Lent Meditations on the
Sorrowful Mysteries
April 2, 2021
The Passion and death of Our Lord reveal how much God loves us. We meditate on these mysteries asking Our Mother to help us comprehend this love and to experience its life-giving power. |
This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Lucia: O God, it is 3:22, Friday, April 2, 2021, and we are home. Thank You for staying with us. This year, we are present here, and on behalf of those absent, we lift to You our group: the group of the Body and Blood of Christ. We see many changes with the announcements from the parishes and churches because many places are cautious, due to the pandemic with restrictions. However, You granted us the opportunity to be by Your side and be close to You.
Especially this year, there were many surprises, concerns, and fears; but You came to comfort us, bless us, and give us hope. The road that we take to follow You, to trust You will never be a dead-end road, but a wide-open road to help our faith through deed, through virtue, by returning to You in sincere repentance.
O God, at this time, please allow us to meditate on Holy Thursday. Every year, You give us the opportunity. There is no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel, but we were there the entire night. Especially, this year, You allow us to spend the whole night, yesterday till today, and we will last till tomorrow morning; waiting for Your glorious Resurrection.
God, please let us always be by Your side. We feel so happy; we know that the Church reposed the Eucharist from the monstrance into the chapel; lights are off; everything becomes mournful the night preceding Your Passion. Over 2,000 years ago, You lived through those events, and 2,000 years later, we remember them. You let us feel liveliness every year. You allow us to hear Your words which You shared on Holy Thursday and in the early morning of Good Friday, till the end of the day of Good Friday.
God, please allow us to do penance, listen to Your words, the words You left to us. At this moment, we invite Mother Mary, the person who knows and thoroughly teaches us our daily practices. Today’s practice is the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries. Mother helps us reflect more in-depth on the deeds Jesus accomplished for us; His agony when He prayed on the rock in the Garden of Gethsemane and many other deeds after. Today, may we meditate with Mother, listen to the words from Mother and God that we receive on this night.
O Mother Mary, first of all, please forgive me. When I started to meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries, I should have listened for You to teach me to understand more about God sweating blood, which is the First Mystery. To feel the meditation, Mother, may I receive Your words for these Sorrowful Mysteries to be a meditation with the moments by God’s side in this Holy Thursday to the early morning of Good Friday for us to have the opportunity. It is true meditation, by God’s side, experienced in a lively way through the words granted for the first time from Mother, teaching us about the Sorrowful Mysteries.
We are thankful, happy, and rejoice because Mother allowed us to meditate on the Joyful Mysteries recently when we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Today, Mother gives us this special day. For years, we meditated alone through the Holy Spirit’s teaching. We never received Mother’s direct teaching with the in-depth meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Joyful Mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries. Mother came to give us the opportunity through Her words. At this moment, may we start the meditation on the First Sorrowful Mystery.
1. The Agony in the Garden
“And His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” (Lk 22:44)
The First Mystery: The Lord Jesus sweats blood. Let us pray for the repentance of sins.
Lucia: O God, these words summarize the event when Jesus started the Supper that was the Last Supper where He instituted the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus washed the feet of His holy Apostles and then reclined at the table with them. Jesus said He was sorrowful because He knew one of them would betray Him though He was aware that He would face heartbreaks. He wanted to speak to all the holy Apostles present that evening, then the one who would betray Him left to do what he planned. Jesus knew what would happen. After the Supper, He went with the chosen disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane, across the Kidron.
Thank God for allowing me and my sisters, Anne and Mercedes, to visit Jerusalem. I have been to the Garden of Gethsemane three times. Though over 2,000 years ago, the historical sites remain. When Pope Francis visited the Holy Land, he celebrated Mass in the Church of All Nations, which is the place where, according to tradition, Jesus prayed before his arrest.
Today, Jesus has become the Lord with a history recorded in books, and people remember His deeds when they visit the place where He prayed. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane, situated on a slope of the Mount of Olives, where Jesus prayed and sweated blood. We know that the Garden of Gethsemane was a short distance from where His holy Apostles were, and we read that Jesus walked back and forth three times from where He prayed to the place where His holy Apostles slept.
We recall every event in the meditation. When the Passion neared, as a human being, certainly God was afraid, sad, grieved, and felt abandoned. It was a path where He had to accept being lonely and alone, but He still had a source of consolation from Mother Mary. Mother Mary specifically witnessed each step of the way, from the beginning of the Supper in the evening and afterward. Though not recorded in the Gospel, there was an inexplicable spirituality in Mother’s mind and heart.
God the Father allowed Mother to see all the agonies that Jesus endured on those lonely paths, facing extreme pain from those who tortured and killed Him. Before going through that, Jesus could see what He achieved and what He was determined to achieve, and He saw it all before He started His Passion. Jesus was sad not because He feared what would happen to Him; He was sad and grieved because He knew that only a certain number in the world would accept His deeds, sacrifice, and love.
Those events continued till this century. When a person experiences intense anguish, his sweat becomes blood, which is terrible. It is a horrible level of sorrow that causes the sweat glands surrounded by tiny blood vessels to constrict and then dilate to the point of rupture, causing blood to effuse into the sweat glands. Only in extreme anguish and intense sorrow can this happen.
We read the recorded stories briefly, without any meditation, yet it was an event where, with meditation, we recognize the sacrifice of Jesus, His intense sorrow and anguish. He allowed us to understand what He saw but still accepted to take it because that path was the only path to save us. On that path was a love greater than our betrayal and rejection, which He already knew.
O Jesus, You are the Supreme Being I love, adore, and honor. We thank You for existing in this life out of Your love and patience. Your blood sweat because of our indifference, our hardened hearts, which You knew. It is indeed the truth for generations after everything You achieved for humanity. Lord Jesus Christ, thanks to Your death, this world exists with the abundance and order that God the Father bestowed from the beginning.
However, that victory has become days of hatred, jealousy, and envy, leading to war, suffering, and pandemic. Through the power of nations, with money as the ruler bringing destruction, our greed and selfishness caused the world to suffer a horrible pandemic like what we currently face.
O Jesus, everything You knew over 2,000 years ago was the truth which You saw so precisely, but who can meditate and contemplate to understand things forewarned to humanity? We still live in those old ways, with selfish and short-sighted days. Today, God, may we not complain, blame, lament, but look at what You did for us to exist and have this day. Let us meditate on what we received, on behalf of fellow human beings and on behalf of greedy and selfish people who offend You and continue to challenge You.
O Jesus, may we apologize to You. Even a thousand apologies, a myriad of apologies, and repentances cannot compensate for the days we offended You. Whether unintentionally or deliberately, we live in days of indifference and coldness to satisfy ourselves, our lust, and many more outrages in our lives. Without God, we have no feeling, no fear of wrongdoing; we live in iniquity, nourish sin, live with sin, but we do not know what sin is, so we commit sins countless times.
Due to that, we cannot find the light, live in days of darkness, and we continue to hide. Since then, we have lost the moral and ethical basis redeemed from God at the price of His Blood, enduring extreme anguish when He sweated blood, seeing how man continued to live as such for generations.
Today, we need to meditate and spend time by God’s side to understand that when we meditate on the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, we do it out of habit. There are times we are sincerely touched, but in those fleeting moments, we quickly forget, and what is of old returns to us, with days of indifference, rule, routine, as we practiced years before. As Christians, whom God blesses, let us reflect on this evening to know what God is saying to us. The Holy Spirit is working and teaching us intensively because we represent the last generation at the end of history; as the apostles who need to know and must practice in a lively way in our life of witness.
Mother Mary: My beloved children,
That is correct. The Holy Spirit granted and waited for you for years. However, only at the right moment and time can you deeply understand and feel what you once heard and read, casually, with no feeling, and has become a habit and a routine. You continue to read and practice, but without feeling from the inner, without determination, with meaning, as Jesus endured. He saw things of the world, but He kept on. He saw the betrayal, the rejection, the indifference; He did not give up though, He had the right to stop because humanity does not listen and refuses.
Speaking of this, it is the human way, but God forgives. The plan and infinite love of God the Father were on the shoulders of His beloved Son, which is a mission that Jesus had to do and accomplish. There are people with functions who can see what sin is. They know what needs to be condemned and not, but in the end, their decisions come from fear, the fear of losing their positions, the fear of losing their interests.
In the end, they revolve in the spin of a world to gain what belongs to them as they sacrifice their unjust deeds. In this life, you are also in the same situation. People act in the same way towards God and treat each other in the same way in family life, society, and the community; it is the same.
Today, I desire that what you hear, know, you must report in the last book of history. However, what is most important is your practice, which is what God yearned and expected from the first Apostles. Today, He expects the same from the apostles of the end of history, because only those who are close apostles can comprehend and listen to the teaching in the most ordinary and simple way, yet most vividly, by their actions and determinations.
Do not feel afraid and overwhelmed by unexpected events. That is correct; the law that God gave to the Church must be followed and practiced, but you know that God has the right to decide. God does not want you to act contrary to what He grants. He helps you understand what is needed in life to support the Church, pray for the Church, and continue to exercise the graces bestowed. That is the only thing about the ending stage that you need to report.
To God, all things are new but still need to follow the way history was recorded in the Gospel. When you meditate more deeply, you understand even more. Today, it is an encounter to be meaningful. Do not think this is natural; it is God’s program after ten years to help you understand the meaning of meditation, which is neither too long nor too short.
Most needed is for the heart and soul to concentrate; you will thoroughly understand each mystery and discover what most belongs to reality. Be determined to practice in your lives daily when you lift prayers, when you unite, when you pray for the Church, for the world, for all problems, for yourselves, for the family, and society. There are many places where God wants you to testify to those things.
Be united, zealous, unified. Have the spirit to see the depth in what is significant and show respect, which will help you understand thoroughly and not get bored. When you pray the Rosary, you will feel joy because you feel something you have done. When you pray and focus zealously, the meditation comes from the Holy Spirit, with His teaching and intercession. When you practice and meditate on the Rosary, God will grant you certain privileges on the path you testify. For the days to have meaning, you need to practice again when you offer the Rosary, pray, and meditate on the Gospel.
My beloved children, I want to remind you again that nothing happens naturally. Remember this: all good things people do when seeking to serve in life come from God. When people feel repentant, that does not come from themselves but from the Holy Spirit. He always prompts and grants you something to examine your consciences; when you recognize your imperfections, it is from the Holy Spirit’s urging. The good deeds to achieve the works to serve God, praise, glorify, and honor Him through your lives with your little and meaningful sacrifices with joy and peace, are prompted by the Holy Spirit.
There is nothing you can do by yourselves, and nothing becomes perfect if you do not have God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I say this for you to be more steadfast in your faith. Do not be afraid, do not doubt, do not judge. In each work you do, you must pray for it to become a perfect plan as God granted and arranged for you.
Lucia: O Mother Mary, I thank You. Thank You for helping us understand and recognize the meaning of the Rosary and meditate on each mystery. It is indeed remarkable, even when we conclude with simple words, because meditation depends on how each person experiences it. It is true that when we pray in the Holy Spirit and we lift words fervently and conscientiously, we know we need to show respect.
We have seen the differences for the last ten years when we sit to pray, kneel, kowtow to God, when we focus, and when we are indifferent. We learn by doing these things that train us in God’s grace to know what we need to offer to Mother. We pray for Mother to intercede with God for us through the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries. We pray especially in the moments near the Eucharistic Jesus, in these significant days after ten years in our lives with God, with the freedom that belongs to us.
Mother, please teach and intercede with God for us to gain more understanding, be bolder, unafraid, not be discouraged, and not fear all things in the world that cause us to feel tense. We see how things do not come from our planning and arrangement. We rejoice because this year, we again have the days according to the rules of the Church, with Jesus removed from the tabernacle, with the lights off; the chapel is empty, lonely, and sad.
Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus endured, and 2,000 years later, the event is repeated, according to the set program. However, God still gives us the opportunity because He still hopes for our response and for us to recognize Him, draw near to Him, and understand what He did. The Lord wants us to be lively through our prayer, feeling, and meditating on the meaning of the special event commemorated in the world. Today, what we have and receive does not come from our knowledge but from the Holy Spirit’s guidance and plan. With the fervent words that Mother grants to us, we are the people who believe and practice the works revealed by this truth.
In reality, it is not easy to accept because of the laws. Today, many laws restrain us, but if we do not follow the way of God, then we will not have the courage to go on for ten years. Mother, we thank You for supporting us. Even though we are not yet perfect and worthy, we know that You are by our side to remind and help us. Everything has become days with meaning never forgotten in our lives once we receive Your intervention and help on the witness path.
Mother, please continue to help us live worthily with the Eucharistic Jesus so that what He asks, teaches, allows, then we report and perform, through Your help and the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. This evening is a surprise as we receive the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries. We thank, praise, and glorify God, our Lord. We thank the Eucharistic Jesus and Mother for reminding us to meditate on the meaning of the Sorrowful Mysteries in front of the Eucharistic Jesus, with the Hail Mary.
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
“Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.” (Jn 19:1)
The Second Mystery: The Lord Jesus is scourged. Let us offer penance.
Lucia: O Jesus, we apologize to You; please forgive us. Because of our sins, the sins of the world, the sins of humanity, You had to endure inhumanly cruel and excruciating scourges. You accepted to stand before the judge to receive an unjust sentence out of love for us to save us. Today, You still wait for our response and faith. Sadly, more than two percent of the world does not know You and rejects You. Today, people still refuse to recognize the Savior who gave them life, who gave them a world of choices, for Him to save them and grant them the eternal promise of heaven.
O God, we are narrow-minded, hardened, wretched, weak people who follow our obsessions and pleasures. O God, we should be the ones to endure those scourges because of our sins, but You accepted them for us and everyone in the world. You know, we live in disobedience, rebellion, and unrighteousness. Thus, our paths are challenging, with many snares and trials, but You want us to accept those difficult paths. Let us look back at what God endured, through the twists and turns of life, in faithfulness and hope, for us to live and be worthy of the scourges He suffered for each sinner like us.
Mother Mary: My beloved children,
Contemplate and meditate in-depth to feel how painful a wound is on your hand and sometimes unbearable due to the pain. Look at the Lord who came into the world to save you. He endured ceaseless scourges on His body without complaint, writhing in excruciating pain with blood flowing in streams through the wounds that cut and tore His flesh. O, children, if you can have a moment to reflect on this, you will feel that sin is a terrible thing. The wounds are not only cut and painful at that moment but continue to be excruciating, as they never heal.
My beloved children, contemplate and delve deep to thoroughly understand each time you pray the Rosary for you to meditate on the mystery of the Lord. Meditate on His salvation through every step He took, through the endurance of each scourge that you feel today. Whether sooner or later, only when you can feel the pain due to sin can you mature to understand the wounds that God still suffers, waiting for you to this day.
I know that on the path of life are countless challenges and allurements, but think of the sufferings of Jesus as you meditate on the excruciating pain God suffered from the scourges. Thus, you understand the value of the exchange God paid. He exchanged for you to have this day, an unexpected reunion, the extraordinary moments that never happened before but have become real at the end of history, the history of the last days.
Do not let your hearts become hardened or become habits; many people follow the rules. Standing before the Lord, people continue in their life habits and never have a moment to meditate on the lofty mysteries. God yearns for you to understand things as He still longs and still waits for you up to this day.
The extreme pain; especially today, you see the sky without sunshine, covered with mourning days, with anxious moments of human fate. Those were the moments He was determined to accept death with bitterness, pain, humiliation, out of love, to save humanity. Never despair, never put yourselves at risk, and always contemplate the pain of the wounds that God suffered for you. Though this life has trials, though tragic and painful, stand firm in your faith. God has already accepted those wounds for you, so keep on trusting, hoping, that is needed for spiritual life; for you to not fall into the abyss lured by sin.
Lucia: O, Mother Mary, I thank You because I did not feel at first with the Sorrowful Mysteries. You granted me this moment, which is the first time I knelt before the Eucharist with the brothers and sisters, and on behalf of those absent, I focus and meditate. On the Solemnity of the Annunciation, it was the first time that you came to us through the Joyful Mysteries.
Today, You allow us one more time to meditate, on Holy Thursday, on the eve of Good Friday. In the days You witnessed everything that Jesus did, You kept in Your heart to give us the meditation today, which is great that God granted us. May we listen to these points to meditate in our lives to avoid things that cause us to sin in weakness and wretchedness.
Mother, please have mercy and intercede for us, to God, and guide us. This Friday is so meaningful in our lives. We wonder how tomorrow will be and whether we still have the opportunity next year? Mother, help us be perfect at this moment, in this year’s Holy Week. We experience many events and still have the chance by Your side, kneeling in front of the Eucharist, to meditate on the Lord’s death through the Sorrowful Mysteries.
3. The Crowning with Thorns
“The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head.” (Jn 19:2)
The Third Mystery: The Lord Jesus wears the Crown of Thorns. Let us accept humiliations.
Lucia: O God, You accepted the Crown of Thorns. You are speaking and reminding us that You endured torture and humiliation because of us. God, You wore the Crown of Thorns. You suffered the mockery of people. It was because of our evil thoughts, negativity, outrages, and oppositions. It was because of the lust and greed in our thoughts and actions in life, constantly in iniquity.
Did we ever meditate for us to understand the sharp thorns that pierced the brain and head? God, because of Your love for us, instead of wearing the glorious crown of the Prince of heaven, You had to wear the Crown of Thorns. Your purpose was to save us and endure humiliation in all forms to complete the Way of the Cross. You saw our betrayal and rejection, the jealousy, the envy, the resentment, and many slanderous and evil thoughts.
It is something all generations receive. God endured to remind us that He stood before the judge to accept what we now meditate on: the suffering, the bleeding, things that in our world, none of us can endure and no one can achieve. He is the Lord who had to accept this because He wanted to save us. May we give up pride and arrogance in life. We must also taste humiliation and bitterness to understand what Jesus suffered for humanity, to see the price Jesus paid for us to live and exist. It was a price for us to have the sole doctrine that He alone endured by deed, sacrifice, and genuine love to save us.
The proof of His doctrine is love. And love had to be exchanged at a price, in excruciating pain with betrayal, writhing, suffering, and fear. At the moment He neared the hour of death, He suffered the scourges, His blood flowing and sprinkling. He saw His beloved Mother also suffer to accomplish the holy will of God the Father.
Today, when we sin, God endured the sharp end of the thorn piercing Him to save us and remind us. Because of sin, we distance ourselves from God, lose God, and no longer have the promised days that God granted us. Everything outside of us can be food or something else, which are things God gives us, but frightening and evil things come from within our thoughts and actions. Thus, many people say: “No matter how deep the river is, the sea is, can be fathomed, but thoughts and hearts cannot be, even though very shallow.”
God achieved this. If we meditate, we understand the depth and the width of the extreme suffering full of meanings that Jesus accepted on this path to deliver us from our evil thought, action, and thinking. God, we tend to pause because we always have moments of exaggeration and wrongful thoughts, yet we always defend our thinking. From there, we make mistakes, proud and arrogant. We do not let others insult us; when others offend us, we have to protest, but for whom did God accept humiliation to save?
May we learn to think, meditate, and understand that in life, we must experience insulting moments to know that the Lord accepted insults to save us. In this life, there must be times we must walk the path. We must endure insults, make sacrifices, recall the Lord who granted us life and have the opportunity to challenge ourselves. From there, we understand the truth from God. The Crown of Thorns, God accepted to save humanity. He removed the crown of a Prince in exchange for the Crown of Thorns that pierced His brain to give each of us a new thinking, a new life, and hope.
Mother Mary: My beloved children,
Everything that Jesus endured and performed had profound meanings. I wish for you to mature; you learn a lot throughout the ages, but what God most needs is your determination to practice. You do not need to do great works for fame or preference; you only need to do it with your heart.
The wounds and thorns piercing the Savior’s head are your evil, judgmental, doubtful thoughts, mistakes and misunderstandings, unrighteous and rebellious thinking. God endured them in exchange for you to have a positive mind, trust, and joy in your souls, hearts, and thoughts; and practice the doctrine that He longs for you to practice, to be united in love.
You must evaluate everything that comes from goodness in goodwill, with a pure heart, a chaste life, for you to understand what belongs to you, to go forward boldly with inner peace. Or you can make the decision and end up feeling remorse, worry, and concern when you have evil thoughts which people always have toward each other. This is the pride, arrogance, and things people defend in their passion. The wicked thoughts you have for one another are the sharp thorns that Jesus suffered for humanity.
Today, God still waits and longs for you to understand the sentiments, decisions, and things you are thinking, to go forward with better things in life instead of fear and worry. Many things in life cause you to sin easily, bringing discord, jealousy, resentment, envy, and hatred. There can never be a good result when you cannot sacrifice and remove everything that comes from evil thoughts which usually belong to the wretched and weak flesh.
My beloved children, you only need to have a few moments to think and a minute to decide in your mind, dealing with challenge and humiliation, but in exchange, your hearts will be free of resentment, hatred, and jealousy. That is the path God wants you to carry for your brothers. A bit of endurance can set free what in life constantly pursues you, with thoughts, intrigues, which bring suffering, discord, and war.
Children, pray because what belongs to these present days is different. I want to draw near you and guide you with each detail to mark what the saints wrote. Today, you directly report what I further give for you to understand when you meditate on the mysteries. As you pray the Rosary, especially when you meditate in-depth, you will understand the meaning that Jesus longs for each of you.
4. The Carrying of the Cross
“Carrying His own cross, He went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).” (Jn 19:17)
The Fourth Mystery: The Lord Jesus carries the Cross. Let us carry our crosses and follow Him.
Lucia: O God, we meditate on the Fourth Mystery. You carried the Cross. You chose the Cross though heavy because You knew that Cross would raise You high. It would be the symbol for humanity to see the Lord who accepted to carry the Cross and the sins of humanity to save each sinner. Throughout the ages, You remain the Lord with the mission to bring humanity hope through the Cross. You united Yourself with the Cross. The Cross has been faithful to You on the way to death. It gave us hope, helped us to rise, to return to God so heaven and earth could reconcile the Cross which You accepted in sacrifice through death.
O God, how great You are! Speaking about this, we seem to have become a habit through the ages. We read a lot daily, but how many can meditate on the meanings, even the smallest one, of Jesus carrying the Cross? Today, God lets us pause and reflect on the Cross that He carried over 2,000 years ago to save humanity. Today, that Cross is still by His side. That Cross is the union between humanity and the covenant for which He accepted everything, even His Life, in exchange for us to have life. Thanks to that Cross, we have the promise He granted to each sinner.
O Jesus, please help us reflect deeply regarding our sins. Countless times we have gone astray, indifferent to the heaviness of the Cross that You had to carry for us, endured for us. You still wait for us to understand that heaviness, and You long for us to help You. Even if only a little help, You greatly long for us to know that Cross was an extreme burden on sin, but You accepted to carry on, to save us from iniquity.
Our lives experience many sufferings along the way of the cross. We need to understand that what we encounter is only a part of our lives, as we must face all the realities caused by iniquity. The Cross that You carried was to save us spiritually and physically; for the rest of our lives, to become pure.
O God, help us carry the crosses of our lives with meaning, which is for us to contemplate the heaviness and pain You suffered. Today, with our crosses, though challenging, though heavy, the Supreme Being carries that heaviness for us. We only bear the part that belongs to us, for which we cause ourselves. May we meditate to be determined to recognize what belongs to us, live meaningfully through the moments we reflect on carrying the cross to follow God. God said to the first Apostles, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take their cross, and follow me.” He is also saying this to the laypeople and each person present on the face of this earth.
O God, Lord of love, the extreme weight on the Way of the Cross, who can understand? God still waits and longs for our maturity in faith to understand what He granted us. May we see the heaviness of sin to recognize that the burdened path of iniquity will prevent us and hinder us from coming to God. He is the Lord who saved us and carried the Cross for us. Today, we cannot yet understand the Cross God bore, which is also the culmination of the promise and forgiveness for humanity, granting humanity the only hope from Him.
O Jesus, please forgive us, help us mature, understand the crosses and extreme trials in our lives, and remember that You carried the Cross for our sins and those of the world. Let us not complain, blame, despair, but understand the context of life; God waits for us. As we encounter the stumbles and experience the way of the cross in our lives, we truly awaken and understand the meaning that God used the Cross to save humanity, including ourselves.
Mother Mary: My beloved children,
You meditate on God carrying the Cross, but do you ever think of the Mother who witnessed Her Child painfully carrying the heavy Cross? He was cruelly tortured and inhumanely scourged, He had no strength left, but continued to carry the Cross. He did not give up though He was weakened, out of breath, was exhausted, and fell many times.
I was heartbroken and grieved. I wished I was by His side to carry the Cross with Him. For the love of a Mother to Her Son, witnessing that was utterly heartbreaking and grievous. My Heart bore the Cross with Him. I wanted to be part of Him every step of the way, every time He started to limp. The Cross was too heavy, His strength was gone, and He fell many times on the way, carrying the Cross.
O Children, only if you can meditate a little on this can you have a genuine feeling that when heavy objects weigh on you, it is very uncomfortable and challenging to walk. God carried a Cross that was too heavy for His strength. His only will was to come to save you. The Cross was designated to be in a plan to specifically abide and grant life to humanity. When you mature, meditate and consider the crosses in life that are a bit heavy, which you drag, and remember that God once bore the heavy Cross with all His strength for the sake of saving you, loving you, and setting you free from sin.
Today, He still waits for you to understand and not be discouraged by what you encounter in life. Be faithful and know that the way of the cross is the way for you to meet the Savior. He longs for you to gain experiences and when you face sufferings, which are challenging burdens, look at God who is the Lord, He still accepted to endure for you, even though it was a thousand times more challenging than what you bear with His strength.
My beloved children, I want to remind you that when you pray the Rosary, meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries to remember the Ways of the Cross that Jesus endured for humanity, including for you who are present here today. Throughout generations, that will never change. I hope that your hearts experience faith for you to understand those bitter sufferings. Contemplate them for you to be a little less greedy, selfish, stubborn, and ruthless in reaching your goals with things you used to do in life.
My beloved children, think about this meticulously to comprehend the suffering exchanged for you, the Cross carried on your behalf. In life, there are moments you must decide, you must choose, and there are times you must bear the crosses and make sacrifices that will benefit your spiritual life. Children, do not refuse the crosses so not to lose the path that you must complete in the program to reach the rendezvous point that God has set for you.
Lucia: O Mother Mary, I thank You. Indeed, we are so negligent that we hardly meditate when we pray the Rosary because the way we pray is routine and brief. Each day, all classes, all roles, Christians, have the chance to pray the Rosary. Without the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, we pray the Rosary in a routine and quick way without feeling, even for years. This matter is so vital for each Christian, especially today. You give us the opportunity. You are teaching us, but we still cannot describe everything with the meaning of Jesus carrying the Cross.
May we endure the days we face trials and tensions in the family, society, and in our careers. Please help us recognize the crosses, accept them, and embrace them with understanding. Because God once carried the Cross for us, then today, we must experience bitterness to encounter Him and listen to Mother’s meaningful teaching of life.
5. The Crucifixion
“Jesus said, It is finished. With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (Jn 19:30)
The Fifth Mystery: The Lord Jesus dies on the Cross. Let us be nailed to His Cross.
Lucia: O God, You accomplished the mission and died on the Cross. Before You breathed Your last, You agonized for three hours. With the words You said to Your beloved disciple, You entrusted Your Mother to Saint John, who represented humanity. Jesus, the Second Person of God, gave His Mother to us through His Apostle. Mother became the Mother of the Second Person of God and Mother of humanity. Jesus gave His Mother the last words of His life after thirty-three years and died on the Cross.
Jesus knew everything would be concluded and achieved. Though Jesus could not yet complete the plan as He wished, He knew He had to accept death according to God the Father’s will. Jesus said the last words, with the seven words recorded for Mother Mary. His Mother will continue the work on His behalf. She will guide humanity to a faith life, following the doctrine, through Her example.
Today, how can we understand each time we pray the Rosary and enter into the mysteries of God? Who is the person who best understands the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ? Who knew He is the great Prince of Heaven, the Son of the Father who was incarnate, was conceived in the womb of Mother Mary and became man and died for the sin of humanity?
It was a great work when we thoroughly meditate and understand that the beginning was the day Jesus was born, in a stable, and accomplished salvation on the Cross. He came into the world without an outfit to wear, only a swaddling cloth that Mother put on Him. On the Cross, He was naked; He only had a veil that Mother tied for Him to cover the part that needed to be covered. May we recognize that Jesus achieved everything for us and because of us. Jesus gave us everything.
Today, we have the opportunity to understand that God died on the Cross on Calvary. Calvary of 2,000 years ago is also Calvary of 2,000 years later, coming alive in our hearts through each person’s faith. That is the only rendezvous point when we believe and understand that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, died for humanity, offering His love to each sinner like us.
O Jesus, the plan of salvation must be experienced in the flesh by sacrifice, endurance, patience, generosity, forgiveness, and affirmations for us to be forgiven and saved today.
O God, we often like to generalize rather than think in-depth about matters we should meditate on. Your work of salvation was typical in the days when those who walked with You became people whom You loved and chose for them to do great deeds. They were sinners who ought to answer to justice, but You saved them because of their faith.
That was typical of humanity, all classes, all roles; a trustworthy disciple yet denied You three times when You were on Your way to court. We can see the fear, the weakness. That is correct; our human fate is like that. It was the love of a pupil for his Master, but Jesus already knew beforehand about His disciples. Most painful was the disciple Jesus chose, loved, trusted him with the moneybag, but in the end, betrayed Him.
God knew and must have been so heartbroken, but He only used love, wanted to save the disciple, and guide him away from things of the world that bound him, for man always betrays each other. Jesus endured those things from the unfaithful Apostle right from the beginning. We see His bitterness and pain; the disciple He chose and trusted was ambitious, greedy, selfish, with many intrigues according to the human way.
Especially in today’s world, some contemporary shepherds treat Jesus and the Church in the same way. God wants us to see the three elements on the path as He completed the Way of the Cross and concluded on the Cross. He prayed to God the Father: “Father, please forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And Jesus promised the thief he would be with Him.
So in the components of society, all classes, all roles, each person has a role. Things in this world happen and continue, but God is still the Lord. Jesus forgave the thief first when He was about to die. Today, let us never despair, never lose faith in God, especially Jesus in the salvation. None of us deserve forgiveness, but God knows our weaknesses and sins. Only He is the Supreme Being who saves and delivers us. Let us not think that we must be pious with everything possible; we cannot do anything and are never worthy, no matter how hard we try.
We know that we have life, saved by the love of God, by the infinite benevolence through the Divine Mercy. The Lord does not look at our sins but only expects our returns. Today, the plan arranged by the Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary is for us to understand and experience when we pray the Rosary with the moments to meditate. We neglected this many times in our lives. Today, let us look into the revelations of the saints for us to feel and love God more. May we understand more thoroughly what God says and delve more into everything we never knew in life.
We did not expect to hear God’s voice today. We heard Mother’s teaching through the Rosary that we daily offer to God and offer to Her to ask for Her intercession. God grants us the experience according to our meditation and faith and continues to give through the ages. We only need to spend a little time and meditate on the meanings; especially today is a special day that we never had before. Blessed Mother grants us the opportunity to understand the significance of each Sorrowful Mystery and pray more in-depth than the way we pray each day.
We always have an excuse; when the meditation takes a long time, we feel tired, lose concentration, feel sleepy, bored, and cannot focus. Do we know the steps of the way Jesus walked on, each Station of the Cross, how excruciating they were, how long it took Him after an all-night of tortures He endured to save us? Those steps of the way were the most painful in His Life, yet He did not complain.
When we can understand that, we will never ask God why. Why so long, why too lengthy? Why are sermons about spirituality too long? People want things summarized within one hour or half an hour, or for whichever amount of time, but they cannot wait because their minds have many concerns and distractions. When there is no focus, no one can think and experience the depth, height, and width that God grants to those with faith for us to find the answers essential to our spiritual lives.
O Jesus, there are matters in this world that are unbelievable and hard to accept, but we need to stand firm in a spirit of contemplation, a steadfast faith, with the best that never happened before, and we need to collaborate. We are afraid, even fear focusing. Obligations and laws do not bring us close to God, but He grants and waits for us. Each person has faith; from faith, we perform; and from our feeling, when we receive the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and prompting, then we can feel things in reality that God bestows, longing for us to live in them.
We have subjected ourselves to changes through the ages, with the outcomes of those in authority. Today, we see things, not as counterarguments, but we recognize where the truth is and what God yearns for each person to draw near Him. God only longs for us to see our mistakes and return. God does not judge; He is very just. God desires that the doctrine given to us at the price of His Blood on the Way of the Cross and His Death on Calvary be the summit in our lives, to save us, for us to know what belongs to us cannot be lost, stolen. Today, we languish and suffer, facing the truth in today’s reality.
Mother, please help us repent, determined to return, starting from the humblest deeds in thought, action, and thinking. Let us remove thoughts of judgment and doubt because those judgments and doubts cause us to lose many things significant in life with a humble spirit. Thinking in this way and with faith, we will receive the answer because we yearn to learn good things from God.
O Jesus, please forgive us because of Your excruciating death, nailed to the Cross. In the last minutes of Your labored breathing, Mother Mary stood at the foot of the Cross, silently enduring sufferings with a broken heart. Mother accepted to collaborate with Jesus for God the Father’s will to be accomplished in the world of humanity.
The Father is the Lord, the Lord of love, who created humanity. He used His supremacy to save all and each sinner and continued for generations. Whether people believe it or not, God patiently waits. His love will never end. May those who still do not know God know Him. May those who still do not believe in God believe in Him. May people be kindled by the reminder from a Mother who silently prays.
May we meditate on this and be determined to give up the wretchedness and weakness that cause us to stumble in our lives. From most insignificant matters, from the family life to society, with all the worries and concerns, desires in our lives, please teach us and allow us to meditate on this evening. May we look at certain things in life and amend our lives to recognize the reminder that we receive from the Holy Spirit and Mother’s teachings with the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries.
Mother Mary: My beloved children,
Spend the time, though not on your own, to meditate. Books have documented the events with real feelings, but they do not remain a part of history. The words are not words you read through with a limited understanding, but you need to read each word and sentence with the prompting of the Holy Spirit. In this way, each word, each sentence becomes something that reminds you and helps you affirm what you never knew before but now know.
When you are aware, you must be determined to practice, to understand more. To understand one word does not mean to stop there, but there is the depth, the height, to see the connection, to further understand what is taught by the Holy Spirit. It is a decision by determination, understanding, and action manifested through a faith life. From faith, you become righteous, and you can understand from the works God grants you. Once you are righteous, you will not easily fall because you have a determination in maturity and you understand each mystery that you meditate through the Rosary.
My beloved children, I said, and I have told you many things. I only wish that in your lives, the most important is that you must have meditation. Only with meditation can you have insight into prayer. From that prayer, you have a close connection to comprehend things that the Holy Spirit Himself will not repudiate when you know to petition and pray because prayer is a method to meet the Lord God, a vital spiritual life to have in silence. With the complications in life, you need to learn to pray and seek to come to the Lord in faith with the necessary zeal. You will hear and obtain what you need to understand in daily life.
No one can fully understand everything, no matter which class; what is needed is the heart. In the moments of worry, trouble, failure, and suffering, do not be quick to give up because of these points. God came into the world to suffer to save you and My Life with the days in this world also experienced the sweetness of pain to have you and the present world. Transform what is in the words regarding the encounter that people consider as negative and unsuccessful because when you have faith, negativity and failure will become a success when you stand firm in faith and belong to God.
My beloved children, I hope from this meeting, for the first time, and starting now, I want you to meditate in unity. You must know that I do not force you, but when you pray, each word, each sentence has meaning. It is not only one word but means many things with the depth and the width, with the teaching according to the ways that the Holy Spirit grants, especially to each of your roles.
Thus, you will understand each word and sentence and have the answer concerning complications. No matter challenges or tribulations in life, when you spend a little time meditating, they are entirely straightened out because the Holy Spirit will help you. He is the Supreme Being who fully grants you to see the domains and the depths with the breadth of faith, which is the most secure and peaceful way to go forward in life, despite turbulent, tense, and painful days.
With today’s situation in society, there are so many resentments. Many people still cannot accept it, but you know that nothing can happen by itself. From the tense, hopeless moments of suffering from the pandemic, people can recognize the freedom of the happy days they lost. It is an urging to guide and bring them back to God if they truly understand this is important for them and the spiritual life of each person.
I hear and understand you; God also hears you and understands. He is using all kinds of ways to draw you close to Him. What you still do not obtain according to your wishes does not mean that God refuses, but He grants you what is suitable according to His appointed time.
What is most needed is faithfulness and perseverance, then you definitely will obtain, because God has many methods to grant you what is suitable, let alone a soul that belongs to Him. He paid with the price of His Blood for you, so He will not let you be lost, but He needs your collaboration, respect, and goodwill. He needs a heart that is determined to recognize and choose, which is the most important thing.
In your lives, you must be vigilant to understand what belongs to you and have the profoundness to be decisive in your deeds, which you need to practice. Through deep meditations, you must know what belongs to God, what belongs to the world in the lure of sin. That decision is essential to help you overcome the stages with the connotations you encounter in life.
Lucia: O Mother Mary, I thank You for giving us these profound words to improve our understanding. No matter how knowledgeable, we only know things explained to us, but they are banal according to the explanation based in books. Only the Gospel, the word from God and You, in the Holy Spirit’s guidance, can quickly spur and help us better understand. Faith will teach us much, and God grants each person what is suitable and appropriate.
God, please help us live worthy to receive the graces You granted through Mother Mary. May we listen to Her teaching and start, from that prayer life, to practice, determined to remove our ego, personality, bad habits in iniquity, to live meaningfully, as You granted. When we lift prayer with the Rosary, then Mother is the person who intercedes to help us understand what God gives us, especially on Good Friday, as we prepare to spend the day with God to commemorate the great salvation that He accomplished for us. Today, He still waits for us to believe and have a vivid experience with a great and lofty mystery on Good Friday, which we meditate on now.
God, thank You for granting us the past moments, kneeling in front of Your Eucharist to offer the Sorrowful Mysteries, to meditate on Your Passion, especially on Thursday evening, early Friday morning. We will certainly have a program for us to read about Your salvation through the meditation of Your Passion. Thank You for giving us these moments. We took a turn to spend the entire night in Adoration. Now, the brothers and sisters are tired. May they rest to continue this evening till tomorrow morning, and on to tomorrow evening, when we conclude Adoration to attend Mass with our Church and prepare for Easter.
I thank God, the Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother. May God bless all the brothers and sisters with a good night’s sleep and continue with the work. As for me and those remaining here, we take a turn in Adoration. Every year, God gives us the opportunity, those of us who want and can stay here the entire night till morning, and then we need to go home and rest to continue to do what we need to do. To be close to God, facing His Eucharist, with His presence with us at home, we thank, praise, and glorify God, in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Amen. Amen. Amen.