beloved children, the program was completed – the work of redemption on the Cross. In the final hour, is there any mother whose heart is not broken, watching her child suffering and agonizing in excruciating pain in the dying hours, who will no longer have her child by her side? That was the state of a human mother, but in terms of a spiritual life, it was an immense responsibility that Jesus had undertaken and concluded. The day He was about to leave Me, I remembered the journey of thirty three years, tears still flow down.
Moreover, I knew this was the holy will of God the Father. I knew the plan of all people, of the multitude of people and of all generations; I did not blame, but I was able to see. I longed – I felt it was the desire of God; His longing and His last words and things that must be accomplished for Him, with what the world needs to know then must know, in order to understand the meaning of the value of the soul, the value of the return, the value of each role, the value of each function, the value of all generations. That is also the beginning of the end.
Death will no longer control you. Death will no longer be your master. Death must completely be defeated in this last moment. Today those who live in iniquity have the opportunity. When they repent, they will be forgiven, and when they eagerly return then they fully become a new masterpiece. This is the most important thing that the world still does not clearly understand. Today I desire for you to contemplate the Five Holy Signs that are given for the end, and the Twelfth Station of the Cross [2].
This is a book of history that is concluded and an assertion to triumph over death, to give you hope when you understand and return to God. Then the only thing is the need for mankind to reform, to be determined, to recognize, because God grants to all the seal in forgiveness. Even at the last moment of life, He forgives when you return.
You must definitely meditate on the Fifth Kowtow. The Five Holy Marks are affirmed as a living and contemporary Gospel for each soul, each person – today, in maturity – to clearly understand what belongs to oneself. Through the Twelfth Station of the Cross concluded and the Five Holy Marks clearly reported, there should no longer be a triviality according to human process. You must decide for yourself because that seal belongs to you while you are still alive. If you neglect and you no longer have the opportunity, then you must answer to justice in purgatory.
So this is the moment to live in absolute amendment and recognize what God grants and gives to you in the Five Holy Marks. In there is the love that is God the Father’s Divine Mercy, and Jesus came with the purpose of bringing you faith, so believe, because He redeemed your souls, He endured to redeem you. He Himself has completed a program to prepare for the Holy Spirit to come to you.
That support of love forever belongs to you, and that is also present in the Fourth Station. Today, as you have come to the Lord, you are encountering, you have the opportunity to meet Him. That is the evidence of the Lord’s presence in this world in a divine way. You pray to see the presence, so today you continue to have a close encounter from heaven, which is granted to you in this generation to save you in the most urgent moments, in the most tragic moments. In the moments when mankind is revolving with a generation that is entering days of lost faith, days of decadence, and days of living in the chaos of a multitude of colors in the clever subtleties of progressiveness, of an age in which you forget the most important things in the doctrine. Today I have the duty and responsibility to say what God wants from Me and grants to Me. At all costs, I will lead you out, lead you back, and help you.
Today what is needed is faith, cooperation, listening, a humble heart. Then you will find the path. Regardless of difficulties or trials or sufferings, the path you have is the path in which you need to believe in God, because He died for you to live. You seek things of the world, but what you need to seek is from within the soul – the truth, the teaching through the doctrine, practice, faith, a holy life. Return with a grateful heart to represent the voice of the world, the voice of neglect, and the voice of betrayal as the world is entering a state of division. Continue in your mission. That is something most needed that I desire and long over each one of you.
O God, this is the last hour. God please accept our apologies. God please accept our prostrations. Even a hundred thousand times is not enough, even a million times is still not enough. God, for countless years we were immersed in iniquity – please forgive us. God, please forgive us, forgive every generation. God, please forgive all classes, all roles. Please forgive the clergy, forgive our Church. What You do, what You grant, Mother, has painstakingly tried to tell us but still has not successfully achieved, because we are weak and wretched sinners.
Please forgive us. Allow us to start from this moment on to be determined to live each day in renewal, to be responsible. No matter how difficult, challenging, trying – whether from people or from the brothers and sisters – no matter how people look at us, let us keep going, keep standing up, keep testifying, keep bearing witness to the God who is waiting for our prayers, for our return. May our meaningful works help people return with the love, reverence and respect that we need to have.
Lord, please accept our prayers.
Lord Jesus Christ, please have mercy on us.
We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You.
Because by Your holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.
(Singing) Let me share with You His pain, who for all my sins was slain, who for me in torments died.
O God, I thank You for giving us this moment to represent all the brothers and sisters who still are indifferent and have never in their life done the Stations of the Cross. Today we receive the profound teaching from Mother for us to be more mature. May we daily understand the meaning of the Cross, because You suffered for our sins.
The Cross You carried and the Cross You laid upon recall the work of salvation in love. May we never lose faith, never lose hope, and never forget Mother’s advice for us to live like St. John, the disciple whom God loved, and like St. Mary Magdalene, the person who returned, a trustworthy disciple.
Please help each of us be the one remaining by Your side till the very end and never refuse any challenges that we encounter. May we witness and bring to everyone the words from Mother Mary. The Stations of the Cross that we do in the Fifth Conference of Our Lady of Lavang, give us the opportunity to hear the words from Mother. Mother Herself leads, for us to have a deeper understanding of each Station of the Cross. We receive this today and on this trip. Amen.
[1] The Twelfth Station is “Jesus Dies on the Cross” and the Fourth Station, is “Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother.”
[2] Please see “The Meaning of the Fifth Kowtow” article on to clearly understand the Fifth Kowtow as explained by heaven over time.
The Six Kowtows of October 20, 2019
Shrine of Our Lady of La Vang
Las Vegas, NV
This message is inspired by God the Holy Spirit when Lucia Phan offering The Six Kowtows.
First of all, I ask to come back here with my brothers and sisters. After the festival, we should have entered the sanctuary to reverently offer the Six Kowtow just like after every Mass we attend. But there were many problems we could not solve on our own when we arrived here. Moreover, it was too crowded. Now is the most convenient moment, near the hour of the Divine Mercy, so we silently come back here to reverently offer the Six Kowtows, just like every year.
O Lord, Almighty God, the God of love, the God of Mercy, we come here to thank You for all the blessings poured upon us, especially to be called here in the past few days, with a mission to bring the books to the festival. May God open the hearts of the brothers and sisters as well as of the priests, for them to welcome God’s words – through the newly released books – to invite people to turn to God, to visit the Eucharistic Jesus, and also to reverently offer the Six Kowtows just like we did for the past few years. Now I lift up to God and thank God for everything God granted to us, especially for the nice festival. We completed our mission and everyone returns home with the joy and the happiness from Mother in the past few days.
Every year we rejoice when we come to this place. All of us, near and far, unite to go home to Mother. As the priest said this morning, very clearly: “At every festival, what do we learn, what we do experience, what do we bring to Mother, and what do we bring home to our family that we receive from Mother?” In our life of service, we also have a strong desire and yearning to go forward, to progress each year in maturity through the grace God bestows, through the teaching from Mother, and through the works that we perform in silence, each day, braver, bolder, to bring God’s messages to the world. We lift the brothers and sisters up to God, please grant us more health, more wisdom, to walk on the path that God called us. And now we reverently offer to God the First Kowtow.
The First Kowtow, we reverently offer to God the Father
O God the Father, I adore You, I praise You, I glorify You, I honor You. You chose a Mother for us. Every year we are very happy and rejoice to go home to our Mother – Our Lady of La Vang, our Vietnamese Mother. After each Mass we all have the opportunity to reverently offer the Six Kowtows that Mother Mary taught us. Today is the same, and for the rest of this life, each one of us continues to reverently offer. It was the beginning for us when we learned how to pray through the Six Kowtows for the past silent years. Today we feel very happy, because every time we reverently lift up prayers, our souls are focused, and we lift up soul and body, mind and heart. In the surrender and the prostration, we entrust in God, and each day we repent of our shortcoming, weakness, wretchedness, and sinfulness. We also represent all classes and roles to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. This is the happiest and most peaceful place we longed for, and it is only in the most recent years that we were able to experience to move forward with what we see and what we hear through Mother’s teaching.
O God the Father, the Supreme Being, You grant everything to us to bring us back to You. After years of iniquity, wretchedness and weakness, and even though we continue to sin, You do not look at our sins. You still give us the opportunity. Father, please look to this moment. Please forgive us. May we begin to learn to lift up our soul and body, mind and heart and surrender, to ask to return to You. Father, please sanctify and transform us. Father, please sanctify the world, to be able to return to You, because only in returning to You can we feel happy and peaceful. Each one of us longs to return to You – the source of true happiness – but sometimes we do not know how. Life caused us to be too frantic, too busy, too governed, so we always worry and reckon everything in reality, but our souls are dry and thirsty.
Father, we do not know which way to begin. Though we know, though we want, but we do not know how to pray, where to start and how to do it. Indeed, it is something very ordinary, simple and humble. The supreme Lord we worship, the supreme Lord we believe in, the supreme Lord we seek, we have nothing to offer You besides our weak, sinful and wretched condition. Father, please have mercy on us. Father, in our condition, each one of us has many longings and weaknesses. Please help us to have moments apart from this dominant busy life to come to You, to lift up all hardships, trials, sufferings, illnesses, to ask You to hear us and grant us to always live in hope. We are Your children, we call You Abba, because our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, led us to You. He died for our sins and gave us the opportunity today.
Father, we are happy to attend this year’s festival, and this is the fifth year. With our silent works, though still not approved, we continue to work with an eager spirit, because we know where the truth is and what comes from You. It is You who leads and guides us, to learn patience, fortitude and perseverance, and prayer. No matter what happens to us – success or failure – we lift up to You with our silent prayers regarding all problems, all matters in our daily life. Just like the priest said this morning: in life there must be prayer. We need to pray to be steadfast in the midst of this world, to be happy and peaceful, to be calm.
Because only with prayer can we feel in faith the lofty spirituality that God offers. Inexplicable, but our hearts and our souls, and the peaceful feeling over each one of us can explain. To You today we lift up all the successes of the past days, as well as the encounters. We must strive harder and be more mature. There are many opportunities for us to go out to see the need for prayers: for ourselves, for the family, for the community, for society, for the world, for the Church, and for everyone we meet, especially Christians like us.
O Father, it is indeed wonderful. Just humble and simple, with words silently in our hearts, with everything we pray for, we prostrate in front of the tabernacle – where You are present, where heaven is present. There is the love of God the Father, His infinite Mercy, the presence and the promise of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit teaching us to come here to lift up, to offer, and to present. In all of our prayer intentions, there is only one thing we ask for: May Your will be done in our lives. We ask for what You want. Grant us what You want and what is Your will. All that we ask is for us to understand You, believe in You, and love You each day. That is the most complete and necessary prayer for our lives.
O Father, I entrust everything to You. May everyone in this festival have the same feelings as we do. Everything that is needed is written in this little book with our confidences and prayers offered to the Eucharistic Jesus. Each Person is in there, that each day in unity we reverently lift up our prayers to. At this moment we thank You. Thank You for allowing us to come to the world. We see the clergy, each priest, and each of their preaching’s are truly concise, kindles our hearts, teaches us more, and strongly motivates us. We can see clearly that we have a stable, solid Church that leads us into a life of faith and elevates our hearts to God – the only God Almighty to whom all of us must submit to, must prostrate to, adore and honor, by our souls, by our hearts and by our prayers.
Prayer will help us overcome trials and gain a deeper understanding of life with the doctrine and the truth. We lift up to You our works of this day, not in our will but we ask to follow Your Will, to continue to give us the opportunity to become Your instruments. Father, please send us out to do what we can according to the calling to be the witnesses to the truth, to proclaim the Good News and what You grant us in our daily lives. You brought us back from the darkness. Today what we do is from You who grants us the opportunity to repent, to restore what was lost and what we never understood and knew our whole lives. These are the prayers we reverently lift up to You. Father, please hear us. May all of us unite, to discover the great treasure that is present in the midst of this world.
We lift up all our feelings and all that we need to learn in life as Your children, as Christians. May each one of us live in maturity, to respond to Your invitation, to compensate a little, to lift up to the Divine Mercy of the God Almighty – the Supreme Being in whom we believe, in whom we worship, in whom we prostrate to and profess. May everyone learn to pray deeply, with heart, soul and body, through the submission and the prostration. Father, please sanctify and transform us and the whole world. We ask this in the name of the Lord, our God, now and forever and ever. Amen.
The Second Kowtow, we reverently offer to Jesus.
O Jesus, I thank You. This year’s festival mentions many stories recorded by the Holy Apostles in Moses time, describing the phenomena that requires actions and gestures. For example, when Moses held up his hands, then the Israelites were winning, but when Moses lowered his hands, then they were losing. So in everything, we must practice to turn to God. It is a symbol to show that when a person wants to beseech, to ask for confirmation then there must be something. Today in the first Reading, Fr. Joseph NTL made it very clear; He preached clearly about life. He also mentions that when we come to the festival, what do we bring here to offer to Mother, and what do we take home from Mother.
Speaking of Mother, we never forget the “Fiat” from Mother Mary to the Angel Gabriel. The work does not end there. Jesus came to Mother through the “Fiat” and we have the Savior. Today our second Kowtow recalled the history that each one of us must know and comprehend because Jesus came to save us; Jesus came to save the whole of humanity – without distinction. We just need faith, and with our hearts and souls, to turn toward God, by prayer. We ask for God to sanctify and transform us, to help us understand, learn, and practice.
Today we repeat over and over again: O Lord, I thank You. Thank You for coming to us. Thank You for taking on human nature. You stay with us because You love us. You died for us. You sacrificed up to Your last moment on the Cross. You died so we could have life. That Price of Blood cleansed us and the entire world. Today, thanks to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the Lord Jesus Christ, all the deeds He performed help us have faith, to be a true witness to the love with which God saves us in sin and death. Today all the works that we achieve are not spontaneous but come from the prompting and the gentle and tender love that lead us to become the small and silent people who witness to the Supreme Lord whom we worship, whom we believe in. We have no other way to express our thankfulness and gratefulness besides the prostration and the submission.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ask You to continue to grant our Church solidarity and unity, in a spirit of profound prayer; a life You granted so the clergy will continue to learn, and through them, bring Your Words, as the vessels to our world, to us who are the laypeople, to unite with our Church and continue to pray. When we pray, it is the lofty spirituality; God will never let His children return empty-handed. God does not let His children beseech and be disappointed. The reason why God allows many things to happen to His children is because He wants to train us. There remains much to learn and to practice, and much we must experience, to be steadfast in a life of faith.
God chose the Way of the Cross. The Way of the Cross is the way of sorrows, but it is the way of glory and resurrection with the Lord Jesus Christ. From that faith we continue to go out, to be the witnesses, to be the little messengers, albeit silent, but we ask to live according to His teaching. Through the daily little sacrifices and the moments we pray, we come to Him, and remain with Him when He is lonely and all alone, when everyone has forsaken and forgotten Him. In all the tabernacles all over the world, God is still alone and He is waiting and longing for each of His children to return to Him. God, please accept our visit today as we come to this place for the fifth festival.
May God bless the priests and the parish here to have a larger church, worthy of a place where God reigns, for people all over the world to come to the annual festival to visit the Eucharistic Jesus. Through the hours of Adoration may we lift up our hearts to God and lift up all our prayers. Let us not be inattentive or worry too much about problems of reality to forget that the most important thing is to pray and to beseech God. As God once said: “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you”. We hear this often, but we lack courage and faith to act and practice. So today we ask God to follow His Will for everything to be good.
We wish to see a large church at this place for the worship of God. It is a place where people come for entertainment, to enjoy what comes from a civilized, sophisticated, and ingenious world. At this place is also a large church for the Vietnamese people, for Vietnam, Our Lady of La Vang. Our Vietnamese people are a small number of people, but the spirit, the soul and the faith of the Vietnamese people is truly strong. We trust in our prayers today for all the brothers and sisters of this parish and for the priests. They are praying for a larger church. May God grant them, as well as ourselves, and allow us each year the opportunity to see the works that He does for us to continue in a mission of bringing to all the brothers and sisters the words that He teaches through Mother Mary, to come to the Eucharistic Jesus.
There is nothing impossible to God. God never refuses what is reasonable. This year I lift up all the brothers and sisters on the path of witnessing. They faced many challenges, but in the end we had joy, because each time we faced challenges, the closer we come to God, each time we faced challenges, the happier we felt, because only God understands us best. There is no one else, even if people see our efforts, they do not understand our feelings, the desire to do something to make up for the periods in our lives when we grieved God. So today with that spirit, let us continue to endure, to accept the judgments and rejections. We are still very happy, because we can walk and experience the Way of the Cross. Our Way of the Cross cannot be compared to the Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who walked the Way of the Cross with those sufferings for us to have this day.
Let us train to understand the cross that is at first very bitter, but as we overcome that bitterness with God, then it is very sweet, because it is through extreme suffering that the Lord Jesus has risen, glorious and triumphant. So we pray to overcome the ordeals and trials of our lives, to also be resurrected with Him. May our brothers and sisters continue zealously on the path that God calls us on, to bear witness to what is most important, most humble – prayer. Let us pray by the prostration, by the submission, by a repentant and contrite heart, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Let us lift up soul and body, asking God to hear us, to have mercy on our weakness, on behalf of many people – all classes, all roles – with our uplifted hearts, and with reverence. Through the second Kowtow this is what we lift up today. We pray to follow God’s holy will. May God plan and arrange for us today and the days to come, with our life of witnessing. Amen.
The Third Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Spirit, You are the love, the light, the truth. O Holy Spirit, only You can give us courage and only You can teach us. You do not scorn us. We yearn to ask You for guidance, to help us know what we need to do, to offer, to ask, to pray, and also to report what we see and hear. It is a blessing to come here this year to see the Bishop, who despite his old age, does his best to deliver a very meaningful sermon for us Christians, through his lifelong priestly experience as a bishop. Despite his weak old age, he continues to offer Mass to bring all the essence and what is the best for the lay people to clearly understand: the Christians must go out to witness for God. The life of witness is wonderful and suitable for all of us and suitable for every Christian who needs to be responsible for unity.
Indeed as God said, if we truly bear witness, we would not see the events that are happening, that happened, and still happen to the Church as well as to the world. Today because of a lack of unity there are many problems. If truly each person understands duty and responsibility, then surely the life of evangelizing, the life of faith, will be very beautiful when we receive God and when we trust in God. Our prayer life greatly helps us understand what we need to do in life when we are the children of God, the Christians. Our Church is the voice, the daily nourishment, with a spiritual life, but within our hearts it seems we still have shortcomings, because we still do not feel, we still do not achieve, and we lack faith, so we are still affected, still attacked, still subject to many things. Each one of us still greatly yearns and truly wants to find something, but we still do not understand.
O Holy Spirit, You are the Supreme Being who understands our hearts. You are the Supreme Being who teaches us the truth. You also teach each person to have inner feelings, in conviction, to go forward daily in life within our roles. O Holy Spirit, I thank You for bringing us here for the fifth year. Thank you for giving us the courage to walk in the midst of the world. Thank You for helping us trust in God. Thank You that we are not reluctant and shy when we adore God, prostrate before God, and when we unite in prayer.
Though this is a surprise to the world, new to this century, to us it is a great joy, because this is a new practice that Mother Mary taught us and the whole world. She taught Her children to return to the Father’s house, to the Supreme Lord who is waiting for us through the Blessed Sacrament, returning to the source of life in which the Lord Jesus, Her Son, Her God, through the Cross, testified to the love of God’s Divine Mercy and that stretches throughout the generations, seeking and still awaiting the children everywhere, near and far. Let us look beyond our usual vision of the old, familiar days of the life of faith that is just a habit, because we still do not understand and we are still not profound in what is most necessary, which is prayer.
O Lord, we are Christians our whole lives yet we never tasted the love that God granted in our souls in a stirring, spiritual way, yet actual. Today indeed, people keep on searching and seeking. Finally, it is in the most defeated moments, the most painful moments, that we need God the most. God has mercy on us, does not despise us in our sinful condition. He comes to teach, to enlighten, to understand the suffering, to understand the state of each person in this world. Today He gives us the opportunity. Each time we reverently lift up to each Person, we feel we can lift up and share everything we discover, which is a great treasure in the manner of every Christian, of each person with position, for us to encounter God and to recognize God in the midst of this life.
The Holy Spirit is the Supreme Being who enlightens, who guides and who teaches. There is nothing that cannot be solved, because there are matters that are impossible to the world, to mankind, but to God everything is possible. We ask the Holy Spirit to ignite the flame of faith in our world, for all classes, all roles, every ministry, every mission, every layperson, to recognize the flame that burns in our hearts, the flame of a brightly lit love, the flame with the words that we need to learn and practice, the flame for us to acknowledge and recognize God – the Supreme Being who loves, who forgives, who saves, who is rich in Divine Mercy. May we have enough courage to lift up everything, to entrust everything, to live a life as called to become the witnesses in our role, in our mission. Each Christian should assume his or her own responsibility.
Help us on the path we are walking on, will walk on, and still walk on. There are many challenges, many difficulties, many trials, but with God, failure will become success, from success we have joy, and from joy there is peace in the soul, finding ideas and ideals of life when we have God, with God, and with the presence of the Holy Spirit. May He reign over the world. May everyone taste His tender love. Please help us understand and distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, in this century, for us to offer to God what is humble and simple. We feel His presence and His compassion, for the world to return to Him, to be righteous, to live in the truth that we must have. Especially today, God grants us the gift of the Six Kowtows that Mother Mary offers for us to draw close to God, through each Person. As we pray, God, please accept our prayer and heal us. Please help each one of us mature and live in a worthy way in Your grace. Thank You for the trip to this festival. We had many surprises, but in the end those little things became our successes, which were to bring the books received from the Holy Spirit to all classes and roles, to teach people to pray, to come to the Eucharistic Jesus, to teach the prostration and the surrender, in both soul and body. In the past silent years as God taught us, today He wants us to bring this gift to share with the world. We did everything that we could, as for the rest, we lift up to God. Certainly there are challenges, judgments, rejections, many things, but we know this is the truth, and this is what God wants for the whole world, and this is a gift offered to all classes, all roles, without any distinction.
It is the happiest thing when we complete the mission. Despite difficulties or challenges, we lift up to God and thank God for this trip. God, please continue to give us the opportunity to become the instruments, to continue with other trips, with what You want, with what You allow. Let it be done according to Your holy will as You did many times. We glorify You, honor You, adore You, and thank You. May God open the hearts of all the brothers and sisters who receive the book, from the clergy to the lay people. Those are Your words and we need to share, we need to testify; testify in Your Spirit, testify in Your love, testify in the truth and righteousness, testify in the Holy Spirit. We thank You, praise You, and glorify You. Amen.
The Fourth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Body and Blood of Christ.
O Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. You gave us the opportunity to see very clearly to thoroughly report what is seen, heard, and felt. You gave us the opportunity to be the witnesses to the Eucharistic Jesus, because for a long time, You waited for each one of us. You waited for the children for whom You died to give life. You became the nourishment of our souls. You became the little host to enter our souls, to be with us, to nourish us in a spiritual life, but how many can experience that love and live with that love? The time has come, God manifested, affirmed and allowed us to admire His Eucharist by the light, and He came to visit us and the entire world. However, how many people have the eyes of faith for them to see, to prove this? How many people saw but neither understand nor know that what we learn and have today is from God who grants?
O Eucharistic Jesus, thank You. Thank You for loving us and for the love You granted to us. You knew everything in the weakness of the humble, sinful condition of mankind. In the Last Supper, You instituted the Eucharist, You stayed with us and gave us the Church, for us to encounter and receive the spiritual nourishment daily in our lives. You stayed with us through the Eucharist, and You are present with us today. We simply need to believe, to seek God, to strive to understand the meaning of prayer, to turn to God, in solitude, when there is no one in the chapel, anywhere and late at night, or wherever there is the Eucharistic Jesus. In fact, this is a place that each one of us must come to adore the Lord, must come to receive a great treasure, to help the life of faith and experience the love God granted and waited for mankind. Today we are too concerned with matters of an ordinary and banal world, which has its reasons. However, love and faith must surpass for us to encounter, for us to receive, and for us to hear the voice of God lively in our souls.
O Eucharistic Jesus, thank You for not despising the humble and little people like us. Thank You for hearing us with these humble, silent prostrations. Thank You for the opportunity. Thanks to Your presence for us to hear the voice of Mother today. Her voice teaches us to pray, to be brave and bold, to listen to the confidences of the Eucharistic Jesus, the teachings of the Eucharistic Jesus, the words of the Eucharistic Jesus that testify to His presence, even though over 2,000 years, but He is still in the midst of the world. He is very close to us. We have faith, but we think that God is too far away, and cannot talk to mankind, cannot let us meet Him. But no, He is letting us meet Him. He is waiting for each person. He is talking to each soul.
He is longing for the children to come to Him, for Him to bless. He pours abundant blessings and He lets us recognize His presence, for us to always live in hope, because we have Him, and we still have the Supreme Lord who keeps His promises. The Lord said to the Apostles: “Go proclaim the Good News, I stay with you every day until the end of the age.” “Come to Me all of you who are burdened, I will sustain you. Take My yoke and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and your hearts will find peace. For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.” Because of these points we have the opportunity to come to Him, because of these words today there are people like us. Truly, God supported us when there are burdens. God gave us the opportunity to be relieved of all the sufferings and illnesses, both spiritual and physical, in our lives.
O Eucharistic Jesus, it is a great love, a gentle and tender love, a love that waits, forgives, and saves us. Please help us. Each person, each brother and sister, do not hesitate to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Please respect and revere His Body and Blood when we receive Him. Experience and meditate on His presence, because He is the Supreme Being who nourishes us, who saves us, who sets us free, who gives us hope in life. Please help us mature in a life of faith, mature in a spiritual life, to learn to speak, to feel and to pray. Today, it is these moments that the Reading as well as the homily of the priests speak of the life of witness to God, speak of the soul that knows to pray, because prayer is the basis for us to be happy, to be at peace, to conquer all aspects. It is from prayer.
O Eucharistic Jesus, please listen to our prayers, by our humble, ordinary, and simple hearts. Please help us learn humility, for us each day to place God above all else, to become the humble, silent disciples, to continue to proclaim with the mission. Each person must have the responsibility to reach out to the brothers and sisters everywhere. And we also learn with what is needed and we must pray to lift up to God all problems of the world, of the family, of society, of the community, of the parish, of the Church, and of each one of us.
O Eucharistic Jesus, the source of happiness and peace, the place we entrust, there is no place as happy as in the presence of God. Your promise continues for us to have the opportunity today. We thank, praise, and glorify You. All the works we do, all things we prove are the truths written on the pages of the books that we brought to all people near and far all over the world. May they open their hearts to accept and read the words that God gives to the world, as well as to us, for us to mature in faith. We receive this gift, though new, but teaches us how to pray, how to come to each Person, how to pray earnestly with our hearts, with simplicity and humility, to lift up in a spirit of repentance to ask God to have mercy with the Fourth Kowtow, as a gift. We are just little people.
Then one day, there will also be those who silently continue this method of prayer to lead us to God. We praise God and we glorify God. For centuries there have been moments when the Lord was abandoned and neglected everywhere, in all the tabernacles. Besides other places where we always come to pray, today at the church of Our Lady of La Vang, in Las Vegas, we come to pray to the Eucharistic Jesus, to praise and honor the Eucharistic Jesus, to prostrate and adore, on behalf of all people, all classes, all roles. God, please hear us. May everyone know You. With reverence we lift up, though there are many imperfections and weaknesses, but we only know to lift up what is of this day, in that weak condition, to ask for the strength of Your grace, for us to live in reformation and perfection.
May the whole world know God, return to God. Only returning to God can we be happy, can we find the truth and the source of comfort. In our entire life, each one of us always needs to have the truth, to have happiness and peace, to have meaning in life. We lift up everything to God, the Supreme Being we adore and honor, to whom we thank and are grateful to, the Supreme Being who granted us the opportunity to contemplate the light of the Eucharist that covers the whole world. When the light comes, then the darkness will disappear. Please help us dispel all the darkness in our souls, dispel everything that binds us in a life of iniquity, to become a new person in the love of the Eucharistic Jesus. Amen.
The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Five Holy Marks of Jesus.
O Five Holy Marks of the Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for the abundant graces You poured over us on the Way of the Cross as You endured the extreme sufferings on behalf of the entire world, the heavy Cross, the Crowns of Thorns, the nail wounds, the brutal scourging, Your heart pierced by the lance, the blood and water gushing forth to wash away the sins of the world, and of sinners, including ourselves.
O Jesus of the Five Holy Marks, we read, we understand, but it is only a small portion, and it became routine ever since, so You want us to truly grasp the meaning of the Five Holy Wounds. You were determined to come to the world. You died for mankind. You brought a new doctrine to transform each one of us, to transform each sinner, and through Your love, that we become the people who belong to You, who are Your children, who become saints present in this world, besides the saints present in heaven.
O Jesus of the Five Holy Marks, we contemplated the Cross for many years, as if our entire life, but do we understand what is the Cross? The Cross that You carried over 2,000 years ago, today You are still carrying It with our sins. The Cross You were nailed to is the glorious Resurrection. You want us to understand that the purpose You came was to save us. Ultimately, we understand that You want us to live, You want us to recognize Your profound love, and You want us to know that the presence of the Five Holy Marks is a glorious victory that brings life to each one of us present in this world.
O Jesus of the Five Holy Marks, today You send us to go everywhere. You help us understand the way of the Cross that You suffered, because of our sins, caused Your heart to wither away, to suffer, and still grieve in this world. Today You want us to understand the Five Holy Marks, to understand that when we overcome the ways of the cross, then we gloriously triumph with You. Your purpose continues to patiently lead us to the Divine Mercy, to the meaning of the Five Holy Marks, to clearly understand the seal of forgiveness granted to each one of us and to each sinner. Today please help us experience the Five Holy Marks that we are gazing upon with veneration, adoring, and contemplating.
Every church, every altar, every place we visit has Your Cross. The Lord Jesus is a history book to help people enter the life of faith and understand the love that God offers to mankind. Only by love can mankind discover what belongs to self and what God grants and gives. He is the Supreme Being, rich in Divine Mercy, who loves mankind infinitely, unconditionally. Boundlessly, He is the benevolent Lord who grants sinners like us the opportunity to understand His doctrine, with a faith that is needed – a clear proof for us to profess and call on His name.
O Lord, we are the descendants of this time, with limited understanding, immature faith, with no fulcrum and nothing worthy. It is because of those weaknesses, we truly do not have a proper map, though we hear and know, we truly do not understand. Many times, if unintentionally and deliberately, we do not understand what salvation is, what the Five Holy Marks are, what the work of redemption is, then how can we meet the Supreme Lord who yearns for a life of faith in each one of us? The arrogance is still there, the dispute is still there, and we are no different than the Pharisees. In every era, there are people who absolutely have no faith, so we easily stumble, easily get shaken and easily fall into alluring situations.
The majority today in the world are falling into allurements. Today we see the bitterness of the society, of the family, of each person when we face reality. Truth and falsehood are mixed together, we accepted what is false and rejected what is true. How bitter. So today, O Lord, let us look at Your cross and that extreme suffering, to experience the profound love that You grant to each person, each sinner, to be transformed and sanctified, to live with an amended life. May we understand the Supreme Lord’s desire, which is for us to love Him above all things, to practice the doctrine He teaches, to love our brothers, to live in forgiveness and to live a life of generosity.
The doctrine that God granted us is to learn charity, sacrifice, a life of evangelization, how to evangelize, how to live a Christian life, what is the responsibility we bear in unity with our Church. When we look at the Cross, God, please help us understand and recognize Your longing and Your waiting. That is the seal granting us eternal forgiveness, but how can we be forgiven? Do we understand that Your waiting all this time is for us to understand the value that we have till our last breath?
O Lord, You are the unique Supreme Lord we worship, the only Supreme Being who loves us, loves mankind, who waits and perseveres until this century. This world has nothing worthwhile, especially in this present time, we live in turmoil, with many things governing us, slowly losing our faith – a century of living in selfishness, self-interest, material, money, and many wicked things. The Lord is still a silent, patient God through the Five Holy Marks. He is the Supreme Being who still waits for mankind through the Cross; the Supreme Being who still waits for mankind through the glorious Risen Cross. Let each one of us experience that for us to live worthy of the graces that are reminded and granted through the teachings of Mother Mary with the gift of the Six Kowtows.
The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently offer on behalf of those who do not know, who still do not know, on behalf of many who still do not believe, of the many who remain indifferent in this century. Even though advanced in age, even though we are Christians, living as God’s children, we still have not experienced His love, we still have not experienced faith, and we still have not experienced grace. It is the price of Blood that cleanses our sins and also gives us the eternal seal of forgiveness of the end. No matter how sinful we are, may we repent, amend our lives, recognize what we contemplate through the suffering of the Cross, for us to remove everything from sin, with sin, in sin, and committing sin. God, please help us understand Your waiting. May we mature when we reverently lift up with the Fifth Kowtow, especially to each Person, in these Six Kowtows.
We thank God for this day, to be here at this festival of Our Lady of La Vang, our Mother, the Mother of all the Vietnamese brothers and sisters, and of Vietnam. Near and far, in joy, let us delve deep into the soul, deep into the heart. Let us come to Mother with our hearts. Thanks to Mother for teaching us, helping us return, to have a joyful and happy heart, and to mature. We live to come to God, to each Person. We come to God by a life of prayer, by our determination to amend, to deserve everything that is heard, known and nourished daily by the Word of God.
May we respect, honor, and revere as we gaze with veneration at the Cross, when we look at the Cross, when we contemplate and meditate, to experience that great love, to boldly come to God. May God forgive our weaknesses and imperfections. Many brothers and sisters around the world today truly long, but they still do not understand and know. May God allow them to experience, to have respect and a life with depth through the prayer with the Six Kowtows that Mother Mary offers as the method to pray. We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ our God whom we worship, honor, thank, and adore. Amen.
The Sixth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary.
O God the Father, we thank You. You chose for us a mother so that this day we have Mother Mary, Mother of the Second Person of God, Mother of humanity, Mother of La Vang, Mother of Vietnam. Mother did so many wonders and many miracles to help and kindle the life of faith for humanity. Thank Mother for leading us to God, helping us through trials. It is through Mother that we can understand life when we are the children of God and the children of Mother.
O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Savior, Mother of all humanity, Mother of the Church, Mother of all clergy, Mother of every sinner, every saint, every prisoner, every victim, every penitent, every patient, every witness, every apostle everywhere in the world, and Mother of every soul in Purgatory. Mother’s title, Mother’s appellation, how can it be denied for generations? Today people continue to be surprised, but Mother is still a mother who looks for Her children, who grants Her children privileges to lead us to God. God alone is the Supreme Being who defends and intervenes, the only Supreme Being who grants us all His love. He died for us. He grants us the life and the truth that we need, which is the doctrine that lasts till this day, for meaningful days on earth and for the future life of the soul to be with Him forever.
Mother Mary, thank You for allowing us to receive this gift. In particular, we are the first Vietnamese people to represent Vietnam. Moreover, Mother of La Vang once came to Vietnam. Though it was many centuries ago, but that place was a historical site, and today Mother continues to pour out blessings for our Vietnamese people. Whoever comes to Mother, is there anyone who returns empty-handed? Our Vietnamese people continue to receive God’s blessings and there were saints who lived in faith to prove what is true. Today once again in this century, we receive a gift offered to the world through us, who are the Vietnamese people. These are still days of newness, days of silence, days that just start. There are many difficulties, many obstacles, also many misunderstandings, but we are very happy, because on the path to walk with God and the path to proclaim the Good News of the Holy Apostles of old, everyone encounters trials and the cross.
So the more difficulty we face, those are things of God, the more difficulty we encounter is proof of belonging to God. Everything we encounter, though are difficulties, we do not give up, because we have found the closeness as Mother Mary, Mother of La Vang, Mother of the whole world, Our Mother, leads us to a great treasure. It is the Eucharistic Jesus, for us to never stop coming to meet our Lord. He is always in our midst and still gives us the opportunity to meet Him, to experience His intervention, to lift up to Him when there are incidents, when events happen in many places, even in the places where we live and the country where we reside. We believe that God is the Just Supreme Being, He is All-Knowing. Thanks to Mother we know how to pray. Thanks to Mother who teaches us to be humble, to continue to be silent, but in happiness and in simplicity, to eliminate the viewpoint that people always prefer, with reputations, with the matters that in life cause people to always stumble and go wrong.
Today it is prayer that helps us become humble disciples. Prayer helps us become brave, to face the world. Prayer helps us have this gift, for us to bring to the countries, and a number of people in those countries have practiced. That is the truth. Each person can encounter God. People can encounter God, when they are sincere with their hearts in the prostration, coming to the Eucharistic Jesus. This is a method that Mother teaches us. It is a method that Mother grants us like a gift when our souls are insecure, when our lives face many sufferings, when we are being abandoned in the worldly life, in the married life, in the family life, or when many incidents in our lives always cause us to feel negative and lose hope. Mother is the person who always teaches us, for us to learn. Never be discouraged, never give up, and never be self-destructive, because God loves us. God died for us, for each soul, and this is extremely valuable and significant.
Today Mother does not want anyone to lose anything granted from the Lord, the Supreme Being who saved us, the Lord Jesus, Her Son, Her God. Mother’s presence continues, Mother represents the whole human world to remain with the Eucharistic Jesus. The time has come for everyone to know, for everyone to return, to prostrate and profess, to welcome the Lord who is present to rescue us. In a world of freedom, a world in which people are corrupted in the life of faith, people do not experience, still lack faith, and live in indifference, live for appearances. So we always pray to Mother to intercede to God for us, to teach us, to help us with what Mother allows, for us to continue in a mission. The day has come for the works we are doing in silence to be shared with the brothers and sisters we meet, for us to share with a spirit of joy.
Especially when events happen or there are many problems then we simply pray to ask God to intervene, we pray for God to decide, to see the close connection with heaven. This is such a great gift that each one of us needs, must desire, and always needs in life, for us to not be deceived by the devil, to not be deceived by an ingenious civilized world, by the passions that belong to a world that enslaved us for too long. Today there are many things we must clearly understand. God grants and gives, but we still have not been touched in our hearts. We still have not experienced much, because we retain within ourselves pride, arrogance, judgment, doubt, haughtiness, so we lost many opportunities.
O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, You are a Mother chosen by God to become the Queen of Heaven yet You live a secluded life in absolute humility. Today God the Father wants us to learn from You, to listen to You. Your life is complete perfection, for us to see what belongs to us when we receive Your teaching. Today it is very difficult to start, but let us pray for our hearts to be renewed, for us to recognize God’s love, for us to recognize a Mother who, for countless days, replaced all of us to stay with the Eucharistic Jesus. We are the people who must understand this.
God remains to intervene for the world. God remains with us, continues to pour His graces over us and over the whole world, but our response is so indifferent, so apathetic, with coldness, disrespect and infidelity. It is a life in which we still do not understand and we are immature in faith, so today the world still experiences days of war, of chaos, of dispute, of wickedness, and many things happening in the world. Today, O Mother Mary, I thank You for giving us the opportunity to come to the fifth year of the festival of Our Lady of La Vang in Las Vegas, where the Shrine is named after You. May our Vietnamese people open their hearts to welcome everything that today God lovingly grants through Mother Mary, to lead us back to Him and to strengthen the life of faith.
May the Vietnamese people unite, love and unify, to trust the Supreme Lord we serve today. It is up to each person to fulfill the duty and responsibility towards God, with the blessings given, as God’s children, as Christians, to also bring God to everyone. Despite difficulties, God, please help us learn to live a life with the doctrine, with the Good News, with love, with truth and righteousness, to have peace and happiness. There are many things we must understand. When we are determined, then we already live days of peace and happiness that God offers to those who seek Him. God plans and arranges for those who prostrate as Mother taught us.
May we clearly understand the meaning of today’s homily preached by a priest in this festival: prayer. Prayer is strength, prayer is victory, prayer to keep a strong foundation, prayer for us to be close to a loving Mother who wants us to live an inner life with depth, with strength, to dispel all doubts and questions, to dispel all snares and traps. We need to pray because prayer will enable us to meet heaven, to be close to Mother Mary. Mother’s entire life was a life of constant prayer so those who persevere in a life of prayer never encounter difficulties or sufferings, but only know to accept, to experience joy and glory with the Lord Jesus Christ our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of God, Mother’s Son, and also Her God.
Mother leads us to the prostration, to adore, lifting up everything that we are experiencing in this life, especially in the events of today’s society and all matters in which we see evil spreading and controlling the world. Mother, please help us, because You are the Person who brings about a peaceful victory, love to mankind, the foundation of truth from God who offered to You. Those great gifts are offered to the world and today, through the Six Kowtows, Mother offers to each one of us who are Christians, to help us mature, to help us grow. It is learning from prayer that we clearly understand what needs to be done, what needs to be sacrificed, what requires courage, to move forward with the remaining days of our lives. May all the brothers and sisters, near and far, all over the world, have the same spirit as ours.
The time has come for the laity to be united with the Eucharistic Jesus, to recognize what we must do, to not follow the habit throughout generations, throughout centuries, to remain indifferent while God waits for us. The time has come for God to reveal Himself. His glory has come to strengthen the life of faith, in a time of need like today. May the clergy also recognize this, especially for them to preach about the Eucharistic Jesus, to remind the laypeople about Adoration of the Eucharistic Jesus. May the clergy diligently adore the Eucharistic Jesus. May they confirm the Eucharistic Jesus to be the fundamental foundation in the midst of this world, because God alone is the Supreme Being who intervenes. Only with God are we peaceful and calm, to fight in the midst of this turbulent life.
We thank Mother profusely, because all these works in silence help us have faith, though still immature, but enough for us to understand what needs to be done, what we need to boldly face, to continue in a mission of prayer that Mother granted, for us to go all over to proclaim the gift of the Six Kowtows. May everyone embrace this gift, for them to become humble, to unite with us to honor God, honor the Eucharistic Jesus, and with Mother, to bring the world back in surrender, in submission to the Lord, our God. O Lord of the Divine Mercy, please shape, transform, and sanctify the whole world.
It is Mother who leads us to St. Joseph, for us to rely on the great saint who is a shining example to the world, whom God the Father chose to be the foster father of the Lord Jesus Christ. His shining example is of integrity, righteousness, a life of responsibility, a life of complete obedience to God. Today we come to a saint, St. Joseph, who was a friend of Mother while on earth. He has great authority in heaven because God the Father specially granted to him. Through the intercession of St. Joseph, whoever comes to him, never returns empty-handed. We lift up our Church to St. Joseph to ask for him to intercede for our Church to be united, for the religious men and women to always be submissive to God in a life with responsibility, to always have a righteous heart, to always live in a worthy way, to continue with a life that proclaims the doctrine of truth that God wants through His Church and priests.
God wants the priests to represent Jesus, to be the shepherds to lead the flock when the flock is lost and wounded, and also for the priests to have a heart willing to receive the truth, to find the truth, and to support the truth, for all laypeople to receive and draw close to the Eucharistic Jesus. We also pray to St. Joseph to intercede for those who are the heads of the family around the world to recognize their responsibility, and for them, the parents, the young men and women, to live a life of purity, to follow the doctrine that is needed. Do not let the muddiness of the world entering days of lust, greed and ambition, to stain. Countless souls are falling into a world that is controlled by a sophisticated and ingenious civilization, a refined life that causes us to lose the opportunity to live in faith, to live with the required deeds in the truth that the Holy Spirit is guiding and helping us.
We thank Mother for leading us to the three archangels. The three archangels hold the balance of justice. Each of these archangels has a significant role in heaven. They come to help, protect and guard us, because the traps and snares are so intense in this world. The more civilized, the more people fall into a state of nurturing and fostering sin, and committing more sins. So we pray for the angels and the archangels to help us, to dispel the snares of the devil, to guide us and deliver us. In all circumstances, we pray to walk in holiness, to live in the truth, and for the doctrine of God to be practiced in our lives, rooted in the young people, to lessen all the days being lured by a civilized world. Many souls are lost with the depravity and bondage of both soul and body. We ask the archangels, together with all the angels and all the saints, to intercede to God, to return in time while the world is experiencing tense days between good and evil, the days with the events that happened, are happening, and still happen.
O Angels, please help us. O Saints, please intercede to God for us, and may we learn from your examples, because all of us are weak, imperfect and sinful. What the saints believed, they practiced and lived in faith. They are the shining examples for our generation and the descendants today. What is heard, what is known, please let us live with boldness and courage, to overcome all daily trials with unwavering and steadfast faith. Whatever the situation, let us place God above all else and practice what God desires. Just like the saints who had the courage to witness and live for faith, even when they sacrificed their lives, they did not back down. May we have a clear understanding of these things for us to continue on the path of witness expected of us by God. Once again, I pray for the brothers and sisters in this festival of La Vang. In unity with the heavenly court, in thanksgiving and praise, we pray for this parish to continue with the next festivals, for each person, far and near, to come to hear the word of God, to accept the word of God, to return to the Mother of La Vang, the Mother of Vietnam and our Mother.
Mother loves and grants to us and to Vietnam, for us to increase in faith, progress in a life of prayer, to be strong, to be brave, for Vietnam to continue to have saints. And not only the 117 Vietnamese Martyrs, but also St. Anna Le Thi Thanh and thousands of saints who continue to live for faith and testify to faith, with facts and the truth that God granted through Mother Mary. And now in my heart, I thank God, I praise God, and I glorify God. I thank Mother for helping us in this trip. Thank You Mother for Your concern for us, with Your arrangement for each one of us, for us to be here in Las Vegas today, to be present at this festival of Our Lady of La Vang for the fifth time. Mother, please continue to bless us with good health and pour abundant blessings for us to be healthy to continue on the path of witness with the gift of the Six Kowtows.
Despite challenges, let us not stop here, but keep going, because this is a gift that all classes must practice, in every position and in every role. Everyone must surrender and return to God, and lift up all sufferings, situations and many critical matters in this world. May we boldly profess and return to the God of love, to ask for Him to sanctify us, for us to be brave enough, strong enough, to bring this gift to the world. This is the beginning. In the future, when we encounter painful events, besides God, who is the person to intervene? There is only one Supreme Being who loves, forgives, and intervenes when we return. Mother teaches and helps us on our way back to God, because the time has come. Do not let it be too late and too tardy.
Whoever has ears – then hear. Whoever has eyes – then see. Whoever has a heart – then experience with the gift of the Six Kowtows. The Six Kowtows help us be bold to go forward, to understand prayer, to profess, in prostration and submission, with a contrite spirit. Thanks to Mother Mary, the Eucharistic Jesus will pour out abundant graces to make us steadfast with what needs to be done, what must be done, to profess God in the midst of this world. In the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Lucia, Paul Vu Hoa, Maria Nhung, Maria Titus, Anne, and Mercedes, together at this festival, conclude the Six Kowtows before the tabernacle, the altar, the Cross, the statue of the Holy Family at the church of Our Lady of La Vang, Las Vegas. We conclude with our prayers offered in front of the tabernacle on Sunday afternoon, October 20, 2019, at the church of Our Lady of La Vang, Las Vegas.
May we conclude this afternoon to prepare for tomorrow. The day after tomorrow we will return home to continue with the mission that God assigned for us; to proclaim the gift of the Six Kowtows. Mother, please teach us, help us mature in what needs to be done and what must be done, to bring this gift to people everywhere, for them to unite and return to God through a life of prayer and to draw close to the Eucharistic Jesus. May we reform and amend our lives. May we improve and be worthy of everything that God gives and grants through Mother Mary, our beloved Mother. We greatly need You Mother. Mother, please continue to teach us, to help us understand more, to be courageous and practice more, to deserve the great gifts that You give to the Vietnamese people, to Vietnam, and to the whole world. Amen.
Message of 3-30-2018 on Good Friday
The Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary
This message alternates between words inspired by God the Holy Spirit and words from Blessed Mother.
Lucia: Before the meditation, may God allow us to receive Mother Mary’s words for the Seven Sorrows (1).
We did the Fourteen Stations of the Cross in the past days and we just completed them now.
Let us meditate to receive Mother’s Seven Sorrows and Her words, for Mother to help us especially in this year to have a new perspective, to have a new perception, to have depth, for us to be worthy with Good Friday.
In particular, this year as God still allows us to exist, on behalf of our brothers and sisters, we sincerely apologize to God, in our determination to eliminate our thinking and inference, our ego and personality with the unexpected events that happen to us, because we still cannot welcome and accept, we still have the same attitude – still proud, still upset, still angry.
We still have many things that must totally be reformed.
Help us, for us to please God, for us to be the source of consolation by offering little sacrifices for God’s wounds to stop bleeding.
Let us not let Him look at us and be disappointed.
God, it is exactly 5 p.m. on Friday, March 30, 2018, at St. Theresa Church.
We are facing the sanctuary.
We thank You for granting us the words from the Holy Spirit, urging us to closely look at what we have known, at what we have done, unintentionally as well as deliberately.
The Holy Spirit knows, because certain situations happen for Him to teach us.
That is true – we do awaken in time with what happened for us to truly mature.
Today we need to know what belongs to us, what we will conquer, and what is done in sacrifice to become a small offering to console God on Good Friday since God died for us, died for all in humanity, died for the entire world.
God waits for our maturity. He waits for our return. He waits for us to choose Him, choose His doctrine, choose the loving Supreme Being full of mercy, for us to be restored, to become the children who deserve to be His.
Nonetheless, on the path we walk, we cannot walk by ourselves – we greatly need Mother.
Mother, please come to us through the meditation of the Seven Sorrows that we respectfully offer in this moment.
May we now lift up to God, praying for God to have mercy and allow us to receive and meditate on Mother’s words, Mother’s sorrows.
Mother, please come help us have a more in-depth experience, for us to be determined on our path, which is the path of witness and the path that Mother has granted to us in general as well as to each person personally.
The First Sorrow:
The Prophecy of Simeon to Blessed Mother.
When Blessed Mother offered the Lord Jesus in the Temple, St. Simeon took the Infant Lord Jesus into his arms and said to Blessed Mother: “Your Son will be a sign for many to contradict, as if a sword pierced Your Heart.” Blessed Mother heard and remembered those words throughout Her lifetime and was grieved and anguished, as if a sword pierced Her Heart.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children,
Today is the day that 2,000 years ago, a great chasm surrounded My Heart.
My Heart felt the desire to be buried with the Lord Jesus and Your Savior.
Children, you are also mothers in this world.
Do you know the sensation and the feeling when you hold your child in your arms, a child a mother never wants to be separated from – the smile, the lovely face – when the child rejoices being held, the mother also rejoices; when the child is hurt, the mother is also hurt. When the child is sick, the mother is also sick.
Today when I brought Jesus into the Temple, I knew His life would be a great accomplishment for mankind’s salvation.
I treasure the moments when He was still young.
How I cherished, respected, loved Him so.
Indeed, the prophet’s words would not be wrong.
The Child I held in My arms, the life of the Child, the life of Jesus, had to endure extreme agonies.
Today is Good Friday.
I already knew at the time that He only had a few days left.
At that very moment – every second, every minute – I was deeply sorrowful; My Heart felt truly heavy.
I meditated on every word, every sentence, from the prophet Simeon.
I knew this was God the Father’s plan and the Child in My arms must eventually face that day.
I could not utter any words from My lips.
I meditated, I kept it all to Myself, I engraved it in My Heart, and because of those aspects, My Heart felt as if pierced with My Child.
His smile was so cute.
He was very meek, unlike other children who had tantrums or misbehaved.
He was very good.
That difference made Me respect even more, treasure even more, and love tremendously.
My beloved children, these were things planned by God the Father.
I knew the Lord Jesus would be the King to bring salvation to humanity, but He would be the King who had to endure grief, had to endure bitterness, had to endure physical torture, had to endure sorrow from the moment He was born.
You can see the priceless cost He had to pay for humanity, the priceless cost with which He redeemed every soul.
The price He had to pay was not just on the Way of the Cross as you witness on Good Friday, but His entire life had exacted a price.
There are countless stories recorded in history books, but there are also countless stories unknown to mankind as they were unrecorded.
So mankind continues to be indifferent, continues to act according to one’s heart, continues to take things for granted, continues to reject what is most precious, what is most valuable, which mankind has the right to choose.
Today, children, look at God.
Meditate very carefully.
Live sincerely with a heart that has conscience, that has love, that has the truth He granted by His own death.
Only then can you see the value, the meaning of sacrifice, the offering, the existence of the heavenly kingdom.
Remove the ordinary and mediocre earthly things and choose for yourselves what is fortitude, forgiveness, sacrifice, for you to practice what you have experienced in the truth.
Because when you endure a little, you will see the meaning; when you forgive a little, you will feel at peace; when you sacrifice a little for God, you will conquer yourselves; when you remove a little of what is demand between man and man in one’s personal wish, then you will see your own accomplishment.
The doctrine of God does not teach you to argue and fight.
His doctrine always desires and longs for you to keep peace in the soul.
You must let your heart feel the love God gives to you, so have love for each other.
In everything that happens be nobler.
Do not let yourselves be confused, lose peace, and be more stressed with the matters.
Indeed there are certain matters that require you to be honest, to be in the truth.
However, in honesty there are many things you must learn: when to speak, when to confront, when you must remain silent.
There are times when you must remain silent, because in a worldly life, in a worldly battle, do not rush.
If you rush and you lack prayer, you will fall into a stressful situation and you will fail in all aspects, as you have done and are doing.
Today I want you to focus on God, be with God, because when you look at Him in agony, with the scourges, with the nail marks, you still cannot fully understand what He accepted.
He always accepts, to lessen all conflicts between man and man in their fist fight with one another, in jealousy and envy, in win or lose situations, and in the disagreements between those who always defend themselves as being truthful.
Mankind has no truth. Only God and His doctrine have the truth.
When mankind experiences, lives and practices the doctrine, then mankind has the truth.
Today I yearn, I desire for you to look at what is in history – especially today is a day in which the entire world gathers and commemorates.
There are people who still refuse, people who still keep their distance, people who still do not understand, people who still do not know.
Nonetheless, they have also received the redemption from God and received His love and His Divine Mercy as well.
It is because of the scourges, because of the nail marks that those who refuse still have the opportunity.
Whether they accept or deny depends on each person.
The work God accomplished was to bring mankind from the darkness back to the light, to free mankind from sin and death to enjoy the happiness and peace He grants through the doctrine and the truth and the commandment that He established and bestowed to mankind.
My beloved children, the mothers in this world, there are times when their children grieve them, treat them with absolutely no love, no respect.
These mothers are brokenhearted and greatly suffer as I used to hear, and hear daily.
There are mothers who cry, mothers who always hope though their children no longer have the opportunity to return: unruly, disobedient, treating their parents in a horrible way, enticed by the world.
The children who live according to the times, choosing a free life, cause their mothers’ hearts to be deeply anguished and grieved, but do mothers ever abandon their children?
The children may abandon their mothers, but mothers do not abandon their children.
You love your children and you are looking for ways to save your children.
You seek all kinds of means, all kinds of ways to save your children, even if they are imprisoned, even if they have done wrong.
That is the sentiment and the feeling of a human mother, let alone God who has done nothing sinful His entire life.
God did nothing to be rebuked yet, in the end, He had to bear for those disobedient children, for those sobbing mothers, for the mothers who lived in that state of pleading.
Today all things come from the salvation, come from the Lord Jesus Christ’s death.
Buried in the tomb and completely shrouded in death, He took with Him the sobbing of the mothers in those situations.
Today in the world generally, as well as particularly in each family, lift up to Me the mothers’ sufferings along with the endurance of those who are parents.
Walk with Me and be with Me, to clearly understand the meaning of the Seven Sorrows.
I accepted everything and sacrificed My Son for you to have a stronghold today.
Do not give up. Do not think you are alone. Do not think you suffer excessively.
Come to Me because I have experienced this state of mind.
I have seen all this from the beginning so I agree to care for all the mothers in the world.
Together with Me, continue to pray, continue to hope, continue to trust in God.
Continue to pray constantly – you will not be disappointed, because I will not let you down.
I will help you, for you to become exemplary mothers, mothers who endure, mothers who walk with Me into the salvation.
Today you contemplate the lifeless Body of Jesus. You contemplate the Savior.
He fully accepted because of love, because of forgiveness, because of the salvation.
To redeem all the sins of the world, He had to endure physical torture and, in the end, He was lifeless, a body no longer breathing, for you to understand the meaning of the days when you still have the opportunity to hear, still have the opportunity to receive, still have the opportunity to hope.
Help yourselves and your children to become the witnesses to the Good News, become the witnesses to righteousness and truth as God’s children, as Christians, as the faithful of the Church.
The Second Sorrow:
Blessed Mother and St. Joseph escaped to Egypt with the Child.
When King Herod looked for the Lord Jesus to kill Him, Mother suffered for the newborn Child, was worried and sad, and grieved as if a sword pierced Her Heart.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children, imagine a freezing cold winter night, the children sleeping peacefully, but He who is God had to flee from cruel men in the world.
All His works were accomplished for the sake of redeeming all the sins of the world.
There were so many people in affliction, who fled from wars, and so many other situations that God has seen in the century when He first came into the world.
When those who sought to kill the Supreme Being because they thought His existence could threaten their position, it was cruelty and greed, from the heart that in the beginning was in jealousy and envy, ignoring everything from their conscience, from their moral sense, to achieve their goal and plunder everything.
That was the evil of sin that existed and still exists.
Thus, in the middle of the night, I had to carry God in my arms to flee to a foreign land.
On the way countless things happened.
St. Joseph and I knew beforehand, but we still obeyed, because it was God’s holy will, so everything would be realized.
I carefully carried God in my arms – in the dark night, through the deserts with scorching winds, with heavy rains.
There was neither a place nor a tree in the desert to rest, to take shelter from the sun and from the rain.
This was planned because of the sins of the world.
There are countless situations that people have experienced.
The Lord Jesus came and, from the very beginning, He had to walk these paths on behalf of the world, on behalf of mankind.
He accompanies the people who are living in those same situations.
As in this present generation, there were and are so many things happening in the world: people being chased, being killed, and many things have happened and are happening today.
That was the story of King Herod seeking Jesus to kill Him.
Today there are countries and people who seek to kill the innocent, who are the unfortunate ones looking for places to seek refuge.
They totally do not know, but today God knew beforehand about what happened so He accompanies you.
He accompanies you in all circumstances, in all classes.
Children, think.
Today you suffer when you flee to this place, flee to that place, to seek what belongs to you, seek what is favorable for you, or because of war you seek places to take refuge.
However, there is no pain comparable to what the Lord Jesus experienced.
When He was in My arms, He already experienced these sufferings, He endured extreme ordeals.
Today it is impossible to describe everything that He accepted to endure for you, which is the entrustment I hold onto as the keepsake for My life, for what I must accept to walk with Him, because He must endure bitterness and anguish with all those extreme agonies.
As a few-days-old infant, you can see His sufferings, His endurance, His birth, because of the sins of mankind, because of the crimes of mankind, because of the killings.
Today mankind still seeks ways, mankind still has not awakened, mankind still has not recognized what the Lord Jesus has accomplished.
He has gone before mankind, and knowing what would happen, He wanted to embrace everything and He wanted to defend those who are victimized, so that on all paths of life, in all extreme sufferings, you have Him, you are with Him.
Today what I share with you is only partial, but in any state of mind, in any situation, you must remember that you have a Supreme Being who lived through the experience, a Supreme Being who accepted everything, a Supreme Being who suffered, a Supreme Being who sacrificed.
So today no matter what the circumstance, you must hope, you must pray, you must turn toward the Supreme Being whom you believe in, turn toward the Supreme Being who is ready to accompany you on all walks of life.
He will help you live with the days in which, no matter what the circumstances, no one can crush your faith, no one can crush your faculty of reasoning, no one can crush your decisions to keep your peace, keep your stability, keep everything that belongs in meditation.
Become the children who mature in God’s grace, the children who witness for God, the children who live in happiness and in peace.
Despite challenges, unite with all the spirituality as I want you to accept.
Your sacrifice will help many people.
Your sacrifice will help many people to know and recognize God.
Your sacrifice is the determination for people to recognize what happened, for them to one day return and recognize God on the paths where I also accepted for the second sword to pierce My Heart.
That extreme pain – I accepted everything to unite with Jesus in the salvation; to bring hope to the world; to bring companionship to the desperate children, the abandoned mothers, the broken families, those without a place of refuge, those in exile in search of life.
There are so many things that in any present situation, when you truly meditate, God is not far away from you.
I never refuse your prayers and there are countless ways for you to experience this.
You must not come to God to ask for things according to your wish, but you must come to Him in a state of mind, with the situation that He already knows.
He does not let you carry a cross that is too much for you.
Believe in that for you to go on. Believe in that for you to live. Believe in that for your life to become better and more complete, because life must have a cross.
Life must have trials. Life must have challenges. Life must experience days of sorrow for you to see the value of grace, the value of peace, the value of happiness, the value of the prosperity that God granted and bestowed.
The value of a righteous and just life must be bought at a price, must be paid at a price, from the moment God came into the world till the days in which you continue to understand fully the path that God took and is taking.
The Third Sorrow:
The Lord Jesus remained in the Temple while Blessed Mother looked for Him for three days.
When Mother took Her Child to the Temple of Jerusalem and lost Him, Blessed Mother was sorrowful and grieved as if a sword pierced Her Heart.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children, in life, at every age, when God was ten, twelve, He was very docile.
He lived in a family that had many things different than other children so He was very mature, and He was also a Child who always defended His peers during the days He lived with Me at home.
There were special celebrations that we had to go to the Temple for, because in the old days the villages did not have magnificent and splendid churches as in your time.
Each time has its own law, and people had to accept the law of that time.
Mankind cannot deny God. Though in every generation there are many things suitable in their own way, at that time faith was strong, very strong, and at the same time different.
However, there were also many things people still did not know, still did not recognize.
When the Savior had not yet come there were the words from the prophet, from the messenger.
The city people – those educated and learned – lived according to the Law.
There were many who understood and lived in the Law.
Most people lived in the city, and those in the countryside were simple people who lived in places where they were neither learned nor educated and they did not know much, so the life at each place and each situation were different.
I want to mention this for you to be clear that as God grew up, at every age, His life was also fitting and close to everyone, to those who were simple children in the poor places, in the villages.
Their lives were rustic, very simple.
The people in those places were people without social standing so they suffered great disadvantages and greatly lacked in every situation.
Today is a world in which you live in comfort and prosperity – you have churches, you have places of worship, you have known many places through everything in the course of history.
Today you do not lack anything – children of all ages can be active and have many conditions in life to learn, to believe, to understand God through His doctrine.
My beloved children, I want to let you know that I brought Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem.
He was a very special Person.
Even in His soul, He was already responsible. He had a mission and He knew what He needed to do.
Because of His passion for the Word of God, because of the interaction and things to be learned, all these lured Him to remain in the Temple.
He was eloquent in meeting all the teachers as well as all the learned men and those who had studied the Law of God.
It was something God allowed, for the world to understand that in a human life, parents raise the children and they grow within your reach, but there are times when they leave, times when they are lost, times when they seek what belongs to them, but God, the Lord Jesus – He remains.
Those are the moments that are signs of glorious things and things that carry the sign of the Supreme Being who bore the responsibility to come to the world of mankind.
The state of a mother who lost her child, of a mother who loves her child, of a family missing a child, is the anxiety in searching, the anxiety in wondering where the child is, and the anxiety with days far from the child.
In God’s program, if you look and meditate, My Heart grieved.
At each stage, I was always a mother who was nearby, who was never away from God.
I looked after God and took care of Him – I was always careful. I respected and cherished Him.
When He was lost for three days, My Heart was so anguished and sorrowful.
There were countless things when I found and saw God in the Temple.
History already recorded, but this is also a symbol for the mothers who have lost their children, the mothers who were separated from their children, the children who left their families, left their mothers, especially in today’s world, which is even more so.
The state of mind of a mother who lost her child, the state of mind of the children who left the parents, then that is the situation of the parents, of the grieving mother looking for her child.
However, God was the Supreme Being who had a program arranged.
When I found Him and heard His answers to the teachers, I meditated and understood that God still had many special things in His life, with each age.
Today in the world, you have lost your children or have very young children who became sick or were taken away from this world, who received God’s providence.
There are many people who love their children, there are many people who live in pain, there are many people who have agonized with this situation.
I know.
There are many people who, when they lose their children, no longer believe in God – they blame God.
They have become unbelievers and they refused God.
They have uttered offensive words to God.
They have abandoned and totally rejected God, because they had children who died at a very young age.
As you see, these are things that happen in this world.
You must meditate, because all things that happen in life have a meaning as God allowed to happen in the world.
Console the mothers, those who have lost their children, those who are still living in rebellion, living in situations in which their children reject the family, refuse the family, have been alienated and live in days of imprisonment, of arrest.
There are many more situations in which mothers and fathers are living in torment, living in resentment, looking for all kinds of ways to help bring the children back.
However, you must know that in life there are certain things you must accept.
Accept in obedience, accept in a life of entrustment, accept that in life each person faces a situation as in this present day.
These are the paths of suffering.
When God left Me, I also suffered greatly.
I was completely restless and agonized with all matters.
When God was growing up, each day I already felt the distancing, because there will be a day when God will accomplish His mission and I will remain alone.
I lived in this state.
Today, O mothers in this world – you who are the mothers, prepare yourselves.
Because when you are the people who choose God and know God’s doctrine, then God is always ready.
God always walked ahead and always understood the feeling of those who are mothers, of the people in this world who have lost their children, who were separated from their children.
There are many more things in the life of the mothers who suffer so you have been comforted, consoled, and received the entrustment.
Today I look at whoever is in this state of mind, whoever is in this extreme suffering, and whoever today is in a situation in which you cannot find resolution in your life.
This is also the approach for God to comfort people, especially people who are in those situations.
Today you see the truth through the Third Sorrow.
You know that, though He is God, He came into the world and agreed to walk each phase of the path, to experience the situations, to remind and help.
People are consoled by Him, cared for by Him, received His mercy, and are comforted by Him.
Today I desire for you to never be disappointed, never suffer, never let those conditions cause you to leave what God has prepared and arranged for you.
You have Him, you are with Him, so live in entrustment.
Be firm in obedience, live in trust, because there is nothing that God does not do for you. Be patient, be still, and wait.
All that is of this day – He has given to the world in all situations, all roles, all sorrows, all challenges, and all things that come to mankind in a very close way, for Him to take away all the extreme suffering and give you entrustment in hope.
The Lord Jesus has granted to you and I am also the person by your side – to help you, to walk with you, to support you, and to comfort you on the paths, even with the situations that happened, are happening, as recently reported.
There are many things of which today you must also know the history.
You have seen the three days of searching for Him in the Temple; the three days of the glorious, triumphant resurrection; the three days for the human world to be empowered.
That is St. Peter receiving the words from the Lord Jesus, who personally entrusted St. Peter with the flock, the sheep, things that have a planned program with this number three.
Today the numbers all have a profound meaning in the history that God has granted specifically to your world.
There are many things heard and there are many things still retained, because that is a divine way to help human beings receive more and more each day, which are the divine wonders manifested, and the world is also granted the grace to further understand.
Everything is planned and arranged in God’s supreme way to lead you onto the paths, for you to understand and meditate in maturity.
Only God is the way.
You must always allow for the soul – with meditation, with understanding – for you to be able to encounter and overcome adversity in the life of reality that you have faced and are facing.
Strive in that unity to achieve an accomplishment to help the world, help with the situations, help the brothers and sisters, help the numerous situations in which fathers
and mothers are losing their children, for them to receive the source of comfort.
Today I give you the Third Sorrow in its extreme, with the third sword that I endured, for you to overcome those paths, to accept what God plans and arranges, so that He is the one and only to bring to mankind and the world love, Divine Mercy, and abundant hope.
The Fourth Sorrow:
Blessed Mother met the Lord Jesus, carrying the Cross.
When Blessed Mother followed God on the Way of the Cross, tears flowed from Her eyes like streams of flowing water because of Her love for Him, and Her Heart was as if pierced by a sword.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children, O what pain, what agony.
I wanted to be with God on the way He carried the Cross.
I saw His Body.
He no longer had the strength to be able to proceed on the way, with the Cross weighing heavily on His shoulder.
I did not know what to do.
My Heart was united with the Lord Jesus as He silently carried the Cross alone.
When He was together with the disciples daily, I saw many people. There were many people who gathered to hear Him preach.
He did countless miracles, which many people received, but in this very moment no one was with Him.
I wanted to be close to Him, but there were soldiers and many people on the side of the road, with insults and curses, with cruel, ironical words, and so many things with their betrayal.
They knew only to follow the times, follow everything that is in the human law, and follow everything in which they only see the appearance rather than notice the Person who was heavily burdened with the cross, who was in great agony with the wounds all over His Body, with Blood splattering at every stage.
He no longer had the strength to continue with the paths He will take and is taking.
The moments He limped, I also limped with Him.
The agonizing moments that I saw – I did not know what to do apart from shedding tears.
My Heart was wrought with pain.
I walked with Him on the paths and simply wished for a place to meet Him and embrace Him to help lessen all the weight that He carried on His shoulders and is carrying.
His state of mind was also the same, because the eyes were looking around, feeling desolate and lost, feeling lonely amid life, with the taunting, with the soldiers pressing, with the heavy cross, with no one to sympathize.
Many people watched and mourned and stood by the side of the road to cry – the majority of them were women.
As for those who truly had the courage to stand up, the courage to speak up, to defend, there was absolutely no one.
From the very beginning, God has accepted this way. He has seen this way.
That is also the ruthlessness with which mankind often treats each other.
God has endured and accepted beforehand.
He took upon Himself everything that is the life in which mankind has treated each other and still does.
That loneliness, that acceptance, was to bring you the doctrine today.
In all matters, just like the other women in the world, I wanted to scream, I wanted to defend, I wanted to run to help My Child, but I knew that this is a program God the Father had planned, a program predestined, a program in which a Mother wanted to do everything to protect Her Child, but if I truly did, then there would no longer be the meaning of collaboration, the meaning of obedience, the meaning of fortitude.
I had to cooperate with the Savior.
Do you know that every time God fell, I also fell, both soul and body?
I wanted to embrace God in My Heart, I just wanted to tell God that in this life and on the path that He walked, I was still there.
I could not leave Him – I never left Him, but I had to sacrifice out of obedience to God the Father, and I accepted that extremely painful bitterness in My Heart.
I had to accept all of it without a complaint – I endured everything to pray for God the Father to deliver mankind.
I accepted with God to save all of you, regardless of how horrendous your sins are.
Even if your sins have become the darkness of the abyss – the light of love, the light of acceptance, the light of unity, the love of the Savior, with Me to guide you back from the darkness, is the lofty example to illuminate everyone on earth: the children of God; the faithful; the laypeople; the people who do not know, for them to know; the people who do not believe, for them to believe.
The people who truly follow the doctrine will see the marvelous wonder as I accepted everything with the Lord Jesus to bring deliverance to all of you and to everyone around the world.
I accepted the piercing of the fourth sword in exchange for you so that today I can continue to give you these intimate words.
In particular, the week of Good Friday is a suitable and appropriate week for you to contemplate the truth, for you to meditate on the truth.
Believe in the truth, for you to see that the path is not simple.
They are simply words spoken, but in a sentiment, with heart and unity, to describe the immense achievement that mankind cannot ignore, cannot reject, and cannot deny.
Do not continue to live in days of treachery, days of betrayal, days of rejection, days of stubbornness, days of hardheartedness, days of distance, days with a heart without a beat.
You are living in the midst of a world that no longer has certain aspects, for you to contemplate the actual horrifying and revolting ways through the tortures of the soldiers.
However, today, with the words spoken, the life with challenges, the life with clever things, the life with things suitable in the world – though without swords, you have treated each other in horrible ways, in ways that use certain techniques to kill, to slander, to do many things with what has happened and is happening, in mutual treachery, in mutual betrayal.
Today human beings have a heart but no longer have love, no longer have unity, and no longer recognize that a heart is to love and not to seek revenge, not to hate, not to do what is against morality, against what people need in the world.
Life must have appropriateness, must have compassion, must have solidarity, must have sacrifice, must have support, and must have nobleness.
If there is nobleness, if there are things you need to do, you must meditate for you to understand the salvation from God, His Divine Mercy, His doctrine, His commandment.
Then, with your practice, you become mature people to receive the love, to receive the sacrifice of God, to receive My sacrifice, and to receive the tears that are shed because of mankind, because of giving to mankind, because of saving mankind.
The Fifth Sorrow:
Blessed Mother stood by the Cross of the Lord Jesus, Her beloved Son, when He breathed His last.
When Mother saw Her Son hanging on the Cross, who spoke the seven words to Her and breathed His last, then Her Heart was grieved as if pierced by a sword.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children, how can you experience the moment when I stood at the foot of the Cross of Jesus, My beloved Son, waiting, every second, every minute?
God no longer had strength. He was exhausted.
Whenever He wanted to speak, He had to use all His strength, lifting Himself up to be able to speak.
He did not forget to say the last words, He did not forget to entrust Me to St. John. He did not forget to say all the words, for the world of mankind to go on in the days ahead.
In My remaining days, I also witnessed in the last hour His love, His clemency.
He is the Supreme Being whom you must worship.
There is only one Supreme Being who can forgive sins and only that Supreme Being can help you, for you to know what He accepted, what He bore for you.
He truly died for all things that today you must believe in.
In the end, the good thief also received forgiveness with His love and clemency, as He allowed that good thief to return.
Today you see all the sins of the world, you see what is in unworthiness, in unrighteousness, in disobedience, in transgression, but look at the good thief.
You must believe, you must speak from the bottom of your heart, you must recognize.
There must be repentance. There must be a recognition of good and evil. There must be an awareness in reformation. There must be an acknowledgement to recognize God and trust in God – only then can you understand the meaning of the Divine Mercy, of a magnanimous heart, of a benevolent heart.
In the end, Jesus still asked God the Father to forgive the ignorant, the soldiers who tortured Him, those who insulted Him, the cruel people in power who still looked for all kinds of ways.
The works God achieved ended atrociously and excruciatingly.
That final moment became a prodigious sign.
God died on the Cross.
You cannot comprehend that at the moment God breathed His last, I Myself also wanted to die with Him.
I simply knew that everything God did for the last three years, that those days have completely ended, that there will no longer be days of hearing, of knowing, and the intimacy with the love that I Myself had for God, and a Son for Me.
Today God has become the victorious Supreme Being, the Supreme Being who gloriously triumphed to bring all people from the darkness with wretchedness and weakness to turn toward the Cross.
He has truly triumphed, has conquered and restored, bringing life, bringing the light, bringing the Gospel, and bringing glory to mankind in the world of humanity.
Those sufferings were recorded in the Fifth Sorrow, which were described as I united with Him to be complete in the victory.
As you have seen, God ransomed at a priceless cost. He ransomed till the final moment.
In the final moment, God was still the advocate, the loving God, the merciful God, the benevolent God who forgave all sins.
If you can truly understand the meaning, turn to repentance to recognize things He accomplished.
Today, Good Friday, He truly died.
In these days, only if God allows can you know where He is, to whom He must go, and with whom He must meet.
Today I want you to meditate on these things for you to see everything the Lord Jesus accomplished, everything the Savior accomplished.
What continued were things that I continued to do silently with the remaining days to accomplish the mission with the seven words that God said on the Cross in the last moments of His life.
Those seven words were realized, manifested in the world today with what was and is.
You already have the Church.
You still have the Church and you still have the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You still have days with the grace granted and given for you to understand what you need to know, what you need to affirm – the present works, what you hear, what is given for the new Gospel (2), which you receive in experience and on Good Friday.
In particular this year and in this century, I desire and yearn for all of you to see how the mothers accept, when they see their child die painfully, when they see their child endure everything, when they see their child bear everything, and finally die.
It is the same in your life.
There are times when you must sacrifice for your own child, sacrifice for matters that in your role, you have known and recognized what is from the truth.
There must be sacrifice, there must be a free will offering, there must be fortitude, there must be acceptance of the cross, and at times, there must be acceptance of death.
All is in the goodness that God desires and bestows, to comfort, to guide mankind in all generations.
There were mothers who sacrificed, there were fathers who sacrificed.
Today the children rely on those parents to have the basis of understanding, the basis to recognize salvation, and the basis that today God has granted and realized through daily life, with the signs through each Way of the Cross, through the 14 Stations of the Cross that today you meditate on.
Today I come to you through the Seven Sorrows to give you the liveliness and the experience on Good Friday.
Meditate, for you to live and practice, for you to experience, for you to see that every sacrifice has a price, and in the end, that sacrifice will be rewarded.
God does not let you be overwhelmed. God does not let the works that you do in goodness become meaningless.
He will have a way to reward and repay you with a price when you truly meditate and understand the first achievements of God, My cooperation, things I left for you and the reminders that are given to today’s generation.
Live to become witnesses, witnesses of the truth, witnesses of the Good News, witnesses of the grace granted abundantly in every era, which you have received.
Live to testify to what comes from the truth to help people strengthen their faith, broaden their understanding, deepen their experience, and promote life to truly return to God, to become people who can look into themselves to recognize what is needed – in the repentance, in the return, in the reformation, in the belief entrusting in God’s Divine Mercy.
The Sixth Sorrow:
The two disciples lowered the Body of the Lord Jesus and gave it to Blessed Mother.
When Saints Nicodemus and Joseph removed the nails and lowered the Body of the Lord Jesus into the hands of Blessed Mother, She held the bloody corpse of Her beloved Son with tears overflowing.
Who can perceive the extreme pain of Mother Mary at this time?
Mother took a white linen to wrap His Body, and Her Heart grieved as if pierced by a sword.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children, in this Sixth Sorrow you see Me waiting.
When Jesus stopped breathing on the Cross, I inscribed in My Heart the words He said.
I waited to hold His Body in My arms.
The two disciples lowered His Body in heartrending sadness.
When they lowered His Body into My arms, My Heart once again beat strongly, ardently loving God, earnest to see all the wounds.
I held Him into My Heart to look at My Son’s wounds.
I respectfully kissed those wounds on behalf of humanity, on behalf of mankind’s unfaithfulness, on behalf of mankind’s cruel heart, and on behalf of mankind’s stubbornness and hardheartedness.
I saw His Body was covered with wounds all over.
He was completely lifeless.
He no longer had any words to say to Me.
When I held His Body in My arms, when I embraced Him into My Heart, I remembered the day He was born – the angels sang and rejoiced, but today His Body was covered in Blood, with wounds all over, His face was deformed, His Body was lifeless, no longer breathing.
My Heart was in extreme agony. My tears were streaming down His face.
From that moment on, I knew for sure there will be no more days by His side.
For 30 years, this has been fulfilled with the accomplishment that was foretold from the very beginning.
I only looked at Him sadly – His lifeless Body – and did not want to leave Him anymore.
In the world, human beings, when still alive, can function and go wherever they want, but when the body no longer has breath, no longer functions, then it must return to a place that belongs to it.
Every minute, every second, the thought of the separation from God further increased the extreme agony in My Heart.
I yearn and desire for the world to always recognize these sufferings, look at these sufferings, meditate on these sufferings.
Look at these extremely painful scenes to stay away from sin, avoid sin, lessen sin, remove sin, so that the redemption with this excruciating agony will become a victory for the salvation of souls in humanity.
The suffering continued, as I had to accept the burial.
I had to accept the sight of the dust-filled wounds, the tortures that the Second Person of God had to accept, had to endure, and in the end, like many others, become an entombed body.
Eventually I had to leave because the burial must take place.
There were so many matters at that time.
There was so much anxiety.
There were many faces that recognized the truth of those around, of the faithful disciples.
There were those who belonged to God who totally perceived His death as a failure.
Many people fled, stayed away, but there were also those who remained till the last moment.
Anyway, one must accept that that is human life because people tend to change and change too quickly; today one is a friend, but tomorrow will be the enemy.
There are many things that have taken place in the context of life that God also had to accept, let alone you.
Today in life, God wants you to live a noble life, because God accepted everything.
Everything He did, He absolutely wanted to save and forgive.
He did not condemn.
He endured the abandonment of mankind, the betrayal of mankind, the disloyalty of mankind, the treachery of mankind, and countless things that mankind still does to each other.
He accepted this. He forgave this. He wanted you to see that acceptance, hoping for you to not betray each other, to not abandon each other, to not live with the days as you have seen in the people at that time.
They lacked courage due to their weakness, due to their fear and frailty, due to their wretchedness as they know to only protect themselves.
Their life was a life in selfishness, a life hardly thinking about others, a life knowing only to seek successful days, fun-filled days, and when facing danger, when facing trouble, they utterly fled and abandoned.
These are how things were.
I accepted everything to hope in you.
Today you can see what God endured, what I accepted, for God the Father to give you a doctrine to help avoid the stories that happened and are happening, and for you to have the right to decide to be faithful to your friends, to be faithful to your promise, to your duty, to your own function.
Do not let things happen such as you have seen: abandoned, neglected, sold, betrayed.
There are so many treacherous days between man and man, between wife and husband, in a consecrated life as well as that of people with functions who did not keep their
promises, who left God.
They have become the people who neglect God, or the people who break their vows, and they have completely let God end up lonely, desolate, to die alone.
Today He yearns for you to mature, to not harm one another, to not inflict on one another, to not let things end up in regret, in lamentation.
God completely bore everything that mankind, living in iniquity for generations, commits.
Today those who are abandoned, betrayed, deceived, do not rush, do not hasten to see yourselves in days totally hopeless, days of being abandoned, days of being neglected, days that you no longer have, days of utter despair.
You still have God. You still have Me.
God experienced this situation, God endured this situation, God accepted this situation, which today you have meditated on through the Sixth Sorrow.
Even if the world abandons you, even if the world leaves you, God does not leave you, I do not leave you.
You just need to hope, to trust, to entrust – then the presence is always there.
There is always comfort, there is always help.
Do not refuse what today is heard and known.
Do not rely on the world. Do not rely on mankind. Rely on God’s grace.
God knows, God hears, and God is truly perceptive with the inner life.
Whoever is truly faithful will be rewarded according to the way God grants and bestows.
Whoever lives in treachery will realize what they have done in treachery and must receive what is from their own decision-making.
God is a generous and forgiving God.
He wants you to resolve things, to not bind each other, to not judge each other, to not be strict with each other, but to live in love, in solidarity, in unity.
That is the source of comfort that God yearns for, that God desires, and I also wait for you with this maturity.
That is what I desire from you today.
There is no other ultimate suffering than when you see how everything started with My embrace and ended in My embrace.
God has died. God has departed from Me.
By those ultimate sufferings, today hope is given to you, salvation is granted to you, to bring you life, to bring you a doctrine to be practiced in life.
When you understand the meaning and you meditate, you will be more mature in life, for you to avoid conflict in the days between man and man, between duty and responsibility, between functions, and much more in the family life, the social life, as well as the collective life.
Do not let unfortunate and regretful things happen as in the past.
Provide for each other, get together, support each other, help each other in loyalty, for your life to have joy, meaning, entrustment.
That is the doctrine, the truth of the truth.
God bore everything for you to have a new hope, a new life, a doctrine.
You have been restored through His death, through His Blood, through His sacrifice, and through the final hour, when He was buried in the new sepulcher.
The Seventh Sorrow:
The disciples buried the Lord Jesus in the new sepulcher.
When Jesus was buried in the sepulcher, when the large stone covered the sepulcher, Mother’s Heart grieved as if dead and buried in the tomb with Her Son.
Because Mother could no longer see Her Son anymore, She was utterly desolate, as if Her Heart was pierced by a sword.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved children, everything was completed.
From that moment on, the stone ended the encounter.
Though a lifeless body, I still did not want to leave God, I still wanted to hold Him in My arms, I still wanted to respect and honor the Supreme Being who is God, who remained with Me.
He became a Person in the flesh, who today was tortured by mankind till death, killed by mankind, though He was innocent.
He truly agreed to obey God the Father and accepted the sacrifice on the Cross to save the whole of humanity.
These were the moments that could be replayed from the very beginning of My life.
It was a separation in which I had to be decisive in recognizing what no longer belonged to Me with the days of exile in the world.
However, spiritually, My soul was united and My Heart forever belonged to God on the paths when He was still alive, and on the paths of the days of extreme agony with the Cross.
Even when His Body was lifeless, I was united with Him and never was far away.
However, in the flesh, with things of reality, I no longer had days by His side, to see the smile, to hear His voice, to hear the tender words that He was teaching the holy apostles.
I took care of every garment and everything was in the embrace of a mother who cared for her child.
From then on, I would be alone and lonely, but I accepted and welcomed the Son and the new mission for the remaining path of My life.
There were countless more things.
Those moments of saying goodbye, those moments of separation, those moments that were prevented by that stone – I no longer could see the days in which I completed a program together with God, spiritually, through the salvation.
Nonetheless, there were the days ahead that were days of tears, days of extreme suffering, days of waiting, days of longing, days of looking at those who were close to God and the whereabouts of the trustworthy ones with the paths ahead.
So I forgot everything that was in My heavy Heart for Me to regain composure.
I also sought to take care of those around who were the trusted disciples: John, My son; Mary Magdalene, who was afflicted and sobbing the past few days, her body as well as her entire appearance desolate, and no longer had normal days with smile and joy.
Everyone seemed to have been starving for many days because they were so grieved.
There were many more people I must also take care of.
I forgot everything in life and simply cried.
I cried alone, cried in the soul, cried with the heart, to be fully united with God in the new sepulcher.
I waited for what will come very soon.
My beloved children, the ending of this day, in affliction and sorrow, between man and man, consists of so many things: those are the separations, the departures of the loved ones in the family – children, parents, brothers, or spouses.
There are countless people in life who face the days when they are no longer together and must depart as called.
God has called each person, one by one. God also calls all of His children, in every situation, in every class, in the providence and arrangement as planned.
I know the pain of the departure of a loved one. I know the sorrow of those who lose a loved one. I know all the mothers who lose their children, children who lose their fathers, wives who lose their husbands, husbands who lose their wives, the departures of loved ones.
But look back, look at the Seventh Sorrow – I endured all these on your behalf.
My prayer is to comfort and help you.
Please accept things that have been arranged and planned, for you to obey and continue with the remaining paths, to live with meaningful days, for you to decide for yourselves, decide for your lives, and decide for things that you must also accept.
Whether you accept it or not, certain things already happened.
Do not be perplexed, do not be disheartened, do not give up, do not live in despair or in hatred, like a number of people in the world.
Today God uses all means – to endure for you, to bear for you, to accept all things for you, to bring you a new doctrine, a new truth.
All of you, when you experience and meditate, you can certainly achieve, you can certainly understand, and you can live with acceptance of the paths.
You are the people who suffer somewhat when certain events happen, but God endured a hundred thousand times more.
He suffered a hundred thousand times more.
I accompanied Him, to accept those sufferings.
It was God the Father’s holy will, who truly wants to give to the world, to deliver all of you, to save you spiritually and physically, for you to have a life with the doctrine that was ransomed – by love, by forgiveness, by patience, by sacrifice, and by countless things in the truth, holiness, and perfection, which today the Holy Spirit is teaching to all classes, all roles, all functions.
There are many things for you to meditate on today to understand that that lively voice is still present after 2,000 years.
From here on out, these things become the truth in your daily testimony of every person selected to become a disciple, for you to do what, to practice what, how must you accept, and how are you treating each other in life?
Remember the extreme agonies that God endured for you to have a travel companion and have a person who sympathizes with you, who understands you.
Accept these paths and consider them as an experience.
Do not fall, do not stumble, do not let the heart sink, do not allow despair in life, and do not forget.
Never forget to entrust, to trust, to believe, because God is the Person who always brings you deliverance, hope, peace in the soul, and what is suitable and fitting.
If there are challenges, afflictions, He will compensate you in justice, in all classes, all roles.
Return to God.
Accept what you originally had and still have in your own decision.
Become true penitents, truly contrite, who offer Him everything that is most humble and greatest.
Recognize the wretched condition, and the condition of the people who only lift up to God what He most hopes for, what is most worthy, which is the heart, the soul, the body, the absolute trust, the return in the surrender, in the prostration, with the words offered reverently.
Through the Holy Spirit’s teaching, you will see things unified, united.
Society and the world will have a wonderful renewal that God has granted especially for this generation, in your time, in the time the world lies in deadly sins, abounding with betrayal, abounding with disobedient and unrighteous people who have offended God.
However, this is a time of grace and blessing, granted to people when they open their hearts, when they come with a listening heart, when they come with a heart in contrition and repentance, when they come with hearts in unity, when they are determined to return to God.
Prostrate and honor Him, run to Him, respectfully and wholeheartedly lift up to Him, place Him above all things, live with days professing Him, praising Him, and glorifying Him.
You are the first people to receive, and these are also the days you must endure afflictions and challenges, days of trials, days of the cross.
In the end, you will understand that the cross will bring glory for you to resurrect with the Lord Jesus Christ.
On Good Friday meditate and reflect.
I hope that in these days you learn a lot, draw a lot of experience, meditate a lot, and contemplate.
You will see the challenge from God.
His desire is that you must become mature, you must become brave, you must become the bold and brave soldiers to deal with a world that today needs courage, needs patience, needs perseverance, needs a fierce belief.
Only then can you realize and complete the mission in a time in which you have received and are receiving favors and blessings in abundant graces.
Do not be afraid of others’ rejection. Do not be afraid of others’ judgment and suspicion.
Do not be afraid of all the circumstances of the world in wretchedness and weakness.
Always be courageous and always be ready.
Never forget to pray and never forget to entrust, for you to be persistent and faithful till the end, for you to be brave and bold to advance in a mission that is just starting but will spread all over, to save many people, for many to awaken, for many to be stirred, for many to be convinced with all the works you have done and are doing.
Today I end here.
Thank you for representing the parish, for representing the place God chooses.
Countless wonders have appeared and miracles have also happened at this place.
Thank you for representing all the people who want but do not have the opportunity. Thank you for representing all classes, all roles, to come here in eagerness to accept, to receive, and to pray, for you to have these words of truth.
Meditate and someday, when appropriate, then you will bring to everyone in the world, for them to know what was and is in the days when you still have the opportunity.
Be bold, be brave.
Step forward with things that, though they are the beginning, will bring a great result and help many people to experience and receive the great graces that you are practicing and have practiced in the life of witnessing and pioneering.
I bless you to be perfect in these days.
Continue your sacrifices – then you will see many successes in the days ahead.
Many people will know, will hear, and through your prayers, there will be many souls waiting and preparing to return with God.
My peace be with all of you.
Please continue to pray for the world, continue to pray for all classes, all roles, and continue to pray for the souls.
You will receive wonderful things in the coming days, with the divine graces that are bestowed and granted.
Do not be afraid. Do not doubt. Do not compare your situation with another person’s situation.
Know what comes from the truth – then you will be bolder, no matter what happens.
What needs to happen must happen.
What comes from the truth will be retained.
As for what does not come from the truth, it will be removed.
This is a time God allows for all things that do not come from the truth to have a result for you to see.
As for what comes from the truth, trials are a must, challenges are a must, but in the end the truth will be preserved and will last.
There will be perseverance and loyalty with those who truly live in the truth, practice in the truth, know the truth, and testify to the truth.
One more time, My peace be with all of you.
Complete on this evening, and tomorrow prepare for all things in joyful exultation to welcome the glorious and triumphant resurrection.
You will see many wonders and be able to experience specially in this year as God has granted to you and to everyone when they open the eyes of faith.
Goodbye children. I love you very much.
O God – I thank God for the myriad of blessings poured down.
We are happy to receive the precious words that Mother grants us, in particular today, Good Friday.
Indeed, for many years we have received, but we longed for the messages of the Seven Sorrows and though we did, they were very few.
Today Mother had many things to teach us, to teach everyone, when they perceive and meditate.
Mother, please help us be perfect with Good Friday, please forgive our weaknesses and stumbles. Mother, please have mercy and help everyone open their eyes and souls, open their hearts of faith, which is needed, for us to meditate and live righteously, responsibly.
Let us learn to truly repent, to return to the truth, to meditate, to experience, to pray, to be determined on the path of repentance, to be worthy with love, the Divine Mercy.
May we be worthy with the meditation that today God grants us on Good Friday, for us to be more mature and live happily with the days.
God alone is the Supreme Being who defends, the Supreme Being who understands, the Supreme Being who preserves and protects.
May we live and walk in the truth with the protection, to become the witnesses and the little soldiers in love and the Divine Mercy, with the flag of truth, the flag of love, the flag of salvation.
With Mother Mary’s protection, with the voice that Mother has granted and is granting to the whole of humanity, let us learn the way to live, the way to practice, the way to protect ourselves, the way to avoid sin, lessen sin, and stay away from all current and past traps and snares, in the daily life of each person, the life in the family, in the society, in the community as well as in all places.
We are facing the sanctuary, the Cross, the tabernacle, the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the icon of the Divine Mercy, with the red veil covering the Cross and the purple veil covering Mother’s holy statue.
We just received a message from Mother with the words urged by the Holy Spirit, for us to complete the Seven Sorrows of Mother Mary.
Today we receive Mother’s teachings, revelations and words on the path of meditation, for us to be bolder, more sincere, more determined in our decision to belong to God and to Mother, on Good Friday and on the other days in life, when we meditate and experience what Mother has granted and taught us and the entire world.
Lucia., A., M.N., M.L., conclude on this afternoon, to prepare for the Veneration of the Cross. We conclude at exactly 6:38 p.m., on Friday, March 30, 2018. Amen. Amen. Amen.
- These are meditations for the Seven Sorrows devotion, an ancient but popular Marian devotion.
- This seems to refer to this private revelation (the messages) centered on the Eucharist and The Six Kowtows. In any case, this “new Gospel” does not constitute a departure from orthodoxy or Mother Church, but will be at the very heart of the Church and wholly consistent with what has been up until now.
Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Message to Priests
June 24, 2022
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lucia: (Inspired by God the Holy Spirit)
O Lord, today is Friday, June 24, 2022, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We gather on this Solemnity to receive Your words. It is 10:03 pm. You want us to receive these words for Your priests, particularly for the Church. It is a sublime grace never received before. This message means so much to us in the mission that we bear on our shoulders. Though our days are quiet and ordinary, today is a day our hearts feel very excited because this is the first time You grant to priests on the day that is the Solemnity of Your Sacred Heart. Years ago, there were messages given to priests and also personally to certain priests, but never specifically on the Solemnity of Your Sacred Heart.
Today is the Solemnity of Your Sacred Heart, and what happens is not a coincidence. For months, we prayed for many things to be changed. Today, on Friday, June 24, 2022, the constitutional right to abortion ends, a coincidence that cannot be random. All the numbers on today’s date correspond to the number six. At this age, the number six causes people to be frightened because they say that this is part of the design of the three number six. Why does this design not use another number? The reason is that the number six is the deciding factor. It is the final code God the Father offered to Mother Mary for the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the world, with the people who continue to debater over Mother Mary.
Yet, God chose Mother Mary to be the Mother of the Second Person of God, the Mother of humanity, the Queen of Heaven, which the Mysteries of the Rosary remind us of, when we pray. Her titles, with the most significant names, which we need to know and clearly understand to recognize what God granted in the Glorious Mysteries: “A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head.”
Who is this person as depicted? It is Mother Mary. We strongly testify that Mother offered us a gift, for us to practice these past eight years, and we have received God’s grace for the past twelve years. It is a program that does not happen naturally but appears at the right moment when granted. Everything occurs, with the permission of God the Father, to exist in this world. Today, we do not think it is a coincidence because we see the intervention of God specially granted to us. It is the day God gives, with His Sacred Heart, for us to take refuge inside His Sacred Heart. As we heard in the First Reading from the prophet Ezekiel, “God grants to us who are the laity, His sheep. God also gives to us, the disciples, and His Church, in times of tension, with many events.” These are reminders to the Church along with the intervention Jesus grants to the Church on the day of His Sacred Heart, which is related to the Eucharist.
Today, Lord, You grant me and the brothers and sisters in the group, the words You want to give to the clergy, those in the ranks of the Church. To know of things You allow, which is also a gift to confirm the days we work in silence with Your intervention. These are the words that You want to say, for me to receive on behalf of the priests, the Church, and the religious people, for them to hear the words that You give especially to them. These words also help this world, for us to have the opportunity to quietly practice and collaborate with the works that You allow, to help the children, near and far, who are the lost sheep, people who live in weakened faith, and all those who share our same human fate.
Many classes and roles still do not know God. They remain indifferent toward the Eucharistic Jesus, offending Him. Some are minions of the devil, who continue to offend God, stealing the Eucharist. Today is the proof God allows, for us to prove true things which He planned for our world to receive on the day of love, as He gives humanity His Sacred Heart. God, at this time, I am ready, waiting to receive Your words today, in the mission to testify to what You want to give to the Church and the clergy.
O, My beloved priests,
Today, I address this message to you. Here is an age where it is challenging to believe and very difficult to recognize what the world needs. Today’s First Reading [Ezekiel 34:11-16] mentions the crucial matters God the Father said through the prophet Ezekiel. It is time. I am ready to bring My flock back; I am tending My flock; I have inspected My sheep and summon My shepherds to provide for My sheep that are scattered everywhere. I also want My shepherds to look back through the generations. In particular, in this generation, have you, shepherds, gathered the flock that I entrusted to you, to unite them yet? My flock is wounded. My flock faces persecution. My flock is scattered. My flock faces opposition. Even you, still do not understand that your flock is thirsty and hungry.
It is an utterly crucial matter because you saw what happened to this world; with what lies in the state of tension and discord; with what consists of worldly reasonings to become present laws, supported by many. Besides this, people have left Me; people have lost the life of faith that is needed, which I have granted and still grant to them with My Heart, with My love in this important celebration. How many times have you understood this significant celebration? It has undoubtedly become a routine and has gone into history. Among you, only a small number of priests and bishops feel and experience My love, but to the majority, it is a routine in life. You do not understand and feel My love, so how can your preaching and what comes from you, inspire the love I have for the sheep I entrust to you?
My beloved children,
Today, the work I assign to you is because I choose to entrust to you My flock. For generations, I have entrusted My flock, My sheep, to you. You represent Me to support them. You represent Me to encourage them. You represent Me to guide them back to the path of righteousness. I thank the shepherds who bravely spoke the voice of the truth. I thank the shepherds who were courageous to proclaim the truth. I thank the shepherds, who though alone, still speak up to keep My law, My commandment, and show love through the duty and responsibility you bear. As for most priests, I choose you to continue to bring My words to the world.
I appoint you to lead Me to each in the laity, and to each lamb, for them to recognize My love and presence. I do not blame you, because this is an age in which I give you the freedom to decide and choose the works that you are ministering and serving in. The life of ministering and service must go hand in hand at certain times to support the most critical matters, requiring you to love your sheep. You must follow the saints, throughout history, who sacrificed for their flock. Even I died for you, to maintain things that I desire through you, and to preserve your flock.
My beloved children,
It is not easy for you to accept this message, because it comes through simple and commonplace people, but this is something I long for you to know and yearn, for you to recognize. In this world, there are countless evil deeds, countless deceits, and countless matters people enjoy through wealth, ambition, and self-interest. There is no more honesty. Gradually, the truth has departed in the people I chose. Today, I need holy priests. I need priests who sacrifice. I need priests who have faith. Rise and collaborate. There is nothing that I do not grant when you collaborate and acknowledge. Listen, obey, and unite with the current Pope, who is a simple person. He is a person who you see is not demanding, but that is what I need for the world.
Attain a life with unity and be renewed in the Holy Spirit, because that is something I grant for you to have the potential realized. Do not maintain and retain the days of old laws, because they have become days of selfishness, days of closing the door to your hearts. The days with only laws, but without love, will cause you to lose the sheep I entrust to you. The world has entered days brimming with evil, and only love, righteousness, courage, and sacrifice, will bring the flock back. I know you must make sacrifices to reform in this present age. Recognize what is most important, because the indifference and lack of responsibility of the days in the law, cause you to refuse the graces I bestow and grant to you, your brothers, and the laity.
My beloved children,
There is no coincidence. It is time for Me to strengthen all classes and all roles with faith. The Holy Spirit and the Spirit are still working in you and over you. However, the Holy Spirit is also working over the laity everywhere, for them to recognize what is most critical and to take a stand. Today, people with positions influence much, because they do not allow the laity to live with a simple and humble heart, to seek and receive guidance through My presence, in the Blessed Sacrament.
The most significant matter you hardly pay attention to, which is My presence; you still do not believe absolutely. You do not understand the meaning of My stay which I grant to humanity, so, as a result of this you reject, refuse, and hardly talk about this point. You have accepted reality and complied, but in terms of the spiritual life in faith, I still wait for over 2,000 years. You are not mature enough to speak about Me to the laity, to tell the world about Me, about the fact that I am supporting you and intervening for you in any situation, in any century. Particularly in this period, if you do not stand up first from neglect, irresponsibility, and indifference, how can the laity know and recognize Me?
Today, I select some people, as I said in the Gospel back then: I will choose simple and humble people. They do not know, do not understand, do not recognize, but they obey to do what the Spirit guides. There are certain things you see them do too naturally, or they have strange unknown ways. However, it is only I who grant for them to recognize and practice, humbly and ordinarily, and it is primarily to show and remind all, that I wait for you to open a great treasure, which I give to humanity today. This treasure will strengthen the faith of those in the ranks of the Church with all classes; the lost sheep, the prodigal sheep, and the wounded sheep. My Sacred Heart still waits for you. I only know one thing: I love you, and through you, I hope you love your parishioners who are your sheep. If you want to have this, then you must always sacrifice. Sacrifice by goodwill, rather than by authority and duty. You minister out of duty, but if you lack compassion, love, and responsibility; that will lead you to walk in confusion.
Today I come to you. I want to tell you that no one can understand you as I do. No one can grant you the essentials you need. No one can carry out the signs I convey because I choose you to do it. To sacrifice and give away because of your laity, the sheep which I have entrusted to you. O, leaders, do not retain the old laws in life. Laws enable you to stand your ground, and what I grant in the Gospel stands. However, use the law to give you the enthusiasm to practice love, to change people. Love requires sacrifice. Love requires you to remove the positions with the outward appearances, to become a person who truly serves as in the beginning, when I instituted the Eucharist.
I am the Lord. Through the holy Apostles, I did holy gestures. I desire the same from you. The selected do not sit in their positions, do not just use fancy words or good intentions at the pulpit, but must live through good examples. You must perform, take care of the flock, visit the flock, be close to them, love them, sympathize with them, and teach them by your sacrifice and fortitude, which is the most important thing. Do not hasten to push them away, do not hasten to judge them, and do not hasten to use your position to be resolute when you have not yet given them the occasion. In this generation, you witnessed the gradual loss of unity in the lives of your priestly brothers. This disunity causes the ministry and service to be seriously lacking.
Thus, I choose the laity, for them to lend a hand with important works. They are the people who replace you when you are busy with your ministry, who pray and remain by Me, for Me to go on granting to them, and to give you the words most needed in the pastoral life with unity. It is the same at any age. I use messengers and prophets; though you look at them with ordinary eyes, they carry a vital mission for you. Most of the time, you must rely on them and look at things they do, to remind you of your mission in this age. This is a highly critical document as evidence for you. This is the documentation I give and provide, for you to understand the works I do through the Eucharist, to strengthen the world.
Now is the time that if you, the shepherds, do not open your arms to embrace the flock, help them, understand them, and seek ways to bring them back, then it will be an occasion in which you suffer a significant loss and also fail to be complete the mission I desire and yearn for. I have granted to you and have chosen you to represent Me, and I especially favor you; but you must also grant your sheep that same favor. It is time. God the Father gave many things to you in all kinds of ways. Today, I do not mean to say that you lack performance. I know your efforts. I know your sacrifice to seek the sheep, but, today, they no longer have hope. However, they are reborn because of the encounter I grant to them to strengthen them, for them to support you on the path of witness to the Gospel and the truth. Do not hold onto what is of old; do not become the scribes and Pharisees of outward appearance, but guide the flock by your heart, as I yearn and desire.
My beloved children,
I dearly long for you to remember that ministry is an important matter, but service is even more so. Serve with love, serve with dedication, and serve with a responsible heart in the mission I assign. I know your present ministries keep you very busy. Still, to minister with a life that centers only on pastoral care, achieves what is necessary according to habit, but hearts are hardened and indifferent. I want each priest today, to come to Me with the heart. Even though you are busy, take the time to come to Me, because this is a period when I pour abundant graces over the present world. I have appeared and let you know about this manifestation of heaven to strengthen all classes, all roles. I remind you of the words I once said: “Believe, and you will have; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will open unto you.” Wash one another’s feet, love one another, give one another the opportunity, and live in righteousness. The civilized age has greatly enticed you, and all civilization will end one day, but what abides is the love and solidarity in the truth that I grant to you through the Good News and the Gospel.
Today, I give you these words and end here. Assist the sheep in this trying time, because their spiritual life is lured away in a turbulent world. They fall because of their immature faith. You know that to strengthen the laity, you must strive harder and sacrifice more. You must recognize the love for which I died, for you to testify, so that love can save the flock and the sheep. Remember, love Me with your deeds. Save the sheep, support them, guide them, be responsible with them, encourage them, and teach them, when they make mistakes. You must sacrifice to show the love I grant to you and the sheep, to help and save them in this time. It is the most important thing. You will see even more extraordinary and marvelous things in the days ahead. Certain events are irreversible, but in the end, through the prayers of those who bear the mission, who persist though misunderstood, who are simple and do not understand the great treasure, obtain what they desire. Ultimately, it is because of them, that I give you this encounter today. It is because of them that I upheld the truth.
You will continue to receive something even more important which I will grant, through what I promise in the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. I especially bless the Church and all My children, far and near, to receive My love. For the chosen people, with their courage, they are the meek souls, the simple people in humble positions that I have selected to become the apostles, to bring matters of utmost importance to you – which are the documents to substantiate the most significant deeds. Unite, always pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Do not hasten to oppose each other, do not hasten to use reasoning, but be brave enough to testify to the truth. The Holy Spirit is the love guiding you in this age, an age filled with negativity, full of problems, but a time in which I pour abundant graces over the world. Receive the Holy Spirit, for Him to guide and support you in a life of being taught, bringing hope to the world through you.
My beloved children,
Everything that is of this day, you must listen to clearly understand what I am doing. It is utterly, crucially important. Believe, for you to seek the truth. I do not just grant to this place alone; I will verify many other places, for you to know where the miracles are happening in this time. You have the angels, disguised in human form, who have quietly come to the Church and all over when you pray. They are ordinary people, yet they are angels in human form who will help you. You will triumph over this final battle with faith and zeal in obedience. My peace be with you. My peace be with My beloved priests that I grant and hope in. Listen and seek the truth. The truth is that I have come through the Eucharist to all of you. I give these words in the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart as I grant especially to My beloved priests.
My peace be with all of you. Listen and embrace. You will see extraordinary things that I give to strengthen faith. For all those who still do not believe, to believe; those who still have not received, to receive. It is the opportunity to help the sheep recognize My presence through the Church, and for all of you, who are the chosen shepherds. One more time, I especially bless you. I am waiting for you. Speak about Me. Through the Blessed Sacrament, come to Me and guide the flock to Me. Now is the moment you must strengthen their faith and strengthen yourselves in the life of ministry and service.
O Lord, I thank You. It is the first time after twelve years that You directly grant this to us on the Solemnity of Your Sacred Heart. It is a day where You allow, especially this afternoon, through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, to hear Your teaching and listen to the three significant Readings in this Solemnity, through the Six Kowtows offered through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to God the Father and You. We have the Holy Spirit’s guidance, for us to remain here to receive the words from God when He visits. Moreover, this is the first time we receive God’s words for the priests on this day. In this time, the group deals with many doubts and difficulties when speaking to priests regarding things our group has worked on in the past days. So, in the end, the days we live are days in waiting. We only know to do what God wants us to do. As for the priests and those with whom we share, it is a challenging matter.
We are not discouraged because we know this is the truth; we cannot do this by ourselves; we believe that God has done this, and He wants us to wait patiently. God, this is the day You give us Your message for the priests. Please teach us what is needed, to bring this message to the priests for them to receive and listen, for them to know the works that You do, and for them to understand the crucial matter that You granted in this century through the Blessed Sacrament. It is also a reminder for priests to guide the sheep according to Your holy will and love them, even if they still do not know and understand. You instruct the priests, Your graces are in them, over them, for their life of ministry and service to be under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. During this time period, people need patience, sacrifice, and love, to be saved and freed; to have enough patience to recognize God’s intervention.
We are the little people, so how can we dare? We cannot understand the works of God. However, when God wants us, we are the instruments He sends. Today, with what God wants, please make it happen on us and in us, for this message to reach the priests, for them to believe and care more about the Eucharistic Jesus, to speak more about the Eucharistic Jesus. It is a document to be looked at with unity. Pope Francis wishes for the clergy and his Church to be in solidarity with the plan of renewal, to receive the work of the Holy Spirit. The laity needs to be supported and encouraged. May they testify to the truth and remove the bad who live in a situation of falsehood, live in a world of deception, live in a world with iniquities. However, God will sanctify and transform. We will be sanctified when we return with the prostration, the surrender, the offering, and the gift that Mother Mary officially offered.
The gift is The Six Kowtows, in the order that God teaches from the priests to the laity, to be more focused, to pray more profoundly, more meaningfully, in a spirit of penance, in a spirit of humility, in a spirit of simplicity, to return to Him. It is the most needed thing for all classes and roles that seek reformation to receive the Holy Spirit’s teaching. God’s grace will help us reform because all things come from God, helping us to live a renewed life, with a simple and humble heart, which is necessary for all classes and all roles. May God teach us. With a life of obedience, we will become reformed and holy people worthy to testify to the truth, to the Good News, to the Savior, who still gives us the chance to recognize Him intimately in this generation. We thank God, praise God, and glorify God in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Along with the brothers and sisters in the group, Lucia concludes this message from God to His priests, which He wanted us to receive. We end this message at 10:35 p.m., on Friday, June 24, 2022, in the Emmaus Chapel at Saint Theresa Catholic Church. We are in the hallway, behind the adoration room with the monstrance, in the Emmaus chapel of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. During the past twelve years, in silence, God has done countless marvelous miracles to strengthen the faith of all people, all classes, and especially for the humble apostles who were sent to bring to the world what Mother taught. For us to revere, thank, be grateful, and come to the Eucharistic Jesus through the surrender, the prostration, and the penance that humanity needs. It is reverence that will make up for those who neglect, despise, live in iniquity, grieve God, and gravely offend Him in this world.
May we make up for our fellow human beings and ask for God to change them, sanctify them, For them to know God, and return to Him. Only with the days of return can we understand peace, understand a life in which God alone is the Supreme Being. He intercedes for us to have a life of peace, happiness, and hope, which is essential in the world. The peace that everyone greatly desires in this generation, is to be reborn in the Lord Jesus Christ, to dispel all the darkness of the evil spirit and the devil, which caused us to be mesmerized with living in debauched days; in a civilized age that relies on the culture of death.
I trust God’s shepherds. I believe in the Pope of every age; they know what is happening to the Church. I trust they will pray for us when they become saints, like Saint Pope John Paul II. Each day we pray to him. He will pray for our Church, the clergy, for us, and for God’s plan to be accomplished and His intervention in this critical time. I thank, praise, and glorify God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Lucia Phan is an American immigrant from Vietnam. She leads a very intense prayer life that centers on adoring Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and practicing The Six Kowtows – a practice of prayer based on a profound physical prostration that has been revealed.
Lucia receives messages by way of interior locutions. During her first years following the Lord, she wrote in notebooks. Then, as the messages became longer, God allowed her to record them through digital recorders. In addition, she is able to capture the images of Eucharistic miracles through photos and videos, on her smart phone. She has been receiving messages from God the Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother, Angels and Saints since 2011. The number of messages total more than 10,000 and increase daily. The messages center on the adoration of the Eucharist by practicing the Six Kowtows.
I have used a simple, humble person, who is also the person I have chosen, who is not brilliant like many others, who does not have anything in her possession that you could take ahold of for you to be able to understand and trust. But I am saying this to you that: it is I who have truly chosen this person to bring these words to the world today, which are My living words, and I have this immense program for this century through the power of the Holy Eucharist.
– Jesus Christ, September 24, 2012
Blessed Mother’s Letter to Priests
June 27, 2022
Lucia: (Inspired by God the Holy Spirit)
O Lord, it is 12:59 AM on Monday the 27th, in the Emmaus Chapel. We are praying in the hallway behind the Perpetual Adoration room. For the past twelve years, at this place, from the first day, You allowed me to receive Your words and witness to the miracles that have happened here. We return here this evening to lift up our prayers. We are now in the early morning of a new day, Monday, the 27th of June. June is truly a memorable month. It is a month dedicated to Your Sacred Heart. It is also this month that our group celebrates our anniversary and celebrates the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the most recent of days, on Saturday, we lifted up prayers to Mother and dedicated that day to Her. Mother taught us many things and She wanted to give Her words to the priests on the Memorial of Her Immaculate Heart. Today is finally the day I can offer the Six Kowtows and receive Mother’s words in the Emmaus Chapel. Here in this place, Mother has taught us, from the beginning, when our group first formed continuing through the day our group received its name, which God granted through the Eucharistic Jesus. It has been twelve years.
We recently celebrated the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Now we are on a new day, the early morning of the first Monday of the week. I am here with Maria Nhung; we are at the Emmaus Chapel, in the alcove behind the Perpetual Adoration room, kneeling in the hallway, behind the Eucharist. We usually pray here, and it is also where Maria Nhung comes daily to meditate on the Fourteen Stations of the Cross. In this place, God grants us the opportunity to pray, offer the Six Kowtows, and receive His words for certain people when He allows them to receive. We have already received His words for His priests on the Feast of His Sacred Heart and we just celebrated the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and today we come here after completing our work. We are ready to receive the words from Mother for Her priests. Mother Mary, please come and allow me to receive the words to give to priests at this time.
Blessed Mother:
My beloved priests,
May God grant all of you peace. Today, I give these words especially to you, who are my beloved priests, I am always by your side to protect and to shield. I am always present in the Church. I am present to protect you, pray for you, and intercede for you who are in a life of ministry and service during a time of great turmoil. Many things are happening to the world and to the Church, and there are many changes in this present life. I know you are enduring much during this time; it is a time also in which God wants to select in order to purify. This is extremely crucial due to all the confusion in life. People make their choices according to the realities of society. And there are many things in serious controversy and debate in this world.
My beloved children,
What I want to say to you, Jesus, in recent days has already said. What remains is to remind you of an important matter. In this time, remember that the laity greatly needs you, and you also need them because this is a time in which there must be support and earnest sacrifice. You must have a more generous love for you to bear witness to the truth and defend it in a world that is turning upside down, changing, and shifting; this is important. I know you are facing a great controversy that is extremely difficult for you to settle according to the way of society and the law of the world. You face difficulty because it is a modern civilization that favors a culture of freedom and decadence in this present world.
Due to these factors, you are not able to perceive clearly as of yet. This is something most important; God gave you the law. You performed all the work. Many holy and pious priests still act in silence to continue in what they are ministering and serving. However, many priests have followed the world, relying on matters of reality. They forget their missions and the most important things. They were selected to represent Jesus. He is the Lord who silently remains with you and stays with you through the Eucharist.
I know this period faces the most stressful and challenging of days, through storms, through days that were never like this before. You have seen countless priests taken away from you. The pandemic took many people in the Church from all classes and roles. Today, this is a most severe challenge. Moreover, the life of pastoral ministry must awaken, from a pastoral life that currently follows what seems to be most important; a life that certainly has conformity and suitability in the integral world of earthly law.
You are aware of how rational earthly law is, but if it calls for the advocacy of righteousness and justice, and you lack the strength to stand up to that call, then it is a significant shortcoming of your role. God calls you to be in a role that requires you to stand up and speak the voice of truth. God calls you to stand for the truth; God calls you to shepherd His flock. The sheep are lost. The sheep are sick, unable to find their way back to the flock. The sheep are lost and have not yet returned to find refuge. So now is the time you must work hard and use everything that God grants, even the heart, a heart to minister and serve, as a sacrificial heart, a heart without interest and without reluctance, a heart that thoroughly discerns to guide the sheep that are sick, ill, and in need of support.
My beloved priests,
First, I thank all of you. I speak in general; many have made sacrifices. Today, even if you have clear reasoning, or you follow the trend of a civilized life that relies on worldly law and reality, the Holy Spirit is the Supreme Being who has specifically taught you to uphold justice. Thus, today, continue to uphold justice. Shepherds must sacrifice for the flock; this is most crucial and fundamental. You know that God chose you to represent Him, for you to guide the flock and lead the shepherds and the sheep, and to do many things in this world. I know, this is a world with trends making it extremely difficult to fit in appropriately and suitably.
However, with love, the fulfillment of duty, and responsibility, you will understand the significant value of what you need to do today. Because as you face the most challenging and critical times, you must also testify to the faith and live a life you need to recognize; for you to guide the sheep and recognize the presence of God. Today, the Eucharistic Lord is at work in the world. The Holy Spirit is covering, and the Spirit is teaching. However, you must collaborate to rekindle the new source of life in the Spirit, which God has abundantly poured over this world.
Now is a most stressful time. This time is a time with the most challenges. It is at this time that people must sacrifice the most. Who is the person to stand up, to speak the voice of justice? Who is the person to uphold righteousness and the truth? Only you. God has accomplished everything in His sacrifice through His salvation. He chooses you to speak the voice of the truth, to uphold the truth, justice, and righteousness. You represent the flock. Live as the shepherds which Jesus called and selected. Do not be weak. Do not be afraid. Do not let the world control you with its human laws. When you do not bravely stand up to uphold the truth; you end up always arguing and fighting with one another. There are still many things in which you lack unity, so how can you succeed in protecting the flock that is under attack, persecuted, hungry; the flock that is astray everywhere?
My beloved priests,
It is time. You must have a new direction to help all the sheep understand and focus. For years and centuries, you performed and realized good things, but in the final and concluding number, there must be people who know and believe in God. The number of people who know and believe in God, especially at this time, has decreased significantly. This is something for you to pay attention to, because you must understand that it is more important to help the sheep during this time. There is an ongoing ‘freedom movement’ in society, bringing with it many attacks, disturbances, and confusion to its midst, and in the Church. You must understand, the way to truly stand up and win this battle, is not through a debate of words, nor through the dispute of law. What you need to have, is a more generous heart, you need to sacrifice more, love more, forgive more, be wiser; for you to receive the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and promptly support the sheep. For a good outcome, you must know how to train the sheep and instruct people to recognize the works, as you are the ones who are the leaders.
You already know how it is in this world. Many things are between truth and falsehood in the lives of people with their positions. What is most important is to minister in God’s plan, not in interest, not for the main purpose which the world has of adequacy and affluence at the places you manage, with the parishes and with the churches. I know that funds are needed to administer. There are many expenses in the life of service and ministry. However, in your ministry and service, you must pay attention to what is more important: the inner life.
I know you sacrificed and endured your whole life and overcame many trials and challenges. However, not all of you have experienced and understood this. Because of these aspects, you follow the life of reality more, and the life which needs to go deeper in prayer ends up in negativism, particularly at this time. The ability to recognize faith seems to enter a period of negativity, so you no longer sit down together, and you are unable unite. What is occurring, is controversy with too many reasonings in this world.
Do you know the place where you can speak, trust, entrust, and see an extraordinary and marvelous change? It is with the Lord who is waiting for you at the Eucharist. I know your ministry keeps you busy, but you must have a new program to seek and come to the Lord. He is waiting to give you special favors. He understands you. If you desire a change, you must be the one to change first. Change your inner life, change your hearts regarding crucial matters. This is prayer. Prayer will help you have strong faith and overcome all difficulties to guide the sheep and the flock in the most stressful and critical moments. With the numerous events surrounding this society and world, prayer is most needed in times of suffering, when the sheep are scattered and when the world faces unexpected changes. The events have happened to remind each role, each situation, and each person. Keep your positions. Know what you have achieved and what you must do, because you must have a more profound life to plead to God, the Supreme Being, who will intervene.
It was the same in the past. Today is the same. For generations, it has been the same. God is the Master who still intervenes according to His holy will. He forever is the Lord who protects but constantly challenges and tests you. You must undergo the challenging path to deserve to become shepherds worthy to guide the sheep, for them not to stray, and bring them back to the Lord God who is waiting at the Blessed Sacrament. Why? You know that this is a troubling period. There is an increase in the theft of the Eucharist, and offenses are grave against the Eucharist. There have been thefts of tabernacles. It is a world in which you failed to pay much attention to with the Eucharistic Jesus. You neglected Him. The life of pastoral ministry seems to have become a habit. The intimate spiritual life with ardent love has seriously decreased in the present reality. You have been so afraid because of the events during the pandemic. You have been so fearful because of this society’s coercion. You have been so anxious because the life of reality seems to be ruling. Faith turned into immature and hopeless days has led to such intense trouble.
Today, I want you to be more informed because God granted you the life of pastoral ministry, especially for you, but you always need assistance. First, you must practice the grace the Holy Spirit grants. Practice in the inner life, in sacrifice, love, and unity. Because only with sacrifice, generosity, and viewing all works inside of duty and responsibility with love; can this lead to great things through to the parishioners, the sheep, and the lives of other brothers and sisters in the same direction. I know you are considerably attacked at this time, which is also caused by immaturity to allow real life to rule over you. Because of the lack of prayers, the lack of trust, the lack of acknowledging the lively deeds God granted to the world; you end up in days of discord and with too much freedom. You rely on knowledge, but forget God’s doctrine, forget the truth and the most important things you need to do to fulfill in your roles.
My beloved children,
I say only one thing for you to be more aware. I thank you, for all the sacrifices of the priests who understand their responsibilities and roles. I know your efforts to overcome the challenging days of events and unexpected occurrences. But it does not stop today at one point in time, because God has granted to you the ability to understand and to clearly see that the present world is heading toward critical issues of destruction, annihilation, discord, and disruption, in order to cause the ranks to no longer be united. Because of these factors, you must carefully perceive. You cannot be under the control of society. You must be bold, because Jesus died for the law to become righteous and just. Today, as the people who are rightfully selected, you must be brave to stand up – uphold the truth for the flock; to turn toward one direction. You must be bold to intervene. Do not let reality and this life lead you into things that fit and suit the world, but oppose and offend God.
My beloved children,
What God wants to say to you, He has already said. However, I want to remind you of one thing. You think things are solely a limitation in this present life, things entirely in the totality of reality. However, do you know that in the most challenging and dangerous of times, with things that end up most negatively, that these are also the times when God’s graces are poured abundantly over you? Be bold to receive and accept them. Where love is with unity, with obedience, that is where the doctrine and the truth are preserved. Not only when preached at the podium, but alive in the soul, in the heart, by the example in your chosen roles; that is victory. There is never defeat, but you must overcome the days of challenging yourselves. The days in which God wants to further purify those who belong to Him, those who live in days of giving up, those who live in days of outward appearance, and those who borrow the garment and the guise of religious life seeking ways of disrupting the Church.
My beloved children,
There are many deeds in this world that you must believe because God gives you the days that are the days at the end of history. You must decide quickly to have a plan, a plan of which you never had before but must have now, which is the reverence and worship due to the Lord in a clear, direct, precise way. Teach the laity to know the most crucial matter, to understand that they must profess faith, not outwardly, but through the heart, through deed in the needed reverence. May each person in their current role be in a spirit of penance, repentance, and praise, and may they be in unity which is a must. Start with prayer for you to recognize what is most needed. It is not with knowledge. It is a most common and ordinary thing that is sustained and faced each day; for you to understand that life is not only to minister but there must also be a life to spend in prayer.
You have been trained in the life of the priesthood, but it does not end there. You need to spend more time praying for this world; for the laity and the sheep that are alone and lost in the midst of an alluring society, and for those who live in a state of days in indifference. There are many places where the sheep totally rely on things of reality and live in days of immature faith. Have some training methods for the sheep to recognize the truth with faith, to live, to practice the doctrine rather than knowing it only in theory. To attain this, you must love your sheep, and sacrifice your lives. Sacrifice everything necessary, to help the sheep return to the flock, be reunited, and unify. Become the places where they can entrust themselves to you with their lives of spirituality, with their lives of their soul, and with their lives of devotion.
My beloved children,
What is most necessary to know today; there is nothing that God cannot do. I know the Church and all of you are confused and worried about life because, this is a free society with laws that have become legal in these days, particularly the laws that you are concerned about with the opposition to God’s law. That is the law regarding abortion and other recent matters that are current problems in the world. You think this is something difficult to change, even with the persuasion of brave and bold bishops who confront and deal with those in positions of authority. It is not easy to change, but you know that no matter how difficult, with effort and a zealous heart, faith, and prayer, in the end, you see that it has become true.
Fifty years more or less have passed, it is not easy; but to God, when He accepts, the change will come quickly. You must have absolute faith. Now is a time in which God strengthens faith and gives back to the world of humanity. He strengthens faith specifically for each person, priest, and rank, for them to know the duty and responsibility in one’s life, from oneself, one’s flock, and one’s life of ministry and service. So do not think that the world is heading for days of controversy and debate or days of despondence. Look around you; God has His plan. No matter what happens, God also has a way.
You must understand that faith requires determination, loyalty, and perseverance. Remove the conveniences from the civilization and the cleverness of the age you face. The truth is that your principle must come from love, a spirit of poverty, obedience, listening, and righteousness over each person. Today, regarding essential righteous matters, you seem to be afraid, cringe and rely on the existence of the government, the authority, and the administration, which causes the laity and citizens to be alone and suffer. As for the priests who have stood up, they did not have the collaboration of their brothers; they were opposed, imprisoned, and faced many things.
This is a world that no longer has days of justice. You must bring God’s justice and righteousness to everyone and defend the truth. It is from not being brave enough, that there is control in all aspects of life by the people who belong to the nation and society. But, you are the people to uphold justice, righteousness, and the truth of heaven. If you do not sacrifice, you do not speak up, do not defend, then who are the people who would do that for their sheep?
You long and wish for things to happen, for people with duty and responsibility to fight and be zealous in prayers. They fervently prayed: from bishops to laity, from priests to those with responsibility in the ranks of the Church, and also parishioners, zealously prayed. In the end, God intervened for that law to be changed. As that law changed, you must also undergo the challenge that came with it, because this ruling is against what the world prefers. A righteous matter happens, and the world explodes and ravages what it can. Thus, you must be cautious in this present age. You must be prudent with the people who have positions of authority because, though you hear their promises, they live an outward life of appearance.
Pray. Pray and sacrifice. Help the laity know more about the way of life they most need and bring them to the Eucharistic Jesus. Help them understand the Eucharistic Jesus. Help the laity know that the Lord has granted to them in a particular way. To those who believe and seek Him, the Holy Spirit will have a way to protect and guide. You must learn to help yourselves bear the responsibility to be active in the Spirit; the Holy Spirit will help you in this present life. Through you the laity understands what you do to bring them to God, to help them have an inner life, and to learn to pray. The sacrifice of priests will help the laity live more pious and holy; be more responsible in collaborating with the present Church.
Do not be afraid of what God has done and defended today. He will continue to do even better things. However, this ruling is a tense matter with the opposition. People who do not accept this ruling will look for ways to destroy and cause trouble to the churches, and much more things will happen. Because of these factors, I want you to be responsible and guard the tabernacles. You must be more careful to help your parishioners, support them, and help them deal with those who seek ways to destroy them. There will be events that will happen violently in the days ahead. These events will definitely happen. However, you must know that the Holy Spirit will enlighten and guide you to know in advance what you need to do and must do. The most essential thing is you must have a new program in prayer, which is most important, and is what you need.
As of today, I have given you a program. Though it is still silent, rely on what has occurred because this is something significant which you need to practice, to be more aware of with things which are granted to the world, of which I gave you through ordinary people. You need the laity’s help; they do not know as you do, but in their duty, they watch over the Eucharistic Jesus, stay with Him, and constantly pray. They are testifying to these things, to remind others that God has come. Now is a time God wants to manifest for you to know. Today, people must return with days of faith, through an inner life with repentance, sacrifice, and penance. In general, to the people in the ranks of the Church, in particular, to the laity and the flock near and far.
My beloved children,
Do not be reluctant, and do not judge according to your ways. There are urgent matters that you must carefully investigate to accept. The present time is one where false prophets abound, a deceitful time because the devil’s control over human beings has raged and has caused many things. However, it is also an unprecedented time in which God manifests Himself for you to recognize. The laity was chosen to become witnessing messengers. The ordinary people have received the grace to assist the Church, and they help life in a state of utter hopelessness which the world is in, from all aspects.
So let your hearts in confidence seek the truth, uphold the truth, recognize the truth, and live to fulfill the responsibility and duty of shepherds. Since God entrusts you with the flock, you must have the responsibility to seek the truth. Do not be quick to despise them. Do not hasten to refuse them. Do not rush to reject the privilege that the Lord gives. Now is a time you greatly need the laity’s collaboration; to be in solidarity regarding the significant works of blessings and graces granted, to save the present world and strengthen faith. God gives especially to help the Church and the sheep who need to receive directly, for them to be aware of what God gives. God intervenes with His hands through Divine Mercy.
Today, I want you to take a moment to think about what is happening in reality. It is not strange with the works from the beginning till now, God has certainly granted you specially to live with the Gospel and proclaim the Good News. But the Gospel does not end after 2,000 years. The Gospel continues to be the lively Gospel. However, God grants more riches. The Holy Spirit works in numerous ways to lead the laity and the sheep close to God through a life of prayer in which they need to know and practice. In this world, nothing happens coincidentally, that people easily believe. God pours many graces over this world to help your life and the life of the laity. May all recognize and return to serve God, adore Him, visit Him, and receive the grace bestowed. It is a treasure partially opened up for the world of man today.
This is something for you to choose, to clearly know what is happening currently, and what is being further evidenced, because among you, there are some whose faith is utterly weak. Though chosen to become priests, the pastoral life of ministry has become habitual or has become common, and becomes a task that is performed, but the heart is indifferent and lacks duty and responsibility. In life, you do not seek to understand in-depth the important matters to find the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who grants to you in your life of ministry and service. In the end, the enemy has attacked in all areas, causing trouble in the Church. You fall into a state of crisis with priests who have totally violated the virtue of chastity, causing chaos and many things to the present Church.
However, there are priests wrongfully accused because they cannot justify themselves. Now is a time of attacks against the Church, because faith is not yet strong enough to confront and uphold the truth. It is a time of purification with those who live in abuse, who live against the commandments of God, who are corrupted living a life of vanity, who wear only the garment on the outside but inside, their hearts are full of schemes, interests, and ambitions, plotting to harm their brothers. Because of these factors, I want you to always be together in unity. With things that come from the truth, stand up bravely and boldly to help one another uphold righteousness and justice, and defend the position and your brothers in the ranks of the Church. Defend the truth with the flock. They need protection; they seek the voice of the truth to uphold the truth and the justice they need.
Today, there are many things I desire from you. What you pray, God has granted and supported, for you to know that at the last hour, God will definitely act. But before God intervenes, you must live according to the call to be shepherds to guide the flock, bring them back to God to sacrifice, love, help, and bind the wounds of the majority in this world that you care for today. Do not despise them, judge them, or reject them, because of your authority or position. Do not use your position of authority to oppose them when you do not seek the truth in your responsibility.
Now is a time God grants abundant graces over the laity. God gives and selects them to become the people to speak the voice of the truth and to testify to the truth. No matter who they are, when God chooses them, He will surely purify them, just like He chooses you. No matter how your pasts were, when God chooses you, God always supports you and gives you His love for the Holy Spirit to work over you. However, He always respects your decisions and works, which are decisions in your intellect and the decisions to live in your duties, responsibilities, and roles, to be trained and taught before you become priests.
This is something most important that you must remember: where there is unity, support for the truth, justice, and righteousness even if sacrifice is required; that is victory. Where there is support for temporal things which are ministry works, you then are unable to see the flock that is emaciated, lonely, thirsty, hungry, and in great need of the warmth of the word of God and His teaching; for them to walk on the right path that God granted them, through you. I want to remind you to understand more clearly, that these words do not come to the world spontaneously. No one can know and understand by themselves. I desire, and Jesus ardently desires and yearns; He is waiting for all of His priests to come to the Eucharist. This is a time when you must guard the Eucharist and come to the Eucharist. You must pray to understand spirituality. God is defending the world, but the shepherds and priests in the ranks of the Church, need to speak up much more about the Eucharistic Jesus and must proclaim the Eucharistic Jesus.
This is a time to testify to things which God established to grant you. He gives you now the real presence, as He wants you to strengthen your faith by action, deed, love, responsibility, and duty. Keep talking to people about the need for the inner life and the need to practice with a compassionate heart. This practice helps them become more mature, understand better, and be touched by God’s grace through the Eucharist. Today, I want you to have newer evidence, especially in today’s world. I am the Mother of the Eucharist. I speak up in this time for you to know, because this is a time in which you must surrender and submit before the Eucharist. You must have an inner life to pray before the Eucharist and spend time to come to the Blessed Sacrament. I know you are busy with duties, but you cannot separate yourselves from the Eucharist.
Whether only a few minutes or the entire day, take a moment to quiet your souls for God to strengthen and bless you. Take a moment to listen to the voice of God speaking to you, for you to live a life of ministry more fulfilled, according to the works you need to do in your duties, and also to minister according to the holy will of God guiding you. The Holy Spirit will help you when your hearts commit to the duty and responsibility that God assigns to you. No matter what happens, whether events or challenges, each person must keep one’s principle which is the duty and responsibility to have an inner life with God, to have the quiet and peaceful moments in the soul and to pray fervently. Pray for you to see the meaning in life, with your mission, for each person. I know that all of you are forged every hour in everything when you come to the seminaries before you become priests. You have the principle, but eventually, it will become a habit as time passes.
Thus, if in your habit, you are more zealous in God, then it is necessary to value the responsibility in your mission. As for habits that cause you to live days in which you no longer have feeling, love, or duty, and you only do the works that you need to do according to your task; then from there, you totally lessen the life of intimacy that you need regarding faith and a life deep in prayer. If you, who are priests, are indifferent before the Eucharist, are distant before the Eucharist, and you celebrate Mass out of duty and as a routine without feeling; how can you bring God to the sheep, who need to know God and be close to Him?
My beloved children,
I shed many tears and grieve deeply, but I always respect because, with each priest God chooses, it is the Holy Spirit who guides you. Jesus is present, and you represent Him to bear the responsibility in your mission as you lead the flock, tend the sheep, comfort them, and sacrifice for them. That is what Jesus yearns for and entrusts to you. As for you, I know there are moments of tiredness and weakness, and I know there are moments you stumble, but God always grants each of you to choose your path. God always gives you time. God always supports you, one way or another, but the final decision comes from you. That is what I want to remind you of today. Never despair, no matter what the situation. I know that what happened was due to weakness and cannot be changed, but if you have led an inner life to make up for what you transgressed, then surely you must trust for you to endure the difficulties and challenges caused by what you did.
These are matters I mention, in general, to those who utterly made a foolish mistake in life offending and ending up with a grave problem. In a life of chastity, you have substantially transgressed in this present time because you did not have a genuine principle to lead you into an inner life. Because you were utterly weak, you conveniently and openly conformed to the ways of a world of freedom and civilization. Because of these factors, society is facing a tense and controversial movement. Because of these points, the devil destroys what is basically yours in the foundation of a respectable life that God specially granted, in the complete sacrifice of chastity.
My beloved children,
What I say to you today, is that I desire you stop condemning your brothers. Please do not continue to oppose and follow the path of freedom. Please do not continue to leave the ranks of the Church. I desire to see you unite and be unified in obedience because this is the time you must unify. When you are not in unity, then you have fallen into division. When you have division, the devil uses all kinds of ways to attack, because he has waited a long time for this. Now is the moment God grants specifically to support you, and it is also the moment that God wants you to make a decision. As priests, the shepherds whom God chooses, you must remember that what is most important is to be determined not to nourish sin, not to foster sin, and not to live in familiar terms with it. Everyone has weaknesses, but you are the people chosen. God is the merciful Supreme Being who loves and forgives. However, in your final decision you must recognize your roles, be thoroughly determined in a spirit of repentance, be completely determined to return and make reparations in a life of duty and responsibility.
Do not harm yourselves. Do not back down. Do not be discouraged. The present time is a time of challenge. You need to support one another and recognize justice and righteousness. You are the shepherds. If you are good examples and live a good and holy life, then the laity will also rely on those shepherds to live with holiness and virtue in the doctrine they hear through your preaching and the inner life you have practiced. But if you live a life with many unfortunate stories like what you currently face, that will cause the laity to lose faith. They have become the sheep that leave the flock, leading to a truly grave problem in today’s world. The Church gradually loses unity, and there is more controversy with one another in this challenging time. So, because of these issues, where did things go wrong? What was the source? What happened?
Only one thing to do: Unite to return, to pray. Increase the hour of prayer; improve your inner life that is necessary for prayer. You need to be unified in this world because there is no other word apart from Jesus – the focal point. You must speak about Him. You must attest to the inner life that you need. You must be more responsible and sacrifice yourselves first to help the laity and help the sheep, for you to see God’s support and intervention. The heavenly family will not remain quiet; the angels and saints will not remain silent. It is because of these points that you need to excel with faith. What is repeated over and over, which Jesus granted to you and everyone, is written in the Gospel: “Believe, and you will have; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened unto you.” Each person must believe, must knock, and must seek. Seek the truth, love, and the Divine Mercy that God granted especially to you and the world.
Today, I speak to you of this, for you to take a moment to think, meditate, and discern because this is something that is most needed. I gave to your world a foundation for the laity to practice. It started with sacrifice and simplicity, because even though those who received it, did not understand, they practiced. It is a practice to help you have a foundation for the present world, to enkindle the inner life of people for them to learn to pray, and to prompt in them a focus, which they need to know more in-depth. These points will help the laity mature in faith and help them to grow in their inner life. They will learn what is crucial, unite, and they will protect what comes from the truth, which is also the sanctification granted to human life when people seek the Eucharistic Jesus. It is a foundation for them to know and rely on the deeds which I have done. This gift is for you to come close to the Lord through each Person (The Gift of The Six Kowtows). It is a gift which when you pray, you testify and actually prove that it is a way to focus and maintain the ardor needed in the inner life, to help you not be distracted and be more focused.
The most important thing is that you understand and recognize the Lord God. He listens and grants to you the opportunity during this time. To God, there are certainly no days that are in complete standstill, but there are days that begin to open wider, for you to clearly understand the depth and the need for a life of faith. You must sacrifice, embrace, accept, and you must also practice. There is no longer the occasion to hesitate and act freely as in past years. It must be an evident and unmistakable decision to return; with reverence, adoration, and proclamation which you need to have in this world, because a treasure has opened up from the Blessed Sacrament. The immense support given to the world is also the Eucharist of Christ. The promise to remain in grace is from Him, who grants to you. It is only with faith that you can understand this valuable treasure. It is faith that will help you stand up in your prayer life, help you understand the desired righteousness, and it is faith that will save you in this world. No matter how much difficulty or tension there is, God is the Supreme Being who always intervenes for those who believe and come to Him.
Do not be quick to judge. Do not be urged to keep the old laws in you. Do not keep the days of indifference. Do not hasten to impose rules on the laity. They are the people who need to feel lively again to meet God through you and through the exemplary life with which God gave and entrusted the flock to you. The sheep do not know or have not yet known. However, you are the ones to bring them the heart that Jesus gave to you. Jesus yearns for you to live by the heart, for you to love, to be patient, to sacrifice, to guide, and to help the sheep. The sheep will surely recognize this in these final days. Now is a time when people live in uncertainty, fear, feeling lost, and facing horrible events and tribulations. They are such pitiful victims. You need to understand, recognize, and help the laity be aware of what God gives and grants to them through you and to the flock everywhere, in need.
Today, I say one thing: I am always by your side. I know this is a time of trial and is a challenge for each person and each position. You already know there is a significant change due to the limited number of people consecrated to God. There are many changes in areas with a large number of sheep and laity, because the number of shepherds are limited, and the life of ministry is greatly lacking. God granted many things from the decisions of the present Pope. Many things need your collaboration and discussion to see what is necessary to help the life of faith for the flock and the laity everywhere. Everyone must pray to arrive at what is most important because then the Holy Spirit will work with you, enlighten, and guide you; for you to shepherd the flock in a challenging and stressful time with many events. When you fully understand your responsibilities and roles, God will never refuse the needs in which you ask to help people and those who seek the truth, for them to recognize it from His intervention through you to the sheep everywhere.
Remember that in today’s world, the sheep are the unfortunate victims, particularly the little people who neither understand nor know. You must work harder, love, and support them because God supports them and wishes for them to know of things that come from Him through you. In the present time, you need to look deeper into your responsibilities and come close to the sheep, understanding them better. Be more responsible; you will see how they are the traveling companions who help your ministry improve, they help the sheep come closer to you, and understand better. With the knowledge, as chosen to become shepherds, be shepherds that are compassionate, generous, and sacrifice for one’s flock. That is the duty and responsibility God assigns to you.
Everything that you do through sacrifice in this life, God will make up for you a hundredfold in the next life. That is what I remind you of today. The present time is a time when I know your sacrifice must increase, because it is a life in which you must remove fear, remove the way of life with modern conveniences. Live life as called for your sacrifice to be an example for the sheep, then surely, collaboration and unity will be a new program to be established in the method of prayer. Seek the truth because nothing appears naturally without the Holy Spirit’s guidance. If I do not help them, how could these things occur during this time? God wants to manifest this to you. God wants to strengthen faith in the ranks of the present Church and with the laity, for the days ahead and for the remaining days.
This is something most important; seek the truth and go deeper to understand God’s intervention and manifestation. Jesus has manifested Himself through the Eucharist to strengthen faith for the entire world, including those who seek the truth, as well as for your own decisions in the remaining and final days. In the days of crisis and tribulation, what needs to happen, must happen. Whether good or evil, it must happen, because it is the conclusion to end a program, which is the purification that God granted, especially for all classes and all roles. Persevere, be patient, then you will triumph. At the right time, God will defend righteousness. God will protect the people who belong to Him. God will protect the people who are responsible, or the laity who recognize and remain faithful, till the last minute. The arguments continue, and peace in the world still faces days of competition and confrontation. However, after all of this in the end, what remains, are those with simple and humble hearts. What remains are those who live a life of obedience, of reformation, those who are determined to return by resolution – the completion of duty and responsibility, those that practice deeds in righteousness, those that sacrifice through one’s position, and a life perfected in the doctrine given.
In conclusion, you will see what happens when you are in unity and obedience. From shepherd to sheep, you will see how God will wholeheartedly support you, and you will be utterly surprised, because this is a special century in which God has granted and has clearly supported, in righteousness. Thus, what needs to happen has happened and must happen to determine the people who belong to God; those who truly live in the life of the doctrine He gave and those who are the people selected to carry out their mission. They know and recognize their responsibility. They are the laity who zealously practice and follow the path of justice and righteousness through you. Now is the time God opens the door for people to see what comes from truth, what it is to return with the inner life, with a life of self-training through the heart, through faith, and through sacrifice, which you need. Allow your soul and body to have quiet and peaceful moments, refresh the spiritual life and the life of indifference, and clearly acknowledge the grace God grants for you to be able to do this.
Allow the Holy Spirit to work in you for Him to become lively again, through practice, acceptance, love, solidarity, and unity. Remove what is familiar in the life of reasoning, what is of old, and remove rules you have kept for too long, which have become rules of appearances. Your hearts are unfaithful and indifferent towards God, your ministry, your life of service, and to the Eucharistic Jesus. What is most important to kindle your faith, is for you to constantly pray and collaborate; to recognize the most crucial matters. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you, guide you, help you follow a new direction, and change critical things. Only the Holy Spirit works and makes changes in the Church and in all of you, to guide the distant laity back; guide those who are lost – the prodigal sheep, the sick sheep, and many more. Those who still do not know, will know and those who still do not believe, will believe, because of the intervening hand of the Lord through His Divine Mercy.
Today, I end here. I will continue to speak to you. There are many things I need to say to remind you. Love your brothers who sacrificed their entire lives. When they are sick, support them, and love them. They sacrificed their whole lives and lived a communal consecrated life to become shepherds, but have become ill and weak. Please take care of them, support them, and love them. Live to support one another in the responsibility and duty which God granted you. What you do today you will not have an answer for or receive anything in this world, but God will look at your lives and He will make up and pay you back a hundredfold, when you return to Him.
Today, I remind you of love, solidarity, and especially the support for your brothers and sisters. Support your brothers who spent their entire lives in ministry. Now, at the end of their lives, in their illnesses visit them, support them, and help them, with love, solidarity, and unity. Live for that life to be a shining example to the laity and the sheep. You must do that; do not forget your brothers, do not neglect them, do not despise them, and do not oppose the people when they have the heart to speak up, which is a reminder to you of the righteousness that is needed. You are shepherds, uphold justice and be righteous. Do not neglect to do this out of fear for the authorities and for some places, countries, or nations. I know that actions need to be carried out within the law for the work of ministry, to help the sheep and the flock. However, there are moments when you know the sheep need you to act, to uphold righteousness and justice for them. Your voice is a great influence, so seek the truth. Be responsible in seeking the truth, for you to know the graces bestowed, which are not solely granted to the clergy, but granted also to the laity; those who indirectly help you.
Support them, help them, and encourage them to go on. In your positions of authority, do not distance yourselves from them, judge them, or doubt them. Because now is a time with many false prophets, but the real prophets must also appear because it is necessary, and though cautious, you must welcome and support them and seek to understand them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you in your responsibility to support them, to help them, and encourage them. They are the people who lend you a hand in the life you lead because you do not have the time to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. It is a development in which the Eucharistic Jesus manifests Himself for many to seek and return to Him, which helps you continue with what you need to do in your ministry. Thanks to the prayers in that unity for God to grant and intervene for the world.
Today I end here. I hope you understand this. I want to remind you that this is a time with a certain law in which you wished and prayed for a change, and which has now become true. It was a law that was not easy for this country to change, but the change happened because of what you have done. No matter how much unrighteousness there is; righteousness still exists with those who hope and unite. It is from the silent prayers of those who made sacrifices – bishops, priests, religious people, and a large number of the laity – that change happened, and this also coincides with the gift granted to the world, which is the gift of The Six Kowtows I offer.
Look deeper into the gift, and you will know. The Holy Spirit will further guide you. God granted to the laity to practice and implement. They performed it. It is I who want, I who give. As for you, embrace it; you will be further enlightened, and you will understand more. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you to recognize the most significant matters in this marvelous gift that has become the offering, and you must proclaim, embrace, and listen. This is the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for you to triumph over this final battle; when you know how to use it, practice it, and proclaim it, in this world in need. The support from heaven will manifest in the days ahead, for you to see. This present time is a time for you to understand that God grants abundantly in the first age and in this age, as you have spiritual needs that are essential to this world. Due to all of this, God will intervene in a special way for you to uphold the truth, appropriately and suitably which today you have received through the first step in His intervention, for this country to remove a law, a law that was a snare for many people in the crime of murder.
Today, what I needed to say, I have said. There are more things that I will give to you at a later time. Give yourselves the opportunity to seek the truth. Do not be quick to refuse. Do not be quick to judge. Give yourselves the opportunity to understand what is happening. Though this letter is very long, every detail, though most ordinary, is most significant for you today.
Today, I end here. May God grant all of you peace. I bless you, My priests. I am always by your side. Give yourselves the opportunity to find what is most important in your present inner life; for yourselves, the laity, and the sheep, to help them return. Now is a challenging and alluring time, and there will be many more events. If you are not determined to keep what belongs to you, you will be confused, afraid, and anxious. This present time is a time when you must overcome difficulties in fortitude. Everything will conclude, but time belongs to the Lord’s decision.
Today, I end here; I am always by your side to protect and support you. Decide for you to understand what is crucial in your mission in the life of ministry and service and follow the guidance and invitation of the Holy Spirit, who plans and arranges for you. He enlightens and guides you to have more focus in the right direction, be more open, sacrifice more, and live more meaningfully; when you live with solidarity and unity, preaching and proclaiming to lead the sheep back to an inner life with prayer. Please proclaim more about the Eucharistic Jesus. You also need to practice a life of inner prayer and come to the Eucharistic Jesus. There will be a change, the Eucharistic Jesus will intervene for you. One more time, may the Lord grant peace to My priests. May the Lord grant peace to those sent to testify to the truth. I thank all of you. Goodbye, children.
Lucia: O, Mother Mary, this is a very long letter. I do not know about these things that happen unexpectedly, but there is nothing I can do, if the Holy Spirit does not allow me to realize what He wants me to do. May we listen and pray for the chosen brothers and sisters to humbly pray quietly, to seek the priests who understand and know what is happening to the world through the gift of The Six Kowtows that Mother offers; they will understand the meaning that Mother teaches. Today, we are just people who hand over letters. Mother, please open the hearts of priests for them to know what they need to do through Your teaching for the laity like us to benefit. May those, like us, who testify to the truth be supported and encouraged. May we feel less burdened facing the challenges in the world and the tensions, with those in the ranks of the Church.
We only know to do what is needed. Mother, please help us complete our mission. These are days we hope to become the instruments, to do what God wants and to perform in His holy will. May we become the instruments Mother has sent to complete the most urgent tasks, to help priests and help the laity, for them to receive support. May we unite to adore the Eucharistic Jesus, revere, and guard Him, listen to Him, and receive His intervention; to strengthen faith in the world and for Christians to recognize and return to Him.
These are things God granted to us and those who listen and practice for the inner life to be more profound, meaningful, and entrusting. May we not be afraid or perplexed and not err in this life. May our brothers and sisters who received God’s gift show respect, and support, may we pray for one another and love one another so that each work we do glorifies God and honors God. Let us not protect our gift to trample over others, accuse others, or have erroneous thoughts to cause division. I lift to God this vital matter, praying for each person to have the same spirit. The gift God grants to this world is truly rare. May each person receive and serve with it, to help our brothers and sisters; for us to continue to have God’s intervention, help our fellow human beings know Him, and be close to Him. We all need to be healed by His love. Let us respect one another, not doubt one another. Let us not place ourselves on a pedestal to trample on and look down on others who are also the chosen people.
God knows everything. God does not make wrong choices, but we make the mistakes that lead to division and trouble in our lives. We retain what is ours to judge and doubt. We unintentionally and deliberately offend the Holy Spirit in the grace God grants to them and unintentionally or deliberately offend God when He uses the chosen people to serve on the witness path. God gives a gift to them as to us, so let us unite and discern what belongs to God and what does not. We need to recognize the works God does over each one of us. Let us entrust everything and lift to God. We have no right to judge but let us lift up to God for Him to help us discern what is truth from falsehood, and to continue to serve in our lives with the mission assigned by God. I thank God, praise God, glorify God, and thank Mother Mary for allowing us to receive these words this morning.
After many years, in this most challenging and critical time, Mother gives these words to Her priests. In the past months, we prayed because we are ordinary people who do not understand, but we know many priests took their own lives. Committing suicide is a grave matter. We prayed a lot for these priests. There could be priests wrongfully accused and some who could no longer live with what they did, with the media and the pressure from those in higher positions. So, they ended their lives. It is so grievous. I ask God to have mercy on the priests who lacked the courage to continue to trust in His love, to endure what they faced, and thus took their lives, which is so grievous. God, please have mercy on their souls. No matter what happens in this world, even with the priests who ended their lives, may our faith not decrease and may we not doubt the truth in the doctrine God gave. May we always be enlightened through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May we not be discouraged in any of the work, and anyone doing the work.
God’s plan is forever in abundance, teaching us justice and truth. May we understand this to continue in our role, trusting and entrusting in God. May our lives learn to practice through the things God teaches for each person to strive to be brave, steadfast in the faith, firm with what God grants particularly in loyalty, faithfulness, perseverance, till the last minute belonging to God. We thank, praise, and glorify God. I thank Mother for these words to Her priests. On their behalf, I thank and honor Mother, who gave this letter, especially to Her priests. Please protect them and help them understand what is necessary for this critical time in which You granted to support them. We thank God, the Holy Spirit, Mother, in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Lucia and Maria Nhung end this message from Mother to the priests at 2:23 a.m. on Monday, June 27, 2022, at Saint Theresa Catholic Church, in the Emmaus Chapel, in the hallway behind the Perpetual Adoration room. Amen. Amen. Amen.
The Gospel does not end after 2,000 years. The Gospel continues to be the lively Gospel (1), and with the riches that God gives and grants more abundantly, the Holy Spirit works in numerous ways to lead the laity and the sheep close to God through a prayer life that they need to know and practice.
It is from the silent prayers of those who made sacrifices – bishops, priests, religious people, and a large number of the laity – that the change happened, and that also coincides with the gift granted to the world, which is the gift I offer through The Six Kowtows (2). Here is a manifestation from the Eucharistic Jesus for many to seek Him and return to Him, which helps you continue with what you need to do in your ministry. Thanks to the prayers in that solidarity for God to grant and intervene for the world.
– Blessed Mother, Jun 27, 2022
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